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Biographical Data File


Full Name:  Brooks, John Robert Service Number:  SF-591978-37918090-SI

Billet Information

Current Rank: Admiral (O-10)

Current Billet: Commander in Chief Gold Fleet


Race: Human
Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Terra, Sol, 5 August 2348
Age: 69 Terran Year


Spouce: Amanda Marie (Sorenson) Brooks, deceased, Born: Izar
Children: CAPT John Robert Brooks, jr., Commanding Officer, USS NOVA

Other relatives of note:
CAPT James Roland Brooks, sr. (brother) - Star Fleet Intelligence, MIA, (James Brooks is nearly 15 years older than John Brooks)
VADM James Roland Brooks, jr. (nephew) - former director of personnel, Office of Star Fleet Intelligence

Physical Description

Height:  1.83 m
Weight:  95 kg

Hair:  Dark Brown, Greying
Eyes:  Dark Brown
Faith:  Roman Catholic


640616  Entered Star Fleet Academy
680529  Graduated Star Fleet Academy, Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
680604 Assigned to USS GALAXY, NCC-70637, as assistant navigator
690601  Promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade (O-2), chief navigator, USS GALAXY, NCC-70637
700103  Assigned as electronic warface officer, combat systems department, USS GALAXY, NCC-70637

700801  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3), assigned as tactical officer, USS CRAZY HORSE, NCC-31014
710820  Entered Star Fleet Naval War College, College of Naval Command and Staff
720610  Graduated Star Fleet Naval War College
720815  Assigned as assistant operations officer, USS CRAZY HORSE, NCC-31014
740601  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4), assigned as chief operations officer, USS VICTORY, NCC-1849

780101  Assigned as executive officer, USS HOOD, NCC-31100
790401  Promoted to Commander (O-5), assigned as executive officer, USS GALAXY, NCC-70637
840901  Promoted to Captain (0-6), assigned to command of USS GALAXY, NCC-70637
910801  Assigned to command of USS ILLUSTRIOUS, NCC-2525
970211  USS ILLUSTRIOUS listed as missing in action

970211-071231 **CLASSIFIED**
+070412  USS ILLUSTRIOUS mysteriously appears in Gamma Quadrant near Bajoran Wormhole
+070525  USS ILLUSTRIOUS mysteriously disappears into temporal anomaly
080101  Promoted to Commodore (O-7), assigned as Blue Fleet Executive Officer
080621  Promoted to Rear Admiral (O-8), Assigned as CINCINDIGO

081030  Promoted to Vice Admiral (O-9)
101020  Promoted to Admiral (O-10), Assigned as CINCSF
130417  Reserve commission, Assigned as Federation Ambassador to the Star Kingdom of the Dalriada
141022  Resumed active duty, Assigned as CINCGOLD

+From the records of USS NEBULA, NCC-2001


Medal of Valor (960714)
Star Fleet Cross w/3 clusters (730908, 790520, 850805, 071231)
Latinum Star (910604)
Distinguished Service Medal (941111)
Silver Star w/2 clusters (760315, 820114, 840401)
Legion of Merit w/1 cluster (930212, 080813)

Cross of Alexander (740902)
Bronze Star (751229, 860608, 870614)
Wounded Lion (710201)
Star Fleet Commendation Medal (700711)

Blue Fleet Unit Commendation (950704) Various theater and battle service ribbons


MA Space Navy Warfare Studies, Star Fleet Naval War College, College of Naval Command and Staff
BSE Weapons Systems Engineering, Star Fleet Academy, College of Engineering and Applied Science

Academic Record

Class Rank:  12/300
Academic Major:  Weapons Systems Engineering

Professional Major:  Tactical Systems
Qualifications:  Tactical, security, navigation, helm, operations, command
Commendations: 2
Reprimands: 0

Commendation for leading Nova Squadron to sixth consecutive title.
Commendation for saving the life of Cadet Torval Dix during training accident.

Activities:  Nova Squadron, Varsity Letters in swimming, baseball


John R. Brooks is one of the few members of the Navy's "old school" left in Star Fleet. His family's history in Star Fleet dates back to its founding and is preceeded by a long and proud tradition of service in the wet navies of Earth which has been definitively been traced back to the American Revolutionary War where a Lieutenant William Brooks served under the Captain John Paul Jones when he captured the SERAPIS.

John Brooks' career has been marked by distinction from his early days in uniform. Even as a young officer, he showed exceptional dedication to his duties. This earned him many admirerers amoung his commanding officers and many jealous peers who accused him of attempting to ingratiate himself with his superiours. Brooks never let this bother him. He continued to do his job to the best of his ability and to conduct himself in the best traditions of the service.

He continued to earn notice and to merit distinction. By the time of his promotion to captain at the age of 36, John Brooks had already been decorated twice with the Star Fleet Cross, the second highest military award in the service.

In short order, however, his distinguised career would take a cryptic turn that has yet to be fully explained. Five and a half years into his second command, the USS ILLUSTRIOUS disappeared with all hands on a mission listed as a supply run. After a massive search effort which turned up no trace of the cruiser, official Star Fleet records listed the ship as missing in action and presumed destroyed with all hands presumed lost. As far as Star Fleet was concerned, at least officially, John Brooks was dead.

Eight years after her "destruction," the USS ILLUSTRIOUS reappeared in the Gamma Quadrant, ship and crew unaltered and unaged by their eight year absence, in time to save the USS NEBULA and USS DARIUS from a Dominion attack. The ship disappeared again into a spacial anomaly off DS9 several days later. 

No explaination was ever given on record. None probably will ever be cleared for general release even to the general Admiralty.

More than nine years after his "death" and his ship's "desrtuction" the USS ILLUSTRIOUS came limping back to Memory Alpha, badly damaged. The records were sealed. Brooks was debriefed for months. After that, he was promoted to commodore and ordered to Blue Fleet as executive officer of the fleet. Miraculously, John Brooks had risen from the dead and, equally strangely, he was back in service as if nothing had happened during his decade-long absence.

Six months later, John Brooks was promtoed to rear admiral and sent to begin a new frontier of exploration for the United Federation of Planets in the far coreward regions of the Alpha Quadrant.

After a mere six months as Commander in Chief Indigo Fleet, John Brooks was promoted to vice admiral and confirmed as military governor of Starbase OMEGA and the surrounding sectors.  This step, not seen since the early days of the expansion of the Federation, is a clear signal of the confidence that the Star Fleet and Federation Council place in Admiral Brooks.  It also seems to indicate that they have accepted the explaination of USS ILLUSTRIOUS disappearance and are anxious to see the legendary John Brooks make up for his lost time in the fleet.

After a distinguished term as CINCINDIGO, including organizing the successful defence of the Terebellum system (home of Starbase OMEGA) from a Dalriadan Alliance war fleet, the Federation Council appointed Admiral Brook as Commander in Chief Star Fleet. It is said that the admiral had mixed reactions to being assigned to an administrative position far from the lines. Nevertheless, he held the post for two and a half years before stepping down to pick up the mantle as Ambassador to the Star Kingdom of the Dalriada.

The role was a massive change for Brooks who had been in space nearly continuously for fourty years.

Last Updated SD 161112