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Official UFPDOCA Megacorps Entry: ShipOres, Ltd.

  • Company Name: ShipOres, Ltd.
  • Headquarters: Industrial Zone, Proxima V, Proxima Centauri
  • Major sectoral headquarters/offices: New Damascus, Alpha Corellus, Mars
  • Principal Owner/Chairman of the Board: Han Li Park
  • President/CEO: Alexandra Covenant
  • Founded (date): 2184
  • Founded by: Juan Olivares
  • Public? (Y/N): Y
  • Principal business activities: Mining and extractive industries, shipbuilding, industrial fabrication, colonial development, energy, research and development, weapons manufacturing
  • Wholly owned subsidiaries:
    • ShipOres Enterprises: mining and extractive arm of the business; largest of the subsidiaries; has made its name as a developer of outling rim systems and colonies; has also developed a very profitable prospecting division, which sells its survey results to other companies, including other megacorps; well known for the questionable practise of buying rights to systems, then selling them to others at a profit
    • ShipOres Contracting: the shipbuilding arm of the corporation; one of the largest defense contracters in the entire quadrant; also has made a fortune in the civilian construction business
    • ShipOres Industries: created as a blanket umbrella to house ShipOres' industrial construction, energy, and R&D arms, which were spun out of Enterprises and Contracting; energy arm is something that has been created in response to the creation of other similar energy spinoffs amongst the other megacorporations in the quadrant (Anchor, Quadstar, etc.); industrial construction business has consistently been one of the most notorious branches in the quadrant, coming under Federation Council investigation on several instances;
    • ShipOres Expeditions: serves two main purposes: financing/support/development of new colonies, and archaeological expeditions to search for new technologies; has been indicted and fined by the Federation on several occaisions for illegal operations; colonial arm is currently under investigation by the UFP Justice Department for illegal meddling and operations in the Corellian systems;
    • Crossbolt Weapons Systems: major defense contractor in the quadrant; also has been accused of extralegal activities; currently under investigation by the UFP Justice Dept. for illegal sales to banned warring parties in the Corellian systems
  • FY2409 Total Revenue (UFP Credits): 810 Billion Credits

Broker's Notes

Despite nearly constant legal problems over the last two decades, ShipOres has continued to not only survive, but thrive. While legal settlements with the Justice Department have cut into some of their profits, the company has remained a favorite of investors, due to the continued profitability of the company's enterprises. Company has recently made strides to reduce its stock price in order to promote more active public investment in the company

Brief description/notes

Founded in 2184 as an amalgamation of several off world mining interests in the Sol system and beyond. With the increasing rise of the corporate giants, particularly in the mining industries, a number of the smaller companies made the decision to associate with one another, at first informally. Early on, the corporation was simply a loose association of these companies. Over time, however, these companies began to consolidate, particularly as a sequence of visionary CEOs were appointed, who fought long and hard to move the company forward as a single entity.

Following consolidation of the mining interests into what was now ShipOres Enterprises, the company proceeded to make a large sum of money off of exploitation rights. The practise involves filing a legal claim to a resourse (such as a moon, planet, or asteroid), often based only on an initial and vague scan, and then sell the planet based on that initial scan. As full planetary scans were rarely done, corporations often sold dead worlds for a massive profit, claiming they were worth more than they were in actuality. The practise came under heavy scrutiny, the result of which was that most corporations now find the practise unethical, though it remains completely legal.

ShipOres has recently come into serious legal troubles over the last few decades, the result of a number of Justice Department probes into their activities throughout the quadrant. Legal troubles began with a report on FedNet Channel 1 in 2382, reporting that Crossbolt Weapons was involved in trying to produce a derivative of Ketracel White, as well as a number of other highly addictive and mind controlling drugs. There were also counter charges that the funding for this operation was coming from the Federation government, as an attempt at developing a way of poisioning Ketracel White supplies. Further investigations led to more legal problems, including a public Federation Council investigation into bribery allegations and major corruption as a result of the FedNet story.

Recent problems have surrounded questionable activities in and around the Corellian systems. A recent Star Fleet mission by the USS Chesapeake uncovered a number of questionable practises in the system, as well as allegations that ShipOres was arming both sides of the conflict, sponsoring and financing the rebellion, and operating a biogenic weapons research facility on one of the corporate asteroids. The case is still undergoing investigation by the Federation Justice Department.(1)

(1)Queries regarding ongoing legal investigations should be addressed to: Corporate Investigations Division, United Federation of Planets Department of Justice, Government Park 19, Paris, France, Earth, Sol System.

Additional queries for ShipOres should be addressed to: Corporate Affairs, ShipOres, Ltd., Zone 23, Industrial Zone, Proxima V.