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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: New Norway

  • Colony Name: New Norway
  • Creator: Brian Suskind


  • System/Location: Nibelungen System; Far Rimward of Earth
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 30 days to Starbase 108
  • Planet Classification: M-Class
  • Satellites/Space Stations: Two small moons
  • Land/Water Ratio: 45%/55%; Two major continents with a scattering of islands both large and small between them. One third of the planet is covered in glacial ice flows.
  • Climate Controlled: No (See Note Below Re: Climate)
  • Native Sentient Life: No


  • Colony Age (approximate): 100 Years
  • Population (approximate): 60 Million
  • Species Present:
    • 96% Human
    • 4% Other
  • Colony Status: Federation Colony
  • Government: Counsel of Elders
  • Major Cities/Settlements:
    • Hrothgar (Capital)
    • Ongentheow
    • Hygd


The Nibelungen Colonization Foundation was created by men and women who could trace their ancestry back to Norse ancestors. Disillusioned by the multiculturalism of Earth, and eager to regain their heritage, the Foundation ceeded certain holdings on Mars and Alpha Centuri in exchange for the ownership of M-Class planet designated 114-098-754.

This distant world, located rimward of Earth, was near the border of the Federation in a sparsely populated area of space. The isolation was deemed a positive aspect for the new colony. The USS REVAK transported the nearly 500 colonists (200 men, 200 women, 100 children) along with three fully loaded cargo pods. Upon planetfall, the colony was christened New Norway.


Federation Standard; Latinum Based

Tech Level

Modern in Major Cities; Agrarian in rural communities


Two hundred years after its founding, the population of the colony has risen to 60 Million due to several additional waves of colonists.

The planet's naturally harsh conditions in conjunction with adherence to old Norse customs and laws has produced a society that values strength of the body, the power of human will, and a quasi-mystical faith. Family is very important as all of the extended members of a family often live together in the same village or even in the same hall.

As might be expected, sailing and other nautical pastimes are of great cultural import to the inhabitants of New Norway. For example, a common right of passage for teens is to build and single masted skiff to a nearby village, kidnap a young woman and return with her. Of course these "abductions" are all pre-arranged and mutually agreed upon by both sides.


  • Planetary Climate- The planet itself is an approximation of conditions which existed for the

ancient Norse. One third of the surface is covered with glacial ice flows. The average temperature of the planet ranges from 60 degrees at the equators to minus 80 at the poles. The surface is also subject to continual wind system.

  • Flora- Plantlife is sparse on New Norway. What does exist outside of specially constructed greenhouses is rugged, tough stuff that acts to support the wildlife.
  • Fauna- Many terrestrial animals were re-engineered and transplanted onto the planet. Bear, ox, rabbit, and auroch are just some of the animals commonly found.