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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: The Joshua Mines

  • Colony Name: The Joshua Mines
  • Creator: Janis Hill


  • System/Location: Sector 12, Beta Quadrant
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: 8 days in D-Warp class shuttle to Starbase 25
  • Planet Classification: G Class(desert).
  • Satellites/Space Stations: 3 natural moons, one satellite communications relay station put in place by Starfleet.
  • Land/Water Ratio: Little to no surface water.
  • Climate Controlled: Everyone lives underground, air and cooling provided to living areas.
  • Native Sentient Life: None.


  • Colony Age (approximate): Unknown how long the miners have been there. But when the planet came under Federation jurisdiction a Starfleet presence was established there about 80 years ago.
  • Population (approximate): 8 to 9,000. UFP Citizens make up a minority, but a powerful enough one to be threat enough for things to stay mainly above board.
  • Species Present: You name it it could be there. Think miners, gold hunters, etc. Large population of Humans, other species mentioned on being raised there is Bajoran, Cardassian and Bolian.
  • Colony Status: UFP Protectorate
  • Government: The oldest and richest families on the colony control the local government, although they are nominally answerable to the UFP and the DOCA.


Unknown when mine began. In the old days it was basically everyone for themselves. Some of the older, richer, larger families wanted things to settle down more so more profit could be made. Requested to join Federation, request refused with a report saying mines social function were unstable and chaotic. Larger families joined and created own government and bullied the rest of the miners into submission. 20 years later the Federation accepted The Joshua Mines when they requested joining once more.

That was about 80 years ago.


People get paid for their mining quota per month. Quota not met, payment not given. A strong barter system works throughout the mines though is not welcomed by the Government. "Payment" can consist of anything from money to supplies to mining rights to land. Basically what is on offer, etc.

Tech Level

Modern, mainly Federation but with the mix of cultures there's a mix of tools, etc.


Even in the modern age of UFP government, the mines are still quite harsh, the climate and location savage. The Joshua Mines breed a strong willed, determined person who can survive in a hard climate and who knows how to look after themselves against many forms of aggression from debating across a table, fighting off claim jumpers to blasting each other out of the night sky. One thing that has been literally pounded into people from this colony is that showing emotions, smiling, laughing, being happy in front of a Superior in rank is seen as contempt and is punishable.

Superiors are seen as almost Godlike and will be obeyed at any cost and to become someone's superior is one of the greatest compliments or awards that can be given. Many from the mines have a hard time "joking" with their Commanders and senior offices in Starfleet surroundings. They find the whole "having a drink and laughing" amongst their Captains, etc an ordeal and some have been known to almost pass out from the whole nerve-wracking situation.


Starfleet members and miners to mingle and many a relationship and or marriage has intertwined this colony. Some of the children from these relationships strive to be like their parents no matter what their occupation. Not all positions at the Joshua Mines are miners. The majority are but many other jobs to exist and are in great demand.