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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br> ~sgant/gant.htm<br> ~sgant/gant.htm<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Away We Go</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 10-30-1996</h4>
SD: 81030.1100<br>
MD: 4.1900<br>
[Bridge to Zane.]
"Go ahead." The Captain answered
[The last of the shuttles have landed sir.]
"Thank-you Commander." Zane looked over at his desk computer
before calling the CEO. "Zane to Koreth."
[Koreth here.] came the instant reply.
"Lieutenant the shuttles have returned can you continue your
investigation with the data that has been collected or do you need more
time on site?"
There was a short pause as, Zane assumed, Koreth and Meleah
discussed the situation. [Between the physical evidence and the
information gathered by the shuttle teams and the main sensors I don't see
there being much more information to gather. All we have to do now is put
it all together.] That sounded overly optimistic but Zane knew Meleah
and Koreth were developing into an excellent team.
"Any more progress?"
[Nothing substantial but the ytterbium theory is becoming more
and more likely as additional information is added.]
Zane frowned to himself. He was pleased with the results of the
investigation thus far but the conclusions were not ones he had wanted. A
beam that would rip apart a ship by using its own SIF field against it was
unthinkable. Of course the end result was a destroyed ship, it really
didn't matter if it was a ytterbium beam or an incredibly powerful phaser
array. "Good. We'll be warping out within the hour. Zane out."
He turned back to his desk computer and after a few small edits to
his status report he re-read it for the final time.
TO: Adm Nicholas Azariah, CINCSILVER<br>
FROM: Capt. Zane, USS FEYNMAN<br>
RE: Status Report<br>
SD: 81030<br>
1. Initial investigation of USS SERAPIS wreckage site complete. No
additional remains recovered.
2. Investigation teams speculate USS SERAPIS destroyed by energy beam
containing element ytterbium. Ytterbium beam would use vessels SIF
to pull ship apart. Examination continues. <<SEE ATTACHED>>
3. Contacted by Issahi Confederacy Warship. Communication with Martin
4. Universal Translator unable to decipher Issahi language due to minimal
5. Proceeding to Issahi home world.
Zane, commanding, sends.
A quick glance to make sure that the investigation teams
preliminary reports as well as the tape of Zane's conversation with Ross
were attached and the report was surrendered to subspace. "Computer how
long for that message to reach Starbase EPSILON?"
<Seven point three hours.> Was the pleasant response.
Rising from his chair he headed for the bridge. "Mr. Allard open
a channel to the VIGIL."
"Channel open." Ross appeared on the screen.
[You have finished Captain.] It was a statement not a question.
"We have. Unfortunately we have been unable to ascertain what
destroyed the SERAPIS. I'm afraid it will remain a mystery unless further
evidence presents itself." Part of Zane did not like the fact that he was
lying to potential new friends. His instincts told him they would be
strong allies but his training reminded him they could just as easily be
new enemies as well.
The Issahi Captain hissed something at Ross. "We will depart for
the homeworld immediately." The screen returned to a view of the
"Captain. The Vigil is leaving the system."
"Helm, stay with them."
"Aye sir. Coming to new course three-four-eight mark four-five.
Increasing speed to warp 6."
Zane turned to face the science station. "Lt. Swanson, has the
universal translator made any more progress with the Issahi language?"
"A little sir. But we need a few more minutes of substantial
dialogue before it will be able to translate with any accuracy."
He turned back to look at Maril with a shrug and a grin. "No
challenge if we had all the answers."
Maril snorted in agreement. "I wonder just where we are going?"
"Long range scans show several systems on or near this heading but
at this speed they are 36 hours away." The officer at OPS added.
Zane considered the information. "They'd have to be at least that
far or we'd have heard from the Issahi long ago. I guess its a case of
wait and see. Besides the longer we have the more time for Koreth and
Meleah to figure out exactly what happened to the SERAPIS and hopefully
come up with some sort of defence against it."
"Like Jilati from the mountain." Maril offered wisely.
"Exactly." Zane agreed wondered who the hell Jilati was and what
he did on the mountain. He chided himself for not reading more Tamarian
mythology. Until then he would never no how often his first officer was
pulling his leg.
Well here we go! The edge of inhabited Issahi space will probably be some
distance away or as Zane said SF would have bumped into them already. And
I imagine the home world will be some distance past that. Of course we
don't have to RP a long boring journey but once we get into Issahi space
proper I imagine there'll be things to see!
Looking forward to actually getting there though. The Issahi seem to be a
very enigmatic race.
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
