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...Just a little input from J.C. and company. Don't worry about T'Boc
...Just a little input from J.C. and company. Don't worry about T'Boc
and Jonas. They won't shoot you... for now. <G>
and Jonas. They won't shoot you... for now. <G>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Visitors From Beyond</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 10-27-1996</h4>
SD: 81027.2200<br>
MD: 4.1800<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
"Captain." The BETA aCSO broke the studious silence of the
bridge. "We're picking up an approaching ship on one of our remote
probes, bearing three-two-five mark one."
"Red alert!" Maril ordered instantly and then made contact with
Lt. Jenn on the NOGURA to warn her of the approaching ship.
"Who is it?" Zane asked, hoping it was not SERAPIS' executioner
returning to the scene of the crime.
"Onscreen, full magnification." Zane ordered although the ship
was still far enough away that it would be little more than a brighter
than usual star. "Configuration?"
"Long cylindrical hull, four large wings starting at 375 metres
from the bow and extending out at a 45 degree angle for approximately 100
metres, mass, 1,900,00 metric tonnes. Heavily armed, armoured and
shielded. All offensive and defensive systems online. Based on
configuration and markings 80% certainty vessel is an Issahi warship
comparable to a Federation heavy destroyer."
"Helm plot an intercept course keeping us between the shuttles and
the approaching vessel."
"Aye sir," Kaz replied, "Coming to new course: four-five mark
six-seven. Increasing speed to full impulse."
"Patch me through to the NOGURA."
"Channel open."
[Seems we have some visitors.] Krysa announced matter-of-factly
as her face appeared on the screen.
"We think it's an Issahi warship but we're moving to intercept.
Try to keep yourselves out of trouble."
[We've got enough here to keep us busy. Don't worry about us
sir. NOGURA out.]
Maril leaned over towards Zane. "A friendly visit?"
"Hope so. But weapons online isn't exactly a amicable opening."
"We are being hailed. Voice only." Allard informed, he had
arrived on the bridge seconds after the red alert had sounded.
Zane raised an eyebrow. "Open a channel."
[Identify yourself.] The alien voice demanded.
"This is the Federation starship FEYNMAN. Identify <nowiki>*yourself*</nowiki>"
Zane replied just as curtly.
"We are now in weapons range." Allard said quietly enough for
only the bridge crew to hear. Zane nodded in response. "The alien ship
is now sending a video signal."
"On screen."
[[I am sub-commander Martin Ross of the Issahi Confederacy warship
Vigil. You will state your purpose here.]] The human stood in what
appeared to be the middle of the Vigil's bridge. Behind him a native
Issahi sat staring coldly at the screen. He assumed him? to be the
Zane decided to lay it all on the table. "This debris field is
all that is left of the USS SERAPIS. Several days ago it was destroyed by
an unknown force. We have been sent here to investigate." On the
viewscreen both Human and Issahi remained impassive. Finally Ross spoke,
[The mission of this ship?] The demanding tone was clearly evident.
"SERAPIS was sent on a diplomatic mission to make contact with
your government?"
"As a follow up to your visit to Starbase EPSILON. It was our
hope to continue the dialogue you started with the desire to perhaps
establish a realtionship which is mutually beneficial."
The 'captain' of the Issahi ship barked out orders to Ross in a
guttural language that the universal tranlator could not decipher. Ross
replied and for a few seconds the two seemed to have a heated argument. A
loud grunt from the Captain signified the conversation was over and Ross
turned back to face the screen. [What is the result of your
"Its only in its preliminary stages," Zane replied, "as of yet
there are no results."
[Very well we will wait until your investigation is complete and
then will escort you to our homeworld.] Again it sounded very much like
an order.
"I welcome the opportunity to visit your homeworld and I thank you
for the opportunity to meet with your leaders. The investigation will
take some time. Perhaps you and your Captain would like to join us on the
FEYNMAN as an informal first step."
[No.] The screen when blank.
"A friendly bunch." Maril said somewhat miffed.
"Well it does seem to be in-line with what little we know. I'd
like to know what there discussion was about."
"It did seem to be heated." The FO agreed.
"Captain, the Issahi vessel has powered down its weapons but not
Zane looked out at the the dull grey hulled ship with the
bright streaks of crimson on its wings. "Do the same Mr. Allard."
Well lets not keep our 'friends' waiting, so if anyone's going to find
something now would be a good time:)
BTW, for those of you who played Wing Command III the Issahi ship
resembles a Terran Confederacy Longbow bomber...just a bit bigger.
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
