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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Batter up, Klingon in the outfield, and dripping Captains</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-11-1996</h4>
STARDATE: 81011.2230<br>
MD: 3.1205<br>
SCENE: J.C.'s quarters<br>
Opening the closet door, J.C. took the medium-sized black duffle-bag
with his name, serial number, and Starfleet insignia, down from the top
shelf and set it on the table. Unzipping the main section, he pulled out
the items he was after, a black and white ball cap, with the Federation
Series logo for 2403, and his soft, oiled imitation-leather glove. That
game seemed like decades ago, instead of only the few years it was. All
of the finals and semifinals completed, the Series of '03 had come down
two the two beat teams in the entire federation; Risa and Terra. Risa
had the honor of hosting the Terran team.
J.C. and his older brother Kevin, had begged their father constantly
for three months to allow them to go. They would pay for the transport,
tickets, meals, and lodging themselves, but that was quite a trip for
two teenagers of 15 and 17. In the end, their dad grudgingly gave in.
After all, baseball may have been invented on Terra, but Terra had won
the F.S. only four time in the past 100 yrs.
It was a jam-packed, nonstop exciting game. Both teams were
great, but the Risians proved to be better in the bottom of the 10th.
With runners at 1st and 3rd, the final Risan batter literally launched
one into orbit, over the stands, bringing himself and the other two in,
for a final win of 27 to 24. Afterwards, the boys had enjoyed their
night on Risa almost as much as the game...
Snapping back to the present, J.C. zipped up the duffle, put on the
hat, and tilted down so it was straight. He headed out of his quarters
to pick up Alex Tamarov, his ACSO. Alex had shorts, a T-shirt, and a
cap, turned 'backwards'.
SCENE: Holodeck 3.
When the large doors to the Holodeck opened, the two security officers
stepped into the deck. J.C. looked slightly surprised. All the fields he
had ever seen where in public parks or indoor stadiums, not in
cornfields. He looked over to Alex, who sported a grin and looked eager
for action.
"What are you smiling for?", asked Justin.
"This reminds me of a field near my grandparents place on Earth in
Indiana.", said Alex. "I played quite a few games there".
"I didn't know you grew up on a farm."
"I didn't. Their house just happen to be away from the city. Lots of
farms in the area. They had some horses, but that was all. This is
really great!", said Alex.
"Yeah, Bat went all out, again" agreed J.C. True, their Recreation
Officer [ret.] had designed yet another holo-work of wonder. The
temperature was perfect. Not too hot, but he could actually feel the
warmth of the Holodeck 'sunlight' on his face. A light breeze blew by
every now and then, the last of which caused both Security men to sniff
the air. The looked over to a small building where Lieutenants Jenn and
Meleah were talking to Bat, who was the Chef extraordinaire at the BBQ
grill. The smell, a rich, spicy and slightly sweet aroma , was simply
mouthwatering delicious. They walked over to greet the others...
"Lt's., Bat. Good afternoon.", sounded the mutual greetings. Alex
sniffed closer to Bat and the grill. As good as it smelled, neither
could identify the main course, and the lid to the grill was closed.
"So, what's cooking, Bat," asked the Security second in command.
Bat reached up and tilted his Chefs hat slightly, "it's a secret. But
you'll love it." Alex frowned.
Kyrsa nudged Bat,"He won't even tell me. I know it's not his famous
Sloppy Joes., though."
J.C. looked around, "I can't wait to start. Lets see...", J.C. acted
though as in serious thought, turning a sly look to Alex and the others.
"I simply HAVE to pitch once against Mr. Maril".
"I, for one, want to see how well our engineer can pitch a baseball,"
said Lt. Jenn.
"I know," said the ACSO," I'm counting on knocking out of the park
anything that Mr. Jerran can pitch." Everyone laughed at the unspoken
challenge, even Meleah smiled. J.C. suddenly had an idea, "O.K.
everyone, I have 100 credits that says my first three pitches to our
CO's new 'think-tank' hit the bullseye...."
Mike Dailey<br><br>
Lieutenant J.G., J.C. Allard SEC-TAC - USS FEYNMAN - SILVER FLEET<br>
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO<br>
* NRPG *
Anyone want a piece of that 100 credits.... hurry, before it's gone.
Andy, can you swim well?? <VVVVBEG>>>
If no one is up to meet the challenges J.C., Alex, and Kyrsa, we'll
Kris, I though you up to bat against Koreth was kinda picturesque???
now, for VADM Nicholas to start the game
..."A one, a two, take me out to the.........."
Gothca again, Mike
