USS Feynman OCT 1996: Difference between revisions

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....Now what could J.C. be up to...???
....Now what could J.C. be up to...???

<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Making It To Morning</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 10-8-1996</h4>
Stardate: 81008.1224<br>
Scene: Krysa's quarters<br>
MD: 2.0100<br>
Krysa had dressed for bed, but was now sitting on the couch in her
living room, unable to sleep. Her thoughts keeping her awake. She had
no idea how to handle this new factor which had now been entered into
her life. She'd never had a relationship where she hadn't known the
rules before entering.
Her relationship with Jack during her academy years had always been
for fun and companionship. She'd known then that there was never any
hope of commitment there. He's heart was already taken by his career.
She'd known that and accepted it. And if it hadn't been for his
friendship she wasn't sure she'd have made it through the academy.
He'd been a great support.
Of course with Kavan, plans had been made and decided when she was
just an infant. As much as she'd fought it, there had never been
another choice. Though there were times she wished, for Kavan's sake,
she'd refused her fathers wishes. But her father always won out in
the end. Unfortunately in this case, it didn't have a happy ending.
Krysa brushed away a tear that slid down her face. She did miss him,
despite the guilt she felt over his death. It was the fact that he
had been happy with her on the FEYNMAN that gave her any solace at
all. She knew that had he lived, they could have been very happy. But
the fates had decided otherwise.
She knew that she partly blamed Dee for his death as well, since
she'd been instrumental in the circumstances that led to his death.
Which was a big part of why she'd been upset that the Captain had let
her go so easily. But now .. now it made sense. He'd been protecting
her two-fold. Not just from Dee's mind control, but also from her
manipulation of his feelings.
She remembered the first time she'd ever spent anytime with him.
She'd been an Ensign, fresh out of the academy, excited to be on her
first mission. He had been Lt. Commander Zane then, the FO of the
FEYNMAN. She'd liked him instantly and they had gotten along well.
He'd been the one to give her the Bridge Officers test and thanks to
him it had been one of the most enjoyable and exhilarating
simulations she'd ever done.
In the time they'd served together she'd come to respect him first as
the FO and then as the Captain. She trusted him and they'd become
friends. She'd known something was wrong when he'd been there to
greet the shuttle's carrying her parents and Kavan's parents, but
she'd never bothered to follow up on it.
She even remembered his somber mood at the engagement party. Which of
course now made sense. He'd had enough respect for her to not say
anything as she made her decision to follow tradition and her fathers
She knew he tended to be closed mouthed in personal matters and as a
counselor she had respected his right to do that. Until tonight. She
had pushed too far and gone beyond where any good counselor or friend
should ever go. And now everything was different. She had been so
caught up in making sure she got her answers ..
She sighed, "Well this is getting you nowhere, Lieutenant," she
admonished herself. "Computer, lights off. Play Bach, French Suite
No. 1 in D minor." As the music began, she headed into the bedroom
and crawled under the covers determined to rest her mind and her
body. She could think about things tomorrow.
MD: 2.0700<br>
Krysa awoke, the French Suite No. 1 still playing softly. As she sat
up the world still seemed so strange. Everything looked familiar, yet
it was all different.
"Computer, stop music."
She got out of bed and ran a steaming hot water shower. While this
wouldn't help her solve any great problems emotionally, it would
definitely make her feel better physically.
Water so hot it made your pores tingle was definitely one of the most
enjoyable ways to relax in Krysa's book. And she felt a desperate
need to relax. It was still over two days away until they reached the
Serapis debris field. In those two days the crew was in desperate
need of something fun. Perhaps a ball game to set minds at ease
before they had to deal with the gruesome work of investigating the
wreckage. It was definitely something she should mention to the
She sighed as she realized out easily that had come out. They had
come to work together so easily. So why did things seem so different
now. Perhaps if she just went on as though she hadn't pried last
night she could make things back to the way they were. Even as her
training told her this was impossible, she set out to do just that.
As she dressed and brushed her hair she had the computer read off her
list of things to do for the day. There really wasn't much to do, as
most everything was in place and ready for when the reached the
debris field. And that which wasn't yet ready was being worked
diligently on by CPO Smith, the Ops department Delphi Operator. The
Delphi array was an interesting section of the FEYNMAN. As a detailed
sensor, it fell under both Operations and Science departments. Not to
mention engineering to keep it fully functional. She had been
fortunate enough to place Sarah Smith as Delphi Operator. Sarah
seemed to get along with everyone and so far since she'd taken the
position there had been no disputes over the array. Before, it had
been a virtual hot bed of disagreement between departments.
Checking her appearance one last time in the mirror she ran out of
her quarters to make it to the bridge for her shift. She was already
running late.
MD: 2.0810<br>
Krysa arrived ten minutes late. The Captain was in his chair when she
stepped off the turbolift. He looked at her his expression vaguely
blank. Krysa realized he was as unsure as to how to continue as she
was. "Sorry I'm late, sir," she said.
"Sleep in, Lieutenant?"
Krysa grinned, hearing the easy tone in his voice. "Actually no, just
had a slow morning." She then moved to relieve the Gamma Ops. She
breathed deeply, glad that far things seemed fairly normal. Of course
she'd not yet truly met his gaze yet. One step at a time ..
Lt. Krysa Jenn.<br>
NRPG: So do we wanna do a ball game or something or just head
straight on to the wreckage?
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
