USS Feynman OCT 1996: Difference between revisions

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because you guys made me feel so guilty. ;) Now
because you guys made me feel so guilty. ;) Now
see what you've done! <BG>
see what you've done! <BG>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: To Serve and Protect</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 10-8-1996</h4>
SD: 81008<br>
MD: 2.0610<br>
SCENE: Security Office<br>
J.C. leaned back in the chair in front of his desk, loosing the battle
to fight against a yawn. Alex, the ACSO, sitting across from J.C., took
a sip of his hot chocolate with a a few drops of brandy added for
flavor. He had offered one to his CO, but he declined. After the
briefing and the post-briefing discussion last night, he had turned in
for a few hours sleep. Wanting to get an early start, he had asked Alex
to meet him before Alpha started to have their own 'mini-briefing'.
"Everyone in security was going crazy when the Admiral called down
requesting the rifle, and safety overrides be turned off. Jonas was on
watch at the desk, and called me off-duty to see if I knew what was
going on.", said Alex.
"I can imagine. He shocked us when he let go a shot at the sword. Hmm. I
wonder if the Admiral still qualifies with his sidearm?", they both
laughed at the mental picture of CINCSILVER at target practice. J.C.
wheeled his chair back to the desk,
"O.K., down to business. I'm glad you finished the performance reviews
for me." Alex handed him two PADDs. "With the briefing, settling in our
two new Cadets, and that torpedo modification project, I had my hands
full." J.C. picked up the first PADD and scanned the names.
"No problem, Ensign Allard..." Alex had stopped, J.C. tried not to
notice, still reading the report. It would take a few weeks for him and
the Security team to get used to the new rank. "Sorry, Sir. It slipped."
"Forget it, Alex. When I hear it, I think someone is talking to some
other Allard." he rubbed the new pip on his collar, "It will take some
time for ME to get used to it, too."
Turning back to the PADD, "Anyway, PO-2 Kori Matsumii, and PO-3 Micah
Hicks both up one grade. I agree.", said J.C.
"Jerry Jonas would have made CPO if that, er, incident with Mr. Mason
had not happened.", Alex stirred the marshmallows in his chocolate.
"Let's try not to remember that. I'm sure he doesn't want to." J.C.
punched up a report on his desk console. "Alex, there seems to be one
name missing...". Alex looked puzzled. He had gone over everyone's
service records and performance evaluations, and listed the results of
the two who were eligible for promotion. He stood up to see the screen,
and dropped his mouth open... J.C. copied the file from the console to
the PADD.
"There, I've added CPO Tamarov, Alex T. - to Senior Chief Petty Officer
to the list. Alex, two direct orders! Close your mouth, and sit back
down..." J.C. smiled, and reached across the desk, offering Alex his
"Thank you, SIR! I'm not officially had my time in-grade for another two
weeks." Alex had turned bright red, his face flushed.
J.C. signed his name, and hit the send button. The computer would route
the report to CDR. Maril and Capt. Zane for final approval. "It's not
official yet, of course. Maril and the Captain will probably complete
crew evals. while we're enroute, so wait patient for a day or so." J.C.
picked up the second pad. After scanning the reports, his smile turned
to a frown.
"Both Duffy and McClure on report. Duffy for being late for duty, and
McClure for a uniform violation.", J.C. hated this aspect of running a
dept. Being recently in a 'hot' spot himself, the CSO had made it clear
to all the Security NCO's that nothing short of excellence would be
tolerated. J.C. had started the department meeting by saying, 'Our
performance WILL be the best. The FEYNMAN may not be the flagship, but
we're going to act like it. Excellence will be the standard, and
standard will be unacceptable in performance.'
"I wrote Duffy up myself, and T'mec wrote up McClure just last night
when he came on duty without his comm badge. Said he had lost it, and
didn't have time to get another."
J.C. sighed as he again signed his name, and hit the send box. He
gathered the two PADDs and stacked them in the corner of his desk. Duffy
and McClure would be at the next Captain's Mast, now presided over buy a
full Captain.
Alex spoke up, "Oh I almost forgot, I passed the word around about the
Volunteer Medical program Dr. Glin'Khar was offering. Put me, T'Boc, and
Jeotcki Reobetorg down. A few others said they might later."
"Good, Glin'kharr should be happy. I was considering it too. After all,
we're usually the ones who need medical attention," they both laughed at
the 200 year-old joke of high injuries in Security. "I'll let the good
Doctor know this morning"
Alex looked at his chrono,"its 0740. I'm going to go relieve T'meq
early. Maybe she'll go meditate or something" J.C. rolled his eyes at
the Vulcan-slam. They both got up, J.C. added, "remember, as soon as we
reach the SERAPIS, all patrol teams are to double up, and I want that
permanent team on the bridge 24 hrs, heavily-armed. NO surprises this
mission, Alex."
"Right, Lt. Allard." They walked out of the CSO's office. Alex went to
the watch officers desk to relieve T'meq, and J.C. headed for the turbo
lift. Once on the bridge, he greeted the Duty Officer, and went over to
"Good morning, Mr. Hicks. You can go early, but check out with the duty
officer first."
"Thank you, Sir.", Hicks walked down to the center seat, and asked
permission to leave. The D.O. nodded.
<nowiki>*When Lt. Koreth comes on duty, I'll speak to him about the photon
torpedo upgrade*</nowiki>, J.C. thought as he punched up Gamma's shift-log from
tactical, seeing absolutely nothing of interest. Thinking, he walked
down to the chair to speak to the D.O. There was a special
'minor-alteration' J.C. wanted to add to the 'Chair'...
Mike Dailey<br><br>
Lieutenant J.G., J.C. Allard SEC-TAC - USS FEYNMAN - SILVER FLEET<br>
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO<br>
* NRPG *
Kinda long, but I had a lot to do. Jason, when you go on duty, J.C.
will want to talk to you...
Sorry, I didn't know who had the 'chair' during gamma???
....Now what could J.C. be up to...???
