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<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000<br> September 1996 Posts</font></center>
<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000<br> September 1996 Posts</font></center>
<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|450px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>
<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|450px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL SEPTEMBER 1996 POSTS: *TBD*</font>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL SEPTEMBER 1996 POSTS: 61</font>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Searching</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Searching</h3>
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Lt. Krysa Jenn.<br>
Lt. Krysa Jenn.<br>
NRPG: Okay guys. Here's your chance to get rid of Krysa if you are
NRPG: Okay guys. Here's your chance to get rid of Krysa if you are
really that scared of her :} I guess, Koreth, Meleah, and JC are all
really that scared of her :} I guess, Koreth, Meleah, and JC are all
Line 4,750: Line 4,750:
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Briefing. (Part I)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 9-29-1996</h4>
SD: 80929.1300
MD: 1.1400
Scene: Holodeck 3
Zane entered into the holodeck with great anticipation. As usual
the promise of another mission had his adrenalin flowing, moreso now
as he headed for the pre-lift meeting. But even more than that he looked
forward to finding out what was behind these doors. The holodeck
briefings were one of the things he loved most about this ship. What
would Tarrant have created? The Klingon Council Chamber? Something
Husnock in origin? The doors parted and he found, once again, he was not
dissappointed. He took a few moments to look around the room admiringly.
It was definitly ancient Earth, one of the mediterrean cultures. Roman or
Greek he was not sure. One had 'borrowed' much from the other so at this
point, for Zane anyways, it was hard to tell. Looking over longingly at
the baths he realized this was a telltale clue but the answer still
escaped him. No matter. He was not here on a archeological survey he was
here to conduct a meeting and if he didn't hurray up he'd be late.
Spying a large bust that looked suspiciously like himself he
strode down towards it and entered the small cubicle behind it.
Immediately a holographic image of him appeared modelling the garb that
was hanging in the room. It didn't look very flattering. "Computer
display other clothing options of this time period." Several different
'costumes' quickly cycled through Zane's smaller image. "There!" He said
suddenly. "Change clothing to that one."
His change complete and the small cubicle behind him the captain
strode out of the dark room into the sunlight and growing noise ahead of
him. In seconds he was standing on a display platform overlooking a
large stone coliseaum. As the sunlight reflected off his bronze
breastplate and short sword dangling at his side the crowd took note of
him and began to cheer again. It was a few moments before he could
understand what it was they shrieked. "RIDE OR DIE!.....RIDE OR DIE!"
Looking down onto the surface he noted the chariots pointed towards the
other side of the coliseum. It seemed that the officers who had proceeded
him had left a great deal of carnage behind them including a lion with a
sword stuck between its eyes. He winced at the sight feeling a momentary
twinge of dismay for the holographic cat.
Colliseum. Lions. It all finally clicked together. This was
Rome! A quick scan of the crowds confirmed his realization as he found
the emporer's box. There was something about him that was familiar but at
this distance he was unable to decipher just what it was. Before he could
come to any decision the crowd's mood began to change and he realized they
were booing him. Seconds later two very large soldiers wearing the same
clothing as him approached. One of them gestured towards the chariots
while the other drew his sword. It was obvious they would brook no
argument. *This must be the die part of the equation.* Zane thought as
he smiled pleasantly at the approaching neandrathal guards who had now
both drawn their swords. The crowds jeers had become even louder. Not
one to be booed or face two Roman centurions Zane quickly climbed down the
steps towards the chariots. Instantly the crowd was cheering again.
Climbing aboard the chariot he too the reins in his hands and gave
the chariot a quick once over. He had never ridden (driven?) anything
like this before and while he was a little nervous he was more excited.
Simultaneouly the crowd became uncharacteristically quiet and the horses
began to fidget and neigh nervously. Before Zane could decide what had
caused this reaction the horses bolted and Zane found himself face
down in the dirt being dragged along the track. The crowd went wild!
Dragged along the dirt track flaying wildly from side to
side made the captain think of one thing, *Thank-God I changed into that
breastplate!* By now the toga would have been ripped to shreds and his
skin would have quickly followed. Using every last ounce of his strength
he slowly pulled himself up on to the chariot and regained control. But
by now the cause of the horse's inital spook was clear. Some maniac had
let lions into the ring. As he deftly ducked under a lunge from the
biggest cat he had ever seen he moved to direct the horses towards the
newly open gate. The crowd's chant of ride or die becoming all to clear.
With scant seconds to spare the porticullis dropped behind him as he
reached the safety of the other side. Quite pleased with himself Zane
handed the reins to a nearby holographic guard who seemed quite bored with
the entire escapade. It would have been more interesting if the rider
had fallen and the lions had got him. Saying nothing he pointed towards
some stairs and Zane headed off.
A blast of trumpets announced his arrival and the two centurions
at the entrance way slapped a fist against their breastplates in salute.
Zane returned the gesture glad that the ordeal over. Spying the main
body of FEYNMAN officers over by what appeared to be the buffet table he
moved to join them. "Ahh Mr. Koreth an excellent holo! Most
"Thank you Captain. I'd thought you'd enjoy it. You should
probably pay your respects to the emporer. Apparently I was very literal
in my programming and the centurian's get a little antsy about things like
"My pleasure. Keeps it all in character." He turned and headed
toward the box where the Emporer was still watching the games.
Stopping at a respectful distance he waited while he was
announced. An uncaring wave and he approached.
"Quite a ride General. I was most surprised."
Rising from his bow Zane spoke. "Thank you your....Oh God!!
Emporer Bat? Now I've seen everything."
The bartender turned emporer waved down an approaching guard who
had been ready to cut down the fool who would be disrespectful to his
"Careful general. My boys here are very loyal and we haven't had a
good killing all day." He tilted his head and allowed the slave girl to
feed him some grapes. "Quite a holoprogram isn't it? I think I'll head
back here when I get sometime. Your dressed for the part, wanna invade
Gaul? Oh by the way its Bat the First: Conquerer of the World."
Zane rolled his eyes. "Even you could come up with a better title
that that one. Of course Bat the First, Dragonslayer probably wouldn't
work either."
"Your second officer has a big mouth!" The emporer fumed.
"Not really. She just likes to share a good joke."
"Well this time I got the last laugh." He replied smugly.
"I'll let her fill you in on that."
Where's Charlton Heston when you need him!
-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Watching the Field</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 9-30-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80930.1436<br>
Scene: Holodeck Briefing<br>
As Jerran stopped the chariot in front of the VIP boxes, both
officers hopped out and went to take their places next to Meleah and
Allard. Krysa gave Bat an evil look as she passed by him sitting in
his "Emperor's" throne laughing his head off.
"I only hope the food makes up for this," Krysa said loud enough for
their esteemed emperor to hear, "Otherwise there may have to be more
pay back." She moved to the buffet table, always more then eager to
see what wonderful treats Bat had in store for them.
Bat continued to laugh merrily.
There was a trumpet sounding and Krysa and Terri headed to stand at
the balcony with Meleah and Allard to watch the next officer. It
turned out to be the captain. The crowd was booing and the senior
officers watching from the stands booed along with them until Zane
stepped into his chariot.
As the crowd watched the antics on the field, Krysa munched happily
on wedges of pita bread dipped in Tzatziki, a delightful paste of
cucumbers and garlic. As she was moving on to the antipasti bar, Zane
had made it through the course and was paying his respects to
'Emperor Bat'. He moved toward the buffet table and stood next to
the woman.
Krysa looked up at him. "I like your breast plate," she said with a
Zane looked down at his beaten and battered breast plate, "Yes, it
did take a beating." He looked at her, "You appeared to have come
through unscathed."
"HA!" said Krysa, "No thanks to that Bartender turned emperor over
Zane grinned, "I heard he had the last laugh."
Krysa chuckled, "Maybe, but this is far from over, I promise you."
"Doctor! The chariot!" someone yelled over the crowd. Krysa and Zane
both grinned and moved over to watch Glin'kharr ride in.
They all cheered as the Doctor made an ungraceful entrance. But
Glin'kharr looked quite happy, "Nnnng, a fine way to build an
appetite!" he declared, adjusting glasses twisted in the fray.
"Where's the food?"
Krysa waved at him, "Over here. You've got to try this Tzatziki." She
winked at Bat, "Though it could definitely use more garlic!"
Lt. Krysa Jenn.<br>
NRPG: I was bored, so I figured you could use a little more Krysa :}
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Briefing. (Part II)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 9-30-1996</h4>
SD: 80930.2200<br>
MD: 1.1430<br>
Scene: Roman Senate Chamber, Holodeck 3<br>
With everyone having arrived as well as been given ample
opportunity to raid the buffet it was time to start the meeting. A
quick nod to Onta and the Tamarian took his seat thus signaling to the
others the meeting was about to commence. Zane turned towards the
bartender turned emporer and with a smile jerked a thumb towards the exit.
Bat wearing an impish grin replied by way of a not so imperial salute and
then had his minions carry him on his chair towards the arch.
Sitting down at the meeting table Zane glanced down at the PADD in
front of him. He had read its contents several times and was still unable
to decide how best to inform his officers. Picking it up in his right
hand he began to read:
> <To: All Starship Commanders, Silver Fleet. From: StarFleet Command, Silver Fleet Operations.><br>
> The USS TESLA has been reported destroyed by a soliton wave while in orbit<br>
> near the Coalsack region. rescue ships have been dispatched by both SILVER<br>
> and RED. Initial reports put the casualties in excess of 80%. The Tesla<br>
> was on a mercy mission and died upholding the highest ideals of the fleet.<br>
Setting the PADD back down he waited for a few moments and then
broke the silence. "That news is almost 24 hours old. The last report
estimated the casulty rate as considerably higher."
"Are we going after her sir?"
"No lieutenant, FEYNMAN has her own mission. But in a way we've
done our part. With the recent...'misfortunes', Task Force EPSILON is
unable to spare any starships but a solution has been found. As some of
you know," Zane nodded to Maril, Glin'kharr and Koreth, "a detachment of
FEYNMAN crew has been temporarily transferred to EPSILON by the admiral.
He has given them orders to take the Husnock ship and render assistance to
the TESLA survivors. If we hadn't brought her back I don't know what they
would have done."
The assembled officers sat in silence. Not only was this the
third SILVER ship destroyed in almost as many weeks it was another FEYNMAN
class vessel, the second of the original four to be destroyed. This fact
coupled with the experiences of their last two missions was all that was
needed to show just how frail these ships really were.
"Do you think those paper-pushers back at fleet might get it
through their heads this time that these ships need an upgrade or two."
One of the officers asked a little bitterly.
The first officer diplomatically moved the subject along. "The
loss of the TESLA cuts TFE in half." He let the implied question hang.
Zane nodded. "For a few weeks at least. There is a STORM thats
apparently earmarked for SILVER. I imagine it'll get an urgent stamp and
sent out here quick. The good news is that REGENT's crew, command crew
especially, had a much higher survival rate than initially thought. The
STORM will probably be given to Fife and co and she'll certainly make a
nice replacement for the DIOGENES CL." He shuddered involuntarily at the
image of the class in his mind. It was a capable class of ship but the
designers must have been really hungover the morning they lay down her
hull. "That still leaves TFE down 40% and I imagine Admiral Nicholas
won't rest until we're back up to full strength. How soon will we get
replacements? Thats up to Admirals Lee and Crowell and of course the Red
Tape Brigade. With all the recent cutbacks I wouldn't hold my breath
though. Personally, I think at least one of the cruisers will get
upgraded to a heavy and to be honest if things keep progressing the way
they are out here I hope they give some serious thought to tossing a few
upgrades our way as well. Of course if SFE has an ENDEAVOUR sitting
around...." His voice trailed off as his thoughts briefly wandered
Onta smiled at his friend's well known dreams for the future and a
few chuckled. The captain sighed. It was time to move on. "Admiral
Nicholas asked me to pass on his compliments to each of you and to your
departments for our last mission. Not only did we surpass our objectives
we managed to cripple if not totally dismantle the Grey's. One annoying
point though was passed along to me this morning. SILVER intel has
finished their inital debrief of the prisoners and they have confirmed
that Captain Tremaine was indeed one of the occupants of the runabout that
escaped into the sack during the battle. While his powerbase is certainly
destroyed I must confess to a certain degree of frustration that he is
most likely giving any and all information about Starfleet to those
vermin. There will be a reckoning!" Several heads nodded in agreement.
"Well then," Zane said standing with Commander Maril moving
to join him. "its time we get on with things." He clapped his hands
together quickly with a playful smile. Instantly the two large doors at
the end of the room swung open and a procession of centurions in full
battle armour entered the room to the beat of a drum. As the troop came
to a halt Maril turned to face the group of Starfleet officers.
"Lieutenant junior grade Glin'kharr. Ensign Allard. Front and CENTER!"
He shouted out in his best drill sargent voice."
Both officers quickly rose and came to attention in front of the
honour guard. The captain of the guard strode over to Zane and presented
a purple pillow. On top of the pillow were two small black boxes with the
Starfleet insignia emblazoned on each. Zane picked up the closest one and
opened it to reveal a hollow pip. "Ensign Justin Christopher Allard as of
this date you are hereby promoted to the rank of lieutenant junior grade
with all the rights and privelges therein." Zane pinned the pip on to
Allard's toga and then stepped back and extended a hand. "Congratulations
Lieutenant junior grade Allard."
"Thank-you sir." The CSO beamed.
Moving along the line Zane reached for the second box.
"Lieutenant junior grade Glin'kharr as of this date you are hearby
promoted to the rank of full lieutenant with all the rights and privelges
therin." The doctor's hollow pip was removed and replaced with the new
one. "Congratulations Lieutenant Glin'kharr."
"Thank-you captian." Glin'kharr replied a little more relaxed but
just as proudly as Allard.
"Commander." Zane said turning to Maril. The first officer
quickly congratulated each officer and then turned to face the honour
guard. "Troop! PREsent ARMS!" As one, each centurion gave the imperial
salute to the two newly promoted officers.
"Thank-you commander." Zane said after a few seconds. He'd
decided he'd best let the two sit down before Glin'kharr became too
embarrassed and snarled at someone. "Dismiss the men."
"Aye sir." Maril replied, "Troop! DisMISSED!" Instantly the
honour guard spun on its heel and exited the way they had come in. The
four officers returned to the meeting table and Zane gave the other
officers some time to congratulate their comrades.
A few minutes later the group had settled down and Zane waded into
the heart of the briefing. "The admiral has given us priority orders and
we lift at 16:00. Simply put we are to head out to the SERAPIS's final
resting place at maximum warp and investigate her demise."
"How much do we know of what happened?" Maril asked.
"Very little." He pressed a button on the console in front of him
and sections of the table in front of each officer slid away to reveal a
monitor. The Federation emblem disappeared to be replaced by the calm and
controled bridge of a SOLAR class cruiser. The scene played itself out
shockingly fast. The SERAPIS was there and then it was not. "Besides
this video we have the statements of the few that survived...unfortunately
they really didn't have anything to add. The rescue ships were not
equipped to do a full investigate so we're it."
"Captain if a SOLAR couldn't stand up...."
Zane cut in. "The admiral was very clear on this following point
and I want to be just as clear. This is an investigation mission. We are
going to try and find out who attacked and why and if possible where they
came from. We are not going to take on that ship. The second we even get
a sniff of her we're gone. SILVER can't afford to lose another ship
and I have no intention of dying."
It was clear most of the assembled officers were not thrilled with
the idea of turning tail. Neither was there captain. But not he nor any
of the others were foolish enough to even entertain the thought that they
would stand a chance against that marauder. But if they could find it
something eventually could be done.
Allard looked up from his PADD. "Thats way out in the boonies
sir. What was SERAPIS up to?"
"Your right Mr. Allard. That section of space is a good ways past
the Federation border in this section and up until a few months ago we new
absolutly nothing about this region of space. Not that we now know very
much more. SERAPIS had been sent out to follow up on a rather strange
first contact."
A press of a button and each screen presented the emotionless face
of a human male in his mid twenties. It was clear he was human but on
closer inspection one might have his doubts. It was hard to pinpoint
exactly what was different but something, whether in the eyes or the way
he held himself announced his 'uniqueness.'
"He wasn't raised by humans." Glin'kharr said.
"This is Martin Ross," Zane continued, "23 years ago, when he was
4 years old he was on a transport ship with his family heading toward the
Steele VI colony. The ship hit some sort of subspace anamoly and was
thrown thousands of parsecs and wound up in the middle of this sector of
space. Not surprisingly it was a rough transit and only a few survived.
Six months ago. Mr. Ross arrived at EPSILON aboard an alien ship. He
presented himself to Admiral Nicholas as an emissary of the race that
found him and nursed him back to health. This race, the Issahi, homeworld
Issah, have decided to make contact with us and expressed an interest in
possible diplomatic relations."
"Possible?" Maril asked.
"To be honest, from what the admiral told me, it was a very
strange visit. Ross showed up out of the blue presented the admiral with
a pure dilithium sword," Several eyebrows around the table rose, "told
him he represented a race of suarian's known as the Issahi and that they
were interested in learning about the Federation. Then before he
really gave any satisfactory answers to a number of questions he left.
The end."
"Could these Issahi be responsible for the SERAPIS?" Allard
"Unknown." Zane replied. "But being that it happened near their
border isn't exactly evidence against."
"Or evidence for." Jenn added. "Do we know anything else about
this area of space? Do the Issahi have any neighbours?"
Zane raised his hands and shrugged. "On just about every question
we draw a blank. Thats why SERAPIS was sent out there. To get some
answers and to see if we had new friends. It seems we may not."
"Are we taking up her mission?"
"Yes and No. Our primary concern is a complete forensic
investiagation into the SERAPIS' destruction. The results will dictate
where we go from there. But yes, barring any unforseen consequences or
clearly damning evidence it is likely that we will pickup where SERAPIS
left off."
"A dilithium sword." Ensign Lee said. "Thats a very powerful
"I agree." Koreth replied. "It may not bode well."
"Perhaps, but the fact that they presented it to the admiral may
be a good sign. Many races in their infantcy often presented weapons to
other nations as a show of good faith. This may be the equivelent."
Meleah replied
Koreth didn't seem convinced. From here a lively discussion
The Issahi are *not* responsible for the SERAPIS' destruction. But of
course we don't know that....they may or may not know who is.
Ok thats the gist of know the drill, departmental
reports...comments and questions on the mission etc.
The Communique that Zane read was 'lifted' from a post written by Mike
A more detailed NRPG to follow
-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
