USS Feynman SEP 1996: Difference between revisions

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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The Beginning</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 9-28-1996</h4>
SD: 80927.2359<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
Exiting the turbolift Zane strode across the bridge. The OD,
noticing the Captain quickly stood. "Captain on the bridge!"
"As you were." Zane replied successfully keeping a straight face.
First time ODs were always good for his ego. The Captain was not one to
overdo some of the military traditions such as this one but it was nice,
once and awhile. "Report."
"Sir. We are currently secure in spacedock, all
systems online, all systems green."
"Crew status?" Zane asked glancing over the PADD the young Ensign
had handed him.
"We are at standby 24. 93% of FEYNMAN's complement are on the
ship. Shall I recall the rest sir?"
"Affirmative. We sail in four hours. I'll be in my ready-room."
"Aye aye sir." Huret replied before quickly turning and issuing
orders to the TAC station officer.
"Computer ship wide." Zane said as he entered into his
ready-room. A simple chime acknowledged the order. "Attention all hands
this is the Captain. Our orders have us shipping out almost immediately.
I hate to have to cut your well deserved leave but I know I can count on
all of you to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. All
senior staff report to holodeck 3 in 2 hours for prelaunch briefing.
Zane out."
Settling down into his chair he hit his commbadge. "Zane to
"Koreth here. Holodeck briefing?"
"Yes Lieutenent. I'm sorry to limit your set up but we are
rather pressed for time."
"No problem sir. It's ready to go."
"Excellent. I look forward to it. Zane out."
Turning to his computer he began to call up all the information he
could on the region the FEYNMAN would soon be dashing towards.
6 hours of inlaws equals headache and bedtime!
-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
