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Mike (the pirate at heart)<br>
Mike (the pirate at heart)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Holosetup (The Meeting)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Jason Bostjancic 9-27-1996</h4>
The holodeck project had kept Tarrant busy
during most of his free time. (At least that which
he spent between the Feynman and the Husnock ship.)
Cmdr. Zane had told him that it was his turn create the
setting for their next big meeting. Many ideas ran through
the CEO's mind as prospective locations... eventually
though he decided to stick with an Earth theme. After a
little research his choice was easily made.
"Computer.. run program Tarrant Alpha One"<br>
<Program is already in progress><br>
Tarrant was surprised. Who could be playing around with
his program. But all attempts at finding out were thwarted.
Finally he gave up and entered.
The 'public bath' was a fairly small structure, lit by torches.
White pillars, adorned with magnificent sculpted art, separated
assorted stalls where the command crew would change into the
appropriate garb. Entering one would automatically replicate the
outfit for the person. As an added touch he had the room
adorned with busts of the command crew.
"And now..." said Tarrant to nobody in particular as
he stepped into a stall, "the final test."
The small door behind him shut and made a particularly
unpleasant locking sound. The white robe and accessories
replicated themselves on a hook. But when Tarrant attempted
to figure out how the items were to be worn he found it was quite
a mystery, and would probably be so to his guests.
"Computer, provide a holographic image of each stall's current
occupant as they enter, approx 1/3 actual size, wearing garments
exact to those replicated."
The image of himself emerged wearing the outfit.
"Computer, have it rotate on a z-axis, 0.2 radians per second."
The image began turning, and gave a perfect view of how
the belt, toga, and headpiece were to be worn. Along with
the optional short sword.
As soon as the outfit was complete the door behind him
unlocked and opened, revealing brilliant sunlight.
As he walked out, Tarrant found himself surrounded by cheers
as thousands of people looked down at him from the colosseum's
seats. The 'theator' had no roof, as white pillars formed the circle
around which the seats were placed, allowing a great view of the
center oval which was primarily dirt.
A line of horses were lined up to the left with attachments behind them.
A pair walked up to his location, pulling what the computer had
called a chariot. As he was examining the rather dangerous
contraption a figure rose in the stands and quieted the masses.
Looking up, Tarrant tried to figure why they were so quiet. A
growl from a newly opened door signaled why. Two great tigers
emerged, blinded temporarily by the sunlight. They were absolutely
huge, over twice the size of a normal man. What's worse, Tarrant
hadn't programed them.
All faces were turned towards what was obviously the emperor's box.
As they waited the command.
"RIDE... or DIE!" shouted the figure in a particularly
familiar voice.
"Um.. computer? Are the holodeck safties..." he didn't finish.
One of the cats spotted Tarrant and began leaping toward him.
Causing the second to follow. Quickly, the CEO jumped on to the
chariot, grabbed the reins, and rushed off. The tigers were in close
pursuit, and the crowd cheered..
Twice around the circle he went before yet another door opened.
Tarrant barely maneuvered the chariot into the right direction
as the tigers lept around him, always barely missing. He had just
entered when the stone mass slammed shut, barely stopping the
great cats.
"Welcome Citizen Koreth." The greeting was echoed in
unison by a woman and man who both seemed to be wearing
'smaller' versions of his toga. "Congratulations on your win."
Tarrant finally caught his breath, as a voice started laughing
uncontrollably from further in the chamber.
"Win? That's not what I call it, it was luck!" Said Bat between
chuckles as he emerged. "Computer.. Lights, 80%"
"You.. how did... nevermind." The CEO knew the old bartender
was good, but was surprised that he was already there.
The same white pillar setting made up the room, with
a huge stone table and chairs in the center. In fact, Bat had
already set up his buffet with some rather unusual items. One
of which he picked up and handed to Tarrant,
"It's a gyro, Mr. Koreth. It was the best I could do on Greek
cuisine on such short notice." he motioned to a flight of
steps which Tarrant hadn't included originally. "I made a few
little additions."
Tarrant followed the old bartender up and found himself in
a private box in the stands. The view was perfect. And in
the same location as the voice from earlier.
"Oh, and as far as the computer knows, I am the
emperor," Bat smirked then shouted, "RIDE.. or DIE!"
A little different than our usual, a little more 'interactive'.
Remember, your CEO will make sure that the crew will<br>
have little chance to just voice edit the scenario..<br>
(Then again Zane does have over-ride access ;) )<br>
The safeties *are* on. And the two 'receptionists'<br>
will take those who make it to Bat's private box<br>
where all can wait and watch <G><br>
Have fun.<br>
Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS<br>
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
