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Sir Francis Drake, er, I mean Mike :P<br>
Sir Francis Drake, er, I mean Mike :P<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: All In A Day's Work</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 9-27-1996</h4>
SD: 80927.2200<br>
MD: -000001.00 (or something like that)<br>
SCENE: Security Section, J.C.'s office.<br>
Breathing a sigh of relief, J.C. hit the enter key, for the last time.
Gripping the edge of the desk, he gave a slight push to send himself and
his chair rolling away from the desk. Standing up, he stretched the
muscles that had been inactive for the last five hours while he replied
to his mail, reviewed 119 logs, 14 incident reports, 3 inventory reports
from the armory, 9 crew evaluations, 4 crewmen put on report by their
NCO's. Those he sent to Cdr. Maril, who would either deal with them, or
send them to the Captain's Mast. At least ALL the paperwork in Security
was 100% up to date. Now they were ready for the challenge of whatever
mission VADM Nicholas would send them on.
J.C. headed out of the office, passing the watch officer's desk,
manned by PO3 Micah Hicks and Cadet Hensley. "Good night, gentlemen. You
should have a...", but the CSO stopped, for the two were not watching
the monitors and status boards, but a portable holo-vid unit on the side
desk. As soon as he said something, they snapped around, stunned and
mouths hanging open.
"Attention on DECK!", J.C. raised his voice, not to a shout, but
loud enough to make the point. He slowly moved around the desk.
Hicks started to speak up, "Mr. Allard, we.."
"Belay that, Hicks! You're at attention. Yes, we are docked. Yes,
there's little chance anything will happen while we're here at EPSILON,
but this post in manned for a reason, Mr. Hicks." J.C. slid down the top
on the holo-vid unit, turning it off and closing it.
"I know that, Sir.", said Hicks. Hensley, standing rigid, said nothing.
"I'm not sure you do. Everyone from the Captain to the other security
officers on patrol count on you to provide instant information in an
emergency. You think we're safe, here at S.B.E. Well, anything could
happen. Remember the Borg incident back in 2367. That could happen here,
to. We're not exactly in home system. Anything could happen in space.
And on a starship, anyone and everyone's lives could depend on anyone at
any time." J.C. moved the holo-vid unit over, and sat on the edge of the
desk. He turned to face Cadet Shane Hensley.
"Cadet, I'm disappointed in you. But more so in you, Mr. Hicks. In any
chain of command, the senior officer or NCO is ALWAYS responsible for
the actions of those under his command. When they mess up, he messes up.
And that person should definitely set a good example. At ease, you may
speak." J.C. folded his arms.
Hensley looked over to Micah Hicks. Hicks spoke up, "Sir, we were
docked, it's almost ship's 'night', and we though viewing the holo-vid
the Cadet had purchased at EPSILON wouldn't be of any harm. I had just
logged the check-ins from all patrols, and checked in myself with the
bridge." J.C. had seen a brief glimpse of the holo-vid before he had
shut it off. He had not see anything that exotic since that weekend
after graduation they guys spent on Risa. Cadet Hensley cleared his
throat, and softly spoke up,"Sir. I'm sorry. I..."
"I know what time it is, and I know your reasons, but that offers no
excuse. Cadet, you're relieved for the rest of your shift. Rest up,
tomorrow you'll be inventorying the armory, by yourself. I won't put
anything in your record, as I said, Mr. Hicks was responsible for your
actions. Consider this a learning experience, Shane. Dismissed."
"Yes, Sir. I mean Aye, Sir." he fled out of the room.
*Gosh, I didn't mean to terrorize the poor kid* J.C. turned to Micah.
"And you, Micah. You've been on the FEYNMAN for 5 months. You should
know the regs. by now, regardless if we're docked or not. You're on
report. My compliments will go to Cdr. Maril, then it's up to him.
Micah, I expect better from now on."
"Aye, Sir. Again, I apologize". J.C. nodded, then left. Well, so much
for a quiet night.
SCENE: Commerce Deck, S.B.E.
After an overstuffed dinner of spicy chicken and rice, J.C. tried to
walk the bloated feeling off. Around the corner, he came to one of the
Holodeck centers. Number 3 was empty, and Justin had an interesting idea
to try. "Computer, new program. Access all information on John Hawkins
and Francis Drake from earth's 17th century. Two wooden frigates. Create
crews on each, cross reference the FEYNMAN'S roster. I will command the
British ship, Defiant. Use the security dept. roster as my crew as
British Naval Officers. Use the FEYNMAN senior staff to crew the PIRATE
ship. I'll need a Rapier as my weapon." J.C. smiled to himself. Ever
since their 'covert' pirate mission, he'd been fascinated with 16th and
17th century earth piracy.
"Program ready, enter when ready.", droned the different voice of
EPSILON'S computer. This was going to be fun. He approached the doors,
they swooshed open. J.C. stopped. "Oh, also computer, make me an
Mike Dailey<br><br>
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO<br>
* NRPG *
Hmm.... See how KIND and UNDERSTANDING J.C. is when his people mess
up. <G> Gosh, maybe he should double as assistant Counselor. <BG>
Ready for the continuing voyages of the USS FEYNMAN. and so on...
Mike (the pirate at heart)<br>
