USS Feynman SEP 1996: Difference between revisions

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-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The New Mission</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Mike Dawe 9-27-1996</h4>
SD: 80927
The Feynman Captain was swiftly admitted to the Admirals office. He
had received the notice about the third ship loss the day before and was not
surprised to see a haggard Nicholas banging on a PADD while yelling orders
into a comm.
"Look, do what you can but I need facilities for the survivors. Get
McDaniels and company to pull their heads out of the clouds and set up a
very large triage and emergency shelter. I need a second team to be ready
to lift to recover the Tesla pods."
[Lift in what?]
"You tell me. With the Falcon out rescuing the Regent we need a
ship to take them there. It will have to be large enough . . . " he waved
for the Captain to sit. "to carry the emergency crews and a full rescue team
to see if anything survived on planet."
[Is that all?]
"Don't get smart, just find me a big ship." He closed the channel
and turned to find the Captain smiling and deep in thought.
"Hrrmph, well then I received your reports and I think your mission
went even better than I might have hoped. We have managed to push the Greys
back and you made some inroads in the Pirate situation. Well done Captain."
"I think we may have also done something else . . . we might be able
to solve your transportation problem." Zane nodded.
"No, the Feynman has a mission that cannot wait for you to ferry the
rescue teams."
"I was not referring to the Feynman but the 'prize' we brought back
with us."
The Admirals eyes widened at the audacity of the suggestion.
Actually two prizes had been brought back but only one would qualify for the
job ahead. "Your suggesting we send a vessel whose capabilities we do not
even know out on a rescue operation?"
"The Husnock vessel is large enough and ven has an auditorium that
could double as a triage staging base. I have had a skeleton crew working
it who could be put on detached duty until your crews are more familiar with
the ship. But I will insist upon keeping my command staff."
The Admiral snorted. "Afraid I'll steal them away?"
"Word gets around."
"As it should. OK. So we take your crew, a chancy vessel and send
it to the site of the Tesla destruction. Want to know where you will be in
the meantime? I expected you might. You also heard about the destruction
of the Serapis? Her logs have been recovered from the emergency buoy and
this was what they showed. . . "
Cut to the view of a standard starship running smoothly. Then from
behind it came.
The dark ship came swiftly into view and showed incredible
maneuverability as it made the first pass past the Serapis. Before shields
could be raised or even before the bridge crew could react a series of
blasts raked the hull of the vessel. All hails ignored the second pass was
even more devastating than the first and power losses crippled the ability
of the federation ship to mount any sort of defence, let alone anything even
resembling a counter attack.
Zane listened to the damage reports with an air of fatality. He
knew what the reports would say, he could feel the ship dying bebeath him.
With a heavy heart he ordered the evacuation of the ship. Life pods started
to eject from the crippled vessel and jet off into the endless night. Some
were intercepted and destroyed by the malevolent ship while others escaped
its notice. It seemed to be scanning each as it could before firing or
letting them pass. A blue beam enveloped the dying Serapis, another deep
scan. It was looking for something. Moment later the third volley from the
ship fininshed the job and the once proud member of the Silver fleet was an
expanding cloud of debris . . . nothing more.
The log ended and the room was silent for a moment. "I don't
recognize the ship." Zane ventured.
"Nobody has, yet. I want you to take your ship out and do a
detailed forensic scan of the debris field. We need information. That ship
looked like it was looking for something, it was viscious and direct. I
want to know if we have a new border to defend or if this was a one time
occurance. Now hear this and hear it good, Captain. You are investigating,
you may follow up any leads but do not, DO NOT engage any vessels. The
Feynman is not a warship, but its sensor suite makes it perfect as a
investigations ship. Questions?"
Of course there were many, on both sides and the meeting went on for
hours. The Admiral briefed Zane on what the Serapis mission had been and
took details on the Husnock vessel. Orders were sent out for the transfer
of personel and the Husnock vessel was clear before the meeting even ended.
Right, that tags one thread for future reference and starts a new one. Zane
(Andy) will be getting the serapis mission under a seperate cover and will
trim it to fit what he tells you (his choice, its the only way to keep a
mutinous crew in line)
mike--->tying threads together
Vice Admiral Azariah Nicholas CINCSILVER<br>
Captain Christof Fife USS REGENT<br>
Lt. Cmdr Eskat Eskat USS HERMES<br>
Lt James Cardiff USS SARATOGA<br>
