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-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: It's So Simple</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 8-31-1996</h4>
>"But there is so much more you can have."<br>
>"Maybe, but not that way. It would be a lie. Do we have a deal?"<br>
Stardate: 80831.0857<br>
Scene: Corridor<br>
MD: 7.1330<br>
She looked at him knowing she wouldn't be able to do much better. She
really hadn't thought she would. But if there was anything that scum
of a father of hers had taught her it was that you had to ask for
more then you expected in order to make yourself a good deal.
Smiling, she said, "I'll accept you deal on one condition."
"No, no more conditions. That is the best I can do."
"I think you'll be able to do this on for me without to much
trouble." She waved her hand over her face, "I want to be rid of this
face." Zane stood dumbfounded while she continued, "It's been nothing
but trouble for me and I want a new one. Surely you can't deny me
that. Or Krysa for that matter."
Zane nodded, "I'm sure we can find someone who can help there."
"I want it done before we reach Epsilon and I want no one other then
the doctor to know what I look like." She paused, smirking, "I do
hope your doctor is good at keeping a secret."
"He is. Can we get to Krysa now."
"Very well, lead on my dear Captain."
Scene: Sickbay.<br>
"What do you think?" Krysa asked Lt. Meleah.
"I am not a doctor. I can not determine that at this time."
Krysa sighed, "Well don't feel bad. Dr. Glin'kharr's been stumped as
well." She turned at the sound of Sickbay door opening again. Her
eyes grew wide as she stared at Commander Zane walking in with ..
herself. She'd been told about the woman who bore her face, but she'd
never seen her and it was uncanny.
"Hello, Krysa, guess it's about time we met, isn't it." Krysa frowned
at the woman, who simply shrugged it off with a wry grin. "Don't
worry, I'm here to help."
Dr. Glin'kharr approached, "What's going on?"
"She says she can help Lt. Jenn."
Glin'kharr reached for his tricorder, but Dee held out her hand,
"Don't doctor. I'll tell you all I can, so there's no need. But
first, Krysa and I have a little business. So Captain, why don't you
take all of you officers out of here and explain to your doctor, our
little deal and I'll have Krysa all better in no time."
"I'm not going anywhere." Protested Glin'kharr.
Dee glared at him, "Now listen to me, you can't help her .. Can you?
You don't have a clue what's going on here. I do and I can. Now get
out and let me do it."
"I will not allow.." Glin'kharr began growling at the woman.
Zane put his hand on the wolf's arm, "We aren't leaving."
Dee frowned, "Very well, Captain. You and the doctor may stay, but I
want everyone else out."
"But .. sir!" Glin'kharr started to protest again, but saw Zane nod
to the woman. The doctor called his people together and sent them out
of Sickbay.
Zane turned to Meleah, "We need to locate Cmdr. Maril again. Why
don't you see if you can help with that." The android nodded and
headed toward the bridge.
Zane looked back at Dee. She dramatically threw him a kiss, and
winked. He frowned, "Just remember our deal .. nothing funny."
Krysa turned to look at her double, "What did you do to me?"
Dee laughed, "I didn't do anything to you. But I know those who did
and I know what they did."
"Who are you? And how is it that you have my face."
"You can call me Dee, for that's the name I'm using today. As for
your face .. I was hired to wear it. The original plan was to take
you out and replace you with me."
"At the ring."
Dee nodded, "Unfortunately, your counselor realized I wasn't you
early on and that plan was ruined. So they came up with an alternate
plan. To link your mind to mine, so that I would know everything that
you did, no matter how far apart we were. It worked for a time." She
smirked noticing Krysa look of distaste, "How do you think Gray fleet
was so precise in their timing.
"Bur unfortunately, unknown to us, you aren't a very good telepath."
She chuckled, while Krysa grimaced. This woman definitely knew
Krysa's mind. She knew exactly where to throw her jabs. "That's why
all the headaches. If you weren't a handicapped telepath, you never
would have know I was watching through your eyes, and your thoughts."
"What about all the drugs?"
"We did use Kzinti mind drugs to help facilitate the process, that's
probably why it worked so well at first, despite your obvious flaws.
Course we did have try them out on a test subject first. I am sorry,
Doctor. Didn't know you were allergic." She grinned, but Krysa just
frowned at her. Glin'kharr growled, as Dee quipped, "You Starfleet
are all alike, no sense of humor."
"You think it's funny, playing with people's lives like this!" Krysa
"It pays the bills." Dee said quickly. "Besides, I'm here to help. In
return I get safe passage and a new face."
"So how do you break this link."
"That's the easy part, my dear. Give me your hand." Krysa held out
her right hand to the woman, and Dee smirked, "The other one, Krysa.
The one with the ring."
Hesitantly Krysa held out her hand to the woman, glancing briefly at
the ring she still wore. The one she had received from Kavan on the
day of their marriage.
Dee promptly grabbed the ring, pulling it off, "Hey!" Krysa
She handed the ring to the Doctor. "If you study this, you'll see
it's been fused with an imprint of a combination of our brain
patterns. It's been made into a type of transmitter/receiver of
telepathic energies. As long as it's in contact with her skin, I can
read her."
"That's it!" Krysa said incredulously. "My ring!"
Dee shrugged, "Simple isn't it. Oh, they were worried when I told
them your husband was dead. They figured you'd take it off. But I
knew better and I was right. Poor guilty little Krysa, who got
married to please Daddy."
Krysa glared at the woman. She turned to Zane, "You aren't just going
to let her go after all she's done are you?"
Zane nodded, "We made a deal."
Dee chuckled, "That's right and I've kept my part. Now I want to talk
to your doctor about my new face."
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: okay so it's not the most plausible explanation :} Deal with it!! :} :} :}
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
