USS Feynman AUG 1996: Difference between revisions

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-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The Away Team's Back!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Melanie Pocknall 8-30-1996</h4>
SD: 80830<br>
>"Sirs, maybe if we could... *COUGH COUGH COUGH*... no, I'll be fine. If<br>
>we could somehow trick the Nausicians or Pirates to beam us onto their<br>
>ship, if they thought we had something valuable they *COUGH COUGH*" J.C.<br>
>glanced up at the two LT's, his face gone quite pale and shivering...<br>
>With a blank, glazed expression, he looked deep into the eyes of Koreth,<br>
>and then Meleah. "Sarge, when are we going back to the dorm? I don't<br>
>feel too well." Meleah looked up at Koreth, whose eyes grew wide.<br>
> "Sarge, I know the Commandant will be disappointed, but I'm getting<br>
>worse." J.C. rubbed his shoulders to get warmer. "Really, Sarge. I know<br>
>our first away-team exercise only lasts one more night, but I'll take it<br>
>again. Cadet Hahn could take me to the Medic Station....COUGH COUGH COUGH"<br>
MD: 7.0015
Meleah's expression changed to one of concern. She recognized the signs
well enough. If Allard didn't get treatment of his wounds soon, he would
become more delusional, and eventually die. They needed to do something
fast. Meleah thought quickly. She took out her tricorder and scanned the
building nearby. It appeared to have some communications equipment inside.
All they needed to do was get inside. And the easiest way would be through
the back door....
Several minutes later, the away team arrived at the 'back door'. Meleah was
carrying Allard over her shoulder as he was fully unconcious by that time.
Koreth went in first, carefully scanning to see if there was anyone in
there. Luck seemed to be with the team as life-signs readings were nil.
Looking into the first room, Koreth saw that it was full of junk, like the
other building. The next room looked more promising. Inside it were
ceiling-high computers and communication systems. While some of the team
stood guard near the door, Meleah and Koreth had a look around. The former
found a communications access panel while the latter was looking for
transporter controls. Not that they could actually beam anywhere without
knowing where the ships were but just in case they needed it.
Using her highly intelligent brain, and special intrigue program, Meleah
managed to send a message off to the Feynman. Then all they could do was
sit and wait for the Feynman to reply.
On the Feynman...<br>
Zane was in the middle of talking to Dee when his commbadge beeped for
attention. "Zane here."
[Commander, there is a message from the surface. It appears to be in code.]
came the voice of MCPO Nick Richards, the science officer.
"Can you break the code?" asked Zane, thinking that it was either from the
away team or, unlikely as it may be, a pirate group.
There was a pause.[It'll take a few minutes].
"Keep me informed."
Five minutes later, Richards called again. [It appears that the code is one
of Lt. Meleah's that she uses to communicate with the ship. It gives the
co-ordinates of the away team, and requests that they be beamed up
immediately. It appears that there are several casualties.]
"No mention of who is there?"
[No, sir.]
"Send the co-ordinates to transporter room 1. Ens Furhman, lock onto the
away team on the surface and bring them back immediately."
MD: 7. 0040<br>
Transporter room 1, USS FEYNMAN.<br>
Matt found that there were ten officers to beam up, selected six of them to
beam up, then touched the controls. Six shapes took form, Meleah and
Allard being two of them. Immediately, Matt tried to get the rest of the
team. The first attempt was unsuccessful, with the particles that were
flying around the ship interfering. But he reconfigured the transporter's
beam and rescued the others.
"Furhman to Zane. The away team is back."
MD: 7.0046
Meleah carried Allard into sickbay and immediately put him onto one of the
biobeds. The doctor was in the middle of running blood tests on Krysa and
paused when he saw the state Allard was in. Because the two cases were both
important, he was undecided for a moment which one to do first.
"Lt," he addressed Meleah, "Do you have any medical skills?"
"Yes," she replied.
"Good." He gave her a brief run down on Krysa's condition while he surveyed
Allard. Meleah took the tests from him, and continued with them herself,
while Glin'kharr looked after Allard.
Okay, the away team's back. I'm confused about the times though.
Everything's happening at the same time, but some people are writing 1200
while others (myself included) are using 0000. Can someone clarify this for me?
Sincerely yours,<br>
Lt. Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN.<br>
