USS Feynman AUG 1996: Difference between revisions

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-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Leaving the Base</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 7-26-1996</h4>
SD: 80826
Maril walked carefully around the circular room, examining every little detail. The main focus of the room was the large console on a table-like structure in the middle. It displayed a map of the slice of the Coalsack near the pirate base,
complete with other pirate bases and ships. This was truly a remarkable find.
Unfortunately, although the science officer had found his way back to the base, finding nothing, Ensign Lee was still missing. There were now two senior officers missing and two senior officers who had failed to report back for several hours.
Maril looked back over to the engineering officer, who was tinkering with the central console. Maril walked over and yanked one of the officer's hands away. "Listen, I don't want you bothering with this. I want you to look at this map here. Then I want you to see if this Orion woman kept any logs. Understand?"
The NCO nodded slowly, then turned towards the map on the large console. Then he looked in his hand. An information transfer device had been placed in it. He got to work, downloading the map.
Maril would have been nicer and more his usual self if it hadn't been for the two pirates in the room who were standing at the weapons and communications stations. So, he stuck to his pirate persona, keeping their infiltration secret for the moment.
MD 6.2100
Maril continued to watch the map, but nothing was really happening. He knew the Husnock ship was still trapped by the tractor beam, but there wasn't much he could do about that without arousing suspicion, and Koreth and Meleah were dealing with that anyway.
As Maril's eyelids slowly began to close, he noticed a new ship that hadn't been there before. Straightening up and opening his eyes, he focused on that ship. Hmm...a Storm-class ship, the _Rolling Thunder_. It seemed to be approaching the Typhoon's position. Before he could do anything, though, he saw weapons firing.
"What's happening?" Maril snapped to the real pirates.
"Two Storm-class Federation ships are fighting each other!" the one at weapons started laughing. "If we send out a ship now, we could capture them easily."
"I can see that they're fighting, you fool! And as for us capturing them, it's probably a trap. They must have seven starships right out of sensor range. What I want to know is their damage!"
"Umm...the one that attacked was in poor shape already and has taken a lot of damage. Oh, there it goes."
"There what goes?"
"The other one destroyed the attacker's shields and then fired on its starboard nacelle. The attacker didn't have a chance."
Complete with that information, Maril turned back towards the map.
MD 7.0010
Maril was still in the Command Center with the engineering and science officers, but he was tiring. Nothing important had happened since the destruction of the Rolling Thunder, but Maril didn't trust the pirates. If they ever learned that Maril and the others were Starfleet officers, or if they defied Maril in force, Maril would be like Armen thrown off the ship--alone and surrounded by vicious monsters. On top of that, the officers had already downloaded the map and the few logs that had been kept on the base.
"Let's get down to the bar," Maril said, almost smiling, though it was a pure lie. "You two stay here for now," he said as he gestured towards the pirates.
Maril strolled out of the room, followed by the engineering officer and then, the science officer.
As soon as they were away from the pirates, Maril said, "Quickly, over to thhe Bird of Prey. Walk normally, though."
MD 7.0015
With Maril leading, the group headed for the batlh 'etlh.
Rounding a curve in the dark corridor, Maril heard footsteps behind and the sound of a phaser rifle being readied for shooting. As he turned, he saw the two pirates who had been in the Command Center running towards them.
All three followed that advice quickly, but the science officer not fast enough as he was hit in the back.
"You stupid Starfleet!" the man who had been at the communications console cried before he was felled by a phaser beam from the engineering officer.
The other one ran towards them, hoping to hit Maril with his rifle, but Maril had some experience with the bat'telh--though this was much smaller--and he ducked under the pirate's lunge, grabbing the rifle at the same time.
The pirate tuned for another try, but Maril blocked that attempt, pushing him to the side and hitting him in the back with the butt of the rifle. The engineering officer then shot his phaser, resulting in the collapse of the pirate.
Maril walked over to the science officer and helped him stand up. The three of them walked quickly down to the base's shuttlebay, luckily with no resistance.
"That phaser was on stun, right?" Maril asked the engineerng officer.
Glancing down, the officer nervously replied, "Actually, no, it wasn't."
Maril sighed. "Well, we can't deal with that now."
MD 7.0025
The three officers raced down the shuttlebay's length and up the walkway, slowed somewhat by the science officer.
Once inside the Bird of Prey, Maril quickly contacted the bridge. "Maril to Bridge. Get us out of this base as quickly as possible."
[Aye, sir.]
MD 7.0030
batlh 'etlh:Bridge
As Maril briskly walked onto the bridge, he ordered, "Report."
"We've cleared the shuttlebay, sir, but several one-man assault bees have followed us and have opened fire."
"How much are we damaged?"
"Not much, sir, but if we continue to stay in the atmosphere, they'll keep on damaging us, and we can't get any hits on them, because they're so small and maneuverable."
"Very well. Pull us up out of the atmosphere and engage the cloak. Just before you do, just send out a warning volley with the disrupters."
"Aye, sir."
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
Well, everyone's out of the base now. The question is: how are we going to get those four senior officers on the planetoid out?
