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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: On the Run!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 8-16-1996</h4>
SD: 80816<br>
MD: 6.2330 [ALMOST 7.00!!!]<br>
J.C. launched himself over the balcony railing, where LtCdr. Maril,
Ens. Lee, and the others were, watching the events in the shattered and
decrepit building across the street. He landed quite harder than he had
thought, though only hurting his pride. Looking up to CPO Alex Tamarov,
he quietly motioned for his aide to join him. Alex paused a moment,
unsure of jumping down the distance of four meters. J.C. waved him on
again, growing impatient, worried that Commander Maril or someone else
would notice them. Alex finally gathered his nerve and jumped, nearly
landing on top of Justin. J.C. whispered, "Come on, we've got to see
what those other 'fleet officers we saw talking to those Nausicans are
up to. If they're part of the Grey Fleet, maybe we can learn a little
information from them." They began crawling slowly away from the
building they were lodged as guests of the Orion Pirate Queen.
Alex whispered in return, "Mr. Allard, I think Commander Maril is
going to be very upset with us.", J.C. waved him silent, "If we do this
right, Maril will be happily quoting Tamarian metaphors for the next
week. One thing I learned from my academy squad leader; what Senior
Officers don't know won't hurt you!" They both broke a smile, and then
J.C. motioned for silence, and started them moving across and down the
street to the shattered one-story building.
It was about 2300 hrs., the street was all but deserted, not that
this was a busy neighborhood anyway. In addition to the steamy and
muggy 88 deg. F temperature which was cool compared to the daily sauna,
they had to contend with alosmt no natural light, as the planet had no
satellites. They crossed the street and approached the building, the
front of which had two old-style ground cars that had found their final
resting place. Beside the cars was a rather large pile of what appeared
to be half junk, half garbage with the garbage half giving off a
distinct odor that could turn and humaniods' stomach inside-out! They
stopped behind it, and J.C. turned to Alex. He looked down at the
ground, and rubbed his hand lightly over the warm, damp soil. Scooping
up a handful, J.C. rubbed some onto his forehead and cheeks, motioning
for Alex to do likewise. Alex grabbed a handful, and started to say
something, but J.C. covered his mouth, and whispered in his ear, "TAC
hand signals, just like night maneuvers at the academy". J.C. dug inside
his pocket, removing his comm badge. If captured, they could explain the
Phaser's as stolen, but comm badges were another matter, and if they
went off an the wrong moment... Alex did the same, and they buried them
and put an old liquor bottle on top of the spot as a marker.
J.C. peered around the junk pile to the building, but couldn't see
inside, being at the wrong angle to look inside the front window. He
motioned for Alex to follow. He pointed to the building, then made a
circle motion, meaning to go around the side and back. They started
cautiously, the bolted for the side row of windows about 2.5 meters high
and 4 meters wide. They nearly crashed into the wall, and Alex sliding
as if stealing 3rd base. J.C. uprighted himself, and kneeled, making a
cup with his hands and gesturing to Alex to be boosted up, since he was
lighter by a few kg.
Alex carefully put one foot into his commander's hand, and tried to
grab onto the window ledge for support. The windows were closed and
flush with the outside wall, probably for some antique cooling system to
operate inside the condemned building. Alex peered inside, and seen the
group of two Starfleet officers in red, and three Nausicans... only for
a few seconds. The Nausican barked something into a communicator and a
transporter enveloped all five. Alex hopped down, and kneeled beside
J.C.,"Two officers in command. I didn't recognize them and couldn't make
out their ranks, but I did see quite a few pips. Nothing on the
Nausicans though. They must have beamed to their ship", Alex whispered,
looking around to make sure they were alone.
J.C. glanced up towards the sky, "Alex, I sure hope Captain Zane or
someone on the FEYNMAN detects that ship." Gesturing to the back, J.C.
whispered turned to face Alex, "let's see if we can get inside from the
rear." J.C. slowly rose. Alex started to, then stopped and sat back
down, his face turning bright white. J.C. kneeled down to inquire, but
was stopped short by a loud unfamiliar voice.
"H'ta fvau! Lloannen'galae th'ann." One weapon was trained on the
side of each of their heads, from behind them came another deeper, cold
sounding voice, "Vah-udt? Au'e rekkhai ,Erei'riov!." Alex opened his
hand to allow his Phaser to drop to the warm black soil slowly with a
thud. J.C. did the same...
Mike Dailey<br><br>
* NRPG *
Hmmmm.... poor guys. Everyone one the FEYNMAN and TYPHOON are
having a real party, and we feel left out <GGGG>! Hey! Where is
