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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Discipline & Discovery</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 8-11-1996</h4>
SD: 80811.1300<br>
MD: 6.0745<br>
Scene: Ready-room<br>
"...his jaw is set now and should be fully healed in 8 hours but
there will most likely be residual pain for another 24 hours. All in all
he has taken the incident rather lightly. I imagine in his line of work
he is used to such barbarism." The door chime rang out punctunating
Glin'Kharr's comments.
"In." Zane ordered. Immediately the doors parted with their
trademark pneumatic swish, revelaing the nervously errect form of PO/1
Jerry T. Jonas. "Thank you Doctor."
With a slight nod, Dr. Glin'kharr turned and exited the room a
slight scowl directed at the petty officer.
"Do you want to explain this morning's incident Mr. Jonas?"
"Sir. Mr. Mason slipped, sir."
"And his fall was broken by the butt of one of your troopers
rifles?" Zane replied quietly.
"Sir. No sir. Mr. Mason hit his head on the deckway railing."
"I see. And what was it that caused him to slip Mr. Jonas? A
particularily treacherous part of carpet, perhaps an errant gust of wind."
Jonas could not mistake the Captain's anger and wisely remained silent.
"I imagine you have heard Mr. Mason's side of the story."
"Sir. The petty officer has been informed of Mr. Mason's
"Thats quite a divergence in stories. Can you explain that Mr.
"Sir. A blow to the head can often effect memory."
"I agree, but it does leave a bit of mystery. A mystery which I
do not have the time to solve. Either way an individual came to harm in
your charge. You and your two escorts are on report. But let me make it
perfectly clear that if Mr. Mason's story is indeed true it better not
happen again. Such acts will not be tolerated on this ship. If I even
get a hint that you have been abusing your authority either now or in the
future you will be serving in the GREY fleet so fast a D-warp won't be
able to catch you. Is that clear?"
"Sir! Yes sir!"
"Next. When I left the brig with Mr. Mason did I or did I not
give you a direct order that there would be only one guard needed to
oversee Mr. Mason's movements."
"Sir. You did sir."
"I did. And yet there were three..." He raised a hand to stall
Jonas' reply. "I know two were positioned outside of 10-Forward but I am
not going to argue with you over trivialities. For disobeying a direct
order you will have a formal reprimand place upon your permanent record.
Any further disciplinary actions will be at the discretion of the CSO.
Zane turned to his desk terminal and activate the mailer.
FROM: Commander Zane
TO : Ensign Allard
cc : Lieutenant Commander Maril
Lieutenant Jenn
All security personnel
RE : Security patrol operations
SD : 80811
Be advised,
As of this stardate security personnel conducting internal
patrols, escorting prisoners or any other action in their normal routine
will, when it is deemed necessary to be armed, carry a Type II Personal
Phaser. Phaser rifles are not to be used during normal security
operations unless otherwise instructed by a senior officer.
The memo sent, he stood and headed for the replicator his stomach
reminding him of his hyper-metabolism. Halfway there the door chimed out
again. "In."
"Captain." Chief Larocque greeted Zane.
"Hey Rock. I'm having a snack, want something?"
"No I just had breakfast." He replied entering the room. "But I
seem to remember you sitting yourself in front of a rather large platter
of Bat's Breakfast BBQ."
The Captain smiled and patted his stomach. "Gotta keep the energy
levels up."
Larocque rolled his eyes.
"So what's up for this morning?" Zane asked his aide.
"The usual reports to read and sign." He handed a PADD over to
Zane. "How's Mason?"
"Fine. You heard?" Zane asked not at all surprised.
"I think the dishwasher's third mate is the only one who hasn't."
Larocque replied grinning. "News travels fast."
"He slipped." Zane told him, the tone in his voice portraying
just how seriously he took that excuse.
"Uh-huh. Just like the Cardassian."
"Exactly." 'The Cardassian' was brought aboard the FEYNMAN in a
lifepod during their first mission. While being transported to the brig
the overzealous security personnel beat the Cardassian into a coma.
When then CSO, Ensign Zane had found out he had been furious but not half
as much as Captain West.
Larocque, his aide then, gave him the same advice. "There a good
bunch just a little hyper it being their first cruise and all. They'll
settle down."
"The voice of wisdom?"
"Nah, just experience."
[Captain to the bridge.] came over the intercomm, interrupting
their conversation.
Raising an eyebrow Zane set his plate aside and headed for the
bridge, Larocque in tow. "Report." He ordered.
The officer at the science station turned to face him. "Sensor's
have picked up an energy field heading in the general direction of the
pirate base. I can't get a definite reading but it appears to be a
tractor beam, perhaps more than one."
"Open a channel to the TYPHOON."
Lt. Jenn, sitting in the captain's chair of the TYPHOON flickered
on to the screen. Zane noted she seemed a little pale, probably just
fatigue it had been a long day. "Have your sensors picked up the energy
[Just a few moments ago.] Jenn replied.
"We think its a tractor beam."
Jenn looked off screen. [Lt. Meleah confirms. Pirates bringing
some booty home?]
"It would seem so. How operational are you?"
[As operational as Lt. Koreth can get us. Planning a visit?]
Zane smiled and nodded. "We'll come in from port you from
[Understood. TYPHOON out]
The screen returning to the normal swirl of the sack, Zane paused
before issuing orders to get underway. Something was definietly wrong
with Krysa.
J.C.: Looks like your NPC is in it deep ;)
Max/Ted: ????
Jason: Don't know if your getting this but my sympathies re: your server.
I hope you find stable access soon its just not the same without
our scowling engineer
Away Team: Lots going on there....have to find the operational plans
(sounds like the DeathStar), Jerran has a new friend, the pirates are
expecting you to help them board the FEYNMAN (How you going to find us?)
and now Allard has run-off after some officers.
TYPOON/FEYNMAN: Who's tractor beams and what are they towing?
Ted: As the only other PC on the ship with me feel free to volunteer for
a bridge station while we're understaffed.
And of course we have the GREY fleet waiting for us outside with an old
....some interesting times ahead!
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned<br>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
