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Melanie Pocknall.
Melanie Pocknall.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: I Have a Headache</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 7-30-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80730.2233<br>
SD: 5.1900<br>
Scene: 10-Forward<br>
“Thanks Bat, it was wonderful.” Krysa told the Bartender, then added, “As
Bat grinned happily, “Always a pleasure, my dear.”
“Unfortunately it didn’t help. I still have a headache.”
Bat laughed. “You are the only woman I know who tries to cure a headache
with food.”
Krysa grinned, “Don’t laugh, it usually works.” She sighed, “Ah well, I’m
sure it’s just from where that creep grabbed my neck. I’m going to go to
sickbay and get something for it.”
“Probably a good idea.”
Krysa waved as she headed out of 10-Forward. She rubbed her temple where
the pounding only seemed to be getting worse. This was the second one in so
many days. Luckily the first had gone away after that delicious piece of
hot apple pie. This one would even budge after a large dish of Bat’s
special Irish stew.
Krysa walked into Sickbay and was met by Dr. Glin’kharr. “What are you
still doing on duty, Doctor.”
“A doctor’s work is never done, Lt. What can I do for you?”
“I have this horrible headache that I can’t seem to get rid of.” She
“What have you taken for it?”
“Well, actually only Bat’s stew,” she grinned.
Raising an eyebrow at her, Glin’kharr decided not to ask. He pulled out a
hypospray. Checking it carefully first, Glin’kharr put it to Krysa
shoulder. “This should take care of it in a blink.”
“I hope so.”
“Are you prone to headaches?”
Krysa nodded, “Though not so much as I used to be. I’m sure you’ve read in
my records about my head injury when I was 16. I got horrible headaches for
several years following. Still get them every so often.”
“How do you usually take care of them?”
Krysa grinned, “Usually they’ll go away if I eat something.”
“Though I did get grabbed by the neck today during the intruder alert.” She
pushed her dark hair back from her neck so Glin’kharr could see the bright
plum bruise that had formed on the back left side of her neck.
“I see. You should have gotten that taken care of earlier.”
“I didn’t have time.”
The doctor growled, “I’m sure. But you still need to have things like this
taken care of. One of these days it might be serious.”
“Yes, sir.” said Krysa with a smile. She quickly took it off her face when
Glin’kharr didn’t smile back.
“Tip your head this way, please.” Krysa did exactly as he asked while he
tended to her bruised neck.
When he finished, he asked, “How’s your headache?”
“Completely gone. Even faster the a hot fudge sundae,” she chuckled.
“Of that I have no doubt,” said Glin’kharr.
Krysa thanked the doctor and left for her quarters to get a short nap
before they arrived at the base.
MD: 6.0030<br>
Krysa’s alarm went off and she quickly got up and dressed so she’d be on
the bridge as they approached the base.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Well, I wrote us to the base, so we are safe from that solor class
ship that backed into something... at least for a while :)
