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"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: It's Not Over 'Till the Fat Lady Sings</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Melanie Pocknall 7-30-1996</h4>
SD: 80730.0445<br>
MD: 5.1230 (Slight backpost)<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
Meleah stod motionless as the pirates beamed onto the bridge. She saw one
right behind Allard but wasn't quick enough to stop him from being stunned.
The pirate then turned around and trained the phaser on her. "I wouldn't
come any closer, sister."
Meleah tilted her head to one side, a confused look on her face. "Why would
you not come any closer?"
The pirate gave a short laugh. "You think you're real smart, don't you?"
"As a matter of fact...." Meleah's sentence was cut off by Zane.
"Don't say anything, Lieutenant."
Meleah saw that it was a tense situation and wisely decided not to say any more.
As Jerran threw one pirate away from him, Meleah moved forward to make sure
the other one would not cause any trouble but fortunately, the pirate was
knocked down. Keeping out of the way of the phaser fire, she went around to
the pirate who was still clutching his stomach, and grabbed him in a
forceful hold. "Are you alright, Lt?" she asked Krysa.
"I think so."
One of the security officers came to escort the pirate Meleah held to the
brig, while Zane pieced together reports from around the ship.
>"Still trying to get reports from the rest of the ship, sir," Allard said,<br>
>groggy from the effeects of the stun shot. "Lieutenant Glin'kharr reports<br>
>that sickbay is secure. I have not heard anything from engineering,<br>
>though, from either the security teams I sent down or from LT Koreth."<br>
>Zane tapped his badge as the rest of the birdge crew got back to their<br>
>positions, "Bridge to engineering. LT Koreth, please respond."<br>
>Every eye was on the commander as the comm remained silent...<br>
Although no-one openly showed nervousness as to what may have occurred in
engineering, it could be felt by everyone, including Meleah. There were
very few explanations for the CEO's non response.
Allard and Maril were sent down to Engineering to look for Koreth. Meleah
then stepped forward. "Cmdr, I believe that I could be of some use as part
of the security team."
Zane comsidered. He remembered her training as a security officer, and had
heard of her proficiency in the phaser test. "Okay."
"Thank-you, sir." Meleah went directly to the turbolift, and met up with
the others just outside Engineering.
Allard eased himself around the entrance and just as Meleah and Maril
followed him into Engineering, there was a volley of phaser fire. Both
officers managed to avoid the fire but there were a couple of unfortunate
security officers who didn't. Those in Starfleet returned fire at the three
pirates that they could see, and eventually one was hit. When he went down,
the other two ran.
Allard stood up and started following them, half of his team automatically
following his lead. "Ockjii," he said to the Andorian officer, "you take
half the team and search engineering. Lt, you stay here," he said as he was
already at the exit where the pirates had gone.
Meleah looked around her. Many of the Engineering staff were lying down,
but at this point she was unable to tell who was injured, or even dead.
While security started searching, she started looking for the injured. And
for Lt. Koreth.
She heard what sounded to be like a volley of phaser shots, a far distance
away, and went towards the sound. Her phaser in her right hand, she
cautiously looked around the corner and saw Koreth, a few security guards,
and some bodies lying on the floor. "I take it you won," she observed.
"For the moment," Koreth replied. "There shouldn't be too many more,"
fingering his phaser as if willing the pirates to come out.
"Ens Allard and Cmdr Maril are currently chasing two more intruders who were
in the main part of engineering."
"Then we have a chance. Follow me."
The small group advanced carefully towards main engineering, and when they
found no-one there but a few Starfleet officers still lying on the ground,
Koreth advanced to the main control panel. "They've blown communications,
shields, and came close to damaging the main links to the engines. As it
is, we don't have enough power to go to warp." Motioning to the security
officers, he said, "Watch for those pirates. Lt," turning back to Meleah,
"I'll need some help getting the engines back to full power."
Before they could get started, two pirates (different ones from before) came
into view. One security officer was downed before the others opened fire.
With deadly accuracy, Meleah shot both of the pirates, her phaser only on
stun. Had it not been, the pirates would have been dead instantly.
Immediately afterwards, she noticed that Koreth was favouring his injured
arm but upon recalling that he was part Klingon, and Klingons tend to ignore
minor injuries, she did not say anything, and they started working on the
(This was started a couple of days ago and modified accordingly to the
subsequent posts.)
Anyone who thought that Meleah would stay out of the action was wrong. She
doesn't deliberately look for it but she has a way of getting into the thick
of things.
Max: Wow, a Command shift! I didn't even know Meleah would be qualified.
She'll certainly want to practice those Command skills.
Sincerely yours,
Lt. Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet.
Melanie Pocknall.
