USS Feynman JUL 1996: Difference between revisions

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Ted: There's the last section. Go to it!
Ted: There's the last section. Go to it!
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 7-24-1996</h4>
SD: 80724.1000<br>
MD: 5.0400<br>
Scene: Ready-room<br>
"Captain's Log, Stardate 80724.0400....<br>
We sit and wait. Repairs are, for the most part complete, and we
are ready to get underway as soon as ALPHA shift begins. I have decided
to postpone until that time simply because if today is anything like
yesterday I want the best at their stations.
The attack of the PHOENIX came as a great surprise. We knew it
could happen but it was always hard to believe that one Starfleet officer
would fire on another, whatever their status. Still, for them to have
made their move before we had the information they wanted came as an even
bigger surprise. Lt. Jenn has hypothesized that perhaps the captains of
the four ships are not the allies they thought they were. If they had
waited for us to emerge from the 'sack in a few days they would, most
likely, have had to share the information our sensor logs provided. By
attacking early it seems Tremaine hoped to capture the FEYNMAN and gather
the information himself, undercutting his 3 cohorts. Such dissension
could provide us with convenient wedge.
Either way, it was not to be. The PHOENIX was unable to capture
her prize. The bridge crew worked as the finely tuned team that they are
while Lt. Koreth some how managed to keep the ship together. But, and
although I hate to admit it, I don't think we would have escaped from that
tractor beam, regardless of their power-management problems, without the
timely arrival of the Xanthandi.
Of course our immediate good luck leads to greater misfortune.
Namely, why are the Xanthandi so close to the edge of the 'sack? Is it
confidence or lack of concern that has them operating so openly? Its
obvious they knew we were there either through the luck of one of their
patrols or, more ominously, through the monitoring of shipping outside the
'sack. Thank-God, the PHOENIX got away. To add a SOLAR to their fleet,
even with its deficiencies is unthinkable. When I had first viewed
Captain Allison's briefing I had hoped that it was presenting the extreme
situation. It seems it was not.
When we began this mission we were, officially, to survey the
inside of the 'sack in the hopes of mapping hidden pirate bases that have
been hampering shipping. Now, based on the past day's events, we
may find ourselves discovering Xanthandi staging areas. If this is true
we all may find ourselves facing war. I hope I am wrong.
All indications show that Lt. Meleah is fitting in well
with her colleagues and has already proved to be invaluable by enhancing
the DELPHI array. I've heard through the grape-vine that Ensign Loth has
not taken the arrival of his new CO all that well. Perhaps he may one day
learn patience....and some social skills. Additionally, we have also
received a new CNS, one Ensign Lee. Her fitness report says it all,
another headstrong Bajoran, just what I need! Still we need a Counsellor,
and I am glad she's here.
Unfortunately, her arrival meant that the temporary CNS, Ensign
Ryan was free to return to EPSILON. Aware of the dangers both she and the
EPSILON pilot elected to take their chances and return to the starbase. I
can't say I blame them, the attack by the Xanthandi does not bode well.
Unfortunately it seems that the PHOENIX did not destroy all of the raiders
as we had believed. Three Xanthandi were still in the area, most likely
looking for us, and appeared out of no-where. The GALILEO didn't have a
With two attacks I have suspended all shuttle operations for the
time being. We have had a terrible lesson in just how dangerous the 'sack
can be and I will not tempt fate again. If the raiders that destroyed
the shuttle had located us in our still crippled state we may have been
unable to fight them off. From here I am proceeding as if we are at war.
The FEYNMAN was built to be a black ship and for the next few days it will
be. If we are close to war or even a new level of aggression it is vital
that we learn as much as we can and return to EPSILON, without the
Xanthandi realizing they have been comprised.
....end log."
Zane entered the bridge and immediately asked Maril for a report.
"All systems on line, repairs complete. We're operating at Yellow
alert and all emissions are being controlled."
"Good. Mr. Jerran coordinate with OPS and develop a search pattern
that will cover the most space in the least amount of time....with sensors
on passive. Additionally, I want to stay far enough from the perimeter of
the 'sack so that if those four ships are still out there they aren't able
to take anymore pot shots at us. We've got enough problems *inside* this
thing to worry about the outside as well. As soon as your ready get us
"Aye sir."
"Ensign Allard, how's are prisoner? Any useful information?"
"No sir. All I'm getting out of him is name, rank and serial
number. And the occasional threat that he's got friends in Starfleet
Command that could make or break my career. He is being watched around
the clock so even with his skills he won't be going anywhere." When
Allard had come aboard Zane had him go over every inch of the brig as well
as stepping up training for security in general. Two brig escapes in one
day during the previous mission was something the Captain, and ex-CSO
would not stand for.
Zane frowned. It was the answer he had expected, but not the one
he wanted. "Very well, keep me informed."
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned<br>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
