USS Feynman JUL 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Command BrOT, Looking for Answers</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 7-23-1996</h4>
"So, Lieutenant, the last section finally arrives. Computer, begin Bridge Officer's Test, Section:Command."
The last setting of the BrOT was unusual. It wasn't the Bridge, it was Sickbay. However, if GLin'kharr thought that it would be easy because he was in his own environment, he was sorely mistaken.
The "ship" shook as someone beamed into Sickbay. Lieutenant Jenn stood silently, with Commander Zane lying beside her.
"What happened?" Glin'kharr asked.
"He was thrown almost across the Bridge when the inertial dampneners failed. Doctor, can you do anything?"
"I can always do something," Glin'kharr growled.
Once the Captain had been lifted onto the biobed, Glin'kharr noticed that Zane's life signs were rapidly falling, near death.
As he reached for the cortical stimulators, Maril contacted him. [Commander, we have intruders. I need you to release anaesthatine gas everywhere except for the Bridge. Is that understood?]
"Yes, sir." It was then that Glin'kharr realized the crisis. It wasn't that he would anaesthatize himself when he released the gas--he could seal off Sickbay. However, it would take time to key in the sequence to release the gas--
precious time in which the Captain could die. Glin'kharr didn't know what to do, but he did know that he would need to do something--very fast.
MD 4.0900<br>
Maril sighed, looking around at the mess that resembled the Bridge. "The owl and the mouse," he said under his breath.
"And the mouse escaping only because an eagle attacked the owl," Zane replied.
Maril nodded. "Constant reports on the situation," he ordered. As others got to work on the repairs, Maril headed to the aft stations. He wanted to know exactly how their every move had been anticipated. Of course, there was probably a saboteur. But Maril was looking for how all the security subroutines had been circumvented and similar information.
He sat down, knowing it wouldn't be easy.
Obviously, the saboteur knew what he/she was doing. There were so many lockouts, passwords, and dead ends, that the thief of Stirabi couldn't have squeaked past them. As Maril was no thief of Stirabi, it was even harder to find his way through.
Jeffries Tube(J2)
Redaso continued his destructive work on the DELPHI array, knowing that, even if someone did catch him, it was too late for the array. As an afterthought, he shut down the internal sensors, placing a lockout on it. Of course, he hadn't been so stupid as to crawl around with his communicator on. It would be nice, though, if they couldn't find him with the heat sensors either.
Down below, Koreth and Allard stood ready to capture Redaso. Koreth signaled for them to move in opposite directions so as to surprise the saboteur. The two started to move.
However, Koreth had just gotten into a Jeffries tube, and Allard was reaching another, when a group of forcefields appeared, surrounding the junction. Allard was trapped, and Koreth had just barely escaped.
They pondered the situation for a second. Who could have set up the forcefields? They had beamed in from a shuttle transporter, hardly accessible....
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
I hate to thwart anyone's plans, but, as you may realize, I have taken it upon myself to represent the forces of Evil, Darkness, and Cruelty(aka Grey Fleet and Spy(s)), with most everyone else representing the forces of Good, Light, and Kindness(namely, the Feynman.) :) Of course, you never know....<evil laugh>
Ted: There's the last section. Go to it!
