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Joseph: I was wondering if you have any NPC's you're not fond of. <G> I think Redaso's the kind of person who would get an accomplice(so he could blame someone else), and Flight Control and Engineering would be a good match of departments.
Joseph: I was wondering if you have any NPC's you're not fond of. <G> I think Redaso's the kind of person who would get an accomplice(so he could blame someone else), and Flight Control and Engineering would be a good match of departments.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Just Before Entering the Sack</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Melanie Pocknall 7-22-1996</h4>
SD: 80722.0600<br>
MD: 4.0608<br>
Place: Bridge (just before entering the sack)<br>
Lt. Meleah watched out the viewscreen while they entered the 'Sack.
She was curious as to what they would find in there, at the same time as
hoping that her science staff were getting along with each other. During
one second, she remembered her meeting with Ens Loth, who appeared to have a
chip on his shoulder about something. He was currently seething about
Meleah starting her shift early because of the early time going into the
'Sack. He had been very nearly openly hostile towards Meleah, as had been
evident by his words.
"An android is replacing me!" he had said with disgust. "I
don't see why, I'm perfectly capable of doing the job."
"I do not doubt that you cannot do the job. But I have more
experience in the science field than you do."
"That remains to be seen," Loth said snidely. "What are you
doing about the roster?"
"I have checked over every crew member's record and decided to
make a few changes. Lt(jg) Swanson is shown to be better
qualified to have the position of ASCI. You have the option
of being the XO for any of the shifts or the CO for GAMMA shift."
"You're joking!" Loth exclaimed.
"No, I am not."
"Well, I'm not working with you, that's for sure. Nor am I
working with Swansen. So I suppose I'll take the GAMMA shift,"
he said grudgingly. "Who'll the XO be?"
"MCPO Richards," Meleah stated without even consulting the
"Hmph," was all Loth said to that.
Meleah had found Loth to be fairly disagreeable unlike her new ASCI
who should have probably been a counselor. Nali Swansen had a knack for
getting along with people, and Meleah had decided that she would make a good
assistant, especially with the reports she had been doing each day. Right
now, Nali was working with some engineers on the DELPHI array, just in case
a subspace bubble needed to be initiated to protect the ship from any
damaging warp bubbles. Meleah had read a few weeks ago about a mission
which the USS GAUSS had undertaken into a similiar coal-sack, and the
technique initiated by the XO and CEO to prevent structural damage. There
was no way Meleah was going to be under-prepared for this.
Unlike her job as press agent. The press had had a field day when
they found out who was the SCI, and had asked her questions to which they
expectedan answer to because they thought that an android couldn't lie.
They were right about that, but they didn't know that Meleah had been told
which sort of questions to avoid so the press hadn't got any 'dirt' yet.
All of this Meleah reviewed in one second. Part of her was still
concentrating on the readings showing up on her console. For another
second, Meleah reviewed the meeting with Ens Allard about the phaser drill
test. He had sort of seemed pleased with her keeping her qualifications up,
but had seemed surprised that she had gotten 100%, one of the few to do so.
He had thought, what else would you expect from an android, but he hadn't
said anything.
Meleah also remembered her first meeting with the rest of the staff.
Lt Jenn had seemed pleased to see another female as part of the senior
staff, and although Meleah has only basic emotions and not always good
character judgement, she thought that Krysa could become a good friend. Lt
Jerral had seemed a little hostile, and until Meleah was quietly told that
she had beaten his score on the phaser test, she did not know why the
Lieutenant might be feeling that way.
The FEYNMAN was now a couple of seconds closer to the 'Sack. Meleah
hoped that Crysta, a part Bajoran, part Betazoid physics specialist who
looked after the child during ALPHA shift, had Cadence strapped in for the
trip. She had found the child to be an expert in escaping whichever room
she was in, and yesterday, had to pry her away from engineering where Ens
Jared had not been too pleased with a small child trying to investigate the
warp core.
The ship was now only a few seconds away from entering the 'Sack.
Meleah held onto the console with one hand while the other continued to
record information from the sensors.
MD: 4.0612
The crew on the bridge watched as the shuttles were launched and
proceeded to their designated positions. After a few minutes, Zane asked
Lt. Jenn whether the readings were any better.
"Yes, sir. The gas and dust is not providing us with much
interference any more."
(I couldn't think of anything else to add!)
Just giving everyone an insight into how Meleah works. I figured a back
post would put people out of sync with the rest of the story, so I
incorporated it into the current post, the first part of which is set just
before Joseph's post.
BTW: Lt(jg) Nali Swansen is the new ASCI, with Ens Loth (does he have a
first name?) relegated to 2SCI. Swansen will be a registered NPC, as will
MCPO Calab Crysta (female Bjrn/Btzd) who is in the physics science
department in BETA shift, and Cadence's babysitter in ALPHA shift.
Joseph: I hope Meleah getting 100% won't put Jerral's nose out of joint.
Kristen: We might try to see how Meleah and Krysa get along <G>.
Sincerely yours,<br>
Lt. Meleah, SCI, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet.<br>
Melanie Pocknall.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: In We Go!</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: In We Go!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by  
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by  
