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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: "They're Destroying Our Ship!"</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 7-22-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80722.1218<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
MD: 4.0800<br>
Lt. Jenn was pleased to see that things were going smoothly with Lt.
Jerran’s plan for supplementing the Delphi Array to help clear up the
static. It made things easier on her part. She was able to track any
strange readings much easier. However, this was the ‘sack and so she was
still on edge.
She became even more tense when she saw the hail come in.
“Sir,” she said turning to Zane, “We are being hailed. It’s Captain
Tremaine of the USS Phoenix.”
Zane cringed visibly, then put on his best diplomatic face and looked at
Krysa, “Screen on, Lt.”
“Aye, sir.”
<*Commander* Zane. May I say what a pleasure it is to see you again.> Krysa
could feel the Captain’s distaste for the man on the view screen, and new
that the way Tremaine had stressed his rank, really grated on Zane. But she
was proud of him as he acted as though the jibe had not been noticed at
“Captain Tremaine, it’s surprising how we keep running into each other.”
<Indeed, Commander. Seems the FEYNMAN just keeps getting in our way.>
Tremaine smiled, <But that shall not happen again. You see, you are now on
my turf.>
“Captain? Are you threatening my ship?”
<I’m doing much more then that,> the haughty smile never left Tremaine’s
lips as he spoke. <I’m going to destroy you and save the day.>
“Really?” said Zane calmly. A smile crept across his face, “I don’t think
you’ll have an easy time of that.”
<You don’t? Well perhaps this will change your mind.> He motioned off to
the side of him.
Jenn’s eyes flew open wide, “Sir, our shield’s just went down.”
Zane turned his eyes on, her and she nodded slightly while still trying to
figure out what was going on. Zane turned back to the new CSO, “Mr.
J.C.’s hand would working his controls as fast as they could. “Sir, they
have our frequency codes!”
<Goodbye *Commander*> the screen went blank.
“They are powering up their weapons!” Jenn shouted.
“Evasive maneuvers, Mr. Jerran!” came the Captain’s order.
As Lt. Jerran went into action they all braced for the impact they new was
coming. When it did the ship shook, almost knocking Krysa out of her chair.
“Damage, Mr. Koroth!” yelled Zane over the klaxons.
<We have a hull breech on decks 10-13, evacuating right now. The warp core
is off-line.>
“Sir, their preparing to fire again!” shouted Jenn.
<Sir, I have been working on something that might help.>
“Anything, Mr. Koroth,” Zane told him, “Just make it quick!”
Lt. Krysa Jenn.<br>
NRPG: Hmmm, will there still be a FEYNMAN after this mission :):):)
Jason, I though perhaps now would be a good time to see if your plan worksv :)
