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"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-room-->Swim</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 7-10-1996</h4>
Scene: Ready-room<br>
[....Commander I am very tired and this conversation is giving me
a headache. You have your shuttles but I will be investigating *all* of
the facts as to just why you need so many replacements at one time. And
if I find even a suspicion of negligence on your part or by any one under
your command I am going to personally see to it that the weight of Starfleet
Command comes bearing down on you until you wished you were never thawed
out of that test-tube.] She smiled viciously.
"Captain," He began again, trying desperately to remain calm "I
have told you several times. Please read my report, or the report of any
other member of the senior staff and you will see that the shuttles
[Commander let me assure you that I have indeed read the fiction
you call a report and let me just say that I've been around long enough to
have heard all the excuses and this feeble attempt at one won't wash.
Officially your report has been accepted and I have no choice to transfer
*my* shuttles to you. But as soon as I can dig up proof...your mine.]
The screen went blank.
Feeling like putting his fist through the wall or indulging in a
primal scream to release the pent up rage and frustration. He instead
opted for a beverage to help calm him down. "Coffee, Mocha Java, hot."
He picked up the replicated cup and returned to his desk. *God she hates
me.* He thought. *Ever since Bat and I 'liberated' the NOGURA she's been
out to get me. Well,* he smiled. *Not this time.*
The door chime interrupted his silent victory. "Come."
"Sorry to bother you Captain I just have to get your signature and
some reports, fuel consumption, docking transcripts etc."
Zane accepted the offered PADD and began to scan the reports.
"Where's Chief Larocque?"
"He, uh....well he asked me to assist you today on account of his
being dead. Sir."
"I see. Would this be a Bat Durensten induced death Yeoman?"
"I'm not sure sir. The Chief was late for our morning brief so I
stopped by his cabin to make sure he was okay....."
"And." Zane prompted.
"He was passed out on the floor and two others were in similar
"Barron and Fuhrman." It was a statement not a question. "Wasn't
Bat there?"
"No sir. Actually I stopped by 10-Forward before I went to the
Chief's quarters, in case he was having a late breakfast and had forgotten
our meeting. Mr. Durensten was there, polishing his glass and seemed
"I see." He handed back the PADD.
"Will there be anything else sir?"
"No. Thank-you Lieutenant."
Scene: Holodeck 3<br>
Entering the holodeck Zane found himself in a small room with rock
walls. In the center was a table with a number of PADDs on top.
<nowiki><Good mooring Captain. Please take a PADD an enter through the
blue door.></nowiki>
Following the instructions he soon found himself standing in a
huge room. It took him a second to realize that he was completely
submerged in water! And he was able to breathe comfortably. In front of
him. trident in hand, was what he thought resembled a Merman, if his
memories of Earth mythology were correct.
<nowiki><Good tide to you sir.> The merman gestured with his trident <If
you will follow me.></nowiki>
It was at this time Zane remembered he couldn't swim. Seeming to
realize his charge's predicament the Merman offered his arm. <nowiki><I will
guide you.></nowiki> The CO hesitated. He had an image to keep and showing up at
the briefing towed by someone else....well he may as well just don some
water-wings. Again the Merman came to the rescue. <nowiki><Take my staff, it
will provide you the ability.></nowiki>
Gratefully Zane accepted the offered trident and was soon gliding
through the warm waters beside his guide. All too soon they came to a
cave opening and near the seabed. His guide stopped and pointed to the
mouth of the cave. <nowiki><Follow the cave and you will find what you seek.></nowiki>
"Thank you for your help."
Once again underway, he found himself enjoying his 'swim' as he
darted through the narrow confines of the cave, the initial fear of his
predicament replaced by the exhilaration at the maneuvers the staff was
allowing him to mdo.
It was with a slight feeling of disappointment he came to a
gentle 'landing' in the underwater conference chamber.
"Well I have to admit I was very surprised when I found myself
under water but I really did enjoy myself. Good work Lieutenant."
The OPS officer offered a platter. "Scallops?"
Zane wrinkled his nose. Even with his overly-healthy appetite
seafood was rarely on the menu." No thanks. I think I'll just stick to
the danishes. I need the sugar to keep my energy reserves high."
"Good thing you have to swim your way out of here or you'd never
fit in that chair you've got the engineering staff slaving away on." Bat
added as he moved a few bowls around on the buffet.
"Ah Mr. Bartender. Would you mind telling me why three crew
members missed their shifts today."
"You know I'm really disappointed in those boys. They just don't
make'em like they used to."
"Yes well they'll be pulling double-duty for the next two weeks
thanks to your little 'outing' last night."
Bat sighed. "Well, can't say I blame you. It is too bad, they
were only letting off steam after facing death and winning. Still if you
can't pay the piper....Ah Mr. Koreth I have some seafood here I saved
especially for you." Bat made a quick get away, knowing Zane was getting
around to his own chastisement.
Noticing that all of the senior staff had arrived Zane sat at the
table. A few minutes later each officer joined him. Bat made a quick
scan of the buffet table to make sure everything was to his satisfaction
before leaving, a mermaid on each arm.
"Before we get into our upcoming mission specifics I want to
address our current staffing situation. As you know, Lt. Krazny has not
awoken from his coma. Unfortunately the blow to his head has done much
more damage to his brain than it was first assumed. The result being that
he could emerge from his coma today, next month or never." Zane sighed
clamping down on the emerging memory of Captain West. "So, I have
officially transferred him from the FEYNMAN to EPSILON medical. Until
Fleet sends us a new counselor Ensign Sally Ryan will be heading the
department." He turned to face the second officer. "Lieutenant based on
your past experience I'd like you to keep an eye on the Ensign and give
guidance where needed. But not too much, she has to take on the
responsibilities and you have your own department to worry about."
"Aye sir." Krysa replied.
"Next," the captain continued, "it seems EPSILON dispatched us a
CSciO while we were out at the Ring. Unfortunately he is missing and
presumed dead. There are ships out searching but it is presumed the
shuttle either fell victim of an accident or perhaps even some spiteful
Cardassians. Again, until we receive a replacement the aCSciO will be
heading the department." He turned to face Glin'kharr. "Doctor I'd like
you to keep an eye on things in the sciences, same rules as Lt. Jenn
though, your medical duties take precedence and I hope it won't interfere
with your Command Testing."
"Yes sir." The wolf replied, perhaps a little unhappily.
"Fortunately, we have been sent a replacement for the CSO slot.
For those of you who have not already done so meet Ensign J.C. Allard.
Welcome aboard Ensign."
"Thank-you sir."
The captain paused for a sip of his coffee. He was now so
comfortable in the underwater setting that he didn't even consider how he
was able to consume the liquid while being submerged. "Now, Mr. Jerran,
you have put me in a very bad position."
"The loss of an entire complement of secondary vessels is not
something the SILVER QM takes very lightly. She and I have had some
run-ins before but the conversation I just had with her was, to say the
least, distressing. Now not only do I have to explain to the QM but also
Starfleet Command why we are in need of so many replacements at the same
time but why I have seemingly rewarded the individual most responsible for
their destruction."
"I'm not sure I follow sir." the FCO replied.
Zane rose. "Front and center Mr. Jerran."
As the surprised Jerran rose from his seat and walked/floated
towards the captain he noticed the small black box in Zane's hand.
"Since coming aboard you have consistently performed your duties
far above expectations, you have shown yourself to be an excellent
officer, and excellent leader and essential part of the senior staff both
through your actions and your ideas." He pulled the hollow pip from
Jerran's collar and replaced it with a second full one. I hereby promote
you to the rank of full Lieutenant with all the rights and privileges
therein." He took a step and extended his hand. "Congratulations
<<<Joesph: Feel Free to respond>>>
While the newly promoted officer returned to his seat Zane
remained standing. "This last mission was perhaps the toughest, most
intense two days this ship has ever seen. It was certainly the closest
we, as a group, came to our deaths. I am very proud of the results that
the entire ship's complement created together but a special nod must of
course be given to the medical and science departments who bore the brunt
of this plague and conquered it. But even with all this expertise there
were still two that stood out from the rest. Commander Maril, Lieutenant
Surprised both officers rose and moved to the head of the table.
"Without your perseverance in the face of incredible odds, your
leadership, your intelligence and your sacrifices, I am certain that we
would have all succumbed to the plague. I am pleased and honoured to
present you both with the Leonard McCoy Medal for Medical Excellence." He
pinned the medal on each officer. "Well done!"
<<<Feel free to respond.>>>
Zane gave the assembled group some time to congratulate their
comrades as well as 'settle down' a bit from the excitement before
"Now, to the mission. Essentially we have two. The first is a
patrol into the Coalsack." He paused to examine the faces of each
officer. The coalsack was almost entirely unexplored it meant untold
adventure as well as danger. "As you know the coalsack is a fairly in
hospitable place and we have very few reliable charts of the area. With
the construction of the new base as well as the general shift into this
region it needs to be more fully charted. The FEYNMAN provides and
excellent platform to do this not only for her maneuverability if the
'weather' gets a little rough in there but for the DELPHI array."
"As some of you are aware the last few months have seen increased
acts of piracy, especially in the vicinity of the 'sack. Fleet thinks
these pirate bases are hidden within the coalsack so while we chart we're
to try to pinpoint as many of these bases as we can."
"Will we be engaging these bases?" The new CSO asked.
"No, our priority is to find the bases and pass the information
along to EPSILON for future operations. The FEYNMAN can outgun any of the
pirate ships we've seen so far. But a large number of them could do some
real damage."
"That sounds pretty straight-forward. Why your worry about the
crew being questioned by the press?" Maril asked.
"Because this will be a high-profile mission. The Admiral wants
everyone to know who is going, where we're going and when. Which brings
me to the second part of our mission. The Admiral has done some digging
and found that the mystery fleet we ran into at the Ring is made up of
some washed-out officers who have commandeered ships from GREY Fleet. It
seems that they and there sympathizers in the hierarchy feel if they 'come
to the rescue' the public will demand they get reinstated. So, if they
know were going in to find the pirates...."
"...they'll be waiting for us so they can steal the information,
put a few quantum torps down our throat and then they'll waltz in and wipe
out the pirates." Koreth finished the sentence.
"Well after the last mission I asked the Admiral for something
with a little bit more tension."
"Just how do you propose we face those four warships?"
"Its not nearly as bad as it seems. One. The officers aboard
are in GREY Fleet because they couldn't cut it in the real fleet. Two
those ships are there because they weren't able to get up to specs during
their design. The SOLAR and AGAMEMNON class vessels are the original
prototypes and were scrapped because by the time they were completed most
of their technology was already outdated."
"And the two STORM class vessels?"
"We're not sure about them." Zane admitted. "But review of our
sensor logs show that neither of them have had phaser cannons attached to
their hardpoints. Its likely it would be an even match."
"Any questions?"
I'll leave it there because you know as much as me! (And this is a little
longer than I'd planned)
You all know the drill, fill in your departmental readiness reports, as
well as your observations, thoughts, problems etc on the upcoming mission.
Enthusiastic congrats to our promotee and medal recipients. Well
Derserved! Let me know if you want to add a line to your service record
reflecting your promotion/award.
ALL: Please remove Charles Jencks and Ian Stenquist from your mailing
lists, as well as Andrew N for those of you who haven't already done
Charles/Ian: If you are lurking out there and read this...sorry but we
couldn't wait any longer. If you are able to return to
ASR in the future and you want to reactivate your characters
I've left you an opening.
You'll have to report back to SB ALPHA for reassignment.
New and improved roster to follow.
Andy-->Tired Fingers.<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned<br>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: MSG REPLY (Before Briefing)</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: MSG REPLY (Before Briefing)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-11-1996</h4>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 7-11-1996</h4>
