USS Feynman JUN 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Engineering... Repairs... Etc.</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Jason Bostjancic 6-30-1996</h4>
MD: 5.1500<br>
Scene: Jefferies tube J10<br>
"Damn pilots... always <grunt> pushing the envelope..... but
never seem to... <argh>."
Worried about inturrupting the CEO, Ens. Jerrad meekly
pipes up in what was supposed to be an assertive voice, but ends
up rather mousish.
"Sir, umm.. are you all right... sir?"
Koreth dosen't even look back, "Fine ensign. Just fine." more than a
note of sarcasm is evident. "Mr. Jerran and his 'JERRAN MANEUVER'
nearly blew all the inertial dampeners.... <grunt>."
The partial klingon tries again to fit into a spot that was definately intended
for someone smaller. Finally Koreth crawls back out.
"Mr. Jerrad your new job is to replace the biocircuts in these confounded
cubby holes they call 'pathways' and get the primary dampeners back on line."
"Aye sir." The ACEO nearly dives in.
<Blee boop......Zane to Koreth>
"Koreth here."
<I have a little addition I'd like you to start considering for the bridge
Mr. Koreth... if you could meet with me. It's not priority.>
Tarrant turns and looks back into the tube where the smaller Jerrad is
working away.
'The choices are just staggering'
"Aye sir, on my way."
15 minutes later...............
Scene: Captain's Ready Room
".... so you see Lieutenant, I want something more authoritative. I'm
no interior decorator, but I need something that gives me a clearer view
of everything and that says.... *CAPTAIN*."
The CEO looks at Zane trying to determine if he's truly serious.
Starting slowly Tarrant begins speaking, "Well... I guess we can break
a few rules concerning alteration of ship bridges and do it... but I'll
have to wait till we get back at Epsilon..."
"Excellent Lieutenant. "
Anything else Captain?
As for that crack about the SOLAR class looking like it backed
into something... I haven't forgotten that.
Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS <-- A SOLAR CLASS!!<br>
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN<br>
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"
