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-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: 59 - Which Way is EPSILON?</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 6-30-1996</h4>
SD: 80630.0750 (GMT)<br>
MD: 5.1345<br>
Scene: Bridge, USS FEYNMAN<br>
After setting a course back for Starbase EPSILON, something he hadn't done
in quite a while, it seemed, LTJG Jerran Terel sat back and listened to
the CO and FO bantar back and forth about the various advantages of
commanding one vessel over another. Jerran had never really thought of it
himself, commanding a vessel of his own, that is, but he did agree that
the ENDEAVOUR class starship was a decent mixture of size, speed, power,
and research facilities. But, he did have to admit that there was a
certain alure to the idea of commanding something like a VALHALLA class
warship, something with both speed and firepower, so much so that it was
constantly trying to tear itself apart just to get out of spacedock.
This entire train of though came as very much a surprise to the FCO. Even
a few short months ago upon graduation from the academy, he had never
really aspired to command. He thought he would never be sattisfied with
being stationed on a starship unless he was sitting at the helm. At most,
he had thought that he might one day try for CAG (commander air group) on
one of the carriers. But, untill this mission, he had never given much
thought to commanding a ship of his own.
In this past mission alone, CMDR Zane had given him so many oppurtunities
to take command of the ship, what with LTCDR Maril and LT Jenn constantly
on the ring, that he had found that he had actually enjoyed those brief
stints at the conn. Oh, sure, he had always had the oppurtunity to take
the conn before, after he had passed the bridge officer's test a couple of
months ago. But, this was somehow quite different, when the Captain would
turn to him in the middle of ALPHA shift and say, "Take the conn," or "Mr.
Jerran, you have the bridge." Even his logical Vulcan half could
acknowledge the sense of pride this sent rushing through him when he would
go to sit at the command chair, and now he was looking forward to his duty
officer shifts much more than usual. More than that, though, he was
looking forward to the future, when he would someday command his own
He watched on the nav scanner display on his console as the ring receded
behind them, along with the plague, the Cardassians, the Order. They
hadn't caught the rest of the Order operatives who had attacke the camp,
so it was a sure bet they would encounter them again someday. Jerran was
still puzzled as to how the one opperative was able to resemble their own
second officer so well, but decided that it was probably just some sort of
cosmetic alteration designed so that they would be able to infiltrate the
FEYNMAN, and it almost worked, too.
"What's our ETA to EPSILON, helm?" came the Captain's voice from behind,
interrupting Jerran's train of thought.
Without skipping a beat, the FCO replied, "22 hours, fifteen minutes,
"Very good," the CO said, thinking how glad he was that the FCO had
stopped displaying that most Vulcan habit of reciting figures down to
extensive decimal places.
The next couple of hours was fairly routine as the FEYNMAN headed toward
EPSILON at warp speed. At 1415, the beta shift came to relieve the
current bridge crew. Jerran gave the helm up, reluctantly as usual, to
Midshipman Talo and headed for the turbolift. On his way to his quarters,
he met up with ENS Cartwright who greeted him with a smile and followed
him down the corridor.
"So, what are you going to call it?" she said as they entered his room and
she plopped herself down on his couch in front of the window.
"Call what?" he said with a smile as he walked over to the replicator and
ordered a couple cups of raktageno, handing one to her as he returned and
sat down next to her.
"That maneuver you did, silly. Everyone on the entire ship is talking
about how you saved the day! I was thinking of something on the lines of
the Jerran Variant to the Picard Maneuver, but I can't exactly see someone
order something that takes that long to say in a crisis situation. And so
I decided that it should be simply called the Jerran Maneuver."
He chuckled as he took a sip of the raktageno and said, "Oh, you decided.
And what about Admiral Picard? No mention of his tactic from which this
"Wel, I guess we could let it be known by the long version in the
textbooks, and the short version by practice. That way, everyone's happy,
and you get the first notch of success in what will surely become as great
if not better a better carreer. They'll remember you in one breath with
all the other great Captain's in history, Christopher, Kirk, Sulu, Picard,
and Jerran!"
"Aren't you getting a bit carried away? I haven't even gotten my second
full pip yet and you're already sitting me in the Captain's Hall of Fame,"
he said with a slight smile, thinking about the train of thought he had a
couple of hours ago about his ambitions toward command.
She sighed, exhasperated at the Vulcan humility he insisted on expressing
every chance he got and said, "I suppose your right. I'm just proud of
you." She took a sip of her drink as she pulled off her boots and pulled
her feet up onto the couch.
He leaned over and stole a kiss from her and said, "Yes, I know, and I
appreciate it."
She smiled back at him and said, "So, what's for dinner? Will you make me
some hasparat? The replicators do no justice to your mother's recipe."
"Sure," he said with a slight chuckle. "But first, there's something I
have to attend to real quick." He walked back to his room and returned
with the ceremonial lantern he had used during his mourning of Kalani's
"Oh," Jennifer said, understanding her friend completely, and
acknowledgin that understanding with one simple word. "I'm sure she'll
appreciate it very much."
Jerran nodded and said, "It's the least I could do after the way she
helped me get over the death of Kalani. Now it is my turn to repay the
He then walked out and headed down the hall a short ways till he reached
LT Jenn's quarters.. Luckily, no one answered when he activated the
buzzer, so he keyed in his security code and opened the door, staying just
long enough to place the lantern in the center of the room, along with a
PADD containing the words to the Bajoran death chant.
He returned to his quarters and said, "Now, to the hasparat," a slight
smile crossing his face as he looked over at ENS Cartwright sitting on the
So, which way is EPSILON again? It's been so long since we've been back
there that I had almost forgotten ;)
Kristin: I hope Krysa has a few hours to spare, cause she's gonna need it
for that death chant ;)
pre style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
*      *          *
* Raneov Stefanh e-Annhwi tr'Khnialmnae, CO, HgR Ja'telaih, TOS TREKMUSE  *
* LTJG Jerran Terel, FCO, USS FEYNMAN, alt.starfleet.rpg                  *
* ENS Logan Knight, CEO, USS TSUNAMI, alt.starfleet.rpg                    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                          *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                              *
* University of South Florida                                              *
