USS Feynman JUN 1996: Difference between revisions

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Maril stood at the middle of most of the officers now. He yelled, "Now, I want all the medical, security and half of the science team to report directly to the beam-up spot. Lieutenant Jenn will organize you there. You are done with your portion, Lieutenant, correct?"
Maril stood at the middle of most of the officers now. He yelled, "Now, I want all the medical, security and half of the science team to report directly to the beam-up spot. Lieutenant Jenn will organize you there. You are done with your portion, Lieutenant, correct?"
Jenn nodded and Maril took half of the science team with him to finish the organization, the rest of the huge away team heading over to the beamup spot.
"Keep working. We're almost done," Maril tried to keep the team's sporits up.
Finally, approximately five minutes later, all of the equipment had been organized. It was amazing to see all the mounds of supplies and groups of equipment.
"Maril to Feynman. Last team is ready to beam up."
[Understood, sir.]
The familiar feel of the ACB surrounded him, and seconds later, he was standing on the transporter pad in Transporter Room 2 of the USS Feynman.
Confident that the equipment and supplies would be beamed aboard in time, Maril headed for the Bridge.
MD 5.1310
USS Feynman:Bridge
Maril walked onto the Bridge and headed down to his familiar seat next to the Captain. Lieutenant Jenn was already there. Somehow, though it had only been two days, it seemed like it had been forever since he had been on that Bridge.
"The mouse heading into the bear's cave," Maril whispered as everyone waited for the next move in this huge chess match where the board was the whole quadrant and the Feynman was but a pawn.
The sun has met the sea,UY- It didn't look good.
Luckily, the Cardassians had a placebo, not the real cure. However, a
Feynman-class vessel against *two* Cardassian warships was not good odds, to say the
On top of that, the probability of spreading the cure, now that the Cardassians were turned against them, was slim(unless, of course, the Cardassians let them spread it).
Maril had been working on a few options to use, but he put them down as Dr. Glin'kharr staggered into the tent.
"Doctor," Maril said, concerned, "are you sure you should be moving around when you were given the cure just an hour ago?"
"Please, Commander," Glin'kharr growled, "I am fine. Besides, I have to make some use of myself."
"Very well," Maril replied. "But I want you to report back to the medical tent immediately if you have any sign of relapse."
"Of course, Commander."
As Glin'kharr left the tent, Maril tapped his communicator. "Maril to Jenn. Please report to Command Tent immediately."
[I'll be there soon, sir.]
True to her word, Lt. Jenn was there soon after. Maril offered her a seat and Jenn sat down across the table from Maril.
"So, Lieutenant, you are aware of the current situation?"
"Yes, sir, I am."
"Well, do you have any thoughts?"
"Well, I think we may need reinforcements. Two Cardassian warships against the Feynman isn't very even."
"My thoughts exactly. Why the Captain has not called for any escapes me at the moment. Anything else?"
"No, not much else, sir."
"Well, I have an idea or two that may distract the Cardassians. However, our main project at the moment is getting the camp 'packed' and ready to beam up. All the tents must be folded down and the equipment must be organized. I do not know when we are beaming up, but I want to be ready when we do. I want you to work on getting tents, food supplies, and other essentials ready. I will be organizing the technology and related equipment. Is that all understood?"
"Understood, sir."
"Good. Get to work," Maril ordered.
For the next twenty minutes or so, Maril, along with several other officers and crew, organized all of the technological equipment, from scanning equipment to medical instruments to transporter pads. Maril knew that Lt. Jenn was doing the same thing, getting all of the essentials ready for beamup.
At 1300 hours, with one more section to go, there was a voice through his commnicator. [Feynman to Commander Maril. We're ready to beam you up now.]
"Understood. Groups will be at the beamup spot in a few minutes."
[Understood, sir. Feynman out.]
Maril stood at the middle of most of the officers now. He yelled, "Now, I want all the medical, security and half of the science team to report directly to the beamup spot. Lieutenant Jenn will organize you there. You are done with your portion, Lieutenant, correct?"
Jenn nodded and Maril took half of the science team with him to finish the organization, the rest of the huge away team heading over to the beamup spot.
"Keep working. We're almost done," Maril tried to keep the team's sporits up.
Finally, approximately five minutes later, all of the equipment had been organized. It was amazing to see all the mounds of supplies and groups of equipment.
"Maril to Feynman. Last team is ready to beam up."
[Understood, sir.]
The familiar feel of the ACB surrounded him, and seconds later, he was standing on the transporter pad in Transporter Room 2 of the USS Feynman.
Confident that the equipment and supplies would be beamed aboard in time, Maril headed for the Bridge.
MD 5.1310
USS Feynman:Bridge
Maril walked onto the Bridge and headed down to his familiar seat next to the Captain. Lieutenant Jenn was already there. Somehow, though it had only been two days, it seemed like it had been forever since he had been on that Bridge.
"The mouse heading into the bear's cave," Maril whispered as everyone waited for the next move in this huge chess match where the board was the whole quadrant and the Feynman was but a pawn.
The sun has met the sea,UY- It didn't look good.
Luckily, the Cardassians had a placebo, not the real cure. However, a
Feynman-class vessel against *two* Cardassian warships was not good odds, to say the
On top of that, the probability of spreading the cure, now that the Cardassians were turned against them, was slim(unless, of course, the Cardassians let them spread it).
Maril had been working on a few options to use, but he put them down as Dr. Glin'kharr staggered into the tent.
"Doctor," Maril said, concerned, "are you sure you should be moving around when you were given the cure just an hour ago?"
"Please, Commander," Glin'kharr growled, "I am fine. Besides, I have to make some use of myself."
"Very well," Maril replied. "But I want you to report back to the medical tent immediately if you have any sign of relapse."
"Of course, Commander."
As Glin'kharr left the tent, Maril tapped his communicator. "Maril to Jenn. Please report to Command Tent immediately."
[I'll be there soon, sir.]
True to her word, Lt. Jenn was there soon after. Maril offered her a seat and Jenn sat down across the table from Maril.
"So, Lieutenant, you are aware of the current situation?"
"Yes, sir, I am."
"Well, do you have any thoughts?"
"Well, I think we may need reinforcements. Two Cardassian warships against the Feynman isn't very even."
"My thoughts exactly. Why the Captain has not called for any escapes me at the moment. Anything else?"
"No, not much else, sir."
"Well, I have an idea or two that may distract the Cardassians. However, our main project at the moment is getting the camp 'packed' and ready to beam up. All the tents must be folded down and the equipment must be organized. I do not know when we are beaming up, but I want to be ready when we do. I want you to work on getting tents, food supplies, and other essentials ready. I will be organizing the technology and related equipment. Is that all understood?"
"Understood, sir."
"Good. Get to work," Maril ordered.
For the next twenty minutes or so, Maril, along with several other officers and crew, organized all of the technological equipment, from scanning equipment to medical instruments to transporter pads. Maril knew that Lt. Jenn was doing the same thing, getting all of the essentials ready for beamup.
At 1300 hours, with one more section to go, there was a voice through his commnicator. [Feynman to Commander Maril. We're ready to beam you up now.]
"Understood. Groups will be at the beamup spot in a few minutes."
[Understood, sir. Feynman out.]
Maril stood at the middle of most of the officers now. He yelled, "Now, I want all the medical, security and half of the science team to report directly to the beamup spot. Lieutenant Jenn will organize you there. You are done with your portion, Lieutenant, correct?"

Jenn nodded and Maril took half of the science team with him to finish the organization, the rest of the huge away team heading over to the beamup spot.
Jenn nodded and Maril took half of the science team with him to finish the organization, the rest of the huge away team heading over to the beamup spot.
