USS Feynman JUN 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: 36 - Bored FCO Passes the Time</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 6-19-1996</h4>
SD: 80619.2207<br>
MD: 4.2310<br>
Scene: Main shuttlebay<br>
While a ship is in orbit, there is very little for an FCO to do, even if
it is a tricky orbit such as the one posed by the complex gravitational
structure of the ring the FEYNMAN was currently orbitting. Therefore,
unless the FCO is sent on one of the away teams, he's usually going to be
quite unoccupied.
After being kicked out of sickbay twice by Nurse Tamy after trying to help
in the investigation, and out of a couple of other of the science labs,
where his passing knowledge of viral physiology did not help the
scientists and med staff very much, Jerran decided he was just better off
sticking to his own territory. Midshipman Talo was currently on shift at
the helm, and so he didn't want to take the chance away from the cadet, as
this was a valuable learning experience for him. So, the only thing he
could do was go to the shuttlebay and wait for the NOGURA and the rest of
the shuttles which had taken the Panarik freighters back to the colony to
return home. Besides, he knew that when Jennifer walked off of the
shuttle after being in it all day to see him standing there to greet her
personally, that she would probably be most pleased.
Jerran checked the sensor display on the shuttlebay console and noticed
that the ships were still a few minutes from docking. He tapped his badge
and said, "Jerran to sickbay."
<Yes,> came Nurse Tamy's tired and somewhat annoyed voice.
"I just called to see what kind of progress has been made on the virus so
<The same progress that was made when you left here ten minutes ago,
Lieutenant. If I may make an observation, Mr. Jerran, you are going to
make a great Commander one of these days, as you called just minutes after
Commander Zane. It has to be a finely tuned command skill to be able to
call and ask for a progerss report at the most inopportune moment.>
"I am most sorry," the pilot said unemotionally, "I..."
<I know, sir. You're just worried about the crew on the planet, and I
think that is also a good command trait. But, if you would, please wait
till we call you before asking for a progress report.>
Jerran smiled slightly and said, "I'll take it under advisement, Nurse
Tamy. Jerran out."
<ASIMOV to FEYNMAN,> came ENS Cartwright's familiar voice over the
intercom. <We are on final landing approach and are ready for you to open
the shuttlebay doors.>
"Affirmative, ASIMOV. Welcome back."
Welcome to our new CSciO :) Remember guys, don't start hazing him till
he's been here a few more days ;)
