USS Feynman JUN 1996: Difference between revisions

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guess it will be a holo-conference so that we don't risk spread of the virus. I've got a
guess it will be a holo-conference so that we don't risk spread of the virus. I've got a
few ideas on how to defeat this Plague. Hopefully, I'm not the only one. ;)
few ideas on how to defeat this Plague. Hopefully, I'm not the only one. ;)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Some Half-Truths</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 6-15-1996</h4>
SD: 80615.0930<br>
MD: 4.1600<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
Post #30<br>
"I'm afraid we didn't learn anything we didn't already know
sir." The CSO looked completely haggard. It had been a long 24 hours
and Zane suspected she had had little sleep during that time with
everything that had happened. "It seems the leaders are the ones who
escaped the ship, all we have down there are the followers. Fanatics
mostly, they really don't know any more than what they have been told.
And they are all quite willing to die, I think they look forward to it."
"But why the Ring? And why the Luddites?"
"I've been thinking about that myself. The only reason seems to
be that they have relatively easy access to 70 billion people. Imagine
if the plague took hold how it spread. First within the Ring and
throughout the quadrant. Epsilon is fairly populated and the Kzin are
pretty much next door. As for praying on a bunch of farming Luddites I..."
Zane snapped his fingers. "That's it! The Luddites keep to
themselves but do trade with other communities around the Ring. They
give them food in return for finished good. By passing along the virus
to them you virtually guarantee the plague will take hold."
"Being a terrorist is bad enough but to do such a thing."
Sr'qwon said with disgust.
"And they all have the plague." It was a statement rather than a question.
"Yes sir. A few of them don't look like they have much longer.
The science and medical staff are examining them right now."
"It would be safe to assume that there are bugs floating all over
this ship." He smiled grimly. "It would be quite ironic if we managed
to discover a cure for this thing by examining those that would spread
it. Very well Lieutenant, thank you. We're having a holo-conference at
20:00. Why don't you get some rest until then."
"Yes sir." Sr'qwon turned to go but hesitated. "Captain I heard
a rumour floating around. Is it true that Kavan was killed. Is it true?"
The CSO just nodded sadly and left.
Timeframe: 30 minutes later<br>
"Are you sure there are no life signs anywhere on the lead ship?"
[Affirmative. We've sweeped it entirely.]
"Good. And the remaining cargo carriers?"
[Our sensors say they are just drones pulled along by the lead
ship. I don't think they were made to carry people.]
"Have you and your team cleared the area of the command ship?"
[Yes sir. We're already.]
"Lock torpedoes on the command ship."
"Torpedoes locked sir." The officer at tactical replied.
"Torpedoes away!" The familiar twang of the torpedo launcher
reverberated through the ship as the five torpedoes leaped from the
ship. They continued in a straight line for several second before
sliding into a star formation and impacted the ship simultaneously. A
brief flash of light and the ship was gone along with the disease it
"Open a channel to the Panarik community." Being isolationist it
took several minutes for the Panarik to respond to the FEYNMAN's repeated
hails. Zane smiled as he considered the mayhem he must have triggered.
Residents of the Ring didn't usually receive calls out of the blue."
"Channel open sir. You will be speaking to a Principal Kobar."
The viewscreen flickered and the face of an elderly woman
appeared on the screen. "Yes?" She asked clearly nervous.
"Greetings Principal Kobar. I am Commander Zane of the Starship
FEYNMAN representing the United Federation of Planets. I realize this
communication is somewhat unorthodox but I'm afraid I have some terrible
news for you."
"What type of terrible news?" She asked warily.
"We were exploring another section of the Ring when our sensors
picked up an explosion near your section of the Ring. Upon investigation
we determined that one of your cargo carriers was destroyed. Debris from
the explosion ripped into the lead ship and penetrated its nuclear engine
core. The resulting radiation melted most of the ship and killed
everyone aboard."
Kobar was stunned by the story. "That...that was our entire
years production we were to trade it for food. Where are our 6 other
container ships?" She asked suspiciously not trusting this outsider and
is fake smile.
"They are safely drifting in space. One of our small crafts will
gather them and return them to your spaceport."
"But what about our trade. Without the Luddite grain we will starve?"
"If you would allow me to I can request my government deliver you
food supplies and anything else you need. Perhaps we could arrange the
long-term loan of a tug to aid in your convoys." He let the offer dangle.
Kobar hesitated, torn between the fear of outsiders and the
spectre of starvation. "We don't want any outsiders!" She protested
weakly knowing they would need the food. "When would these supplies arrive?"
"12 days at the most."
"Any then you would go away and leave us."
"That is our way. We only want to help."
"And the price?" She asked not wanting to know.
"There is no price." He smiled. "As I said we are here to help."
"Very well. I accept these supplies and offer our thanks." What
have I done she thought.
"Excellent. Expect your cargo containers within the day and a
relief ship within 12 days. FEYNMAN out." As he sat back in his chair
he let out a sigh a feeling of guilt running through him for having lied
to Kobar. Still, it had to be done. Word of the plague could not get out.
Destroying a ship and lying to the government. I feel like I'm on the
wrong side of an X-File.<G>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
