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<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|450px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>
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<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL MAY 1996 POSTS: TBD</font>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL MAY 1996 POSTS: 52</font>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Sickbay</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room-->Sickbay</h3>
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LtJG Krazny Oktyabr<br>
LtJG Krazny Oktyabr<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Cunning plans and Clever Tricks</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Andrew Nugteren 5-17-1996</h4>
SD: 80517.1330<br>
MD: 1.1300 (after the subspace blackout, ie. we are unaware what's going on)<br>
Location: Jupiter Main Cargo Ring<br>
Scene: Flight Control HQ<br>
"Tarellian freighter Alpha-Foxtrot 3-6-3-9, you have docking clearance at
Pylon 15-C. Reduce your velocity to 1/10th impulse."
A silence followed, so Yeoman 1st Class Leanne Jacobsen repeated her message.
"Alpha-Foxtrot 3-6-3-9, you have docking clearance. Please acknowledge."
Silence. The freighter was now within visual range, and the young woman
manning the flight control desk beckoned her supervisor over. "Lt. Hanaway,
the Tarellian ore freighter is not responding to our hails sir.
The Lieutenant on watch decided to take it upon herself to hail the ship.
While Jacobsen wasn't exactly green, she was only new to the station and
although the comm systems were supposed to be user-friendly, it also wasn't
that difficult to miss something important on the panel.
"Tarellian freighter Alpha-Foxtro 3-6-3-9, this is Lt. Hanaway, Jupiter
Flight Control. Please acknowledge."
A faint static sounded in the bacground, intensified for a moment and
then cut away again only to be followed by a few wavy lines and the very
faint outline of a humanoid. It was trying to say something, although
whatever was interfering with the communication link made it impossible to
make anything out.
"Sir," Yeoman Jacobsen addressed her superior. "My panel is showing that
the freighter's speed is increasing to 3/10th impulse and rising. They're
on a direct collisison course."
"Red Alert," the order came back. "Shields up."
The klaxon sounded as all eyes turned to the main operations viewer. The
profile of the freighter increased in size and then with only a few seconds
to spare, cut its engines and came to a complete halt just outside the
defence shield perimeter. "Sir, we're being hailed."
The viewer this time had perfect clarity, and no traces of the previous
interference remained. A man rose from the command chair and stepped
forward a few paces. "Lt Hanaway is it?" he enquired politely. "Please
route my message through to Starfleet HQ." He paused for a few moments
until she acknowledged his request had been actioned.
"Good," he stated. "What I am about to do, I do not for myself but for
the good of the Order. While we do not negotiate, but intend to prove to
you today that likewise, we do not bluff. Aboard my ship, my cargo holds
contain not the Obelitzium that your scanners detect, but a large quantity
of anti-matter. Isn't it amazing what simple Ferengi shielding technology
can achieve when coupled with a phase-transvertor." He grinned wickedly at
the viewscreen.
"Anyway," he carried on. "I'm getting side-tracked now, and I do have a
pressing appointment. Bon voyage and sweet dreams!"
Both Lt. Hanaway and Yeoman Jacobsen felt nothing as the massive
explosion completely obliterated the station and swept everything in the
surrounding area into an oblivion of nothingness.
Respectfully submitted,
Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon<br>
Chief of Security<br>
U.S.S Feynman<br>
Well, I guess I have to confess that I'm at it again, building little
sub-plot lines for later on that is!! Maybe you'll see this one woven into
a thread some weeks on :)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Admiring the Ring</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-19-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80519.1456<br>
Scene: Krysa’s Quarters -> 10-forward<br>
MD: 1.1715<br>
Krysa entered her quarters. “Kavan?” she called. She looked around the
rooms, but couldn’t find him. “Computer, what is the location of Kavan
<Kavan Grall is in 10-forward.>
Krysa smiled and headed toward 10-forward. She supposed that Kavan was
admiring the sight of the Ring as she had not long ago. It had been a
spectacular sight.
Walking into the lounge she spotted Kavan sitting looking out the
window, indeed admiring the view. Coming up behind him she said,
“Somehow I knew I’d find you like this.”
He grinned as he turned to look at her. “Oh, yeah... why is that?”
“Well, partially because the computer told me where to find you. But
also because I was standing on the bridge not long ago doing the exact
same thing.”
He chuckled. “It is amazing, isn’t it.” He turned back to look at the
She sat down. “Yes.”
“Are you going in there.”
She shrugged, “I don’t know yet, but I would imagine at some point I
will definitely be in there.”
“It’s something I’d love to see. But I’ll have to suffice sitting here
dreaming about what’s in there.” He laughed, then motioned to a PADD
sitting beside him. “I’ve already started.”
Krysa picked it up and saw that it was the beginnings of a story. She
read a short section. “This is wonderful, Kavan.”
“Thanks, I’ve been inspired today.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Just a short one, to let you know that Krysa is still around ! I
know she’s been quiet lately. I’ll make up for it later.... today the
weather is gorgeous and I have some yard work to do :)
I hope the MD is okay... I pretty much picked it out of the blue as I
wasn’t sure where we really were : )
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Captain's Log</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-20-1996</h4>
SD: 80520.1000<br>
MD: 3.1000<br>
Scene: Ready Room<br>
"Captain's Log Stardate 80520.1000.....
We have been hanging off the Ring for just under two hours now
making final preparations for the first landing party. Obviously the away
team will be predominantly medical and sciences staff but Commander Maril
has also added a few other specialties to round the team out. It is quite
fortitous that Onta was once the CSciO, he and Glin'kharr have developed
an excellent working relationship and if there is a chance of beating
this plague I am know it rests with them.
Going over the logs of the BENSON, which we received from EPSILON
last night, we've located a settlement in the Ring aproximately 500km
from the Luddite community. There has been sporadic contact between the
two communities so Commander Maril has decided to beam down just outside
the Luddite city and enter dressed as there neighbours. The Luddite's
are a simple people and it should be easy to hide our true origins.
As Maril will be on the Ring we have added Lt. Jenn to the CP-1
authorized officers in case communications must be sent. This seemed
to be a prudent decision as it is unknown when Maril will be able to
return to the ship. Every away mission has its dangerous. We all know
that we may not be coming back but this one is different. This one is
not just a possibility. Once they leave the ship they can not come back
until a cure is found. Glin'kharrs booster shots make protect them from
the disease but we can't take the chance of infecting the ship and
suffereing the fate of the BENSON.
....End Log."
Just a short one to get the ball rolling.
Max/Ted: Beam down when ever your ready but as you can't return until
you've found a cure please leave someone on the ship with me!
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Takeover</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Andrew Nugteren 5-20-1996</h4>
SD: 80520.1450<br>
Scene: Caitian Passenger Cruise Liner; CCS-Olympia<br>
MD: 2.0400<br>
After encountering almost no-resistance the armed trio, with masks
covering their faces, burst onto the bridge. Since it was the middle of the
night, the bridge was only minimally manned and in command was a young 4th
Officer. Although young, he had seen a phaser rifle demonstration before
and quickly motioned all the bridge staff to the floor in surrender. A
moment later the Captain had been awoken and was under guard.
While this was going on, the third of the intruders had revealed a small
tool-case, and was already working on the internal security system. As the
ship was in civil duty, ships security was light, although effective. Only
several minutes later, the masked technician had shut-down access between
all sections and had isolated passengers in their staterooms. Pleased with
his work, he turned and addressed the leader.
"Ship secured sir," he reported smartly. "All off-duty personnel and
passengers isolated in their staterooms and all controls have been routed
direct to the bridge."
The leader nodded. "You have done your duty," he said solemnly. "Let us
continue. Open me a channel ship-wide."
An alert klaxon sounded once to arouse all those who were sleeping. "My
name is Cain," the leader began. "and this ship is now under the control of
my men. Do not be alarmed. We do not intend to harm you in any way,
although we have confined you to your quarters as a security measure in the
interim. Please do not attempt to escape or to play hero. My men are armed
with phaser rifles and will not hesitate to shoot if necessary. Enjoy the
While he was speaking, several more masked officers entered the bridge
and assumed seats at the main bridge controls. After cutting the channel,
Cain stepped up behind the now-manned helm controls.
"Lay in a course for the Zeta Axia system. Warp 6."
Respectfully submitted
Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon<br>
Chief of Security<br>
U.S.S. Feynman<br>
This would have been a bit longer, except it's almost 3am and I need some
sleep rather badly!! (ie. Assignment is due in today and I've just been
doing finishing touches tonight!)
Zeta Axia system?? Isn't that near where we are?? *grin*
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Orders</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 5-21-1996</h4>
SD 80521.0230(GMT)<br>
MD 3.0400<br>
Observation Lounge<br>
Maril sighed as the officers assembled in the Observation Lounge. This was the
announcement of the away teams.
He cleared his throat. "Thank you for coming," he addressed the senior officers.
"As you know, we will be sending down an away team to survey the Neo-Luddites to
see if we can find a cure."
"Now, I will not force anyone to come on a voyage into the storm. However, it
would be appreciated if we could have some of your staffs beam down, if not
"Just so you all know, I will be beaming down with the away team. Now, I will
proceed to the individual staffs."
"First and foremost, Lieutenant Glin'kharr, you will be expected to send down a
staff of at least twenty-five, some to take samples of the Neo-Luddites, and others to see
how far the plague has spread in the area. Perhaps there will be other objectives as
well. I leave that up for you to decide, Lieutenant. Also, Lieutenant, you may beam
down to the planet if you wish, but you will not be taken to the settlement as a talking
wolf might alarm them." Maril smiled.
"Second, Ensign Serra, you need to supply a party of approximately forty-five.
They will basically just study the area, so that we have as much information about it as
possible. Almost none of them will be sent into the settlement."
"Next, Lieutenant Sr'qwon, a few security details will be sent out for the teams
which are not sent into the settlement. They will mainly be just protection against an
attack, although I don't expect any. Also, I would like you to work on, along with
Lieutenant Jenn, a way to possibly keep the Neo-Luddites in their settlement without
them knowing that they are being kept there. And of course, watch out for any ships
trying to destroy the settlement."
"Lieutenant Krazny, if you wish, you may send down away teams to assess the
emotional state of the Neo-Luddites, and other settlements as well, if the Captain
approves. Also, I want to find out how this crew is doing under the emotional stress."
"Lieutenant Koreth, I understand you have been working on the structural
integrity of the Ring, and how to keep it stable. Please continue with this."
"Lieutenant Jenn, as I have already stated, I would like you to work with
Lieutenant Sr'qwon on keeping the Neo-Luddites in their settlement unaware of that
fact. You should also monitor the traffic around the ring. Report if anything looks
suspicious. One shot might take out the Ring."
"Finally, Lieutenant Jerran, I think you are having enough trouble already
keeping a stable 'orbit'. If you have time, you may help out where needed, although I do
not expect you to send down any away teams."
"Remember that no one will be able to return to the Feynman after beaming
down until a cure is discovered. If there are no more questions, you are dismissed."
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
Well, that's it, get to work! (BTW, if you want your character to beam down, just have
them doing so. The decision is up to you.)
Also, you obviously do not have to name every member of your away party. Just name
the important people. (Most of the teams are probably made up mostly of expendable
crewmen, anyway. ;) )
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Beaming to the Ring</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-22-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80522.1219<br>
Scene: Jenn’s quarters<br>
MD: 3.1400<br>
Krysa walked into her quarters after the away team meeting. She wanted
to tell Kavan that she would be going as a part of the away team, before
she headed to her department to arrange things with her staff. Upon
entering she heard the happy tapping of a keyboards. She looked over at
the desk to find Kavan typing away.
“You’re using a keyboard?”
Kavan looked at her in surprise, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
He looked down at the keyboard and grinned, “I like the tapping sound.
Helps me concentrate. I think if you knew more writers you’d know that
most of them still use keyboards like this.”
“Really.” Krysa laughed “I’d have thought the sounds would drive a
person crazy.”
“Nope. It’s really rather soothing.” He looked at the clock and then
back at Krysa. “What are you doing here. Shouldn’t you be on the
“No, I’m going to arrange for my departments part in the away team. I’m
giving my junior officers a chance at the bridge. They have to learn
somewhere you know.”
“So you’re going on the away team?” He asked.
“Yes, though there is a major drawback.”
“What’s that?”
“Once we go down, we can’t come back until there’s a cure.”
He nodded. “So if they don’t find one, you can’t come back.”
“I’m sure Dr. Glin’karr can find a cure, after all, he’s got all of
Starfleet medical behind him. And the antidote he’s got is about 90%
effective at preventing the disease in the first place, but it is a
daunting thought.”
He nodded, “Yes, I guess it would be.” He studied her face, “Were you
afraid I’d ask you not to go?”
She chuckled. “Maybe, a little.”
“Krysa, I promised you that I wouldn’t get in the way of you doing your
duty. I intend to keep that promise. Of course I’ll worry every minute
until you return.” He took her hand. “I know this was all rushed for
you, and I also know that it wasn’t really what you wanted, and so I
guess I feel a little selfish.”
“You shouldn’t feel selfish, Kavan...” she began.
“I know. Actually this could be an excellent chance for us to hone our
telepathic bond.” He smiled, *Can you hear, me.*
She laughed, *Yes, but you are right next to me holding my hand.*
<nowiki>*Can’t help it, I’m afraid to let it go.* He gave an exaggerated sigh
and released her hand, “You’d better get off to where ever you are
going, before I really refuse to let you go.”</nowiki>
She chuckled, “Alright, I’ll be back before you know it.” She then
headed to her office to meet with her staff. She was in the turbo lift
when she hear his faint call, *I love you.* She smiled. Yes, there was
definitely a bond developing. It gave her hope for her telepathic
She remembered the Shuttlecraft accident. Her experience with Terri had
been the first telepathic experience she had had since the accident.
Perhaps whatever happened there had gotten the ball rolling again. Or
perhaps Kavan was right and there was a strong telepathic link between
them. She wished she knew.
Once in her office she sat back and began some relaxation exercises. She
tried to do this regularly. It gave her a chance to reach out and
empathically feel the well-being of the crew. She had even honed it
enough that she could pick out certain individuals, if their feelings
were strong enough and they weren’t blocking them. Terri tended to be
very closed, even now. Though once in a while she could pick him out.
There was also some kind of a block with Krazney, and she was never able
to read him. For some reason neither of them could get a feeling from
the other despite thier Betazoid heritage. Tarrent and Zane also tended
to be a little harder to read. Bat, on the other hand, was extremely
open and very passionate and she could almost always feel him. And now
Kavan. She could feel his contentment as he settled down to work on his
writing. She could almost always tell what he was writing about by how
he was feeling.
She preferred to do her empathic reaches when she was alone. She didn’t
want to dig too deeply in peoples inner psyche’s when she was with them.
Not to mention the well-being of the crew was no longer her department.
She really didn’t want Krazney to think she was trying to do his job.
She was distracted by the door chime. She moved from the couch to the
desk and said, “Come in.”
Jeanine Garret entered. The pretty young woman smiled as she sat down,
“So what are our plans for this ring?” she asked. Jeanine was very
straight forward, and eager to get to work. Much more pleasant to work
with the Ein had been.
“We are to coordinate with security to keep the Luddites in thier
settlement, without them knowing that we are doing so.”
“How are we to pull that off?” she chuckled.
“Well, I’m not sure how to do it without them knowing it, but I figure
if we send a sensor operator down with every security team, we can keep
better track of everyone’s comings and goings.” Krysa turned on her
screen, “If the travel is light with few people leaving the settlement,
we could most likely easily direct them back. If it gets heavier we may
have a problem.”
“Who are you sending down?” she asked eagerly.
Krysa looked at her, “I’ll be going down to coordinate. I want you to
stay on the ship and coordinate our sensor scans on the bridge. We need
to monitor traffic around the ring and make sure that anything that
looks suspicious is taken care of immediately.”
“I see,” she said, though she was obviously disappointed.
“Jeanine, I need you to basically be on call at all times. I know it’s a
lot to ask, but if ships begin firing on the ring, there are going to be
a lot of dead people... not to mention those of us who are down there.”
“I understand.” she said.
“Good, now let’s see who else we should send down with sensors.”
Scene: Transporter Room<br>
MD: 3.1530<br>
Krysa was with perimeter team one, ready to begin beam down of all the
“Commander Zane Perimeter team one ready to begin beam down,” she said
after hitting her comm pin.
<Begin beam down, Lt. Good Luck.>
Krysa felt the transporter take them, as the transporter room faded into
a slightly wooded area. She looked around. It was a very strange sight,
not to see a horizon. It was almost disorientating.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Andrew: I’m going to send Krysa down right away to start
coordinating the teams around the perimeter of the settlement. I figure
she can be on the ring and you can be on the ship. Unless you’ve decided
you want to come down. We could coordinate together... I just wasn’t
sure if you were coming down or not.
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge--->10 Forward</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-22-1996</h4>
SD: 80522.1600<br>
MD: 3.1700<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
"Helm put us 2000m above the ring and then set a course to follow
it around it's circumference at half-impulse."
"Aye sir."
The away teams had beamed down a little over an hour ago and
since then the mood on the bridge and throughout the ship had become a
sombre one. For those on board who did not have a medical or science
background there was little that could be done to help their friends and
collegues below. Of course there was always something to do on a
starship but these everyday tasks now seemed incredibly unimportant in
light of the current situation. At least now this would give them
something else to keep their minds occupied.
"Mr. Garrett coordinate the sensors with the astronmical labs to
gather as much information on the Ring as possible. But make sure these
scans don't interfere with the long range sensors. If someone even gets
close to this system I want to know about it before they do."
"Yes sir." the AOPS replied.
Zane squirmed in his chair restlessly. He was full of pent up
energy. For the last 2 days the ship had been a bustle activity as
everyone prepared for the away missions. But now that they were gone
there was very little for the crew who were not in the sciences to do.
"Mr. Jerran you have the bridge. If you need me I'll be....I'll
be..." he shrugged not knowing, "...around."
Scene: Sickbay<br>
Bat leaned against the bar, blue and white cloth in hand
furiously polishing a glass that didn't need it. It was his trademark
stance, an action he said added atmosphere to the Ancient Western decor
of the bar. One look at the grip he had on the glass and it was obvious
that atmosphere was not what he had on his mind.
As Zane entered he noticed Bat's dark mood and decided quickly he
did not want to be the recipient of it. Tempering himself to a wave he
headed for a table by one of the main windows. For a few seconds he
stared out at the Ring passing below the ship like somesort of
intergalactic freeway they had stumble upon. Seeing movement out of the
corner of his eye, and choosing to ignore it he activated his PADD and
began to scan the information on the small screen.
Bat dropped himself into the chair across from the captain and
stared out the window. After a few seconds he began to tap his fingers
along the bottom of the table knowing fullwell how annoying this was to
Zane. After a few more minutes of silence he began to drum his knuckles
along the table edge in mindless rythmn.
Zane placed the PADD on the table and sighed. "Something on your mind?"
"What?" Bat feigned surprise and then looked down at his
wrapping knuckles. "Oh sorry." Pause. "Any word from the away teams?"
"They just beamed down an hour ago. And we're under restricted
communications. We won't here anything for several hours."
Zane picked up his PADD and began to read.
"I don't know what Starfleet thinks its up to but...." The rest
was to mumbled to hear.
"What was that?" Zane asked knowing the storm was on the way.
"What in blazes are we doing here?" Bat demanded.
"Looking for a cure to the plague." Zane answered knowing that
was not what the bartender was getting at.
"Thats not what I mean and you damn well know it! Why is this
ship, this crew here? Last time I checked we were supposed to be a
deep-space explorer not some damn hospital ship!"
"Part of the mission of an explorer is to render aid. You know that."
"This isn't just rendering aid. We've got a full blown plague on
our hands and damn few resources. Don't you think a HIPPOCRATES or even
NIGHTENGALE class ship would be better suited?"
"Of course they would but they weren't available and we were. We
may not have the medical facilities but we certainly have the people.
Dr. Glin'kharr's reputation is well known and Dr. Tok left one of the
best trained medical departmetns anywhere. Don't you think we're up to?"
"Of course I do!" Bat shouted indignantly as if his loyalty had
just been questioned. "These are some of the finest people I've ever
know and I'd put this crew against any other any time, any place and know
they'd come out on top. Its just...."
"I know." Zane replied quietly. "But they'll be fine. We've
been worse situations than this."
The two men stared out the window before Bat spoke.
"What are you going to do if they don't find a cure?"
Zane sat quietly considering the question that he had been
overwrought with since Glin'kharr had arrived in his ready-room. "My
orders are clear."
<nowiki>Bat leaned forward. "I don't care about any damn orders. What
are *you* going to do."</nowiki>
Before Zane could answer a new voice joined the conversation.
"Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important but I needed a
break. May I join you?"
"Kavan! Please, sit down."
For those of you who have been given the option of going on the away
mission can you let us know (even by NRPG if you don't have time to post)
if you will in fact beam down so we know where everyone is. As in any
old war movie, for those of you who choose not to volunteer, no questions
will be asked and you will be not thought any less of. <G>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Getting to the Settlement</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 5-23-1996</h4>
SD 80523.1230(GMT)<br>
MD 3.1545<br>
Transporter Room 2<br>
The away team of ten--Maril, two science officers, two security officers, and
five medical officers--dressed in Neo-Luddite clothing, stood near or on the transporter
pad, ready for transport.
"Maril to Bridge. This is the settlement team. All the other teams have beamed
down, and we're ready to transport."
[Zane here. Go ahead, Commander. We'll be leaving this spot over the
settlement after you beam down.]
"Understood. Maril out." Maril then signaled for the transporter operator to
initiate the transporter sequence.
Epsilon Indi Ring: 2 km outside Neo-Luddite settlement
Maril looked around at this horizonless world. It was somewhat like the
peasant in the city, but Maril looked away from that non-horizon and turned towards
the settlement.
"We will walk to the settlement," Maril smiled. Some of the officers almost
groaned, but a stern look from Maril silenced them. The exercise would be good for
them anyway.
Each section outside the settlement had a leader, and then for each team a
leader had been selected, and so on. Although Maril was technically in charge of the
mission, Lt. Jenn had charge over all of the non-settlement teams, as Maril would not be
able to contact them very frequently, or risk arousing the Neo-Luddites' suspicions.
About three-quarters of the way there, Maril turned around. "Now, remember,
everything will be done in secrecy. Take your samples very casually, as if you were just
walking around. If possible, try to get some samples from places other than their actual
bodies. Security team, be ready, but I certainly don't want anything happening unless it
is absolutely necessary. Science team, make note of anything, especially unusual things.
We need all the information that we can get. Is this understood?"
The nods from the team members answered his question in the affirmative.
"Good. We will spread out, two or three to a group, so that the Neo-Luddites do
not become suspicious of a large group. However, I will rent a place to stay. Look for a
diagonal strip of red material, such as in a Command uniform, in the window." Those
words gave no doubt to the origin of the strip. "Also, I will try to carve or paint a
Starfleet insignia on the door. The communicators placed in your ears will allow us to
communicate without the Neo-Luddites hearing the communication, though you have
to be careful about what they hear *you* say. I will try to notify you all through this
device, but if I am not able to, look for the signs I have already told you. Be there at
2200 hours tonight. Again, is this all understood?"
"Yes," was the reply from everyone.
"Good. We should break into our smaller groups."
There were two groups of three, and another two of two. Maril took up the rear
with one of the medical officers.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
Just an intro into the settlement plotline. I assume Maril will be the only PC on this team.
Does anyone have *any* info on the Neo-Luddites?
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Here's a Theory</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-24-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80524.1130<br>
Scene: Perimeter team one, Outside Neo-Luddite settlement<br>
MD: 3.1800<br>
Krysa saw to it that Team one was set up as the main check point. There
were eight other teams at various locations surrounding the settlement.
All equipment was camouflaged as best it could be though a close
examination would prove what it really was. As long as none of the
Neo-Luddites got to close, they would be okay. Each team had four
security officers dressed in local clothing patrolling along their
assigned section of terrain, one medical officer and one Ops officer,
monitoring the scanners.
In the hour that they had been set up they had not noticed anything
unusual. Several Neo-Luddites had been out of the settlement , but none
so far as the perimeter teams. None even as far as the patrolling
security officers. Krysa breathed a sigh of relief. With luck they
wouldn’t have to deal with the Neo-Luddites at all. That suited her just
fine. She wasn’t particularly excited about the possibility of coming in
contact with the plague, despite the precautions they had taken.
As of yet, there seemed to be no panic in the Neo-Luddite community. She
didn’t understand that considering the infestation of the plague. Unless
they were not sick, but carriers of the disease. Was that why the crew
of the Benson hadn’t known there was a problem.
She hit her comm pin. “Jenn to Dr. Glin’karr.”
<Glin’karr here.>
“Doctor, are you finding any signs of the plague yet?” she asked.
<Not yet, Lt. However, we are just beginning to get samples. Why do you
“It just struck me that from the perimeter it doesn’t appear there is
any panic setting in. That’s highly unusual in a plague situation. Could
the Neo-Luddites be carriers?”
<Interesting theory. I will keep that in mind as we test the samples.>
“Jenn out.”
Scene: 10-forward<br>
Kavan sat down next to Commander Zane. He had been writing for several
hours since Krysa left, but didn’t seem to be getting anywhere, so he
had decided to take a break. He was glad to find the Commander and Bat
sitting at a table in 10-forward. Now at least he wouldn’t have to take
his break alone.
“How’s the writing going?” asked Zane, glad for a distraction.
“Don’t ask.” he said grimly. “I was doing great... for a while. But
since Krysa left, I can’t keep my mind off what’s going on over there.
How do you guys get used to this.”
Bat grunted in irritation, “We don’t. Of course we don’t often send them
down in situations like this, either.”
Kavan looked at the older man, “Krysa told me that they were going to be
down there until they found a cure.”
“Still couldn’t talk her out of it, eh.” said Bat.
“Well, I didn’t try,” he said absently. He found himself staring out the
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: I’m assuming Dr. Glin’karr’s camp is situated in or near one of
the perimeter teams and that they have open access to one another... If
my assumption is incorrect, simply delete the conversation
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A New Distraction</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-24-1996</h4>
SD: 80524.0900<br>
MD: 3.1800<br>
Scene: 10-Forward<br>
> Kavan looked at the older man, "Krysa told me that they were going to be<br>
> down there until they found a cure."<br>
> "Still couldn't talk her out of it, eh." said Bat.<br>
> "Well, I didn't try," he said absently. He found himself staring out the window.<br>
Zane smiled at Kavan appreciating how hard that would be.
"Will they find a cure, Captain?" Kavan asked.
"Of course they will. I know this looks bad but it isn't
hopeless. There are times when as Starfleet officers we may find
ourselves recipients of orders that likely mean a one way trip. But this
isn't one of them. Starfleet wouldn't send us here if they didn't think
there was a chance." Zane pretended not to notice Bat roll his eyes.
"If they thought this was a no-win scenario why jeopardize lives needless
when other actions to destroy the virus could be taken."
"Hmmpf." Bat snorted.
Turning back to Kavan after a annoyed stare at Bat he continued.
"And by the way please call me Zane, we're friends right?" He grinned.
"Of course!" Kavan replied returning the smile. "I must say, I
was a little nervous about coming aboard. I've never really been aboard a
military vessel and I didn't really know what to expect." He laughed. "I
thought there would be this spartan existence aboard and you'd all be
running around saluting each other and I'd stick out like a sore thumb.
But, I have to say, I'm pleased that wasn't the case and I'm already
getting spoiled by the quality of your holodecks."
"Perhaps we can get together for a holodeck adventure of our
own. Bat, here, haunts the holodeck. May be you two could set something
Before either men could answer they were interrupted by a call
from the bridge. [Bridge to Captain Zane.]
"Zane here, what's up Lieutenant?"
[Something's happening on the Ring sir, I think you should get up here.]
"On my way."
Scene: Bridge<br>
"Report." Zane ordered as he exited the turbolift. His eyes
directed at the events on the main viewscreen.
Jerran was still sitting in the command chair quickly entering
commands into the arm console. Zane noted how the FCO looked like he
belonged there, the calm efficency. He'd make a fine captain one day.
He rose to give Zane the seat.
"Sensors picked up a disturbance on the Ring's surface along the
section almost directly across from the Luddite section. We determined
that it was the opening of a large set of doors. Since I called you a
convoy of 8 vessels has departed the ring structure."
"To early to tell. These things are moving so slow they're
almost going backwards. Right now they seem to be forming up for the
journey. I've checked the database for similar ships and have confirmed
that these are Panarik cargo carriers. The Panarik are a peaceful people
who, other than periodic trading ventures, keep to themselves. They
can't grow enough food to feed themselves so they trade mechanical
equipment with several communities throughout the Ring....including the
Zane frowned. They couldn't let those ships enter the Luddite
community. "If they are heading there how long to get there?"
"Based on the reports of past survey teams, those things are
built around a fairly inefficient fusion drive....I'd say 4 maybe 5
days." Jerran returned to the helm.
"Very well. Let's hold position here and see where they're
heading. Hopefully it won't be to our neck of the woods and this will
turn out to be one problem we won't have to worry about."
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A New Distraction Part II</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-24-1996</h4>
SD: 80524.1800<br>
MD: 3.1800<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
"Report." Zane ordered as he exited the turbolift. His eyes
directed at the events on the main viewscreen.
Jerran was still sitting in the command chair quickly entering
commands into the arm console. Zane noted how the FCO looked like he
belonged there, the calm efficency. He'd make a fine captain one day.
He rose to give Zane the seat.
Jerran quickly gave him an update on the incoming passenger liner.
He turned to the OPS officer. "Put its stats up on the viewer"
Instantly an image of the OLYMPIA was visible on the left side of
the viewscreen, the right side a text based listing of its specification.
"Hmmm..." Zane read aloud. "...standard liner. Warp 4 max.
navigational screens only, minmial lasers to take care of stray debris,
5000 passengers, 1200 crew. She's a hell of a long way from home and the
normal traffic routes. Helm plot an intercept course, full impulse."
"Captain something is happening on the surface of the ring!"
"On screen." Zane ordered.
"It looks like some sort of space dock doors are opening....yes
there are some ships emerging."
"Where is this happening." Zane asked.
"Almost on the exact opposite side of the Ring from the Luddite settlement."
Over the next two minutes the bridge crew watched as 8 ships
emerged and the door closed. A quick search of the computer database
placed the ships as Panarik cargo carriers. The Panarik were a peaceful
people who, other than periodic trading ventures, kept to themselves.
Unfortunately they were unable to grow enough food to feed themselves so
they traded mechanical equipment with several communities throughout the
Ring....including the Luddites."
Zane frowned. They couldn't let those ships enter the Luddite
community. "If they are heading for the Luddite Community how long will
it take them to reach it?"
"Based on the reports of past survey teams, those things are
built around a fairly inefficient fusion drive....I'd say 4 maybe 5
"Good, one problem to put on the back-burner for now but lets
make sure we can an eye on them."
"Sir we're approaching the OLYMPIA."
"All stop. Hail them."
Well a little cut and paste and we've got both posts together!
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Olympia</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Andrew Nugteren 5-25-1996</h4>
SD: 80525.0621<br>
MD: 3.1815<br>
> "Sir we're approaching the OLYMPIA."<br>
> "All stop. Hail them."<br>
Jade carefully manipulated her console and hailed the incoming passenger
liner. "No response sir, although I'm now receiving what appears to be a
pre-recorded message. Audio only."
"Bridge Speakers," Zane ordered.
[This is Seth, now in control of the CCS-Olympia. Our group has seen it
necessary to hijack this vessel. Once we have completed the work of the
Order, this ship and all passengers will be released. We believe in a
policy of minimal aggression, but any attempts to halt our progress will
result in the death of hostages. The destruction of the Cargo Ring on the
Jupiter Station yesterday is a show of our power and determination.]
[We will not be turned back. Should the Federation choose to interfere
in the work of the Order, I swear to you that todays bombing in the Sola
System will appear failed in comparison to our power. You have been warned.]
The atmosphere on the bridge was that of silence as the harsh voice gave
its parting warning over the bridge speakers.
"Captain," Jerran broke the silence. "She appears to be on a direct
course for an orbit directly above the Neo-Luddite colony."
Respectfully submitted,
Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon<br>
Chief of Security<br>
U.S.S. Feynman<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Starting the Quest for a Cure</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 5-25-1996</h4>
SD 80525.1500(GMT)<br>
MD 3.1800<br>
Epsilon Indi Ring:just outside Neo-Luddite settlement<br>
Maril and Warrant Officer Samuel McStirens, one of the medical officers,
walked in to the settlement without anyone really noticing them. In fact, they were
almost ignored as they walked down a street on the outskirts of the city.
The Neo-Luddites were at a stage of development close to late 20th-century to
mid 21st-century Earth. They had come from another settlement on a distant planet
approximately one hundred fifty years ago. There were a few space vessels at the
Spaceport at the other end of the settlement, but not many. The Neo-Luddites were
rather isolationist.
Maril and McStirens actually had quite aways to go before they got to the
actual city. The area they were in was actually more of a suburb than anything else.
"Get some samples,'' Maril whispered to McStirens. "We will take a metro
train into the city in approximately half an hour."
"Aye, sir."
Maril took a look around. There were not many houses in this area; the land
was taken up mostly by farms.
Maril felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around. A young man, apparently
Neo-Luddite, stood there.
"Hello, I'm Stio Abigacho. Pleased to meet you."
"Ummm...please to meet you too," Maril replied.
"I can see you're pretty new to the settlement. I know the city prettty well.
Maybe I can help you."
"Hmm..not now. Maybe later," Maril responded. He knew that he would need
to find a place to stay and organize the team before he could even really look for a
"Well, okay. You can call me at 27-ABIG-032-11. I'll be wherever you need me."
"Thank you." Maril realized this young Neo-Luddite might come in handy
some time.
MD 3.1945<br>
EI Ring: Neo-Luddite settlement: Eastern Central Section: Sikia Way<br>
Maril, and McStirens, stood in front of the rather large house on the crowded
Sikia Way. This was one of the oldest sections of the city, and also one of the busiest.
Maril was trying to see how much he would have to pay for this house, 88 Sikia Way.
Luckily, he did have some Neo-Luddite currency with him.
"We will only need it for about thirty days," Maril said. He didn't expect them
to be there that long, but he wanted to be on the safe side.
"Fine. If you pay 520 birads right now, and 2450 at the end of the month or
whenever you leave, I'll let you rent this place, if you pay for power, heat and water,"
the owner offered.
Maril didn't know too much about business, but his gut told him that wasn't a
good deal. "I will pay for power, heat and water, if you lower it to 450 birads right now,
and 1800 birads later."
The owner contemplated that for a moment, then said, "Fine. But give me the
450 right now."
And then Maril went through all the procedures, and finally Maril and
McStirens were in the house. Maril pulled out a small short-range subspace
transceiver. The implants in the team members' ears received communications on the
frequency used by the transceiver, and so they could communicate.
"Maril to settlement team members. We are situated at 88 Sikia Way in the East
Central section of the city. Remember to be here at 2200 hours. Maril out."
MD 3.2200<br>
EI Ring:N-L settlement:88 Sikia Way: Living Room<br>
All ten members of the team were sitting in the room, and so Maril began.
"Now, who would like to report first?"
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
Well, let's see what happens. :)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Past and Present</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-26-1996</h4>
SD: 80526.1800<br>
MD: 3.1810<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
"Mr. Jerran put us between the OLYMPIA and the Ring." Zane ordered
"Aye sir." the FCO replied as his fingers danced across the helm.
"Yellow alert and raise the shields." In instances such as this
one could never be too prepared.
As the ship manueuvered into position Zane turned to his armrest
computer to access information on the Order cross-referenced with the
Tarellian Plague. In a few seconds the information was on screen.
The plague had started when one of the nation-states on Tarell IV
had attacked its rival with a bio-chemical missile. Inevitably the virus
it contained mutated and the Tarellian Plague was born. As the plague
spread across the planet panic ensued and those who could afford to
escaped on any ship that would take them. Of course with
the refugees came the plague but by the time their neighbours had
realized it was too late. Like wild-fire the plague began to spread.
As with most viruses there were some who were immune and after
the plague was halted through a horrible but necessary quarantine of
the effected systems, the inhabitants left to suffer, there were still
Tarellians scattered throughout the quadrant. Having survived the medical
scourge they now faced an emotional one, the revenge of a hundred worlds.
Over the following years Tarellians were hunted down and tortured by the
survivors of those who had once gave them shelter and were rewarded with
disease. In a relatively short time all but a handful of Tarellians had
been found and destroyed. The lucky few to survive, insane after almost
5 decades of suffering came together to form the Order. A fananatical
group who sought out the plague and pledged to spread it throughout
the galaxy.
Zane looked up at the growing passenger liner on the viewscreen
and cursed himself for having been sure things could not possibly be any
worse after he had viewed Nicholas' orders 5 days ago. "Mr. Sr'qwon scan
the ship, I want to know where every one is."
"There are 6 humanoids identified as Tarellians on the bridge of that
ship as well as three others in engineering. Everyone else, passengers and
presumably officers and crew of the OLYMPIA are divided into three large
compartments, probably the main dining areas."
Zane nodded. It made a basic sense. It also made things easy.
And that was a thought that Zane wasn't comfortable with. *They may be
fanatics but their successes have shown they're not stupid.*
"Are they changing course or slowing?"
"No sir."
"This is going to get very interesting."
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dividing the Settlement Team</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 5-27-1996</h4>
SD 80527.0030(GMT)<br>
MD 3.2230<br>
EI Ring: N-L Settlement: 88 Sikia Way: Living Room<br>
Maril listened as each of the officers gave their report. Most of them spoke of a
friendly people who had no idea that they could be involved in a major epidemic.
"I was also thinking, sir," one of the medical officers said, "that we could set up
a...sort of, a doctor's office. That way we could use more complex equipment without
them being suspicious that we're taking samples."
"But that's unethical!" another medical officer exclaimed. "Making them think
that we're doing what they asked us to do, and in reality, taking samples!"
Maril stopped the conversation. "I realize that doing this is unethical, but we
must remember that simply taking the samples without their knowledge is unethical, as
"Also, we must make sure we are not confusing Disel and Eltyr. Excuse me, I meant
we should get our priorities straight. Of course, none of us would want to take samples
of these people without their knowledge, but look at the possible consequences if we
don't. A pandemic, or destruction of the Ring. Either way, billions of lives are lost. So,
we must see which is more important...keeping our integrity or letting all those lives be
lost. In a way, I believe I am throwing a dagger at my integrity if I let those lives be
destroyed." Maril paused for a second.
"That is why I will let the doctor's office be set up. I want three of you on this
project. I suggest that you do not all do the same thing, however. Perhaps one could
get the samples, another could analyze them ,and the third could organize them. I do
not know. I leave that for you to decide. McStirens, Stirak, and Ezil, this is your
"Tirabumusi, Smith," he spoke to the two other medical officers, "continue
getting samples in other ways. I'm sure you'll find ways to do it." Maril smiled.
"Escarda, Ibar," this time, he was talking to the two security officers, "you will
guard the house and manage the communications on this team and between us and the
other teams."
"Jabonas, Kepra, I want you to investigate how the plague could have gotten
here and how it's spread. I will be working on similar issues," these last words were to
the science officers.
"Is there anything more to report?" When the officers replied in the negative, he
ordered, "Then, get to sleep!"
MD 4.0700
Maril walked towards the settlement telecommunication network outlet in the
house. He put in the proper code for the person he wanted to contact--"27-ABIG-032-
Stio Abigacho's face, the one he had seen the day before when he entered the
settlement, appeared on the rather small screen.
"So, you decided to ask for my services, huh?"
"Yes, I would like to have a basic tour of the settlement. Not too detailed, just
what I need to know to get around."
"Fine. I'll be there before you know it."
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
Another developing post. Don't worry, I'll come out with something that will actually
help us soon. :) (Or maybe not. ;) )
I know I recommended not to name all of your team, but mine was so small, and I
thought it would sound better with actual names. :)
Andrew: Those security NPCs aren't on your list, but I assumed that those were for
outside the settlement. These NPCs will probably die on this mission anyway. ;)
(BTW, don't believe a word I just said. I actually forgot who was beaming down. :)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A Mission Ops Officer</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-27-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80527.1210<br>
Scene: Perimeter Team One<br>
MD: 4.0100<br>
Krysa blinked at the non-sequitor. "Your fatigue levels are high," the
doctor continued. "Get some sleep. No sense in wearing yourself out."
Glin'kharr's eyes returned to the coffin. When she didn't move, he
looked over his spectacles at her. "Doctor's orders."
"Yes, sir," she said, grinning. On her way out, she dimmed the lights
slightly, leaving Dr. Glin’kharr to his watch. She wondered idly about
Kavan. She hadn’t allowed herself to think about him to much, as it only
seemed to get in the way of her job. She knew that he hadn’t wanted her
to beam down to the planet, she had felt that. But he had kept his
promise that his presence on the Feynman wouldn’t affect her duty, and
he had said nothing.
She found a quiet spot near a tree and sat down to run through some of
her relaxation exercises. She felt out over the Feynman crew, noting
some tension, but also a calmness that tended to come along with trust
of one’s fellow crew. As she began to relax she drifted off to sleep...
MD: 4.0650<br>
Krysa was awakened by a call over her commpin, <Lt. Jenn, we are reading
someone nearing your position.>
Krysa came instantly awake, silently cursing herself for falling asleep
so far from the main encampment. “I’m watching.” she said quietly to
assure the officer on watch that she was okay. She stood cautiously,
brushing dirt off her clothes. As she looked around she heard the hiss
of a phaser and then everything went dark.
MD: 4.0700<br>
WO Reetza was on the scanners when she had seen the person heading
toward where Lt. Jenn was. She had called and warned her, and received
her calm reply. But that had been 10 minutes ago and she hadn’t heard
anything since. The unknown person had left the area, heading back
toward the Neo-Luddite settlement, and Lt. Jenn was still where she had
been all night.
“Lt. Jenn?” she said, hitting her commpin for the third time.
Ens. Wong approached her to take his watch. “What’s wrong?” he asked,
seeing her worried face.
“I can’t seem to get Lt. Jenn on her commpin,” she said. “There was
someone approaching her, and I warned her. She responded, and then I
waited. Her commpin is still showing her at the same location, but she
doesn’t answer.”
“You stay here, I’ll get a security team organized.” Reetza nodded and
Wong headed to get a couple of security officers together. Two were sent
out to Lt. Jenn’s location, and Wong went in search of Dr. Glin’karr.
Until they knew what happened to Lt. Jenn, he was the next in command.
He saw the doctor heading to the medical labs, “Doctor!” he called.
Dr. Glin’karr turned to see the young man walking toward him. “Yes?”
“Sir, Lt. Jenn is not responding. I’ve sent a security team to find her,
but I thought you ought to know.”
<Ens. Wong>
Came the call on his commpin, “Wong here.”
<We’ve found her commpin. She’s no where to be seen.> Wong looked up at
the Doctor to await his orders.
Scene: ??<br>
MD: ??<br>
Krysa woke, with a splitting headache. She started to rise, which only
caused her head to pound worse.
“Welcome.” said a deep voice.
She looked around trying to see who was with her or even where she was.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“That’s not important. What is important is that you don’t stop us from
our mission.”
“What mission?” she asked, her head still pounding. It was too dark for
her to see anything much anyway, so she kept her eyes closed, trying to
concentrate on stopping the pounding.
“No, I’m not going to tell you that yet. First I want to know who you
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Well, Krysa’s never been kidnapped before :)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: On the Ship, on the Bridge</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Charles Jencks 5-27-1996</h4>
SD 80527.2220<br>
USS FEYNMAN Bridge<br>
Lieutenant (j.g.) Krazny Oktyabr sat down, in the traditional Counselor's
seat on the Bridge. He began chatting with the Captain.
"Counselor..." the captain began.
"Sir, I prefer Lieutenant, or Krazny. You don't call everyone else by
their job title."
"Good point..."
NRPG: Just a little character placement/development.<br>
Charles Jencks<br>
LtJG Krazny Oktyabr<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: All is Fair in War</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Andrew Nugteren 5-27-1996</h4>
SD: 80527.1325<br>
MD: 3.1815<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
> "Are they changing course or slowing?"<br>
> "No sir."<br>
> "This is going to get very interesting."<br>
"Intercept range is 55 seconds and closing sir," Jade reported from her
station. "Still no signs of a change in speed."
The seconds ticked by at pace.
"15 seconds and still on course."
Zane was about to order evasive action when the passenger liner rapidly
decelerated and glided to a standstill 1000 meters off the Feynman's bow.
She then gave a burst to starboard and attempted to slip past the Feynman.
Jerran, having anticipated such a maneoveur, quickly adjusted his controls
and moved into a blocking position. Both ships halted and faced off. The
Olympia with her gaudy appearance... the Feynman with her functional but
sleek shell.
"We're being hailed sir," Jade reported and directed the incoming message
onto the main bridge viewer.
Onscreen flashed a man. The blunt look on his face showed his annoyance
at the Feynman's disruption. "My name is Cain," he began. "You will
immediately allow us to pass or suffer the consequences."
"This is Commander Zane of the US.." Zane began, but was interrupted in
"I don't care who you are, or what you do. I warned you before. Now see
that I intend to keep my threats."
The view on screen cut to the main passenger bay where one of the
Tarellian guards could be seen patrolling one of the groups of hostages. He
prodded what appeared to be a Caitain noble to her feet and nudged her into
the corner. Stepping back, he calmly raised his phaser rifle, pulled the
trigger and then exited the room smartly out a side door. The view cut back
to the bridge where Cain was now seated in the Command Chair, twiddling his
thumbs with an evil smile on his face.
"I said twice now not to take my word as a bluff," he gloated. "Which
part did not understand? Now please make way, or will it take more innocent
lives to make up your mind."
Back on the bridge of the Feynman, Zane stood with a difficult decision
to make. He glanced at the other bridge staff, who were still in shock from
what had just happened. Cain also sensed his indecision.
"Perhaps I can make your decision easier for you Commander," he began
kindly. "I should really inform you that I have your Operations Officer
hostage on the Ring. You will either cooperate at once, or she will die."
Krysa? Hostage on the Ring? Zane motioned for an audio-cut and tapped
his communicator. "Zane to Lt. Jenn." Silence echoed. "Zane to Lt. Jenn.
Are you alright?" Silence once more.
"I'm waiting..." Cain said in a teasing tone the moment the audio link
was re-connected. "Your decision Commander?"
Respectfully submitted,
Lt(jg) Jade Sr'qwon<br>
Chief of Security<br>
U.S.S. Feynman<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: All is Fair in War (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Andrew Catterick 5-28-1996</h4>
> Krysa? Hostage on the Ring? Zane motioned for an audio-cut and tapped<br>
> his communicator. "Zane to Lt. Jenn." Silence echoed. "Zane to Lt. Jenn.<br>
> Are you alright?" Silence once more.<br>
> "I'm waiting..." Cain said in a teasing tone the moment the audio link<br>
> was re-connected. "Your decision Commander?"<br>
SD: 80528.1500<br>
MD: 3.1812<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
"This isn't a decision I can make. I'm Captain of a small ship out
on the frontier. You must know that the Federation and Starfleet does
not bargain with terrorists..."
[We are not terrorists! We are fighters of a just cause and will
not be treated as common thugs.]
"I'm sorry I did not mean to belittle you. All I am saying is
that this issue is bigger than I'm prepared to handle. I must contact my
superiors. It will take no more than one hour."
The terrorist leader sneered back at Zane. [I had heard that
Starfleet officers were proud and strong, masters of their destiny. It
seems that in this case I have heard incorrectly. I do not care that you
are incapable of making a decision by yourself. I will not delay our
quest any longer.]
"At least give me a few minutes to consult with my officers. You
must realize that the potential for a misstep leading to many deaths is
large. I want a peaceful resolution to this."
[Very well,] he frowned, clearly disgusted with Zane. [I will
give you five minutes for your officers to tell you that your only
decision is the one I have offered.] The screen went blank.
Zane turned to Sr'qwon. "I want cannisters of anesthesine gas
beamed over to that ship centering on the bridge, engineering and
the prisoner holding centers as well as the main life support systems.
It should take no more than 5 seconds to render everyone on board
unconscious. Then beam over with your personnel and apprehend the
terrorists. And make it quick, I want this all to happen before the five
minutes are up."
"Aye sir." She replied and raced from the bridge.
"What about Krysa? When his men find out we've captured
everyone..." Jerran asked.
"Our first duty is to the civilians on that ship. We can't let
one hostage, even Krysa, take precedent over the others. And perhaps
Krysa will be safer if we have a few hostages of our own." Zane replied
hoping that was true.
Timeframe: 8 minutes later<br>
[Sr'qwon to FEYNMAN. The terrorists have been captured, ship is
"Good work Lieutenant! We'll beam aboard a tech party to staff
the bridge until the OLYMPIA's crew recovers from the gas. Have your
prisoners beamed directly to the brig. I'll join you there. FEYNMAN out."
Zane started towards the turbolift. "Mr. Jerran you have the bridge."
Andrew: Feel free to post your team's exploits on the OLYMPIA
Kris: Hmmm, I remember you mentioning accidents may happen as a route to
the CO slot. I'd hate to see your captors do anything rash.<BEG>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NRPG McGruff the Crime Dog</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-28-1996</h4>
>Krysa: So is Kavan 'skilled at telepathic projection,' by any chance? <EG><br>
Ummm, well, explain exactly what it is.... I mean I have an idea... but I<br>
need specifics :) Poor Krysa certainly isn't :):)<br>
Kristen and Scott Gant<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Climb Mount Olympia</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Charles Jencks 5-28-1996</h4>
SD: 80528.1500
MD: 3.1812
Scene: Bridge
> Timeframe: 8 minutes later<br>
> [Sr'qwon to FEYNMAN. The terrorists have been captured, ship is secure.]<br>
> "Good work lieutenant! We'll beam aboard a tech party to staff<br>
> the bridge until the OLYMPIA's crew recovers from the gas. Have your<br>
> prisoners beamed directly to the brig. I'll join you there. FEYNMAN out."<br>
> Zane started towards the turbolift. "Mr. Jerran you have the bridge."
Aboard the OLYMPIA<br>
Krazny had decided against the previous away mission, but knowing that
staying on the ship all the time wasn't exactly the way to command, an
aspiration most people would be shocked to hear from a Counselor, he had
volunteered for the boarding party.
Now he was "riding the bridge" on the OLYMPIA, assisting Lt. Sr'qwon in
administering the captured vessel. He was personally administering the
comm link with the FEYNMAN's transporter room. Chief Tyler was busily
transporting the captured terroristo to the FEYNMAN's brig.
NRPG: Since nobody seemed to be addressing Krazny, I decided to plug him
into the boarding party... he WAS on the ship. In fact I think he was on
the bridge. And who would have thought he aspires to command?
I suppose he's next in line behind Kristen...
Of course, if it were a very cramped ship, like a frigate, he might get
the pick over her... after all she's got that husband to tote around now.
(Not that it's a bad thing...)
<pre style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
Charles Jencks (
(alternate address - coming soon)
---------------------- ASR Charachters -----------------------
LtJG Christophe Boulanger, CEO, USS MELBOURNE (BLUE)
Ens Jarin Edisrevir, CSO, USS LINCOLN (RED)
Capt (FMM) Marie T Alsatien, CO, SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) (FT)
Sgt K'Athena Mare, SFMC - FRT-7 (FT)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NRPG All is Fair in War</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-28-1996</h4>
>Kris: Hmmm, I remember you mentioning accidents may happen as a route to<br>
>the CO slot. I'd hate to see your captors do anything rash.<BEG><br>
Hardy har har :):):) <Grumble> why do I do this to myself....
Kristen and Scott Gant<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NRPG Climb Mount Olympia</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-28-1996</h4>
>NRPG: Since nobody seemed to be addressing Krazny, I decided to plug him<br>
>into the boarding party... he WAS on the ship. In fact I think he was on<br>
>the bridge. And who would have thought he aspires to command?<br>
Sometimes that is exactly what you have to do, Charles... It's not always
easy to remember who is where... Gee, I'm not even sure where Krysa is right
now :):):)
Kristen and Scott Gant<br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Let Me Help</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-29-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80529.1552<br>
Scene: 10-Forward<br>
MD: I haven’t a clue ??<br>
Zane walked into 10-forward he saw Kavan standing by the window watching
the ring. Bat was behind the bar in his usual position.
“He hasn’t moved since you called earlier.” Bat said as Zane looked at
Zane nodded and headed over to where Kavan stood. “Kavan, I have a
question for you.”
Startled out of his thoughts, he jumped slightly at the Captain’s voice.
He turned and gave a drawn smile to the man. “Sure, what is it?”
“Dr. Glinn’karr wants to try finding Krysa using telepathic projection.
I thought maybe you’d be able to help him.”
Kavan frowned, turning to look out at the ring again, “I’ve been trying
here, but I’m not getting anything.” He looked at Zane again. “Do you
really think she’s still on the ring?”
Zane shrugged, “There’s no way to tell for sure. That’s just what they
told us. It’s a logical place, though. There is no way our sensors could
pick Krysa out of those billions of people down there without her
commpin. And so far the teams on the OLYMPIA haven’t come across her.”
“Maybe if I went down to the ring I might have a better chance of
finding her.”
Zane nodded, “That’s what Dr. Glinn’karr thought as well, But it’s up to
“I’ll go. It’s got to be better then sitting here worrying about her. At
least there I can be doing something.”
“No, I’m not going to tell you that yet. First, I want to know who you
“Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops Officer, USS FEYNMAN. Kidnapping a Starfleet
officer is a serious offense.” Krysa’s head pounded to the rhythm of her
voice as she spoke.
“Who said you were kidnapped?” asked the voice. Krysa looked around. It
was still dark but her eyes were beginning to adjust to the dim light
“What am I doing here?” she asked.
“We are just keeping you here where it is safe.” Krysa could make out a
man standing not to far away from her. “Now why don’t you lay down and
rest. Perhaps it will take away the headache.” The man chuckled and
walked out of the room.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: It’s short cause I didn’t want to interfere with whatever Charles
has in mind :) <br>
Ted, feel free to use Kavan on the ring is you really
want him to go.<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Who Did You Say You Are?</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Charles Jencks 5-30-1996</h4>
SD 80530.0115<br>
MD... shortly after Krazny transported to the OLYMPIA, whenever that was.<br>
Aboard OLYMPIA... On the Bridge<br>
Krazny Oktyabr looked around. The bridge even had its dark corners.
Suddenly an indicator on the OPS panel lit up. He rushed to it... there
was a ship decloaking off the starboard bow... some sort of Maquis raider.
He'd seen them before, but not with a cloak. Suddenly he heard Krysa
calling out from what seemed to be the Captain's office, just off the
As soon as he entered the office, he was stunned, and he didn't see who
did it.
Aboard the raider SEAN MILLER... a dark chamber, several hours later.
Krazny's eyes flickered open, the heavy stun beginning to wear off. Krysa
was huddled over him, and he could see several people farther back, though
faces were impossible to make out in this darkness.
"It's the Maquis... they claim they've got a cell on the Ring and are
trying to evacuate them, that's why they took the OLYMPIA. They captured
me to get our attention... and you to retaliate for recapturing the
OLYMPIA, or so they told me." Krysa frowned. "They seem to have had some
trouble taking you."
"No, they just had their phasers set too high." he lowered is voice. "I
got a subcutaneous communicator, and it's on. The FEYNMAN can hear
everything we say."
Aboard the FEYNMAN
Commander Zane looked up. The Maquis? Nobody had been really sure they
were even still around... but apparently they were. Now to find this
raider... it had not come close enough to be detected except by the
OLYMPIA, and now it was, apparently, cloaked again...
With the Operations officer and Counselor aboard.
NRPG: Wonder who's going to rescue us now?
<pre style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
Charles Jencks (
(alternate address - coming soon)
---------------------- ASR Charachters -----------------------
LtJG Christophe Boulanger, CEO, USS MELBOURNE (BLUE)
Ens Jarin Edisrevir, CSO, USS LINCOLN (RED)
Capt (FMM) Marie T Alsatien, CO, SS ALSACE (MVL-774221) (FT)
Sgt K'Athena Mare, SFMC - FRT-7 (FT)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Where's Krysa??</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-30-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80530.1326<br>
Scene: Ring<br>
MD: 4.0900<br>
Post #1 (I started numbering... If we decide not to we can ignore this :)
Kavan materialized in Perimeter Camp One. Dr. Glin’karr was waiting for
him. “You must be Dr. Glin’karr,” he said with a smile. The Captain had
prepared him for meeting the wolf. He was glad because had he not been
warned, he would have been quite surprised.
“Yes, I’m glad you could make it down. You’re help would be most
appreciated. With your bond to Lt. Jenn, we should be able to locate her
in no time.”
Kavan paused for a moment, trying to feel for Krysa. He thought he was
getting a faint response. But he couldn’t be sure. “I think I can feel
her...” he tried concentrating again, but still couldn’t be sure, but it
did give him hope.
Dr. Glin’karr was about to speak when Commander Zane’s voice chimed over
the comm. <We just received word that Krysa isn’t down there. Lt.
Krazney has found her on a clocked Maquis ship. Kavan, I’m sorry we
couldn’t stop you before you beamed down.>
Kavan looked confused, “Are you sure? I’m sure I got a faint response.”
<Could you be feeling her on the Maquis ship?>
“I don’t know, I couldn’t feel her when I was on the FEYNMAN.” Kavan
told him.
Dr. Glin’karr spoke up, “We’ll continue trying down here, anyway. Maybe
if Kavan and I work together we can tell for sure where this feeling
he’s getting is coming from. I think his initial feeling is a good one.”
<Sounds good... Zane out.>
She frowned slightly at the Counselor, “They can hear everything?”
“Yep, we’ll be out of here in no time.”
“Counselor, I’ll be right back I’ve got to run to the little girl’s
room.” She quickly jumped quickly up and headed off, leaving Krazny
wondering what was going on. He sat up letting his eyes adjust to the
dim light. He could see Krysa talking to one of the men on the other
side of the room. Then she turned and headed back to him.
“Krazny... Can I call Okkie,” she smiled, moving around behind him and
putting her hands on his shoulders, “I’ve been thinking...”
Suddenly Krazny stood up and turned to face her. “Who are you?”
She feigned surprise, “What are you talking about?”
He smirked, “I can feel your worry. You’ve made a mistake. While both
Krysa and I are Betazoid’s, for some reason I can’t read her. Yes I can
read you.”
She frowned, “Damn, I didn’t know that.” She made a move toward him but
he backed away. Unfortunately he backed into one of the other people in
the room and a hypospray was administered to his neck, causing him to
“Put him over there,” she ordered. “And please tell me you found a way
to block that subcutaneous communicator he was speaking of.”
“We think so, sir.”
“Think so... You better have or this mission will fail. And the Order
does not take kindly to failure.” she growled, which had any of the
FEYNMAN crew been there to hear, would have sounded very strange coming
out of Lt. Jenn.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: I figure since we already established the ‘enemy’ was the ORDER, I
thought perhaps it was just an Old Maquis ship. Hope you don’t mind
Charles :) I’ll let someone else decide when the communication from
Krazney was broken off.
Also, either there are now two Lt. Jenn’s or Krysa has started working
for the enemy :) Shall we continue to play, “Where’s Krysa??”
