USS Feynman MAY 1996: Difference between revisions

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P.S. Ooh, I'm one of the ones who can authorize contact outside the
P.S. Ooh, I'm one of the ones who can authorize contact outside the I feel powerful! ;) I feel powerful! ;)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Zane Arrives</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-16-1996</h4>
SD: 80516.0900<br>
MD: 1.1250<br>
Scene: Holodeck 2<br>
As Zane entered the holodeck he was immediately assaulted by a
wave of heat which became much worse after he realized the stairs in front
of him weren't there merely for show. Looking up and cursing the idea of
a long climb he noticed a small speck waving frantically. It had to be
Jerran. At least the climb would give him time to reconsider his policy of
holodeck briefings. They were supposed to breed a relaxed environment.
Relaxed wasn't the word to describe what Zane would be when he got to the
top of this big rock. Rock! That was the key!
"Computer, access Earth's mythological database and create a Roc
complete with saddle and harness."
Instantly the huge bird appeared. Pausing only to grab the hypo
and push the triox into his neck he jumped aboard and the two were away.
Mount Selya really was beautiful from the air and it seemed the
computer generated bird was enjoying the flight even more than he was.
Content to let the Roc fly its own course he settled back to enjoy the
view. Spying the battlefield he steered the great bird towards it,
intent on buzzing the participants. A few near misses by some powerfully
thrown spears from both sides quickly changed his mind.
Landing on a small dais away from the meeting site. He hopped
down and with a meaning full stare into his steed's eyes, and a pointed
finger to the ground he told it to "Stay."
After some brief mingling and a trip to the buffet table to
retrieve some Vulcan fruit salad and a glass of their strong tea he
seated himself at the briefing table. In short order the other officers
joined him.
"I trust you have all met Lt. Glin'kharr?"
Several nods.
"For those of you who were not on the bridge....we are at CP-1.
I realize this is a drastic measure but by the end of the briefing the
need for it will be apparent." He touched a button on the arm of his
chair and small sections of the stone table face in front of each officer
'dissolved' away to reveal a computer terminal.
"This is the star Epsilon Indi, located on the southwest frontier
of SILVER's border." A small ball of yellow light appeared in the center
of each screen and began to grow in size as the view began to zoom in on
the system. The object that is circling this star is a Dyson's Ring,
similar to a Dyson's Sphere with the exception of course of its physical
The ring is home to 327 races comprising a total population of just
over 70 billion. The ring was discover 10 years ago and has been
studied ever since. Each community remains removed from the others but a
dozen or so have discovered each other and have developed inter-ring trade.
"This section," A small portion of the ring stated 'blinking'
red, "is home to the neo-Luddites a human colony. Like most of the rest,
we know they arrived well before the Federation moved into this region
but we don't know how.
As you can imagine, this is an excellent opportunity to study the
evolution and interaction of a multitude of societies and Starfleet has
been doing so since the ring was discovered.
Three days ago USS BENTON returned to EPSILON after a 30 day
deployment studying the Luddites. During the 2 day trip back to the
starbase 3 crew members died, with little warning, of some mystery illness
that they had picked-up in the Luddite community. Apparently the
Luddites had developed some sort of sickness and the crew of the BENTON
tried to assist. They weren't a medical intensive ship by any means and
so were unable to even diaganose the sickness. Unfortunately the
BENTON's medic was sure the transporter's bio filters would detect and
kill any germ's on returning crewmen, who had at this point, he was sure,
not contracted it. He was wrong on both counts and now the entire
ship and crew is infected, quarantined and orbiting a moon on the
outskirts of known space. A medical frigate is enroute but the crew will
most likely be dead before it gets there.
The medical staff on EPSILON have confirmed the sickness to be
Tarellian Plague."
There were a few gasps of disbelief from the assembled officers.
"But that died out for..."
Zane raised a hand. "If you'll look to your viewers you can scan
the initial reports by EPSILON medical as well as our orders."
Several minutes later<br>
"We have quite a number of problems ahead of and I'm sure you all
understand the consequences of failure."
Zane began to tick off priorities. "We need to isolate the Luddite
section of the Ring from the others. Once this begins to spread we've
lost. We have to stop the spread of the disease amongst the Luddites
themselves. We have to aid the dying and dispose of the dead. We have
to keep this quiet. Everytime this thing has reared its head chaos has
followed. Planets have died, empires have fallen, civilizations have
been wiped out. If word gets out you can expect warships from all over
the quadrant arriving to vapourize the Ring and anyone who have had
contact with it."
"Fortunately this is not a well travelled sector but obviously any
ships that enter the system can not be allowed to dock at or near the
Luddite Community."
"Aren't the away teams facing the same dangers as the crew of the
Zane gestured towards Dr. Glin'kharr.
"Yes and no. I have hypos that I can give each member that will
give you about a 90% immunity from the virus but they must be injected
every six hours starting 24 hours before contact or they are useless."
Each officer digested the 90% protection figure.
"What happens if we can't stop the spread?"
Zane looked grim. "This is an emergency situation with very
conceivably the galaxy at stake, our orders are clear. Sterilization."
"You mean we beam down and kill all those people?" Krazny asked aghast.
"Actually that won't work. This is a very hardy virus that can
live and spread for months without coming in contact with any
lifeforms." Glin'kharr addedd.
"I mean we use ships phasers to cut the entire colony out of the
ring and let it drift into the sun."
"We can't! The report was quite clear that any stress of that
nature would doom the entire ring to destruction."
"That won't happen because Lt. Koreth and Ensign Serra are going
to come up with a way to keep the ring stable." Zane looked at the two
officers who nodded, each of them thinking it was impossible.
Well how's that for a start to an interesting meeting?
I think Mike has given us the makings of an excellent meeting. We have
medical dilemmas, strategic dilemmas, technical dilemmas and most
importantly moral dilemmas.
I look forward to your characters take on this as well as additional
problems/solutions/outcomes that may concern us.
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
