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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Swimming With the Fishes</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 5-8-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80508.1121<br>
Scene: Aboard the “Rolly”<br>
Krysa and Kavan, in thier swimming suits, climbed on the small boat and
took a seat next to another couple. As the ten passengers found a seat,
the Captain stood up. “Welcome, friends.” He went on to explain a few
rules and regulations before starting the boat and heading out into the
open ocean.
The woman sitting next to Krysa leaned toward her. “I’m Helen, where ya
“I’m Krysa, this is Kavan. He’s from Yarsa, Betazed, I was raised in Los
Angeles, Earth.” Krysa told her.
“Oh, ya married an alien, how interesting.” the middle aged woman
“Well, actually, I’m Betazoid also. My father’s a diplomat here.”
“This is Frank, he and I are from Texas. Are ya here on vacation?” When
Krysa nodded, she continued, “Us too. We never get to go anywhere. I
told Frank that if he didn’t take me somewhere, I would leave him, so
here we are. Ain’t life grand!” She began to laugh.
Krysa felt Kavan chuckling. She looked at him and found herself
chuckling as well, as Helen continued to chat on and on about her life
in Texas and how she never got to go anywhere.
Finally the Captain pulled the boat up to a docking area. Krysa and
Kavan pulled their snorkels from their bag. Kavan had never been
snorkeling so Krysa gave him a quick lesson on how it was done and then
jumped in the warm waters off the reef.
Kavan followed her and together they headed out toward the reef. They
had a great time watching the schools of fish and spying on the other
creatures that lived among the rocks and corals of the small reef.
Scene: Dinner later<br>
“That swimming does make you hungry doesn’t it.” It commented Kavan as
he devoured the local cuisine.
“Well, just about everything makes me hungry,” chuckled Krysa.
“I can’t argue with you there,” he laughed.
“You know, I think I saw a cuttlefish.” said Krysa excitedly.
“A cuttlefish?” asked Kavan.
“It’s kind of like a squid, I guess. It can blend into it’s environment
so it’s very hard to see. Which is why they are so hard to see. It’s
quite likely we passed some without knowing it.”
“I was most impressed by those fish with the beaks. They were incredibly
beautiful. What colors!”
“Parrot fish. I knew you’d enjoy the colorful fish.” Krysa smiled at
“See you’re getting to know me pretty well.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Okay so now, we’ve had Krysa and Kavan in the desert, New Orleans,
and a coral reef... what’s next?? I don’t know, but I’m sure I could
think of a million things that I’ve never done but would like to
vicariously through these two :) Well, okay I’ve gone snorkeling at a
coral reef... oh well :)
