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[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:STAR FLEET: PRIME]][[Category:Silver Fleet]][[Category:Task Force Zinderneuf]][[Category:USS FEYNMAN]]
[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:STAR FLEET: PRIME]][[Category:Silver Fleet]][[Category:Task Force Zinderneuf]][[Category:USS FEYNMAN]]
<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000<br> March 1996 Posts</font></center>
<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|350px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>
<div style="float:right; margin-top: 25px; padding-right: 200px;">[[Image:FEYNMAN PATCH DRAFT2.png|450px|FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch|center]]</div>

<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL MARCH 1996 POSTS: 59</font>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL MARCH 1996 POSTS: TBD</font>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: We're Back</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: We're Back</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 3-2-1996</h4>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 3-2-1996</h4>
Line 3,148: Line 3,148:
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ummm, Let's Eat!k</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ummm, Let's Eat!</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 3-28-1996</h4>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 3-28-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80328.0319<br>
Stardate: 80328.0319<br>
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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Where, Oh Where Has Our Science Officer Gone?</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 3-28-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80328.2043<br>
Scene: Malia’s restaurant<br>
MD: 2.1200<br>
Krysa had been having a splendid time. First such wonderful food and now
dancing. Two of her most favorite things in the world. She couldn’t
understand why the Commissioner was taking such a hard line with these
Her dance partner was a middle-aged man named Logam. He was teaching her
some wonderful new steps. Tok seemed to be enjoying himself as well.
Malia definitely was. She looked around for Fobok but didn’t see him.
While she was thinking that maybe she had better locate him, Logam
twirled her in a new step.
“What was that?” she asked, laughing.
“Here, I’ll show you.” He did it again, this time a little more slowly.
Krysa followed and after a couple of practices, she was doing it like a
pro. “You’re very good,” the man told her.
“This is fun,” she said.
“So tell me, how many children to you have.” he asked her.
“Me?” asked Krysa, “Oh, I don’t have any children.”
The man frowned slightly, “Oh, I’m sorry. Well, no matter. Maybe after
spending some time at the fertility festival you will. Why I know a
woman who all the young women go to see, whether they are having
problems conceiving or not. She has many a conception to her belt!”
Krysa laughed, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“If you like I could get you in special, cause she’s a friend of mine.
We want to make a good impression on the federation. Perhaps having one
of thier members conceive during our fertility festival would help.” The
man was grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh, .... well ... ummm ...” Krysa stuttered, a bit taken aback by his
suggestion. “We have slightly different customs where I come from.”
“Oh,” he said, “You don’t put great value on children?”
“We do. But in our culture people usually don’t have children unless it
is within the confines of a stable relationship between a man and a
woman. I am not in that position yet.”
“Our children are raised in stable homes as well. Who their biological
fathers are, isn’t the important part. It’s that they are loved by their
mothers and taken care of by all.”
“I think that’s a wonderful system, Logam.” Krysa smiled. The two
continued to dance as the morning turned into afternoon. Soon Malia was
begging the Feynman’s Operations Officer to eat again.
“Lot’s of food is good for conception!” she was telling the flustered
Lt. She was eating quite a bit as well while keeping her eye on the
squirming doctor.
Jasker, their server from earlier in the evening was smiling happily at
Malia. “She would know too. Our Malia has seven children!”
“That’s wonderful Malia. You know though, we are on an official
assignment from Starfleet ... and we ...” Krysa paused looking to Dr.
Tok for help.
“We need to continue our investigations,” Tok said happily, “Don’t we,
Lt. Fobok?” He turned to find the Vulcan still missing. Krysa also began
looking around. Concern growing on her face.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Okay so these people really, really like children<G> Now where do<br>
you suppose we will find our missing Science Officer?<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: More Science</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 3-30-1996</h4>
SD 80330.0300 (GMT)<br>
MD 2.0730<br>
North Furjen University of Sciences: Transwarp Physics<br>
"Here is where our transwarp experiments are done. It is our proudest
achievement. Come, look, Tenara said."
The three officers looked at and studied the interesting experiments. Jerran
was almost entranced by it all.
"Amazing," he sighed. "This is much faster than what we have."
Maril noticed a scientist approaching Tenara to ask a question. "Do I know
you?" Tenara asked. Maril could see why. The scientist didn't look exactly
like a Furjenian. Not too different, but a little.
"Of course. I work in the microbiology department." That river has been
crossed, Maril thought, relieved.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All: I know it's short, but I'll add more sometime later. BTW, what ever<br>
happened to the big election at 0800 hours? FYI, the thing about the scientist<br>
that didn't look quite right was a reminder that the Manarkian operatives are<br>
*everywhere*. ;)<br>
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: In the Blue Stork Bar</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Charles Jencks 3-30-1996</h4>
SD 80330.0745 GMT (as always)... 80329.2345 PST (where I am)<br>
MD 3.0300<br>
With the 'commish' on Furjen... at the Blue Stork Bar<br>
Ensign Krazny had just watched the Commissioner down another 'Comute', as
one of the local drinks was called. Having limited himself to half a glass
of it, Krazny likened it to an old Earth drink called 'rum and Coke'.
Krazny had then decided not to get drunk, and was limiting himself to a
bubbly drink apparently reserved for children, called a 'Kaktovik', which
was clear and citrusy. Jade was sticking to water, and not much of it at
that, and both of them kept eyeing the crowd in the large bar. The far
wall was about twenty meters away, and within that space were at least one
hundred people. Suddenly, a bottle flew over the three Federation
personnel, and shattered the front plate glass window.
Jade put her hand on her holster, and Krazny grabbed the Commissioner.
"Sir, we'd better get out of here."
"No, no, I'm not nearly drunk enough to go back to the ship yet.
Bartender, another please. "
Jade stared at Krazny as he shook his head. "How are we supposed to
protect him if he doesn't listen?"
By now several dozen people were involved in the growing brawl behind
them, and Krazny shook the Commissioner. "Sir, we are leaving."
"Fine. Go."
"No, sir, we are *all* leaving." He physically lifted the Commissioner
from his stool and to his feet, not hard at his height. "Now."
Jade smiled, and began to push a path to the door. A fist flew and slammed
into the commissioner's face, knocking him half-unconscious. Krazny
groaned. "Now I'll have to carry him." The ensign hoisted the dazed
Commissioner to a position where he was slung over the counselor's
shoulder and the two officers headed out the door.
Just as they reached the street, so did the brawl. Now fully three hundred
people were involved, and it had spread into the glassware shop next
door... which had been closed. A glass crane (or something similar to that
Terran bird) flew out and smashed into the head of an arriving planetary
security officer, knocking him to the street.
Krazny now saw that it wasn't just a brawl, it was becoming a riot.
Hundreds of people were now in the street, looting, fighting, and now
burning, as they got to the corner, where a wide boulevard led in one
direction to the President's residence and in the other to the capital
building. Krazny and Jade headed for the capital.
On the way to the capital, they spotted many more rioters, and fires in
the distance lit the boulevard a faint orange. Then they spotted an empty
alley. "Think we should beam up?" Krazny said, still shuffling along with
the half-dazed, half-drunk Commissioner slung over his shoulder, with his
rank pip rubbing against the Commissioner's ribs.
NRPG: Too bad we can't kill him. And this riot might just be a
misunderstanding, or it could be that political upheaval beginning. MT
should be about 2.0300. or 3.0300, whichever... I lost track of which day
it is, but about the same as the last post from the Science Academy team.
BTW Krazny is 1.9 meters tall... so, quite a bit above average... maybe
six inches or so. And he's only 18.
<pre style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
- Charles Jencks (                              -
-                                                                        -
- Student of History, Life, And All Things Remotely Star Trek!            -
-----------------------------ASR Charachter List---------------------------
- Ens Christophe Boulanger, USS MELBOURNE FCO, Blue Fleet                -
- Ens K'Zeka'Sl'V"Kia, USS GAUSS FCO, Blue Fleet                          -
- Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN CNS, Silver Fleet                      -
- Ens Jarin Edisrevir, USS LINCOLN CSO, Red Fleet                        -
If you don't write it down, then it never happened.<br>
- Dr Caroline Ryan, MD, FACS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Technology Now</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 3-30-1996</h4>
SD 80330.2000 (GMT)<br>
MD 2.1100<br>
Furjen Museum of Technology(Taung)<br>
Maril, Koreth, and Jerran walked along with the tourguide who was showing some
of Furjen's technological acheivements. They had left the NFUS about an hour
ago, and had proceeded to the museum.
"And here is an exhibit on our undersea technology," the tourguide, whose name
was Sonel, explained. "We have developed many habitats that function
at depths of more than five miles and we have explored all of our oceans except
for the very deepest part of the 9.6-mile-deep Getryono Depth. We even have
built three thriving, independent cities in the Axajn Ocean. Here's the next
They continued on their tour, seeing the Furjen propulsion technology and
their sewer systems. Suddenly, Solen stopped abruptly. He said, for some
reason a little unsure, "This is our laser technology room. It needs to be dark
for better viewing of the lasers." The three walked in, unaware of what they
were walking into.
As Solen explained about the lasers, Maril felt something cold touch the side
of his head. Then someone whispered, "Move and you die."
Lt. Koreth, who was nearest to Maril, saw this action and kicked the phaser(for
that's what it was) out of the attacker's hand. Suddenly, there were attackers
swirling around the three officers. All of them knew how to defend themselves,
but there were at least three assailants for every officer. In the end, Maril,
Jerran, and Koreth found themselves with phasers pointed at them and nowhere to
run. The light came back on, and the three officers could see that there were
never lasers in that room. A man who was apparently the leader stepped
"Who are you and what do you want?" Maril asked, not wavering in his tone.
"Simple. We are Yintirego. Some call us an ultra-isolationist terrorist
group. We don't see ourselves that way. We just want things to stay the way
they were before all of these alien cultures dirtied us. And, we want the
Federation to deny Furjen membership. If thay accept Furjen, you three won't
live to see your ship again." The leader walked out of the room, followed by
the rest of those who had attacked them. Once they had all left, Lt. Koreth
immediately tried to open the door.
"It's no use. The seals on this door are so tight it would take days to break
through them," he observed grimly.
Maril tapped his communicator. "Maril to Feynman. Do you read? Feynman, come
in. The comm signals must be jammed too," the Tamarian lamented.
"Wait a minute," Jerran said. "Their tecnology is supposed to be about 100
years behind ours. There has to be some technology that they can't or didn't
Maril nodded. "Demel going back into the factory," he ordered as they started
to work.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All: How's that for pressure? So now, we have a dillemna: do we accept Furjen and
kill the officers or deny Furjen and save the officers? Although I'm sure we'll
think of a solution which has nothing to do with either. :)
Jason, Joseph: How are we going to get out of this?
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Captain's Log</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 3-30-1996</h4>
Scene: Captain's Ready-Room<br>
Zane sat back in the comfortable low chair that faced the room's
window and gazed down at the planet below. With the entire senior staff,
save himself, gone it had been a completly relaxing day. Taking a sip of
his drink he savoured the quiet. The ship was in peak condition, the
crew was content and the away teams had all reported in that Furjen was
everything it had been reported to be. And, the commissioner was out of
his hair.
Placing the glass on the low table beside him he began his final
duty of the day...
"...Captain's Log stardate 80330.0330....
After a full day in orbit of the planet Furgen I am pleased to
announce that all is proceeding as hoped. Reports from all personnel
have painted the planet as an excellent prospect for Federation
Having been granted shore-leave for the entire crew by the
planetary government I am pleased to see all department heads taking them
up on their offer. However, I can't say I'm all that surprised that each
of them have decided to mix 'business with pleasure'. It seems that
while they are all enjoying themselves they are also appraising the
planet and its inhabitants.
Lt. Jenn's party seem to be having the most fun, at least what I
would consider enjoyable. They have attended one of the local festivals
and from what Kyrsa has told me the inhabitants are a warm, caring
bunch. While much of the festivities are steeped in in ancient custom
there may be some medicinal benefits to the rituals in much the same way
of the Vulcan's. I'm sure Starfleet Medical and Sociological teams would
find this of interest.
Lt.Cmdr Maril's party while claiming to be enjoying themselves
immensely have confined themselves to view some of the technological
achievements of the Furjen. While I can understand the interest to the
officers in question I'd have to say that my heart is in the festivals.
Perhaps when some of the senior staff return I may get a chance for a
quick visit.
As with the 'cultural brigade' Maril's party seem to have found
several items of interest. Of note is the Furjen foray into Transwarp
technology. Long abandoned by Starfleet as impractical, Lt. Koreth has
given me a brief outline of how the Furjen have managed to solve some of
the main problem's that plagued Captain Stiles and the old Excelisor
experiments. If the technology is half as promising as my CEO thinks the
Furjen may have a breakthrough on their hands. They have hinted that
they need a starship for further testing. I have forwarded the
information back to EPSILON along with the request that should the planet
gain addmission, and should the technology seem feasible, that the
FEYNMAN be allowed to return in aid of the final tests.
Finally, Ensigns Sr'Qwon and Krazny have the unenviable task of
escorting the commissioner around. As the offical ceremonies and
interviews do not begin until after the coming elections they are not
necessarily 'on business'. The commissioner has decided to experience
the Furjen nightlife and Onta has wisely detailed the CSO and CNS to
accompany him.
I was a little concerned to hear that they had found themselves
in the midst of a riot but am happy to report that they were neither the
cause nor the root. They maintained their professionalism in front of
such potential danger. I am also happy to relay Sr'qwon's preliminary
report as to how the local authorities contained the riot, which was
really just a bar-room brawl reminescent of EPSILON'S Wall. Local
militia units arrived quickly and dispersed the group with miminal force
using nothing more lethal than water-cannons.
Closer to home, the Ferengi vessel we encountered yesterday has
entered orbit. After receiving a standard customs inspection without
incident. The trading vessel began to download its cargo. It appears to
be fully loaded and after six hours it is still transporting its
freight. As expected the cargo is being received by one of our escorts
chief competitors. It seems that while they may be a little overzealous
they are firmly rooted in free enterprise.
Hi all. Just fitting Zane into the overall scheme as well as providing
his views on what has transpired so far....
As the time for Maril to report in has not arrived Zane is still unaware
that something is amiss. Have fun!
You will be happy to know (or perhaps scared for me!) that I am offically
logged in as the FEYNMAN'S rep on the RT. So please light a candle on my
behalf! <EG>
If you are interested, and I hope you are, there is a section dealing
with the RT on the ASR webpage. Any questions or comments regarding the
RT please let me know.....
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Captain's Ready-Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 3-31-1996</h4>
> SD 80331.2030<br>
> MD 3.0400<br>
> Scene: Captain's Ready-room<br>
> "He'll probably have time for that. Look, the locals have asked us to<br>
> provide observers for the election. You'll be leaving for the main<br>
> ballot-counting facility in the capital city in six hours, two hours after<br>
> the polls open. The Commissioner has been asked for, so if he's in any<br>
> condition to leave Sickbay, he goes."<br>
> "Yes, sir."<br>
"Ah sir...." Ensign Sr'qwon seemed quite uncomfortable.
"Yes ensign?"
"I think there may be something going on with the planetary
election and well..."
Zane frowned. "Spit it out ensign."
"....Well sir, I think the commissioner may be involved."
Zane stood, his frown deepening. This was all he needed an
over-zealous CSO who was seeing conspiracy on the third day of his first
mission. "That's a very serious charge ensign. Are you aware of the
exemplary career of the commissioner?" Zane tried to keep the lecturing
tone out of his voice. "What do you base this on?"
The CSO with referral to the counselor told Zane of the terrorist
acts and the comissioner's reaction and then the rather surprising
conversation with the president.
Zane remained silent for a few moments considering the incident
Sr'qwon had just described. "Good work! I find it hard to believe
that something like this could involve the commissioner but I
agree with your suspicions." Zane paused. "And it explains the request
for election observers."
Returning to his chair he looked up to the two officers.
"Continue with your assignment of escorting the commissioner and do not
impede his actions in any way. Officially nothing changes but I want you
to keep this incident in the back of your mind."
> "I suggest you two get some rest. Be back here at 0800. You beam down at<br>
> 1000."<br>
Just tying some threads...
ALL: Just to keep all the threads in line we'll say that 0800 is the<br>
designated time to report in so Max and Jenn I'll hear from your<br>
two parties (or not if your still lost) at that time and we can<br>
decide how to continue from there.<br>
Charles: Did you miss my last post and Andrew's?<br>
respectfully submitted,<br>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
