USS Feynman MAR 1996: Difference between revisions

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Ens Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN<br>
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN<br>
And pilot of an F-19A Ghostrider (which the pilots call a Frisbee.)<br>
And pilot of an F-19A Ghostrider (which the pilots call a Frisbee.)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The Ferengi Equation</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Andrew Nugteren 3-24-1996</h4>
Third time lucky perhaps!! I keep getting a carrier dropout, so if this is
in triplicate, please delete the other two and I offer my apologies :)
SD: 80324.0715<br>
Scene: MPI Directors Office<br>
MD: 2.0000<br>
CEO Rick Savage looked up as a weary looking Vice-Chancellor Brownlie
came into the picture on his viewer. "Vice-Chancellor"
"You have a report?" Brownlie fired at him with the utmost brevity.
"Yes sir. Our strike-force units have boarded the Ferengi cargo ship and
left orbit 10 minutes ago according to schedule. ETA in Furjen space is
0410 hours which should coincide with the arrival of the Federation ship in
the sector as well."
"Good... and news from Furjen itself?"
"Our political espionage staff are finalising their preperations sir.
Their campaign will begin with the 0800 Furjen planetary newscast. That
gives us a full day before the polling booths open; plenty of time by my
assessment. I'll remind you that Jock McLebin is in charge of the
planetside operation, so we should have no problems on the ground. I
understand you've worked with Mr. McLebin in the past sir?"
Brownlie grunted a non-commital answer. Rumor held correctly that
McLebin had worked as Brownlie's personal attache engaging in smear tactics
during the last Manark elections, but as always in politics, a policy of
neither confirm, nor deny, seemed to work wonders.
"That's all sir. I'll keep you informed. The next 24 hours will be a
time of great triumph for all of Manark V. Savage out."
Scene: MPI Operations HQ<br>
MD: 2.0055<br>
The atmosphere in MPI's operations nerve-centre was almost electric. A
beeping noise alerted one of the Communications operators to an incoming
"Sir," her voice hastened. "We have an incoming subspace message from
the Ferengi trading vessel."
Savage stepped quickly toward her station. "On screen."
The main OPS viewer flashed to show the face of the Ferengi captain, Par
Lenor. "Commander Savage," Par smiled wickedly. "I'm so glad I got hold of
"This had better be urgent," Rick said rather forecfully. "Your orders
stipulated no subspace communication until your arrival on Furjen."
"I am aware of my orders," the Ferengi stated. "However a little matter
has just been brought to my attention."
"It seems there has been a slight misunderstanding with regard to the
payment for our role in the mission. My purser has informed me that only
160 bars of gold-pressed latinum were delivered before we departed."
"As I recall," Rick started to heat up. "160 bars was our agreement. I
have a copy of the contract in my office."
"I have no queries with the contract." the Ferengi continued glibly.
"I'll remind you that a Ferengi's word is his honour, however it seems that
at the time we were not made aware of a possible Federation presence. Our
latest intelligence suggests we may come across the Federation ship FEYNMAN.
To be perfectly frank Commander, we feel that it would be unfortunate for us
both if we were forced to stop and the Federation *happened* to discover
your troops in our cargo bay."
"The mission was most thoroughly explained prior to your departure," Rick
retorted. "You were made most aware of the requirements. If this is some
kind of double-crossing deal, then this is the last time you trade in Manark
V *or* Furjen space. Do I make myself clear?"
"Perfectly Commander," Par Lenor continued cooly. "However after all, I
am just an honest businessman trying to make a little money to support my
family. If you ask me to take greater risks, there must be greater profit
or I'm afraid we don't have a deal."
"What's your price then?" Rick conceded, realising the inevitable.
"1000 bars of the finest gold-pressed latinum," the Ferengi smiled.
"That's insane and you know it," said Rick. "1000 bars is ten times the
standard rates. We'll never agree to that much."
Lenor gestured apologetically. "I'm sorry Commander, but I do have my
costs as well... I'm sure both of us realise it would be most unfortunate
for our passengers if we failed to reach an agreement. No fare means no
ride, and space is a very cold place for passengers who don't pay their fares."
Rick gestured at the communications operator to place the Ferengi on
hold. He began to pace back and forth. The Ferengi had already received
full payment from the original contract and t was clear that they held the
ace of trumps; the troops. Par Lenor *was* probably bluffing, but this was
critical to the sucess of the entire mission. Without the strike-force,
Manark would have no way of enforcing their annexation once approved by a
mock-government. Rick gestured to the operator and the Ferengi Captain
"I have reached a decision," Rick told him. "The way you put it, I can
assure you that MPI would be delighted to accomodate your latest offer. I
will see to it personally that the latinum is transferred to your account
"I'm so glad you can see sense through all this Commander," Lenor said in
a most sincere tone. "I'm sure this is only the beginning of a profitable
business relationship... for us both." His wide smile remained on the
viewer unmoving for several seconds, and then the channel terminated.
Respectfully submitted<br>
Ensign Jade<br>
Just to clear up a few implications I've made in Manark V's plans:<br>
Furjen elections for the Legislative Council will be taking place at MD
3.0800 Once those are complete, the Legislature votes will also vote for a
President, the imcumbent having served his 10 year term already.
The Manark political espionage officers on Furjen are going to come up with
some very nasty scare or rumour which they can substantiate with supposed
evidence. Their aim to swing elections in favor of their own candidates.
If they took control of the Legislature, put in their own President and took
control with their strike-force, we would be obliged to step back since it's
an internal matter and Furjen is not *yet* a member of the UFP.
Of course, if some of us are on the planet when some of this begins to
happen, we could see quite a different story... :)
