USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 2-20-1996</h4>
SD 80220.1700(GMT)<br>
MD 1.1700<br>
First Officer's Office<br>
Lt. Commander Maril sat in his office, thinking about what was to be done.
Commander Zane and Lt. Jenn would be transporting to the Cesphalian homeworld
soon. Although Maril wasn't a security officer, he couldn't help being
suspicious. After all, he had almost lost his life to something supposedly
created by the isolationists. He decided to head for the Bridge. As he stepped
in, he realized Lt. Jenn had the shift.
"You may leave," Maril relieved Jenn. "You need to get ready to beam down,
"Thank you, Commander."
Maril sat back and looked around. "Lieutenant Fobok, please report to the
[I'm on my way, sir.]
As Lt.<jg> Fobok walked onto the Bridge, Maril asked, "Lieutenant, have you
noticed anything out of the ordinary about the Cesphalians' ships or anything
"Well, sir, their hulls are composed of rather reflective materials."
Just then, Mancuso called out, "Commander, the Resolute is powering up its
Ein reported, "Sir, the Resolute is hailing us."
"Captain to the Bridge," Maril said over the intercom. "On screen," he
ordered to Mancuso.
Ixava's face appeared. "Now, listen to me, you Federation ship--get out now,
or, or, I'll destroy you!"
"Where is Captain Tauk?" Maril asked.
"That's none of your business. Now, go before I destroy your ship!"
Maril signed to cut the communication. "Options?"
"We have very few, sir," Fobok observed.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Just moving the plot along. :)<br>
Andy:Didn't know if you wanted Zane to beam down beforehand or not. :)<br>
