USS Feynman JAN 1996: Difference between revisions

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rescue vessel! <G> But, if you do crash, try and do it on the water
rescue vessel! <G> But, if you do crash, try and do it on the water
planet. I'm kinda partial to cooler weather ;)
planet. I'm kinda partial to cooler weather ;)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Research Lab</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 1-29-1996</h4>
SD 80130.0200(GMT)<br>
MD 1.1415<br>
Persei V-Third Moon:Moon Installation(Research Lab)<br>
Lt. Commander Maril continued to try to find out what had gone wrong in
Ensign Fobok's cure and how to counteract it.
" we go. Hopefully, this will be enough to guide Mr. Fobok through
the forest." He took the hypospray and injected the antidote into Fobok's
blood. Almost immediately, there was an improvement.
"You're doing well, Mr. Fobok. I am not a doctor, but your body appears to
be holding the virus in check," Maril remarked.
"But you, sir. You need some of it, too."
"Don't worry, Mr. Fobok. I saved some for the entire away team." Just then, the lights brightened and the consoles came to life. Maril tapped on his communicator. "Maril to Zane. I assume you have been able to bring main power on line, sir."
[That is correct.]
"Good. Maybe we can get to the bottom of this now. Maril out." However, as he turned to the nearest console, the lights suddenly redimmed and the exobiologist, who had walked to the other side of the room, yelled out, "Sir, we've lost power. The virus containment field is failing!"
It didn't take very long for Maril to make a decision. "Everyone out! Mr.
Fobok, take all of the antidote that has been made. Make sure it gets to Lt.
Commander Zane."
"But, sir...."
"That's an order, Mr. Fobok."
As the others ran out of the room, Maril set up a high-intensity forcefield
that would activate 15 seconds after the program was initiated. As he wasn't
sure that even that would keep them in, he set the environment controls to go
to 550 degrees Celsius at the same time. Everything would probably melt, but
it was a small price to pay for keeping the viruses away.
He initiated the program and started running towards the door. He was two
steps away when the containment field failed. He, was, however, able to get
out of the room before anything else happened. As he ran down the corridor, he
heard the water in different materials boiling and other things melting.
Somewhere on the Command Level, he simply collapsed on the floor.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
Second/Operations Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Well, there goes the research lab, and Maril got thoroughly contaminated
the process. :) Oh, FYI(for those who use the Fahrenheit, like me), 550
Celsius is about 1022 Fahrenheit. Ouch, hot. ;)<br>
Andy, Colby:Wasn't sure about who was actually in the Command Center, but just
said Zane as he was the higher-ranking officer.<br>
