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Richter Scale of Culture Rating: A-451-5018-2 (equivalent to Earth in the early 2300’s)
Richter Scale of Culture Rating: A-451-5018-2 (equivalent to Earth in the early 2300’s)
Race(s) of Native Sentients: 100% Kapulin
Race(s) of Native Sentients: 100% Kapulin
Kapulin IV maintains an elaborate and sophisticated network of weather control satellites, technology gained as a UFP Protectorate. 
Average Planetary Temperature: 84F/28C with frequent gusts of cooling wind.


Revision as of 18:43, 17 August 2023


Official Name in Standard:              Kapulin
Native Name:                            Kawpaulaw
Governing Body:                         The Highest Sovereign Chamber
Title of the Head of Government:        King(s) and Queen(S)


Quadrant/Sector/System:  Beta Quadrant / Kapulin System
Constellation: Sagittarius, coreward of the Lagoon Nebula
Spectral Type: Red Giant (K1.5III)
Distance to Earth: ~167 light-years
Radius: 21.4±0.2[7] R☉
Apparent magnitude: -0.29
Surface Temperature: 4286±30[7] K
Suns/Planets/Planetoids/Moons:  1 Star (Kapulin)/5 Planets/2 Planetoids/ Kapulin IV has 2 moons


Native Population: 4.4 billion as of 2430 
Transient Population 69 million per year 
Planetary Capital City: Ddoj, Loro continent (Population 9.35 million)
Richter Scale of Culture Rating: A-451-5018-2 (equivalent to Earth in the early 2300’s)
Race(s) of Native Sentients: 100% Kapulin

Kapulin IV maintains an elaborate and sophisticated network of weather control satellites, technology gained as a UFP Protectorate.  
Average Planetary Temperature: 84F/28C with frequent gusts of cooling wind. 

Land/Water Ratio(s) of Planets: 68/32
Planetary Weather: Tropical 
Diameter: 16,741 km (10,402 miles)
Gravity: .94 standard gravity with a density of 2.88
Axial Tilt: 35.3%, with minimal seasonal changes
Orbital Period: 394 days
Rotational Period: 29.8 hours
Classification: M
Surface Water: 68%
Atmosphere: 1.07% is a standard pressure with 73% nitrogen, 27% oxygen, 0% trace chemicals
Land Masses: There are nine distinct continents in a spiral pattern that span the globe. Each are connected to at least two other continents by land bridges. 
Continent names: Arcu, Domm, Eqqi, Fioo, Gyde, Ixai, Kynn, Loro and Zhau
Terrain: Lush green and flowered jungles surround every city, while the three continents possess mountain ranges. There are no desert regions, and no polar ice caps due to the axial tilt.
Oceans: Azgi (North) Ocean and Ulgi (South) Ocean; 
Seas: Luvo Sea (most significant), Venn, Layi, Yabo and Maku
River: Geev River, largest in length/width, divides the Ddoj continent nearly in half

Ddoj - Capital of Loro continent  - Planetary capital, center of government, resorts
Moag - Capital of Arcu continent  - Mecca of art & culture, largest library on the planet        
Juuk - Capital of Ixai continent  - Highly agricultural, many resorts  
Alar - Capital of Domm continent  - Predominantly Educational and Research facilities          
Yigo - Capital of Kynn continent  - Mauk, the largest Casino/Resort on the planet
Arko - Capital of Eqqi continent  - Entertainment, resorts and mountain adventures        
Quij - Capital of Fioo continent  - Entertainment and luxury resorts         
Cuuk - Capital of Zhau continent  - Quiet, reserved with small bungalows, Bed & Breakfast Inns
Tibi - Capital of Gyde continent  - Medical and Space Research. Military Command Center 

NOTABLE ANIMALS - Incredibly abundant in skies, oceans and on land in all continents. 
Clab - A rather large, playful aquatic mammal similar to a Terran dolphin twice that size. 
Hipn - A dark blue medium-sized primate very close to a chimpanzee, extremely friendly and cuddly. 
Kazz - Long, bright orange feathers adorn this graceful avian akin to a large eagle. 
Saro - Various small to medium furry mammals not unlike canines, friendly and helpful. 


The heartbeat of the Kapulin economy harmoniously intertwines with the realms of both hospitality and education. Amidst the tapestry of this vibrant planet, a splendid array emerges, spanning opulent resorts to charming Bed & Breakfast bungalows. A substantial segment of the populace finds itself intricately woven into the fabric of all things associated with indulgence, serenity, and amusement.

Sprawling universities and smaller colleges are abundant in each of the Kapulin continents, serving as revered milestones on each citizen's transformative journey towards self-enrichment.

Breakdown of living standards:
        Technosocialist age:  78 percent of population
        Information age:  8 percent of population
        Industrial age:  0 percent of population
        Agrarian age:  14 percent of population

Kapulin is very much a modern world, as evidenced by the shear
breakdown of its population.  Only 5 percent of its economy is
geared towards agribusiness- but that's all they need.  Their
technological level is sophisticated enough so that 14% more than
fills the world's food needs.  Of course, replication technology
augments what is naturally grown.  Animals on Kapulin are not
bred and/or killed for food sources.

Kapulin imports very little that cannot be created by hand or mass
replicated. Likewise, there is no significant export of goods either.

Latinum is the standard currency of exchange on Kapulin IV, though seldom used
in domestic commerce.


Federation Member?  No 
Federation Protectorate: Since 2414
Planetary Government: United Citizens of Kapulin IV. established in 2176 
Government Type: Democratic Monarchy Bicameral System
Socio-Political System: Meritocracy 

Kapulins have had a united planetary government for nearly three
centuries (Federation calendar), however that entity has grown to 
be a model of the minimalist and ultra-efficient philosophy that 
dominates their lifestyle. 

For centuries dating back to the earliest historical records,
citizens of each continent were their own independent state, loosely 
ruled by monarchy. In 2111, negotiations were initiated to abolish the 
independent states and form the planetary government. By a planet-wide
popular vote, the government was established in 2176. 

The Monarchy carried over from the continent state government, however
each couple (any combination of King and Queen) is elected by a planetary
popular vote for a 10-year term with no reelection possible. Each royal 
couple appoint a pair of Vice Kings/Queens to serve as their seconds
and successors should anything cause a vacancy. The Monarchy serves as
the Executive branch. 

The Highest Sovereign Chamber serves as a combined legislative and judicial body, 
and meets twice a year, typically for 3-4 weeks to execute the agenda for the term. 
Each continent provides two Ministers to comprise the body of the Chamber. Ministers
are elected for a 5-year term and may be reelected once in their lifetimes. 

The Kapulin Military has ground, naval and space branches and reports directly to 
the Monarchy. The ground forces are the planetary Constabulary, and both the space
and wet navies are equivalents to old Earth’s Coast Guard. 

There is no record of actual 'wars' in all of Kapulin recorded history. Disagreements
have been successfully negotiated via diplomatic endeavors. With an over abundance 
of resources, there has never been a need in the Kapulin way of life to enact violence
on the scale of organized war onto another segment of the planet. 

The Federation Council has petitioned the 'U.C.K.' to join the UFP multiple times,
however they are content staying out of intergalactic politics and remaining a
Federation Protectorate. 


Kapulins have a general hominid appearance being bipedal, walk/stand
upright with head on top of the torso. However, there are distinct 
attributes that make Kapulins quite different from other races. 

Most notably, the average height of a Kapulin adult regardless of 
gender is 6.5 ft/1.9 meters. 

Kapulin’s wear their hair extremely long, reaching the middle back 
and often longer still. It is considered a taboo to cut one’s hair, 
unless medically or otherwise deemed critical. While modern trends 
permit it to be wrapped up in a style, most older generations wear 
it free and long. Baldness is not a genetic factor in the Kapulin 
race, however with the exception of small eyebrows, the entire 
Kapulin body is totally smooth and void of any other hair. 

The most remarkable difference is that Kapulins have three genders. 
What is most commonly referred to as male, female and their word for 
the third gender does not translate into Federation Standard, so it is 
referred to as gender 'O' for lack of a more precise term. All three 
are required to participate in the mating process. 

The typical Kapulin life expectancy is around 140 (FSY), though medical 
advances and exchanges with the Federation continue to elevate that average. 
Kapulin eyes are commonly bright green or blue, but a recessive gene in 
their chromosomes will give the rare Kapulin red eyes. 

Kapulins have zero telepathic or empathetic abilities, and are 
considered an Esper-Blind species in that their minds cannot
be read or influenced at all by telepaths or empaths. 

Kapulin society revolves around the lifelong journey of enriching
and enhancing one's intellect while at the same time giving back
as much as possible to society. This core value system has perpetuated 
for centuries and is the basis for the Utopia of modern Kapulin IV. 
From early childhood, all are taught the purpose of life is to 
forever learn, grown and give. 

There is no concept religion on Kapulin IV, individuals believe
they alone control their destinies without alien or other spiritual 

Bolian society revolves around the idea of the group.  Families
do not typically have a single spokesperson or decision-maker; 
all decisions are made by agreement between all adults in the
family- once a child reaches adult age, he or she has an equal
voice in familial proceedings.  The typical Bolian family is
extended rather than nuclear; not only do cousins, aunts and
uncles live in close proximity to one another (not always under
one roof, but at least neighboring one another), but the family
expands with every marriage to include parents-in-law and their
families.  Some Bolian families have hundreds of people living
in the same geographic area. This phenomena has given birth to
the "megalopolis" on Bolarus IX, with cities typically 2-3 times
larger than average Terran cities.   Each family is essentially
its own township, set up within city boundaries.

Child care is a burden accepted by all members of a family, not
just the parents.  The concept of the "village" raising the
child is not a political platform to Bolians- it is common
practice.  All members of the family pitch in the education and
rearing of the child, helping to instill Bolian beliefs and
principals by example as well as word of mouth.

This group concept is the underlying fabric of Bolian society.
As a result, they tend to be extremely social creatures,
preferring the company of large numbers as opposed to smaller;
indeed, the cliché "The more the merrier" may have first been
uttered by a Bolian.  They excel when working in groups as
opposed to alone, able to capitalize on the strengths of one 
another; they socialize in groups, usually preferring a large
party to a smaller, more intimate gathering.

The group concept has fostered a trait that is unusual in most
star faring races- there is no xenophobia amongst Bolians.  Bolians
learned early on that one of the strengths of the group idea
was diversity in experiences and beliefs- if one was going to
fully reap the rewards of the group concept, then one would have
to forget any prejudice towards anyone "different."  As such,
xenophobia has not existed (except for in the select few) for
thousands of years.  They tend to view differences as strengths
that can only broaden one's experience rather than a racially-
inbred weakness.

The large group philosophy has also fostered an extreme desire
to succeed in most Bolians.  Success of the group is all that
matters, and no Bolian wants to be thought of by his or her peers
as someone who was not giving his or her very best effort.
Personal success enhances group success, so the belief goes.
As a result, Bolians are the consummate "team players."

Like most things in Bolian life, health care is socialized; the
government covering all long-term expenditures.  This practice
stems from the government stance that it is simply looking out
for the interests of a very large group- ALL Bolians.  However,
there is no assisted living in Bolian society- elder Bolians, if
incapable of caring for themselves, are cared for by their
families, with any assistance necessary provided by the government.
However, Bolians are generally a people in excellent health; since
most of their food products are genetically engineered or
replicated, they are created to be exactly what Bolians need in
terms of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, etc.

However, should a Bolian be terminally and painfully ill or with
less than his or her complete faculties, they engage in the 
practice of euthanasia.  This practice has caused some tensions to
arise between Bolians and other cultures, but they view this as
the final service one can perform for a respected member of the 
group.  They don't see suffering as dignified or proper- they see 
it as an unnecessary burden to be lifted, and will do so almost
without question or fail.  it is considered one of their most
sacred beliefs, and is one is honored by his participation in this
elaborate ritual.  On another level, they also argue that it is 
counterproductive to the group, but this argument only serves to
enflame others.  Though certainly a secondary motivation, it IS
still a motive.


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Creator(s)/Adaptor(s): Michael Dailey E-Mail Address: spaltter2@yahoo.com

Created for/First Use (if known): "Conspiracy" was the first Next Generation episode in which Bolians were seen. Much of the basic character traits were taken from those episodes and subsequent episodes themselves. The elaboration on these, however, is my own conjecture.

Bolians have been seen in The Next Generation, Deep space 9 and Voyager.

Please check one:

___ Canonical - All rights reserved by Paramount.

__ Semi-Canonical - All rights reserved by Paramount.

__ Non-Canonical - All rights reserved by companies specified:


_x_ Original - All rights reserved by creator named above.



Not much is known about Bolian language. However, there are some structural peculiarities that bear mentioning.

2.1- Names


Traditional Bolian family names end in a double hard consonant, and are almost exclusively single-syllable names:

Domm Finn Warr Mott Ludd Pell Grexx Trobb Hegg Hett Garnn Juff

The origin of Bolian family names bears close resemblance to some Terran customs. In Terran history, many surnames were created in order to show a relation to one's job. For instance, in ancient Terran England, one might have met a "John Smith," whose surname "Smith" indicated his trade- that of a smith. Often, this name stayed with a family through generations because all male members of the family line were trained in the same trade. Over time, however, the connection with the job faded, and surnames were passed down with the family instead of the trade.

Bolian tradition is remarkably similar in this manner. Many traditional Bolian names were taken from the job or trade of the person, with those names becoming associated less with the trade and more with the family over time until the connection to the trade faded completely.

2.2- Suffixes


Bolian language uses a lot of suffixes to denote all sorts of things, often differentiating between the size or number of the root it modifies.

For instance, some Bolian surnames have a "u" that follows the double hard consonant the typically ends Bolian surnames- people with this suffix are twins. Accordingly, surnames that end with an "o" signify triplets, and names that end in "a" signifies that the person is part of a set of quadruplets or larger. Of course, given the Bolian proclivity for groups, such people are generally held in high regard.

Domm (surname) + o (triplet suffix) = Dommo (surname for a set of triplets) Hocc (surname) + u (twin suffix) = Hoccu (surname for a set of twins)

Also, Bolian location names have suffixes attached to them which denote the size of the town:

Large Megalopolis -at Regular City -ar Medium Town -ab Small Village -al Rural -or

Region names, like surnames, are typically single-syllable, and end in a double hard consonant. Most regions were likely named after famous or founding bolians- thus the similarity in construction to Bolian surnames.

Hospp (region/location) + at (suffix) = Hosppat

                                            (largest megalopolis)

Promm (region/location) + or (rural suffix)= Prommor (farming community)

There are other suffixes used in Bolian language, such as those added on to nouns/pronouns to denote singular and plural (again dealing with quantity). However, conspiculously enough, there

are comparitively few prefixes.