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PLAYER: Amanda Glasscock E-MAIL: mandarhobbit@...

STATUS: New Player DESITNATION: Orestes Station, Chief Medical Officer




FULL NAME: Treh Dallen

SURNAME: Dallen GIVEN NAME: Treh CURRENT RANK: CURRENT BILLET:Orestes Station, Chief Medical Officer SPECIES (EXTRACTION):Betazoid GENDER/SEX: Male AGE: 36 DOB: November 5th, 2387

POB: Capitol City, Betazed PARENTS: Jer Dallen, Kaler Dallen SIBLINGS: None SPOUSE: None CHILDREN: None


Treh Dellan is a man who has the appearance of confidence and competency in his very look and posture. His eyes belay the fact that he can, for all intents and purposes, see into one's very soul. The illusion, however, is shattered when he speaks. He has a low quiet voice and has been plagued by a stutter for most of his life. When able, he prefers telepathic communication.

Treh is about 5'11 and 160lbs with broad shoulders. He has a strong jaw and piercing dark eyes which pop against his tanned face. His sandy brown hair is kept short, but not in a high and tight. Despite being a medical doctor, he has the physical air of a cocky fighter, and a smirk that only compounds the look.

HEIGHT: 5'11 WEIGHT: 160lbs HAIR: Brunette EYES: Black SKIN TONE: Tanned BLOOD TYPE: VISION: 20/15 RELIGION: Atheist

CITIZENSHIP: Federation LANGUAGES: Federation Standard, Betazoid, Ferengi, Klingon




A. Academic Institutions Attended:

-- Star Fleet Academy
–- Star Fleet Medical Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:

-- Star Fleet Space Medical Officer School

C. Qualifications:

--Specialist in Xenobiology and Xenobiological Surgery--

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Honors: With High Honors Academic Major: Xenobiology Professional Major: Medical Class Rank: 12/132 Reprimands:

- Insubordination to a superior officer 
- Out of bounds past curfew

- Drunk and disorderly Commendations: Athletics:

- Boxing 
- Velocity Champion 2414 


- Theater arts 
- Debate team 




A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-5: Lived on Betazed 5-16: Homeschooled and tutored on Feregnar

16-18: Trained on Betazed 18: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy 23-26: Attended Star Fleet Medical Academy 26-29: Residency – USS Hope, Medical ship

29-30: Medical Officer – USS Surak 30-34: Assistant Chief Medical Officer – USS Indefatigable 34-36: Chief Medical Officer – USS Indefatigable 36-Present: Chief Medical Officer – Orestes Station

B. Background Summary:

Treh Dellen was born to a diplomat and a doctor on Betazed. He was the only child, and for the first several years of his life lived a normal happy life. When he was five, however, his mother was transferred to Ferengnar, where he and his father joined her. Jer Dellen worked with the Ferengi Health Commission, and Treh was homeschooled and tutored.

This new life on Ferengnar, Treh was isolated, with very few friends. Most of the people his age were Ferengi, who would harass him for his small ears and his lack of profit sense. It was torment for the boy, who was stressed out enough to start stuttering. His parents were often at work, and didn't catch this development early, since he rarely stuttered around them.

As the years went on, Treh got more secluded and more insecure, rarely able to speak around non-family members. He didn't even want to leave his residence at all. Eventually, his family got him into therapy, and forced him to interact with more people. It was very difficult, seeing as there weren't many non-Ferengi to socialize with.

Hitting puberty is difficult enough for young Betazoids, but it was very difficult for the young man. He wasn't around anyone who he could practice his new talents on, and was only exposed to those that controlled their thoughts, or couldn't be read. It was an anti-climactic puberty, but Treh and his parents were both confused and concerned that he wasn't having much reaction to people. It was feared that he would be a low-level telepath, only able to communicate with fellow telepaths.

Sixteen years old, Dellen was sick and tired of Ferengi, and decided to leave it in search of education and adventure. He applied for Star Fleet Academy, and was vaguely surprised that he was accepted to test. However, his first experience out in the galaxy of normal people was devastating and painful. A rush of noise, of feelings that overwhelmed him, keeping his mind so cluttered with a thousand different thoughts that he couldn't sort out or control.

His family ended up taking him to Betazed, where he could be taught how to control hearing the thoughts of others. It was a hard and long process, where most days Treh was convinced that he was going to lose his mind before anything happened. It was nearly two years before he was willing to try to leave Betazed and retry testing for Star Fleet Academy.

Star Fleet Academy was different than anything the insecure young man had ever known, he still struggled with social interaction, and his own telepathy, but it challenged him in more ways than that. He stayed physically active, and one of his squad leaders encouraged him to join theatre and debate to try to overcome his stutter. It worked to a degree, but only on a stage, and he was able to translate that into not stuttering when responding to his superior officers.

Treh loved studying for medicine, and was certain that he wanted to go into medicine like his father. However, for a while he was torn between medicine and psychology, so he had extra courses in psychology. As a student, he was a very intelligent student, though quiet. As a military cadet, though, he was less disciplined than his teachers believed he should have been, and was also not much as far as leadership positions.

Upon graduating from the regular Academy, Treh Dellen was accepted into Star Fleet Medical Academy. His focus was Xenobiology with an emphasis on surgery. He was very talented, and quickly established himself as a gifted healer. However, it was during this time that he developed addictions to both stimulants and a new drug which inhibits psionic abilities. This allowed him to focus without having to block out other thoughts on his own, and he was able to spend days being productive without any problems.

After graduating, he served as a resident on the USS Hope, where he was able to continue slipping himself the stimulants and telepathy-inhibitor. It was perfect for him, he was successful and well liked as long as he was working. It was only when he was off-duty and approached with personal things that he broke into the unstoppable stutter. Most people thought he was, off-duty, a little strange, and it was far from wrong.

After several years of serving with distinction on various ships, disaster befell Dr. Treh Dellen when discrepancies were found in the replicator logs and his pharmacy. While he had spent many years carefully avoiding being caught with his supply of medicine, one of his corpsman was not. The investigation however, lead to testing each member of the medical staff, and high levels of both stimulants and psionic inhibitors were found in his system.

Disgraced, Treh Dellen was brought up before an Admiral's mast and reduced in rank by two grades for his use of ill-gotten controlled substances, and was transferred to the Orestes Station.

C. Personality Summary:

Despite the outward appearance of confidence and control, Treh Dellan lives in an internal world of doubt and overwhelming confusion and fear. The only two things he has ever been fully confident with are medicine and acting. He has a great deal of trouble with interpersonal communication, and stutters horribly when not on stage or in the middle of a crisis.

Growing up among a Betazoid among Ferengi, Treh had to deal with a lot of ridicule and degrading. His parents encouraged him to stand up for himself and to learn to appreciate who he was as himself, but he was unable to do that and instead developed a complex. Now most decisions are second guessed and mulled over, fretted about. The fact that he developed a stutter only compounded his issue and makes him more self-conscious.

The good doctor is a quiet man, who prefers to use telepathic communication when possible instead of speaking aloud. He tends to cringe when he hears his own voice, and so most of the time he won't say anything at all unless spoken to first. At the same time, he despises silence, where he is stuck with his own thoughts that constantly berate him. While he isn't heard speaking much, it is quite common to hear Dellen whistle or hum if he finds the area he's in too quiet. When there is conversation going on around him, he will eavesdrop without any shame or compunction, just because it's noise to focus on.

As far as Betazoid telepathy goes, Treh Dellen is powerfully gifted, though in his opinion cursed. He is both a telepath and an empath, feeling the thoughts and emotions of those around him. However, he was on Ferengnar when his powers came to fruition, and didn't learn to control them when it was growing. Instead, he was baptized by fire into controlling them when his family left Ferengnar. He has trouble dealing with the internal noise and feelings, enough that it's hard to hear himself think at times, which can be a blessing. Most of the time, he is forced to completely shut out everything in order to cope. He has been known to abuse telepathy inhibitors in order to preserve his sanity, as well as stimulants to continue working long into the night.

Aside from being quiet and socially inept, Treh is a nice and caring man, with a great deal of patience for other people. He likes fixing people, something that he can't seem to do on himself, and seeing people get better. At one point, he thought about going into psychiatry or psychology instead of focusing on general medicine and surgery. He has an interest in psychology and is a very good listener.

When outside of work, Dellen likes to read and act, as well as participate in a variety of sport activities to keep himself fit and blow off steam. He has problems with suppressed anger, and is often passive-aggressive, which tends to lead to trouble when he's finally had enough. As he can read minds, when he's lost his temper, he can and will use any chink in someone's armor that he can find to win.




A. Promotion History:

Star Date (24)090501: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) Star Date (24)110331: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2) Star Date (24)150119: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3) Star Date (24)210815: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)

Star Date (24)230321: Demoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2)

B. Service History:

Star Date (24)050801: Entered Star Fleet Academy Star Date (24)090501: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; commissioned as

Ensign (O-1)

Academic Major: --Xenobiology--
Professional Major: --Medicine--

Star Date (24)090801: Entered Star Fleet Medical Academy Star Date (24)130501: Graduated from Star Fleet Medical Academy as a Medical Doctor

Star Date (24)130701: Assigned as Resident Doctor, USS Hope Star Date (24)160319: Assigned as Medical Officer, USS Surak Star Date (24)170129: Assigned as Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Indefatigable Star Date (24)210607: Promoted to Chief Medical Officer, USS Indefatigable

Star Date (24)230320: Admiral's Mast for Conduct Unbecoming a Star Fleet Officer, and possession of controlled substances. Star Date (24)230321: Assigned as Chief Medical Officer, ORESTES STATION

(Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned,

not their current re-classification.)

C. Medals and Commendations

None at this time.


V. Skills Profile


Treh Dellen is a competent medical doctor, who does very well under pressure. He is also a decent hand to hand fighter, and proficient with a hand-weapon, though he prefers not having to use them on people. Well versed in psychology, Treh is also very talented at helping people. A strong telepath, Treh can send and receive telepathic messages, as well as read thoughts and glean basic emotions, although he is often overwhelmed by this and cannot focus on any one person.


VI. Recent Fitness Reports


--Dr. Treh Dellen is a competent Medical Officer, and a competent officer. He has a good head on his shoulders, and will perhaps make a fine offer. Unfortunately, he also has several issues to work out, the first and foremost being his addiction to stimulants. I'm certain that he will succeed in correcting his behavior and one day be an excellent resource to Star Fleet.

Captain P. Fitzpatrick, USS Indefatigable--


VIII. Current Recreational Interests


Treh Dellen enjoys playing velocity and boxing to help release his aggression and energy. He's also rather fond of reading and acting. He enjoys helping people, so he can be found listening to people and trying to give them advice.