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ENS Copper Quasar- Helmsman, USS Endeavor

Ensign (O-1)

ENS Copper Quasar Helmsman
(played by Luke Gallagher
I. Personal Data
Full Name: Copper Ryan Quasar  
Surname: Quasar 
Given Name: Copper 
Nickname: Red (given to him by his Grandfather) 	
Current Rank: Ensign (O-1) 
Current Billet: USS Endeavor NCC-1718  	
Species: Terran (Human) 	
Gender/Sex: Male 
Age: 23 
DOB: January 18, 2239     
POB: Delta Pavonis, Mars Colony   	
Parents: Ryan Michael Quasar(45), Sylvia Marie Quasar(43)  	
Siblings: Clay Andrew Quasar(19), Elaine Debra Quasar(16) 
Spouse: Not Applicable 	
Children: None 

A. Physical Description
HT: 6' 4" 	
WT: 185 lbs  	
EY: Cerulean Blue	
HR: Auburn/Bronze 	
SK: Caucasian   	
Blood Type: O+  	
Religion: Monotheistic 
Citizenship: Mars Colony   	
Languages: Terran(Native), Andorian(passable), Nausicaan(skilled). 	

II.  Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended
   -- Star Fleet Academy
   -     (Astrophysics)
B. Service Schools Attended
   -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
C. Qualifications (MOS/MOCs)
   -- MOC: Helm
   -- MOC: Warp Field Theory
   -- MOS: Subspace Drive Systems

D. Star Fleet Academy Record
Honors:   Maxima cum laude	
Academic Major: Warp Theory
Professional Major:  Astrophysics
Class Rank: 24 out of 603  	
Reprimands: 1, had an altercation with a superior officer over a disagreement
Commendations: 0 
Athletics: Boxing, Football(American)  	
Activities: Music(Guitar)    

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form)

0-14:  Grew up  with parents on Mars Colony, Delta Pavonis region along with other siblings. Oldest of three children                     
14-17:  Served onboard father's Class 2 Freighter, "Star Wagon". 
17-19:  Attended Mars Flight School, young pioneers program. 
19:  Entered Starfleet Academy.

19-23:	Attended Starfleet Academy.

23:  Cadet Cruise aboard USS GALILEO.  Commissioned into 
Starfleet as an Ensign (O-1).

23-Present:  Active duty in Starfleet.

B. Background Summary

Copper grew up on the low gravity of the planet Mars in the Sol system. The Mars colony was equipped with airtight domes to provide breathable atmosphere for humans and
other species that occasionally visited. Artificial gravity plating allowed bipedal humanoids to perambulate about the complex. As a child Copper was fascinated by space
and wondered what it would be like to travel through the universe. His Father, Ryan called him a dreamer and told him that he should be more pragmatic. Travel through
space was dangerous and he was better off staying on Mars. 
Though young Copper listened to his father and attended school preparing for the practical matters of making a living in the future he often looked to the stars for
creative and artistic vision. He still dreamed of a day when he could explore the galaxy to the very threshold of the universe. His Mother, Sylvia, encouraged this line of
thought, much to the chagrin of his father. She urged him to poetic and artistic expression. There were many arguments about his well being and method of learning. 
After passing the requirements for his basic schooling his Father requested him to join the family business. His father was a trader by vocation and owned his own Class 2
Freighter he had named the "Star Wagon". Copper learned from his Father the ins and outs of hauling cargo from system to system. Often he learned from other members of the
crew things his parents might not have approved. At times during the long trips he would be allowed to pilot the Freighter and he reviled in the opportunity to test his
abilities. Copper enjoyed piloting the ship and soon he learned to pilot other vessels under his father's tutelage. 
On one such of these runs the "Star Wagon" was attacked by pirates among whom was a Nausicaan mercenary. Though he didn't have the intelligence to run the operation he
used brute force to control his underlings to mixed effect. Copper's father was beaten at the mercenaries hands but thanks to a sympathetic young Orion in the pirate gang
Copper escaped and managed to contact the authorities. In the aftermath, as his father was healing, Copper made known his intent to join Star Fleet. Ryan made him a deal,
that if he would serve onboard the Freighter for only two more years that he would be allowed to leave with his blessing. He did so and left to join the Fleet at 19, a
year older than most Cadets.     

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:
2258.213:	Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy
2259.214:	Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy
2260.213:	Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy
2261.213:	Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
2262.115:	Promoted to Ensign (O-1)

B. Service History
2258.213:	Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy
2259.214:	Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy
2260.213:	Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy
2261.213:	Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
2261.115:	Graduated from Starfleet Academy; assigned to
  cadet cruise aboard USS GALILEO NCC-0594.
2262.213:  Finished Cadet Cruise, commissioned as Ensign (O-1);
                  assigned as Helmsman, USS Endeavor NCC-1718.

C.  Medals and Commendations

V. Skills Profile

Quasar is proficient in hand to hand combat having joined the Academy boxing team and is also skilled with a phaser rifle. Having served aboard starships since a young age
Copper can distinguish auditory differences in engine noise and has excellent spatial awareness. Very high physical discipline enables him to withstand extremely punishing
environments. Has extensive zero-g and low-g training making him ideal for any required EVA activities. Musically trained as well and can play most stringed instruments
though his preference is a six stringed electric guitar.     

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

As a boy had a tendency towards nose bleeds caused by atmospheric phenomenon though he seems to have grown out of this... Copper is a healthy lad, quite strapping
considering the Mars environment. It is possible that he could develop a degenerative bone disease as he ages due to the Colonies artificial gravity systems and the nature
of living in the Domes. Recommend bone strengthening injections and plenty of exercise, which he seems to enjoy anyway. Needs to take it easy though as he could very well
strain himself with his exuberance. If he continues to take his vitamin supplements and does what he already seems to be doing he should out live me. 

-- Carl Renhouer Ph.D

VII. Psychological Profile

Copper's well structured family life and loving parents have allowed him a well adjusted life for the most part. No major psychoses here though he does show signs of 
obsessiveā€“compulsive personality disorder. Perfectionist with some mild social anxiety. It should not effect his performance in Star Fleet as long as he receives regular 
psychological examinations. He works well with others even if he is a tad quiet at first. Sports and Music are often areas that allow him to open up socially with fellow 
officers. Mental exercises are recommended to avoid outbursts of anger as he does tend to have short temper, especially when pressured socially. Oddly enough this doesn't 
seem to be the case while he is on the job. He is almost preternaturally calm when at the helm of a vessel even under extreme conditions. A side effect of this mild form  
of OCPD perhaps? Further analysis is required... 
-- Mara Alderman, Psychiatrist Star Fleet Academy

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Enjoys reading and writing as a hobby. History, especially the time periods of Earth Middle ages and the european renaissance. Dabbles in writing his own music, though at
this point it's hardly professional quality. Plays various musical instruments, likes the guitar most. Engages in physical activities like American Football and boxing. He
was a member of the Academies boxing team and finished with a record of 26-3-1. Collects ancient arms and armor with most of the items resting at his home on Mars Colony.
His quarters onboard ship would be decorated with his favorites. Loves canines, fondly remembers his malamute/wolf hybrid Deimos(named after the Mars satellite). Has an
affinity for most other animals and seems to get along well with creatures. 
