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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Day at the Office==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Whose Side are We On?==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
===by Andy Catterick===

SD: 2261.018
SD: 2260.004

Scene: New Detroit Spaceport
Scene: On the outskirts of New Detroit


The Andorian flushed deep blue with rage. "Do you think you will be allowed
As they journeyed across the city to rendezvous with Team Two Jack contemplated the revelations of the past few hours. It seemed entirely unlikely that Starfleet Command was unaware of the work that Sachen had been pursuing and he was more then a little uncomfortable about the ramifications of this mission.  His initial thoughts were concern that Starfleet wanted the information that Sachen possessed.  There had been countless examples throughout Earth history of the powers that be hiding away an enemy’s scientist only to secretly back the program after they had spirited him to their side.  Was this what the Federation was doing? Hadn’t Humanity learned its lesson in the Eugenics War?  Was there a new Colonel Green lurking somewhere in the admiralty or on the Federation Council?  It was no secret that a large portion of Command and the Council had developed very martial views after the destruction of Vulcan on how the future was going to progress. 
to leave here alive pink skin?"

"Keep your mouth shut or I guarantee you won't be around to find ..."

And suddenly Sean felt an overwhelming urge to take a nap. What felt like
Or was he just being pessimistic?  Perhaps the idea was to capture Sachen before an unfriendly government with less qualms about eugenics and bio weapons did.  That made more sense and was a lot more palatable for him.    But what would he do if the Am-Tal was here to take him out so no one could have him?  Did he let it happen?  Truth be told he had deep concerns about any government, even his own, actively trying to acquire the information the Romulan possessed. That still didn’t mean he could condone murder he realized.  He would have to do his duty and try to bring in Sachen alive even if it meant opposing the Am-Tal.  He hoped it wouldn’t come to it. If one of his crew was killed or even the Andorian agent while he defended this scientific ‘genius’ he knew he would never be able to forgive himself.
an hour later, he woke to a dreadful headache and his old pal Jack poking
him with a hypo. Moments later they were sighting their Romulan quary
across the room and cursing DeSimms for letting the Captain's commo get shot
to pieces. Sean let lose an impressive stream of curses when he realized
his own had been pick pocketed in the few seconds that he'd been unconscious
on the spaceport floor.

"We need to demote DeSimms," Sean said flatly to Jack. Between them they
took out a balcony sniper, a Romulan stormtrooper, and a Klingon warrior in
rapid succession.

"Don't get me started," Jack replied, ducking a phaser stream.
Fortuanately he was able to tuck those thoughts away as the small vehicle they had ‘borrowed’ came to a a halt at the edge of a large rocky field.  Gar looked back from the driver’s seat.  “I’m picking up their signal approximately 125 meters to the north.

"Jack!" Sean suddenly shouted.

The all jumped out of the truck.  “Ok lets be quick, no doubt half of New Detroit same them come down.  Lets get them out before someone else does.”

"Somebody's made off with Sachen. They're going out the right exit."


NRPG: Takes place just before "Catch and Release". Steve? You jumping in?

Just a bit of catch up for me after all your New years posts…this should put the two teams together (based on what David wrote).  So I imagine from here we all hop in our truck get over to the spaceport, hop into our liberated spaceport uniforms and wait for the arrival…and see what happens then.

Repectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur
I have no end game idea ie we get him, Romulans recapture him, etc but Steele will, and he expects all of the officers, to do their duty which is try to bring him in. So no sniper shots to save the Federation from itself…from Starfleet officers anyway J

LCDR Sean Merrick

Unless we want to RP a court martial for our next mission!
One week til Star Trek Online!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703


==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Better to Talk later==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.005
Scene: Outskirts of New Detroit.
“How’d your journey go?”  Jack asked as the truck bounced along the uneven road.  “I was getting more then a little worried, you’re way overdue.”
“Well.”  Sean said as he mustered his thoughts and then paused.
“I don’t want to know?”  Steele said.
“You do actually.  But I think the story would be better told once this whole thing is over and we’re sipping some of the doctor’s tequila.  Suffice to say it was necessary to make the landing we did.”
“I see.”  The captain answered wanting to press for more information but seeing the looks traded between Sean, Stile and Hemux and deciding not to.  “At least you made it to the final party in time.”
“How big of a party are we walking into?”
“Don’t know for sure.  What we do know is that the Klingons know that Sachen is on the way.  We know there are operatives on the planet but not how many there are.  Unfortunately there is a Bird of Prey enroute and will be arriving shortly.  We’re assuming that its in response to our quarry.  We also have a little matter of the Am-Tal.”
“Andorian security!”  Sean exclaimed.  “How’d they get involved?”
“I don’t know how they got involved but I can fill you in on my suspicions as to the why.”  He continued on for a few minutes bringing the first officer up to speed on the Andorian connection.
“That’s just great.”  Sean growled.  “Our orders still stand?”
“They do.  We are here to receive Dr. Sachen and return him to command.”
“If the Klingons get him first?”
“We try to take him out without revealing our identity.  Its important to not start a war with Quonos.”
“And if the Am-Tal get him?”
Jack still hadn’t made a final decision on that one yet.  “We *can’t* start a war with Andoria.  With Vulcan gone any tension of that level would not be good for the Federation.”
“Then whoever sent the Am-Tal in should have thought of that.”
Gar looked back from the driver’s seat.  “We’re approaching the space port.”
Ugh..that was pretty crappy.  But wanted to get something out.
Now, given the flurry of posts in the dying hours of 2009 I feel a little guiltily for asking…but it is my job after all….so how about some posts…we’re getting to the exciting bit!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: It's Not Your Father’s Augment==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.005
Scene: Truck on its way back to New Detroit.
Corbett said nothing as he listened to the exchange between Steele and Merrick. He agreed that their eventful trip was best discussed over a drink. Smiling to himself he bent back over the PAAD that Gar had handed him.
While the data was intriguing it was also absolutely horrifying. He would have to discuss the finer points with ARr'Rhiana later. This Bastard was good and had resources, that was for sure. The formulas in this article were breakthroughs in genetic engineering; however, something about this last gene replication sequence bothered him. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Come on Stile, think. Your Masters was in genetics so it shouldn’t be that hard. He said to himself staring at the PAAD, trying to make it tell him the secret by force of will.
“Doc you ok?” DeSimms asked. “You look like you got brain damaged, or something.”
Corbett looked over at the man his eyes narrowing. “What did you say?”
“I asked if you were ok.” DeSimms said. “That pod landing looked rough.”
“No you asked me something else.” Corbett said anger and frustration in his voice.
DeSimms not one to back down growled. “The way you were looking at that PAAD I thought maybe you had sustained brain damage.”
“That’s it.” Corbett yelled throwing the PAAD down and facing DeSimms. “You’re brilliant well at least brighter than you look.” He finished, smiling.
DeSimms ready for a fight wasn’t sure what had just happened. “Huh.”
“You see this DNA replication sequence,” Corbett yelled excitedly as he shuffled over to DeSimms with the PAAD. “Its unique in that it’s base pairs are a combination of both antiparallel DNA and RNA substitutions.”
“Okay.” DeSimms said completely unsure if Corbett had gone insane and needed to be subdued.
“No not okay.” Corbett screamed. “I wasn’t sure what the hell this was until you said the words brain damage.”
“Just what are you getting at doctor?” Steele asked warily.
“This gene sequence is what begins the process of neurulation, or creation of the embryonic CNS.”
“So what, isn’t that part of augmentation?” Gar asked from the driver’s seat not sure what Stile was getting at.
“This son of a bitch needs to be killed not captured, is what it means.”
“Stile slow it down.” Merrick said calmly. “You need to help us medically challenged folk with what in the hell you’re talking about.”
Corbett took a deep breath and began again. “I was reading one of Sachen’s articles. It was in one of the Romulan Medical Journals that Gar had down- loaded and it contained several genetic formulas.”
“Why would he put his formulas for creating an augment in a journal article?” ARr'Rhiana asked.
“Because he’s a genius and like all geniuses he lacks common sense.” Corbett shouted. “Don’t get me wrong ARr’Rhiana; you can’t make an augment from the bits and pieces he’s put in the article.”
“Alright then, what about them has you so excited?” She added.
“The article was about his revolutionary process of combining antiparallel DNA and RNA on the same strand.”
ARr'Rhiana’s eyes took on a fiery look as she began to understand the implications. “He found a way for 5-3 DNA to pair with 5-3 RNA so he can substitute whatever coding sequence he wants without facing an untranslated region.”
“Yes that’s what the paper was about.” Corbett answered. “However, he used his CNS formula as an example because it best exemplified his breakthrough.”
“Now how about saying that in a language we all might understand.” Steele demanded.
“What it means Cap is that he can give his augments any ability he wants. He can imbue them with super strength, endurance and intellect without…”
“I kind of thought that was what an augment was.” DeSimms interrupted. “I’m also not sure how my bringing up brain damage started all of this.”
“First off John you’re right, that is precisely what an augment is. As for the brain damage part, what is the one problem with augments?”
“Besides super ambition and ego,” Gar shot back.
“No that’s it.” Corbett nodded sadly. “The genetic code that was in the article made me think back to the early days of eugenics and what went wrong. Those who create the supermen and women of that time wanted robots not people with emotion and ambition. The code he showed in his paper could actually affect conscience and behavior.”
“Are you saying that he has found a way to make docile augments?” Merrick asked.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. The formula he has here changes the embryonic growth of the augments brain. Neuroanatomical structures which have been linked to certain behaviors have been stunted, or eliminated.”
“You got all that form a formula I don’t believe it.” DeSimms said shaking his head.
“Think about it John. How often is someone’s behavior altered after a severe head injury? We know that specific areas of the brain control certain behaviors and that brain damage can affect those areas and thus those behaviors.”
“Behavior is more complex than that.” Gar added.
“He’s found a way to genetically keep his augments from developing ambitions of their own.” Corbett said then added in a sterner voice. “Let me make this clear, not only can they can learn, adapt, and reason without conscience, but he has genetically and anatomically taken away their ability to rebel and self direct.”
“Are you telling me he has perfected the augment?” Steele asked.
“That’s precisely what I’m saying.”
I looked through the logs and didn’t find a reason why Dr. Sachen’s augment work would be any different then Arik Soong’s. I figured that there had to be a reason why this guy would be so important so I created one. I hope this is in keeping with the story line and if I have missed the mark please feel free to scrap this post.
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Questions Less Answers==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.008
Scene: Enroute to the spaceport, New Detroit
“Are you saying that he has found a way to make docile augments?” Merrick asked.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. The formula he has here changes the embryonic growth of the augments brain. Neuroanatomical structures which have been linked to certain behaviors have been stunted, or eliminated.”
“You got all that form a formula I don’t believe it.” DeSimms said shaking his head.
“Think about it John. How often is someone’s behavior altered after a severe head injury? We know that specific areas of the brain control certain behaviors and that brain damage can affect those areas and thus those behaviors.”
“Behavior is more complex than that.” Gar added.
“He’s found a way to genetically keep his augments from developing ambitions of their own.” Corbett said then added in a sterner voice. “Let me make this clear, not only can they can learn, adapt, and reason without conscience, but he has genetically and anatomically taken away their ability to rebel and self direct.”
“Are you telling me he has perfected the augment?” Steele asked.
“That’s precisely what I’m saying.”
Jack leaned back against the side of the truck and replayed what he had just heard.  The Romulan’s must be going insane thinking that they lost this madman.  If what Stile was saying was true and Jack had no doubt it was based on the evidence the doctor had presented, Romulus was the worst place for a break through of this nature to happen.  As far as he was concerned the only reason they hadn’t done something like this earlier was because they didn’t have the technical ability. 
Creating augments wasn’t hard, the science after all had been around for centuries.  What was hard was exactly as Stile had described it.  Controlling them.  Now, Romulus could create as many slaves as they needed to all the work they felt beneath them.  But even that wasn’t the true horror, at least for the Federation.  They could make soldiers in the millions all happy to go on whatever suicide mission there masters told them too.  And they walk into the fire all fat and happy.  The Federation could never stand up to something like that.  No one could. 
He wondered if the Klingons knew what they were after.  Certainly he could never believe that they would fight their wars with flesh automatons.  But they would see the threat that this science would provide.
So why had Sachen run?  That didn’t make sense.  The Romulans should be bending over backward for him.  They should be showering him with credits and teams and facilities whatever it took to make him happy and keep him on the path to their new augment created future.  Had he realized what he had done?  Had the reality of the situation finally dawned on him and he realized his only chance was escape.  Or had he been spirited away by those who feared what his creations would bring.  There had to be some on Romulus who would see the reality.
What should he do if they could not capture Sachen?
Just some internal questions and turmoil for Jack.
5 days til STO!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Orders==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.009
Scene: Officer’s Mess, USS HOOD
Mark Compass sat alone in the officer’s mess enjoying his lunch content with the world.  The past two days had been peaceful and he had enjoyed every second of them.  The Engineering Teams from the Starbase had left the ship have come to the conclusion that they were no longer going to be able to push Compass around.  They’d made it clear that reports would be filed and protests would be made but he was confident that he had done the right thing and the captain and engineer would back him.  He’d also made peace with Lieutenant Steering or closer to the truth he had apologized for his actions and his she had, thankfully, accepted.  They had quickly reintegrated themselves into the competenet team they had been for the past 6 months and he was more then a little surprised at how satisfying that feeling was.  They’d spent the last two days working together to complete the minor repairs and upgrades that actually needed to be done.  All that meant, he realized with no small amount of embarrassment, was that he had gotten over himself.  And that was most satisfying of all.
Sipping his coffee he ran over the upcoming agenda.  They had two more days before the crew returned and then another 12 hours beyond that before the captain and senior officers arrived.  He wondered ideally as to what they were doing but he was more interested in what HOOD would be called to do once they were all back together.  The last couple of missions had been a bit chaotic and he was hoping the next mission would be something more in the exploratory vein.  That was why he had joined up after all and he was getting a little concerned that Command had decided that their new CONSTITUTION class vessels were to be utilized as war ships.  He understood that they were the most powerful vessels in the quadrant but he sincerely hoped that they would not be seen solely as warships.  Because they were so much more.
[Bridge to Commander Compass.]  Mark raised an eyebrow not at the call but from the tone of Mr. Marconi.  He sounded a bit stressed.
Setting his coffee down he strode over to the comm panel.  “Compass here.”
[Commander we’ve just received new orders.  All crew have been recalled effective immediately and HOOD to sail in 6 hours no exceptions.  And I’ve been transferred.]
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Larry Hotchkiss and Angela Ornella==
===by Daniel Belin===
Location: USS HOOD
Scene: Briefing Room A
T-5 Hours to USS HOOD Launch
"Gentlemen. I've been told that the Hood is launching in five hours. We are launching with full crew at 2330 hours," Compass turned to the only enlisted man in the room, Master Chief Petty Officer Larry Hotchkiss. He directed the next comment to him, "With our command crew missing, I have had to assign temporary Chief postions. Judging by your experience, Mr. Hotchkiss, I have chosen to put you in the Engineer's seat. As for the rest of you, you can assume you are the Chief of whatever division you happen to be a part of."
"Yessir. I will do my best sir," said Hotchkiss.
"Gentlemen, I do not care what you have to do. Break regulations, scrounge, use gum to insulate pipes. Whatever you do, I need this ship ready to launch in 4 hours."
Suddenly, a woman's voice rang out across the room, "I hope you are not going to do anything illegal."
Everyone looked in that direction. A slender woman in a very revealing civilian uniform was standing at the end of the table opposite from Compass. Most people sitting around the table may have found her attractive if she was not looking at them as if they were Neanderthals. Compass broke the silence, "And you are?"
"Agent Ornella with the Federation Military Affairs Office. I am here to monitor potentially illegal activities on board the Hood."
Hotchkiss rose from the table, shaking some crumbs off his bushy moustache. He said, "Well, I'm off to the Engine Room."
Compass nodded, and Hotchkiss moved to the door. Ornella followed suit and said to Compass, "I think I will go with him."
Hotchkiss was too much of a Starfleet tough guy to complain. However, his burly figure hunched down similar to when he was frustrated with a repair he did. It would be a long day for any mustache enthusiast with a 30 year record in Starfleet.
Ornella smirked. She was finally being put into action to stop the barbarism on these ships. She thought the only reason these enlisted were in Starfleet was because they were a bunch of dumb neanderthals who couldn't do any delicate work. And to think of once she got her hands on Steele, Corbett, and DeSimms. Those three were the antithesis of her optimal Starfleet officer, and she already knew what she'd recommend for the three of them.
NRPG: Putting some NPCs aboard the HOOD, since it appears to be moving into action.
Daniel Belin
MCPO Larry Hotchkiss
Acting Engineer
Agent Angela Ornella
Starfleet Internal Affairs
==USS HOOD: Girls Gone Arctic==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.009
The racing snow machine finally can to a halt. Both women got off to stretch
their arms and legs.
"Chica, I am freezing my ass off!" whined Claudia.
"What? It's beautiful and deliciously cold," Grinned Kiska pulling off her
helmet and shaking free her long sleek hair.
Kiska suddenly began stripping out of her riding gear. Claudia who stood hugging
herself trying to stay warm shrieked with shattering laughter, "What are YOU
doing? You are going to freeze to death!"
Kiska only laughed and continued to strip till she was totally naked and then
she ran across the snow barefoot. Claudia watched in shock as Kiska ran further
away and then suddenly she just leaped into the air and disappeared.
"STOP …WAIT!" Claudia forgot all about being cold as she screamed at the top of
her lungs and went running in the direction she had last seen Kiska. "KISKA!"
Suddenly she came to a ledge and all she could see was steam cloud rising in
front of her. "KISKA!" she screamed with terror.
"Claudia! I am ok!" came Kiska's voice down below. "Get undress and jump in!"
The steam slightly parted and Claudia could see Kiska swimming. She crumpled to
her knees heaving for air. "Ay, Dios Mio! I thought you got… hypothermia… lost
your mind…fell into a frozen lake and drowning to your death."
"I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Laughed Kiska. "Come on and get in.
It's great for your muscles after a long ride. Therapeutic."
"I am going to need a mental therapist after the scare you just gave me!"
snapped Claudia. "I about peed my pants!"
"Better than shitting them." Teased Kiska.
Claudia finally managed to stand up and get undressed. "Giiirl! You are one
crazy Chica! Who in their right mind would take off their clothes in the artic
and jump into water."
"People do it all the time! Besides the water is hot! Right up your alley" Kiska
"You wouldn't be lying, would you?" asked Claudia was shivering from head to
"Of Course not…when have I ever lied to you?" asked Kiska as she treaded the
steaming water.
Claudia hesitated and Kiska shouted, "Ay, Dios Mio! Would it be steaming if it
were cold?"
Claudia made the sign of the cross before she jumped in.
An hour later…
Steam billowed up into the artic surroundings and completely enveloped the two
women soaking in the hot spring and drinking wine.
"Now this is what I call living." Smiled Kiska as she flicked her wet hair back
and took a deep breath of crisp cold air.
"I can't believe I almost missed this!" laughed Claudia as she took another sip
of from her glass.
"Nothing like a soak in hot springs after a hard cold ride on the ice snow
machine." Grinned the Alaskan woman.
"Now if we just had a couple of men to join us…" sighed Claudia. "Wonder what
our first officer Merrick would do if he saw YOU now?"
"RUN the other way." Snorted Kiska. She wished it didn't bother her that he
seemed to have a problem being around her but it did. The next time she saw him
she was going to confront him. Whatever his problem was, he had better get over
it if they were to work on the same ship. And if there was a problem she had
ever right to know.
"What about Steele?" wickedly grinned Claudia.
"Captains are off limits as are first officers….chain of command and all"
Replied Kiska briskly.
"Hell….Nobody obeys those rules…after all…we are all human and have human needs
and desires," countered Claudia.
"Haven't you heard?" hiccupped Kiska. "We are to rise above our weaknesses."
"Not a senior officer rises above…instead they wallow in them," giggled Claudia
"You know the saying…Boys will be Boys." Laughed Kiska as she downed her sixth
glass of wine.
Suddenly the officer's swim was interrupted.
[All Officers from USS HOOD are to report to duty immediately.]
Respectfully Submitted,
By Lena Rose
LTjg Kiska Saxman
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Old Skills==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.010
Scene: Global Exports Office, Arcturus
“Ready?”  M’Lana asked her husband.  It was time to head for the spaceport to capture the Romulan traitor and while she would never admit it she was beginning to feel nervous.  She knew she was highly intelligent and had a head for the intrigue that came with an operation of this nature.  Now that she had to go ‘out in the field’ she found much of her self assuredness had left her.  More frustratingly her husband seeming to be relishing in the upcoming mission.  It was a side of him she hadn’t seen in many years.
“We are.”  He answered simply as he checked his weapon one last time.
“You have people in place?”
“Our escape ship is in orbit.  The moment we grab the Romulan comm them with the control word and you will be beamed aboard.  If I get to Sachen first I will wait two minutes for you to join me on the ship.  Likewise should you snare our prey do not wait more then two minutes for me.  The objective is to return this p’taq to the homeworld without any interference.”
“And if one of our enemies are victorious?” 
“I have two snipers placed in the space port.  They have orders to kill Sachen if they see him being spirited away by anyone other then us.”
“Do you trust these mercenaries?”
“I trust them to kill the Romulan if they are required to.  But the rifle I gave each of them contains a micro-explosive.  Whatever happens in three hours the rifles will explode.”  Before she could voice her thought he waved it away.  “The rifles I gave them are expensive enough that they will keep them with them.  I also have the ability to trigger the charges remotely.”
“I’m impressed.”  She said surprised that she actually meant it.
“I know you think I am a senile old fool.  Perhaps I am.  But there was a time, long ago, when I was a valued member of the Defence Force with a skill that was respected.  It is good to use that skill again.”  He rose from his chair.  “Shall we go my dear?”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Dangerous Mind==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2261.010
Scene: Enroute to the spaceport, New Detroit
In the back of the truck on the way to the spaceport, Sean broke Jack's
anxious musings.
"There might be a solution to Sachen that doesn't involve killing him." Sean
said and he tapped his skull with his finger. Stile caught on immiadately
"Brain surgery isn't mah forte," the doc admitted. "I 'might' be able to
figuah out how to selectively burn enough of the pathways to keep anyone
else from piecing the formula back togethah. Can't guarantee what else it
might do to man though."
"So much for working miracles," Merrick jabbed.
"And to be frank," Stile added, rubbing his chin, "We would need his full
cooperation to do it right. In order to map the neurons coding the
information, he'd have to think about the relevant work in all the contexts
that he could remember it. Might be messier than I thought at first."
"OK, Just tell me my idea sucked and be done with it."
NRPG: Just scribbling.
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Its Different When its Real==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.010
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
“I’ve received clearance from the base for departure sir.”  The CPO manning the communications station reported.  Ensign Marconi had been transferred off with little notice to make room for HOOD’s new permanent COMM officer who, in pure bureaucratic style, had not actually reported to the ship yet. 
“Moorings released.”  Lieutenant Steering confirmed from the helm.  For the time being she would retain her helmsman role but would also serve as Compass’ first officer.
For his part acting Captain Mark Compass looked up from the padd he had been pretending to read and handed it to Yeoman Greene.  “Very well.  Mr. Steering take us out, one quarter impulse.”
“One quarter impulse aye.”  Steering confirmed.  “We have cleared the dock.”
“Come to new course two four eight mark three.  Increase to full impulse.”
“Helm answering new course and increasing to full impulse.”
“Departure angle please.”
“Departure angle aye.”
On the viewscreen the Starbase and the planet it circled fell away rapidly as HOOD increased speed.  You could almost feel the momentum building as the power flowed through the great ship.  It was like she felt relieved to be back out amongst the stars.  Mark Compass felt anything but relief.  Less then a week ago he had been given temporary command of the massive ship and he had acted like a child with a new toy.  It was one thing to be command of a ship in spacedock.  It was entirely different to be in charge when you were speeding towards the unknown.  In this case the unknown being lurking Klingons and Romulans.  He was suddenly very aware of the number of beings aboard ship.  All whose lives now depended on how well he could do his job.  It was a sobering thought.  “Viewer ahead.”
“Viewer ahead aye.”
Thank God I made peace with Kim, he thought.  At least he had someone who he knew he could rely on.  HOOD was a good ship with a good crew.  He knew the people were the best you could have.  But he knew the missing officers would leave a large glaring void on the bridge.  A void that he was painfully aware he could not hope to fill.  But he and Kim would do there best.  And chances are all they would have to do was hang around on the edge of the system until the captain called for transport.
“Approaching the edge of the system.”  The assistant navigator reported.
“Increase speed to maximum warp.”
He hoped it would be that simple.
Scott and I have a JP hopefully coming out tonight that will shed a bit more light on what is happening with HOOD…  It takes place between my post Orders and this one.
Until the primary officers are back on board you can of course write for whoever is in command of your applicable departments…altho’ I don’t really see there being much action for HOOD, just getting her in place to end the mission and begin the next one.  I know the away team and admiralty are worried the Romulan fleet are waiting in cloak but remember no one on Romulus knows Sachen is gone except the Intel agent who is chasing him…after he let him get away. ;-)
Also, I may get another post out tonight but that will be it for me for the next few days.  I'll be around in NRPG but probably won't be RPing.  Mon/Tues I've got some stuff to take care of and Wed/Thurs I'll be saving the Federation while playing Star Trek Online! (Woo Hoo)  Back to work Friday so hopefully will be posting then ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Pieces in Place==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.010
Scene: Enroute to the spaceport, New Detroit
"And to be frank," Stile added, rubbing his chin, "We would need his full
cooperation to do it right. In order to map the neurons coding the
information, he'd have to think about the relevant work in all the contexts
that he could remember it. Might be messier than I thought at first."
"OK, Just tell me my idea sucked and be done with it."
“Fah be it for me to point out something as demoralizing as that to my hierarchical superior officer.”  Stile drolled.
“Well we likely won’t have to make that decision.”  Jack answered.  “We’re just the pick up crew. We catch him and turn him over to Command.”
“What do you think they’ll do with him?” 
“I’d like to belive they’ll pick his brain and hide all the information in Memory ALPHA and then just set him up somewhere peaceful and out of the way and let him live out his years.”
“What do you really believe?”
“I’m trying not to think about it.”
Just then the back of the truck’s doors swung open and Gar and DeSims stood holding a coverall and ID badge for each member of the team.
“I don’t know if that colour works for me.”  Stile complained.
Jack shook his head.  “Alright its game time.  Everyone suit up and lets get this over with as quick as we can.”  Would the next few minutes seem them start a war, kill an ally or an ‘innocent’ enemy?
His communicator suddenly signaled and everyone froze.  It took him a second to realize that he even still had it.  “Go ahead.”
“Hello uh, Jack.  Its Mark.  I just wanted to let you know that our plans changed and I brought everyone with me.  We’re close by and if you need us for a pick up we’re just a call away.”
“That’s good to hear Mark!”  Jack said feeling so much better knowing HOOD was here.  “We’ve got something to take care of but hopefully you’ll hear from us shortly.  Talk to you later.”
“Well that’s good news.”  Sean said for everyone.
Just jumping the HOOD thread up to our own and getting all the pieces in place.  I look forward to seeing how it all plays out.
JP still coming…  ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Madre Especial==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2261.010
Lt. Kiska Saxman and Lt. Claudia Mendoza struggled to maintain their dignity as
they made their way to the USS HOOD. Both women had too much to drink while on
shore leave never dreaming it would be cut so short.
They had managed to make it back on the ship before the after affects really hit
Claudia Mendoza. As the walked down a corridor, Claudia stopped abruptly causing
Saxman to collide into her and sending them to the ground. "Ay! Run me over why
don't you!"
"Sorry," Snapped Kiska collecting herself off the floor. "Get your brake lights
"Brake lights? What the hell are brake lights…" huffed Claudia in confusion as
she struggled to get up but couldn't. "Don't just stand there. Help me up!"
Kiska began to laugh as she pulled her friend to her feet, "You need to get to
sickbay and have Mother give her special."
"Ahhhh…. Un especial." Repeated Claudia in a heavy accent.
"It always sings away the cobwebs and blues." Grinned Kiska as she supported her
friend as she headed them in the right direction. "Let's Go! Vamanos!"
Suddenly Claudia began to sing a Latin tune with gusto as she tried to dance a
salsa with Kiska who struggled to keep her friend on her feet and keep her
quiet. She clapped her hand over Mendoza mouth.
"Shussssh!" ordered Kiska trying not to laugh.
"What?" whispered Claudia. "You want to take the lead?"
"Ok, then I take the lead."
Claudia stopped trying to dance and got serious. "Look somebody has to lead
other wise you can't dance."
"I don't want to dance." Sighed Kiska.
"Chica, jyou know somethin…I thin you are drrrunk." Breathed Claudia into Kiska
face. Kiska grimaced.
"I need to get your ass to sickbay immediately." Groaned Kiska as she wrapped
Claudia arm over her shoulder and gripped her waist and rushed as fast as she
could to sickbay.
"To Madre sickbay and her especial!" sang out Claudia.
Respectfully Submitted,
By Lena Rose
LTjg Kiska Saxman
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Discussions of the Brass Kind - JP==
===by Scott Lusby and Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.010
MD: Before "It's Different When It's Real"
Setting: Admiral Carstairs' Office, Starbase 6
"What's their status?" the Admiral sitting across from Carstairs asked- an
admiral who happened to be wearing an intelligence division insignia on his
breast instead of the normal chevron of a Starfleet officer.
"Two hours to go and a little over 93% of the crew has beamed back aboard.
More then I expected given the short notice," Admiral Carstairs responded
"Oh I don't know, these CONSTITUTION ships are supposed to have the best of
the best. I won't be surprised if they sail fully loaded," the other
admiral added. Then, his tone changed to something darker, and his brow
furrowed. "They better be the best; I'm not sure about this. They could be
sailing into disaster."
Carstairs countered. "Steele and his officers could also be walking into a
"Better to lose six officers then a heavy cruiser, especially one of those."
Admiral Donets answered coldly.
"How'd you feel about the Romulans taking the command crew hostage? That's
almost as bad as getting their hand on the ship. Their chief engineer could
probably build one himself if he had the time. Don't think the Romulans
won't wring that information out of him," Carstairs replied. He was
starting to get a little annoyed at the sangfroid of the intelligence man
"If the Romulans are even there. They aren't going to start a war over
"Is that what your intelligence says, Admiral?" Carstairs said now, eyebrow
raised. "You know what they're losing. There is no way they are going to
let that guy walk into our hands. If the rolls were reversed and I was in
charge, I'd send the whole damn fleet. Arcturus is far enough away that
they could take out HOOD and we would never know until it was far too late
to do anything about it." He sighed heavily. "We should have sent the ship
in or at least had it close by."
"We're doing that now," Donets responded, his tone still flat, emotionless.
Carstairs shook his head, and replied hotly. "Don't pretend this is some
sort of master plan, Admiral- this thing was thrown together from the get
go. It started off as simple pick up of a low-level Romulan defector-
that's how you pitched it to me, when you needed MY men to go in. But that
wasn't the WHOLE truth, now was it? This is no low-level defector- this has
turned into a race between every major power in the quadrant to catch or
kill one of the most destabilizing individuals since Colonel Green. And
it's MY people that are going to get left holding the bag assuming they even
survive it."
Donets' reply this time had some bite to it- but not enough to match
Carstairs'. "Well now they're going to have backup. All they have to do is
pick Sahen up and get out of Dodge. We've given them the ability to do so.
And if things crap out they'll have the means to make sure they're safe and
no one else gets Sahen either."
Carstairs just sighed. There was little more he could say. Truth be told,
he was happy HOOD was getting sent in. He just didn't like the way the
whole thing was shot together. "Let's get this over with." He reached out
and turned on his desk terminal. "Get me HOOD's CO." Seconds later an
anxious looking commander stared out from the screen. "How's the recall
coming Commander?"
[Very well, Admiral. Crew complement is approaching 95%. We still have
stragglers reporting in but even if no one else makes it aboard we don't
have any serious gaps. HOOD will be ready to go as ordered.]
"Good. I will forward you your orders before you sail but let me go over
them with you now." It took 30 seconds for the admiral to review the orders
he had given Captain Steele. "Your orders are to take HOOD and put her on
the edge of the Arcturan system. Once there you will make contact with
Captain Steele and support his operation. You can expect to see Romulan and
Klingon ships in system. You are not to initiate hostilities but if things
get hot defend HOOD and do your best to retrieve Steele and his team. But
if your position is untenable you are to withdraw. Captain Steele and his
team are expendable; HOOD is not. Clear?"
Compass did his best not to stammer. [Yes sir.]
"Is there anything you need before you sail?"
Compass hesitated for a brief moment. [Admiral- there is a Agent Ornella
from Military Affairs Office aboard?]
The admiral shot his companion a withering glare. "Agent Ornella is there
to follow up on some complaints. You and your crew are to treat her with
the utmost respect and aide where necessary." Now, Carstairs faced Donets
squarely as he spoke to compass. "However, she is not in your chain of
command and has absolutely no authority over anyone aboard. She will make
recommendations when her mission is complete so she is not someone you want
to cross. But let me be perfectly clear: until you are relieved by someone
in your chain of command or by me, YOU are in command. Is that clear,
Compass managed to keep most of the color from draining from his face.
[Perfectly, Admiral- HOOD out.]
Donets' own face was a deep shade of purple at the moment. "Admiral, that
is completely unnecessary- Ornella is only--"
Carstairs cut him off; he was done cow-towing to the Judge Advocate or
Intelligence, regardless of what was happening- especially in his own
office. "Admiral Donets, Agent Ornella doesn't belong on that ship- not
with the kind of 'evidence' I've seen. Furthermore, she is not YOUR
responsibility: she is a JAG asset, not yours; Star Fleet Intelligence has
no jurisdiction and no business meddling in JAG affairs."
Carstairs paused for a second to catch his breath- and his temper- before
continuing. "If I get wind that you were the one to bring JAG into this
mess for the purposes of making it easier to force my people into this
reckless, ill-begotten mission, I will see that you are formally charged for
your illegal activities. Now, if you please, I have a starbase to run and a
ship to bring home- with everyone accounted for, if at all possible. Good
day, Admiral."
Donets, behind a face so purple it looked about to pop, looked about to
protest further...but the tone in Carstairs' dismissal and the expression on
HIS face left no room for one. Instead, as he turned, all he said was
"We'll see about that, Admiral."
Carstairs watched the man depart his office, and felt certain that one of
them would, indeed, "see about that."
Just finishing off that JP Andy had me working on.
Andy- I hope you don't mind that I named that other admiral... :)
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ VADM Joseph Carstairs
Commanding Officer
Starbase 6
- Andy Catterick
/\ RADM Georgi Donets
Star Fleet Intelligence
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Explaining the Orders==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.011
Scene: Admiralty Office         
“What’s their status?” 
“Two hours to go and a little over 93% of the crew has beamed back aboard.  More than I expected given the short notice.”
“Oh I don’t know, these CONSTITUTION ship’s are supposed to have the best of the best.  I won’t be surprised if they sail fully loaded.”
“They better be the best I’m not sure about this.  They could be sailing into disaster.”
“Steele and his officers could also be walking into a disaster.”
“Better to lose six officers then a heavy cruiser, especially one of those.” He answered coldly.
“How would you feel about the Romulan’s taking the command crew hostage?  That’s almost as bad as getting their hands on the ship.  Their chief engineer could probably build one himself if he had the time.  Don’t think the Romulans won’t wring that information out of him.”
“If the Romulan’s are even there."  He looked up from the pile of reports he'd been rummaging through.  "They aren’t going to start a war over this.”
“You don’t think so?  You know what they think they could have, what they are potentially  losing.  There is no way they are going to let that guy walk into our hands.  If the roles were reversed I’d send the whole damn fleet"  He paused for a few seconds and stared through the viewport out at the distant stars.  "Arcturus is far enough away that they could take out HOOD and we would never know. We should have sent the ship in or at least had it close by.”
“We’re doing that now.”
“Don’t pretend this is some sort of master plan." He replied incredulously.  "This thing was thrown together from the get go.  It started off as simple pick up of a low level Romulan defector.  To a race amongst every major power in the quadrant to catch or kill one of the most destabilizing individuals since Colonel Green.  And it's my people that are going to get left holding the bag assuming they even survive it.”
“Well now they’re going to have backup.  All they have to do is pick Sachen up and get out of Dodge.  We’ve given them the ability to do so.  And if things crap out they’ll have the means to make sure they’re safe and no one else gets Sachen either.”
The admiral just sighed.  There was little more he could say.  Truth be told he was happy HOOD was getting sent in.  He just didn’t like the way the whole thing was shot together.  “Let’s get this over with.”  He reached out and turned on his desk terminal.  “Get me HOOD’s CO.”  Seconds later an anxious looking commander stared out from the screen.  “How’s the recall coming Commander?”
[Very well admiral.  Crew complement is approaching 95%.  We still have stragglers reporting in but even if no one else makes it aboard we don’t have any serious gaps.  HOOD will be ready to go as ordered.]
“Good.  I will forward you your orders before you sail but let me go over them with you now.”  It took 30 seconds for the admiral to review the mission HOOD's senior staff were currently embroiled in.  He noted that Commander Compass did a somewhat admirable job of keeping the shock off his face.  Most of it anyway.  “Your orders are to take HOOD and put her on the edge of the Arcturan system.  Once there you will make contact with Captain Steele and support his operation.  You can expect to see Romulan and Klingon ships in system.  If you do identify ships from those two Star Nations."  He paused searching for the right turn of phrase.  "Or any other, you are not to initiate hostilities but if things get hot defend HOOD and do your best to retrieve Steele and his team.  But if your position is untenable you are to withdraw.  Captain Steele and his team are expendable HOOD is not.  Clear?”
Compass did his best not to stammer.  [Yes sir.]
“Is there anything you need before you sail?”
[Admiral there is a Agent Ornella from Military Affairs Office aboard?]
The admiral shot his companion sitting on the other side of his desk out of Compass' view a withering glare.  “Agent Ornella is there to follow up on some complaints.  You and your crew are to treat her with the utmost respect and aide her where necessary. However she is not in your chain of command and has absolutely no authority over anyone aboard.  She will make recommendations when her mission is complete so she is not someone you want to cross.  But let me be perfectly clear that until you are relieved by someone in your chain of command you are the commanding officer of the HOOD and she has no authority to issue any orders to you or any member of your crew.  Nor does she have any powers of arrest or the ability to detain.  Don't take her lightly Commander, her after mission recommendations will carry a lot of weight and can certainly put a large roadblock on someone's career but don't let her try to intimidate you or push you around. She will certainly try."
[I understand admiral.]
The admiral nodded curtly.  "Good.  Well I believe you have some duties to attend to Commander so I won't keep you.  Good luck."
With the viewer off he turned to his companion.  "The deal was you wouldn't be sending any IA officers aboard until the conclusion of this mission."
He shrugged.  "Its out of my hands."
"Out of my hands?  Do I look like a first year cadet?  I don't know who is yanking your leash but there was a time when you used to understand that we were on the same team."
Well this started out as my post then there was talk of it being a JP between me and Scott and then Scott blew us all off for his CONNIE friends.  I know, I know, you're all thinking .  Wow!, Scott really sucks...well you're right but lets be fair someone has to pad CONNIE and try to make her look good.  So I guess we have to give him some leeway...even if he sucks.
;-)  Sometimes its just too much fun.
Anyway, as I said earlier this post fits in about 2 or three posts ago and just provides a bit more info about whats going on on the HOOD side of things.  As for our Internal Affairs agent I hope none of your departmental staff piss her off.  :-) But please lets not go overboard and have arrests and commandeered ships....
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Magic Potion==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2261.017
Kiska quickly deposited Claudia on the nearest biobed and ordered, "Claudia,
STAY here."
Kiska slightly staggered to the medcart and grabbed two hypos and filled them
with the `magic potion' Mother had created for such occasions. She immediately
gave herself the miracle juice. "Thank you Mother!" she softly mumbled.
Then she headed back to her friend and found her flopped over and snoring softly
with her mouth open. She grinned as hypoed and then shook her awake. "Wake up
"Whaaaat?" Claudia asked confused for a moment as she sat up. "Where am I?"
"Sickbay." tossed Kiska over shoulder as she replaced the hypos back on the
"Ay, Dios Mio! What kind of wine was that?" she asked sliding off the biobed. "I
never get drunk."
Kiska flushed, "It's a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation
from my father side of the family. "
"Are you trying to kill me?" Teased Claudia.
"Now why would I do a thing like that?" laughed Kiska. "Feeling better?"
Claudia paused for a moment and took stock of herself. "Si, as a matter of
fact…I feel better than ever!"
"Good," replied Kiska as she reached for a padd and tap the buttons. "You best
report in."
"Adios Chica!" exclaimed Claudia as she exited sickbay.
Kiska nodded and then shook her head and turned back to padd in her hand. It was
time to get back to work once again.
Respectfully Submitted,
By Lena Rose
LTjg Kiska Saxman
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Confrontation==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.017
Timeframe: After Andy's post "Pieces in Place"
Setting: Maintenance Corridor, New Detroit Spaceport
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth poked his head out around the corner, his
antennae swept forward, acting as miniature animate sensors, enhancing his
sight, hearing and sense of smell all at once. An Andorian's antennae were
really quite sophisticated appendages: they made an Andorian's sight
quadriscopic, heightening depth perception and enhancing reception of color;
they gave an Andorian much greater sensitivity to sound; they gave an
Andorian a sense of smell that rivaled a Terran canine's.
In the direction they pointed.
So, while Andorians were remarkably difficult to hide from, they **were**
susceptible to being caught unawares from behind, as their antennae didn't
point that way.
So it was no surprise- to anyone except Gar, that is- that an agent of the
caliber of Avae Zh'sharav was able to sneak up behind Gar and startle him so
badly he nearly shot the beautiful Am-Tal agent point blank with a phaser on
"You're lucky you're not unconscious," Gar hissed, lowering his phaser.
Avae shrugged. "You wouldn't shoot me," she said, her tone strong,
The HOOD's engineer harrumphed. "Don't count on it," he replied. "We're
not mated."
Most non-Andorians would have taken that comment to be an insult, but in
this case it was a simple statement of fact: mated Andorians protected one
another even more vigorously than other races protect their children, even
above their OWN children or parents.
As such, Avae brushed aside the statement. "Have you given any thought to
our...conversation earlier?"
Gar now turned his entire body to face her. "I have," he said. "And you
know I can't."
Zh'sharav's antennae flattened to her head, much like a cat's ears when
angry- which, ironically, meant the same thing with An Andorian's antennae.
"How can you say that? You KNOW what he is, what kind of information he has
in his brain. We cannot let him live!"
"And that is not a decision for us!" Gar retorted. "That is for a jury to
"Are you so sure that your Council will turn him over to the authorities?"
Gar's brow furrowed, and his antennae twitched. "It's YOUR council too-
remember, Andoria is PART of the Federation, not a rogue planet. And I have
faith this whole operation," he added, gesticulating with his hands, "isn't
simply to bring an amoral man to work for us. I can't believe ANY Federation
group would do that. If I did, I shouldn't be wearing the uniform."
Avae smirked. "In point of fact, you AREN'T wearing the uniform."
Gar shook his head. "Look- all I am going to say is this: I am going to
follow my orders. Either you are going to help us, or not."
Avae met his gaze, and her stance stiffened. "I have my orders too, Gar,"
she said quietly.
At that moment, she brought up a disruptor she had been hiding behind her
back. Gar raised his phaser- perhaps a millisecond late...
...but it mattered not.
A phaser blast came from nowhere, striking Avae square in the back. She
collapsed hard to the floor, her disruptor flying from her hand and landing
at Gar's feet.
Gar grabbed the disruptor; at the same instant, John DeSimms walked out from
around a corner behind the Am-Tal agent.
"Been wanting to do that since this afternoon," the Security man said.
Gar's antennae twitched again, and his brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"
DeSimms looked down at the prone Am-Tal agent. "Agent Zh'sharav and I had a
little 'talk' after the two of you played touchy-feely in the hotel lobby,"
he said.
Gar walked over to Zh'sharav's prone form, looking intently at his former
lover. Then, he met DeSimms' stare, and his eyes burned cold fury; he knew
exactly what kind of "talk" he had had with Avae. "You and I will finish
this later," he said, his antennae swept back flat on his head. "We have a
job to do first- but this isn't over, pinkskin," HOOD's Engineer/Second
Officer growled.
Th'elenth nodded at Avae's body. "Bind her and get her out of here before
someone notices her- put her somewhere she can't get out from and interfere
with us." He paused, and stepped so that he was less than a foot from the
Security man's face, and spoke in tones so cold that it could have frozen
ice. "If she dies, you are going to wish you died as well."
At that, Gar spun on his heels and marched off, hastily turning the corner
and stepping into the spaceport proper before he completely lost control of
his emotions- and his actions.
Just pushing things forward. I wonder what Avae's fate will be here...
Daniel- don't take this personally; our characters have been leading up to
something like this since your torture post. Put Avae where you want, but
please do NOT kill her off. I have plans for her yet.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer/2O
==[ORIGINS] USS HOO: It Can't Be This Easy==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.017
Scene: Freighter in orbit of Arcturus
“We’re here.”  One of the crewman said as a way of breaking into Sachen’s thoughts. 
Sachen tried not to laugh at the useless information.  The fact that the large orange planet filled the viewport had made that bit of news abundantly clear for sometime now.  The Romulan had been staring at the planet since it had become visible.  He knew he would likely only be there for a very brief time but it represented his new home, a new way of life.  Freedom.  He had never seen a free planet before.  It looked like any number of worlds that he had encountered.  But it was also very different.  He couldn’t really explain why that was.  He just knew it to be true.  “What do I do now?”
“We are preparing our shuttle.  In a few minutes you and three of my crew will take the shuttle down to the main space port and we will hand you over to agents of the Federation.  After that you are in their care.”  The last statement clearly sounded like ‘you are their problem.’ This time the Romulan did chuckle.  “Do you know these agents?  Have you worked with them before?  Can I trust them?”  He felt foolish asking these questions.  At this point he had no other options but his nervousness was getting the better of him.
The small alien shook his head.  “No.  Each time it is different, safer that way.”  He shrugged.  “I have a secure communication device that will contact them.  Once we are in the spaceport I will call, they will tell me where they are and we will meet.”  He added matter of factly before handing over the cloak.  “Here put this on.”  When Sachen had pulled the hood over his head he followed his handler down to the shuttle.  It wouldn’t be much longer now.
It looked like any spaceport he had been to in the past save for one very large difference, the multitude of species that milled around its confines.  He had been here barely five minutes and he had already given up trying to count all the races that surrounded him.  He simply could not comprehend the diversity.  And this was a border world, what must one of the Federation Core Worlds be like? 
“I have made contact.”  The lead handler said as he joined the rest.  “Stay close to me.”  He waited for Sachen to nod agreement and then the small party headed out into the bustle of the busy spaceport.
It just didn’t look right.  Jack thought as he looked out into the spaceport.  He nudged Sean and nodded his head toward a small group walking quickly towards another small group.  The scene replayed itself throughout the spaceport but there was just something that didn’t sit right in this example. 
Sean took in the sight and nodded in agreement.  “What do you think?”
“I think our quarry is about to get poached.”  He answered sourly.  This wasn’t going to be good.  He paused for a second and flipped open his communicator.  “Hey Mark its Jack.  Listen I think we may need to leave sooner then we thought.  Can you get here right away?”
“Sure Jack no problem.”  Commander Compass’ worried voice replied.  “We’re on our way.”
“Great, see you soon.”  He turned back to Sean.  “Ok here’s how this is going to go….”
Here we go….
Scott:  Good post!
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Speed Now!==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.017
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
“Red alert!”  Compass ordered as soon as the comm channel with the captain was closed.  “Helm take us in, full impulse.”
“Full Impulse aye.”  HOOD leapt ahead from where she had been silently drifting only moments ago.  “ETA to transporter range now 8.2 minutes.”
Compass concealed the frown that he felt at the reminder of the length of time it would take to travel to the planet.  A direct route would be much quicker but he had reasoned that if there were cloaked ships out there a direct route may walk into an ambush if things went south.  And with the captain’s call it didn’t sound like things were going to plan.  Not that it was much of a surprise.  It was always a balance he thought.  That was probably the most essential lesson he tended to encounter when ever he commanded in a situation such as this.  He tried very hard to ignore the fact that this time was the first time when the situation was real and not just an interesting training scenario.  It was imperative that he got to Arcturus in time to beam the captain and senior staff out before they became overwhelmed by whatever it was they were facing.  But it was vital to protect the ship and its crew.  Unfortunately sometimes they were not mutually achievable goals.  He hoped this would not be one of those times because he knew what the text book said the smart play was but that didn’t necessarily make it the most palatable one.
“Sensor contact sir!”
“Report!”  He demanded.
“Edge of the system commander, opposite to us.  Ninety-five percent probability it’s a Klingon Bird of Prey.”
“And she’s not cloaked?”
“Her drive appears to be red-lined sir.  She’s traveling 15% faster then documented specs.”
“Whats here ETA to the planet?”
There was a brief pause.  “We’ll beat her by 87 seconds.”
“Navigator, plot a new course.  I don’t want a direct course in but I do want to get there two minutes sooner.  Helm lay in the course as soon as its available.”  He jabbed at the comm button on his armrest.  “Engineering I need more speed now!”
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Reports Were True==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.017
Scene: Bridge IKV DAGGER
“Captain!  Federation cruiser in system.”
“Show me.”  He prayed it was one of the new ships Starfleet had constructed.  He had heard many lies about these new monstrosities and he looked forward to seeing one.  Perhaps he would be able to test it in battle.  One good thing though was the prescence of the Federation warship meant it likely that he had not been sent on a fool’s errand.  “We will beat the ship to the planet.”  He commanded and watched with concealed dismay as his helm officer and navigator traded a look which clearly said they would be late.  “Or one of you will be demoted.”  He growled.  He took a moment to look around the bridge to see if there any challenges.  Unsurprisingly there were none.  His officers knew they had little chance at succeeding.  And, more to the point it did not effect most of them.
Satisfied that he had made the food chain abundantly clear to all he stepped down from his command dais and moved over to the tactical station.  He nodded in approval seeing his first officer was viewing scans of the Starfleet cruiser.  “Report.”
“Scans are only partial at this distance but it is a formidable ship.  Very powerful.  Still much emphasis on science.”  He cursed. “But formidable.”  Like her captain, she hoped to have the opportunity to meet this ship in battle.  But she was smart enough to know this Bird of Prey could not do it alone.  She pointed at one of the readouts.  “The power output is stronger then anything we have seen.  Their weapon systems and defensive shields must be,”  she paused but could not find a better word. “formidable.”
“Perhaps.”  The captain finally answered.  “But Federation weaklings will not know what to do with it.”  He watched as his exec laughed in agreement.  Fortunately for her she had not seen the reports of what this very ship had done to a supposedly superior Klingon squadron.  Looking back at the scans he began to understand.  Not that he could ever admit it. 
The bridge was too quiet he realized.  Stomping back to his command chair he bellowed at his engineer.  “More speed!”
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Here's How It Went Down==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: New Detroit Spaceport
Sachen was on the verge of believing that he was going to make it.  Ruthlessly he surpressed the legions of firemoths dancing in his stomach when he spotted the trio of Andorians marching straight for him.  His Federation contacts?  He had expected humans, but Andorians would do just fine as long as they were there to take him someplace safe. 
The talest of the Andorians stopped in front of Sachen and smiled.  "Welcome to New Detroit.  Doctor?" 
Sachen immediately picked up the uncertainty in the question.  Romulan instincts kicked in.  "I'm sorry," Sachen said with bewilderment.  "Can I help you?"
Two of the Andorians looked at each other.  The talker pressed on. "Dr. Sachen we have precious little time."
Again, something urged him to evade.  "Sir, you must have me confused with someone else.  I am no doctor.  And my name is Gri'tov.  Now I thought *you* were here to take me to the hotel, but seems my expectations of my good host was either in error or there is somone else here I should be looking for.  Good day to you."  He made to move past when the tall Andorian grabbed his arm and yanked off the cloak's hood, exposing Sachen's pointy ears. 
The Andorian hissed in delight.  Sachen only had a startled moment to absorb that he was truly going to die now despite all his hopes and trepidations.  Presently he heard a knife being unsheathed and before he could open his mouth to cry for help ... the Andorian let go. 
There was someone new standing beside the Andorian.  A human.
"Wide beam.  Don't bother."  Sean said coldly to the Andorians.  To the Romulan he added, "Dr. Sachen, I'm Commander Merrick.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but your ride is now here." 
NPRG: This has truly been one the most, if not the most fun threads I've had the pleasure to read and contribute to in ASR.  Glad I could be a part of it.  The HOOD truly has a fantastic team of writers.  Scott included.  ;-)
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Take them!==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: Spaceport, New Detroit
K’Temec watched from a concealed location the communicator brushing his lips, waiting for the command.  Andorians and Humans stood glaring at each other while both held and arm to the newly disrobed Romulan.  It was a good thing they had played out their scene and drew his attention.  He had been certain he had identified the Romulan defector on the other side of the space port but had clearly been wrong.  So, the Andorians and Humans fighting over the Romulan defector that could only mean this traitor was worth more then he had originally thought.  That was good, not only would he get off this rock he would be promoted as well, especially when he reported the obvious cracks in the relations of two of the Federation’s founding members.
He had a thought.  “Switch weapons to stun.”  He ordered.  Perhaps he could bring a Human and Andorian.  What a coup that would be.  They would call him a genius.
He watched as the human waved what was certainly a concealed weapon and the small group began to walk towards a secluded corner or the spaceport.
He held his breath and waited before giving the order.  “Take them!”
Across the spaceport Sean Merrick and one of the Andorians suddenly dropped to their knees and fell over.  Then all hell broke loose.
Can’t be that easy.
Hopefully a few of us are around tonight and we can write out this extraction/free for all.  Should be good fun!  But lets keep it in the finest traditions of Starfleet…ie I don’t want any of our characters drummed out of the service for breaking up the Federation or starting war with the Klingons J
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Firefight==
===by Daniel Belin===
DeSimms saw Sean go down, and stood up violently. He raised his disruptor to hip level, and aimed at a tight cluster of Romulans who were advancing with disruptor pistols. He put down a volley of fire, hitting all of them squarely in the chest. Suddenly, the whole shuttleport seemed to pull a gun. The five remaining Starfleet officers moved to Merrick's body, and knocked over some tables and comm booths for cover.
Norm, bless his heart, started shooting with the EM Rail Gun. The first shot made a crater at a Klingon's foot. Stile and DeSimms were supressing the Romulans and Klingons, who were firing blind from cover. Steele got on the hook and called the Hood, "Where the hell are you Mark, we are getting massacred over here?"
<<One minute to transporter Range>>
"Get into Orbit and beam us up!"
"Oh shit, don't let the Hood into orbit!" yelled DeSimms, still shooting, "Look at the defense net for Arcturus!"
"Whats going on," asked Steele, tearing off a piece of his tunic that was burnt by a phaser.
"Three Romulan dropships and one Bird of Prey just decloaked."
"Dropships? With Troops on them?" asked a startled Corbett, "Sweet Diamond J. Philips! how many troops are we looking at?"
DeSimms fired his disruptor again, "Anywhere from 60 to 100."
The three of them let out a collective groan. Steele put out a message to the Hood, "Do not engage the Bird of Prey unless fired upon. We don't want to start a war here."
DeSimms comandeered the communicator, "This is DeSimms. Tell my second-in-command in security to put together a strike force, Contingency Delta."
<<Understood>>, said the harried voice of Compass, right before the communicator was shot right out of DeSimm's hand and skittered to the other end of the terminal.
NRPG: I think the Romulans won't engage the Hood. However, I am guessing that 60 Romulans and maybe 100 Starfleet personnel will make for an interesting battle on the ground. I will try to get a post out about the Strike Team being assembled. Cant wait to see where this goes.
Daniel Belin
Lt. John DeSimms
SEC Officer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Who's in Charge Here?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: Spaceport, New Detroit
"Three Romulan dropships and one Bird of Prey just decloaked."
"Dropships? With Troops on them?" asked a startled Corbett, "Sweet Diamond
J. Philips! how many troops are we looking at?"
DeSimms fired his disruptor again, "Anywhere from 60 to 100."
The three of them let out a collective groan. Steele put out a message to
the Hood, "Do not engage the Bird of Prey unless fired upon. We don't want
to start a war here."
DeSimms comandeered the communicator, "This is DeSimms. Tell my
second-in-command in security to put together a strike force, Contingency
<<Understood>>, said the harried voice of Compass, right before the
communicator was shot right out of DeSimm's hand and skittered to the other
end of the terminal.
Jack did his best not to tear a strip off the young security lieutenant. That would have to come later when the battle was over and all were safely aboard ship.  But Jack had told Desimms on his first day that he was concerned the special ops soldier would not be able to make the transition to life in the navy.  Although he had a hard time believing that it would be acceptable to wrestle a communicator from your commanding officer.  But this was not the first time he had superseded his authority.  Perhaps it was a lack of respect and that was just as bad.
But not something to worry about now, he thought as he aimed a burst of phaser fire at a large statue that towered above several Romulans.  It exploded into dozens of fragments, large enough to impede them but not kill them.  He wasn’t going to be responsible for starting a war with Romulus.  At least they fired first he kept telling himself.  He turned back to the rest of the team.  “The mission is to get Sachen.  As soon as you grab him beam up immediately and have HOOD start beaming up everyone else.  GO!”
For his part the captain ducked low and raced out into the mayhem.  It reminded him of his last mission as HOOD’s first officer, when he had watched his captain die.  Running from cover to cover he finally dove and slid across the spaceport floor come to a crashing halt as he collided with Sean’s body.  He was happy to hear a groan from his first officer and for the first time he let the thought through that his friend could have been dead. 
“What happened?”  Sean asked groggily as Jack pulled him behind a row of vending machines. 
“Just another day at work.”  Jack said as he placed Sean’s phaser into his hand before jamming a hypo into his neck.  “You and one of the Andorians were hit by a sniper, on stun I’d say.  After that a hundred Romulans dropped in to make sure Sachen had a secure ride home.” He bobbed up to take a few more shots at some approaching soldiers.  “HOOD’s in transporter range and DeSimms has called in the cavalry.  I’d like to get Sachen and beam out of here before we bring more bodies down and make this thing bigger then it needs to be.  Of course the Romulans might not agree.”
“Where is Sachen?”  Sean asked feeling the energy the hypo had given him start to flow through his veins.    “If it was the Romulans who led him away they’d be gone by now.”  Merrick reasoned as he stun three more Romulans.  “I’d say Klingons.”
“I agree.  But being so inconspicuous is really not their style.”
“There!” Sean shouted pointing at a huddled Romulan hiding behind a food counter panic clearly on his face.
Jack nodded.  “Let’s go”
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Gang's All Here==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: Spaceport, New Detroit
K’Temec watched as his dreams of the future came crashing down around him.  At the first sign of the Romulans his paid team had flung Sachen to the floor and ran for the door.  He knew they were not trust worthy but he had paid them well and explained in painstaking detail what would happen to them if they had failed.  Apparently dozens of Romulan troops had provided a greater and more imminent threat.  At least his snipers remained, he grunted in amusement as he watched another Romulan go down.  He knew it wouldn’t last long Romulans were anything but stupid and soon they would realize where the hidden enemy lurked and kill them.
Perhaps if the battle became violent enough it would trigger a war between Romulus and the Federation.  He was certain the humans were from the Federation, probably Starfleet.  If that was the outcome and he could figure away to spin this as to his doing he might save himself yet.  Sachen! He was the key.  He had to find him and if he could not spirit him away then kill him and leave no trace.  Romulus would blame Starfleet and the Federation would fear that Romulus would use this scientist to construct whatever loathsome weapon he had dreamt up.  He pulled his disruptor ready to slink into the fray.  This is what is life had become he thought sadly.
Suddenly he spun around in answer to the whine of the transporter beams behind him.  His small corner of the spaceport was suddenly filled with a dozen Klingon warriors all holding a bat’leth.  The largest strode forward.  I have been ordered to assist you.  What is the situation.”
Once again things had changed.
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Catch and Release==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.018
Timeframe: immediately after Andy's post "The Gang's All Here"
Setting: Spaceport, New Detroit
Gar Th'elenth knew right where the Romulans- and Doctor Sahen- were. He
could smell them.
Problem was that a dozen Klingons just beamed down in between him and his
However, they appeared to be armed primarily with bat'leths which, while
ferocious in close quarters, was not especially terrifying from a distance.
"Leave it to a Klingon to bring a bat'leth to a gun fight," he muttered as
he took aim with his phaser and fired, in rapid succession. Six shots, five
down and one winged. Another quick shot and winged one was stunned too.
The other six, however, as Klingons do, charged him. He could have stayed
and fought...but chances were good he'd not get them all before they reached
him. So, he ducked behind the bulkhead again, and back down the maintenance
He planned to double back around behind the Klingons and surprise the
Romulans...if he could get tot hem before they either killed Sahen or beamed
him off-planet.
Gar pushed deeper into the bowels of the spaceport, following the scent of
his prey, phaser drawn and ready.
Suddenly, the aroma spiked in his antennae and his nose- Sahen was close.
A second later, he heard Sahen's captors speaking. He knew enough Vulcan to
guess that it was Romulan being spoken, but he wasn't fluent enough to
understand what they said.
It doesn't matter, he told himself. **You're not here to talk.**
Gar popped out from behind a baggage dolly, and stunned the two guards
restraining Sahen, and then two others guarding the flanks. The rearguard,
however, grabbed Sahen, and, pulling him tight, aimed a disruptor at Sahen's
The Andorian walked forward into the open directly towards the Romulan and
Sahen, phaser pointing straight at the last Romulan's face in a classic
tow-handed grip.
The Romulan spoke. "Drop your weapon or Sahen dies--"
Gar fired, and before he could finish his sentence the Romulan soldier was
down on the ground, unconscious.
Gar moved forward and grabbed Sahen's arm. "Welcome to Arcturus, Doctor
Sahen. If you will come with me, please, I'll escort you to safety."
The Andorian quickly keyed his wrist communicator as he led the doctor
towards the rear of the baggage sorting area. "Gar here- I have Doctor
Sahen. Where are you guys?"
"Don't move, Gar."
The Star Fleeter stopped short; he found himself staring down the barrel of
an Andorian-model phaser, close enough to his face for him to notice it was
set to kill.
And it was in the hands of the one person he felt certain, at this moment,
wanted him dead at least as much as Doctor Sahen.
"Thank you for bringing Doctor Sahen safely to me, my dear," Avae Zh'sharav
said with a smile that only looked disturbingly evil to Gar at the moment.
As she took his phaser from him, he held his hands up over his head, palms
Where the hell is the cavalry? he wondered.
Just adding my part to this little game here...
I think there's still some Romulans around, and probably an angry Klingon or
two, maybe a humiliated Klingon...
...but I'd REALLY appreciate it if someone would find me. Even if it is
Commander Compass.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Day at the Office==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: New Detroit Spaceport
The Andorian flushed deep blue with rage. "Do you think you will be allowed
to leave here alive pink skin?"
"Keep your mouth shut or I guarantee you won't be around to find ..."
And suddenly Sean felt an overwhelming urge to take a nap. What felt like
an hour later, he woke to a dreadful headache and his old pal Jack poking
him with a hypo. Moments later they were sighting their Romulan quary
across the room and cursing DeSimms for letting the Captain's commo get shot
to pieces. Sean let lose an impressive stream of curses when he realized
his own had been pick pocketed in the few seconds that he'd been unconscious
on the spaceport floor.
"We need to demote DeSimms," Sean said flatly to Jack. Between them they
took out a balcony sniper, a Romulan stormtrooper, and a Klingon warrior in
rapid succession.
"Don't get me started," Jack replied, ducking a phaser stream.
"Jack!" Sean suddenly shouted.
"Somebody's made off with Sachen. They're going out the right exit."
NRPG: Takes place just before "Catch and Release". Steve? You jumping in?
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Don't Press Your Luck==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Don't Press Your Luck==
Line 2,720: Line 4,743:
“Kiska I got an emergency inbound 5-6 minutes. I need a surgical unit and trauma nurse prepped and ready when I get there.
“Kiska I got an emergency inbound 5-6 minutes. I need a surgical unit and trauma nurse prepped and ready when I get there.

[Aye sir, sickbay out]
[Aye sir, sickbay out]

Corbett turned and almost smacked into Merrick. “Go, you can check in with me later.” Corbett said shooing Merrick away.
Corbett turned and almost smacked into Merrick. “Go, you can check in with me later.” Corbett said shooing Merrick away.
Line 2,740: Line 4,763:
Corbett ignored the medic and ripped open the woman’s uniform and undershirt exposing her chest. Pulling an old style syringe from his med-kit he grabbed the plunger from the syringe and threw it behind him as he pressed two fingers against the left side of her chest. Once he found the landmark he was looking for he pushed the needle into her chest and was immediately hit with a stream of blood that was under high pressure.
Corbett ignored the medic and ripped open the woman’s uniform and undershirt exposing her chest. Pulling an old style syringe from his med-kit he grabbed the plunger from the syringe and threw it behind him as he pressed two fingers against the left side of her chest. Once he found the landmark he was looking for he pushed the needle into her chest and was immediately hit with a stream of blood that was under high pressure.

“BP 80/50, pulse 40 and regular, her vitals are getting stronger.” The corpsmen yelled in surprise as they took off down the corridor to sickbay.
“BP 80/50, pulse 40 and regular, her vitals are getting stronger.” The corpsmen yelled in surprise as they took off down the corridor to sickbay.

“She had a pericardial tamponade, blood in the pericardial space, which was constricting the heart and keeping it from beating. I relieved it with the needle and syringe. Corbett said. “So don’t be so reliant on technology sar, as sometimes the old fashioned low tech treatments work the best. Also you should have figured that out for yourself had you done a proper secondary survey.”
“She had a pericardial tamponade, blood in the pericardial space, which was constricting the heart and keeping it from beating. I relieved it with the needle and syringe. Corbett said. “So don’t be so reliant on technology sar, as sometimes the old fashioned low tech treatments work the best. Also you should have figured that out for yourself had you done a proper secondary survey.”