ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2009: Difference between revisions

(Created page with '<CENTER>Last Updated: 2260.175</CENTER> * June 2009 <BR> =June 2009= ==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: And Then It All Went To Hell== ===by [[Mansur_Brian|...')
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<CENTER>Last Updated: 2260.175</CENTER>
[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:STAR FLEET: ORIGINS]][[Category:ORIGINS: USS Hood]]

* [[ORIGINS:_USS_Hood_June_2009|June 2009]]


=June 2009=
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: And Then It All Went To Hell==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: And Then It All Went To Hell==
===by [[Mansur_Brian|Mansur, Brian]]===
===by [[Mansur_Brian|Mansur, Brian]]===
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==[ORGINS] USS HOOD: A New Job==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Making the Pact==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Making the Pact==
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==[ORIGINS]USS HOOD: First Aboard==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Aboard==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
Line 1,157: Line 1,156:

==[Origins] HOOD: Hell, Delivered==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Hell, Delivered==
===by [[Belin_Daniel|Belin, Daniel]]===
===by [[Belin_Daniel|Belin, Daniel]]===
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "The Price of Service"==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "The Price of Service"==
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LT. DeSimms
LT. DeSimms
SEC Officer
SEC Officer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Coolant is Nasty Stuff==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]===
HOOD:Coolant is Nasty Stuff
Scene: Deck E: Captain's Ready Room, USS Hood
Corbett heard the command to enter and stepped through the door to present
himself to the Captain when the booming voice suddenly flooded the ship.
"Trauma Team to Main Engineering, I repeat Trauma Team to Main Engineering -
on the double!"
He was the Chief Surgeon and took that as his primary responsibility, the
Captain would have to wait. Without thinking he turned and was immediately
through the door. He remembered where the turbo lift was located on this deck
and headed in that direction. Halfway to the lift he wondered how in the hell he
was going to find Main Engineering. He could ask someone, but that would take
time, time he knew he didn't have. In his moment of hesitancy he saw the
Captain come up from behind and followed him into the lift.
The man was tense and didn't talk, which Corbett thought spoke volumes for the
concern he had for his crew. It took only a moment to reach Main Engineering and
a scene of minor chaos.
Scene: Main Engineering, USS Hood
"Sawbones comin through." Corbett said in his thick Texas drawl as he exited
the lift and headed over to the first man he saw lying on the deck, pushing the
hovering crew out of his way as he went.
The man was lying supine his hands were gone, now only stumps. Corbett saw that
there was something covering the man's face and realized it was what remained
of his hands, fused in place by the warp core coolant. Corbett acted immediately
and felt for a pulse. It was weak and thready and the man's respirations were
"Somebody throw me an emergency med-kit and get some thermal blankets over
here now!" He shouted.
Carefully he probed what remained of the severed hands seeing just how adhered
they were to the crewman's face. They would have to stay in place for the
moment until he could stabilize the man and get him into surgery. Thank God the
coolant had cauterized the stumps, or the loss of blood would have killed him,
he thought.
"You!" Corbett shouted to the crewman standing nearest him. "Get over here
and kneel down, I want your knees touching the floor."
The man hesitated a moment not sure why Corbett was shouting at him. "Damn it
man do as I say!" Corbett yelled as he pulled on one of the legs of the
man's coverall forcing him into the position he wanted.
"Put his feet in your lap and keep them there." Corbett said getting the
injured man's legs elevated. "Where's that med-kit!" He shouted again
and someone thrust it into his hands.
Quickly he drew up 2.5mg of Cordrazine and injected the man. The dose was large
enough to stimulate the man's cardiovascular system, but still low enough to
keep him unconscious. Reaching up to the man's neck he immediately felt that
the pulse had gotten stronger though it was irregular.
The man was still in shock and needed immediate surgery, but for the moment
Corbett had stabilized him. "Get those blankets on him and find out where the
hell the trauma team is!" He shouted to no one in particular. He made a note
that he was going to drill them in what rapid response meant when this was over.
Corbett headed over to the next man who was in a sitting position propped
against a large coolant pipe, cradling his hands. Corbett didn't say anything
he just hit the man with 500mgs of Rexlin for the pain. Almost immediately the
man's moaning ceased giving Corbett the chance to look over the burns.
The left hand was charred but intact. The right hand wasn't so lucky. The
thumb and index finger had fused and melted into a useless lump of flesh. The
little finger and right third of the hand were missing; charred bone was all
that remained.
"Am I gonna be OK doc?" The man asked.
"I think it's going to be awhile before you can go fly fishing again."
Corbett said smiling.
"That's ok I don't fish." The man said with a slight giggle. Obviously
the Rexlin had taken effect.
"Doc the trauma team is here." Someone yelled over to him.
Corbett patted the man on the shoulder and went over to the team. "Who's the
doctor on this team?" He demanded.
The four men with stretchers looked at each other until one finally spoke.
"We're all corpsmen sir. We don't have a doctor on the team."
"Well that's gonna change." Corbett said frowning. "That man over
there," he said pointing to the one propped against the coolant pipe.
"He's in mild shock with partial thickness burns to the left hand and full
thickness burns to the right. Get him down to sickbay and have the on call
doctor treat him stat.
Corbett waited for one of the corpsmen to give him a nod and move over to the
injured crewman. "You two with me." He said to the two remaining medics as
he walked back to the supine crewman.
Kneeling he felt again to make sure the man's pulse was still strong. He could
have used the scanner, but trusted his own instincts more. "Let's get him
loaded up. I want to keep him in Trendelenburg's position and I want an
Infusion unit set up with volume expanders before we move." He said then as an
important afterthought added. "Oh and don't touch the hands stuck to his
face. Understand me?"
"Yes sir." One of the corpsmen said drawing his hand back from the
crewman's face.
"Good." Was all Corbett mumbled as he headed to the wall with the Comm unit.
"Engineering to sickbay."
"Sickbay here." A woman answered
"Who am I talking with?" He asked.
"Lieutenant Dawson, the duty nurse. Who are you?" She asked a bit annoyed.
"This is Dr. Corbett, the Chief Surgeon; I'll be down there in five minutes
with a patient who has bilateral above the wrist amputations. I need a surgical
unit and a nurse who knows how to use it, ready when I get there."
"Yes doctor." Dawson said her voice sounding a bit contrite.
"What's his name?" Corbett asked facing away from the comm. unit.
"Tanner." A stone faced Andorian said.
"Also Pull up Chief Tanner's records." Corbett said facing back toward the
comm unit. "I want a unit of cross matched blood put on hold just in case.
Corbett out."
"Let's go" He yelled to the medics and headed for the Turbo lift.
Hope I didn't get too boring with the medical stuff. Dave sorry I couldn't add
you, but the injuries didn't lend themselves to tagging you. I apologize and
will make sure to include you in the future. As for Scott a stone faced Andorian
was meant as a compliment. Andy if you come down to sickbay to check on the crew
and see a button you want to push... Don't.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Dr. Stile Corbett
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Kablooey"==
===by [[Lusby_Scott|Lusby, Scott]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1427
Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD
<<snip- from my last post>>
The Andorian met the First Officer's gaze; both men now wore the mask duty
on their faces, and, as Merrick moved to assist in the care of Tanner and
Pethukov as they waited for the trauma team to arrive, Gar dealt with the
smoldering engineering station, wishing the ventilation systems would work
The damage, however, had been done.
<<end snip>>
It was only the that Gar became aware of a lot more commotion than there was
only a moment ago. "Here, figure out what happened here," he said, handing
a tricorder to the rating standing next to him as he walked back to the
scene of Tanner's accident.
A human man in blue, speaking with a thick accent Th'elenth could not place,
was shouting orders as he looked over Tanner and Pethukov; the man spoke
with the authority of experience and acted decisively, quickly- for which
Gar was grateful.
However, as he contemplated the merits of the new doctor, there seemed to be
a lot more smoke coming from the forward areas of the bay.
"What's going on here?" he hissed under his breath as he trotted towards the
source of the smoke.
He reached the source: three more consoles, each tied to unrelated
subsystems for water purification, food replication and waste treatment, had
eaten themselves, tossing plastic and acrid smoke everywhere. Making
matters worse, a pipeline overhead had been pierced by the exploding
consoles, creating an opaque veil in front of him.
Th'elenth covered his mouth and nose with his hand, and, pushing through the
charcoal haze, began poking at the remnants of the destroyed console nearest
Suddenly, the doors to main engineering opened from nearby, and smoke
billowed through them and into the hallway.
<<snip- from Dave's last post>>
ARr'Rhiana rushed into engineering and coughed as smoke from a broken
pipeline filled the area.
<<end snip>>
Gar pulled himself up as the form became more pronounced- a Denobulan woman,
he was pretty sure, making her the ship's new chief Science Officer by the
looks of her uniform and sleeve striping.
The woman coughed. "Lieutenant Hemux at your disposal, Commander," she
said. "I'm qualified in engineering as well- I can help if you need it."
Gar's antennae pitched forward, and his lips pursed. "I'm afraid I do,
Lieutenant- I'm afraid I do." He paused for a moment as the trauma teams
hustled by with their patients."
"I'll have a report for you later, Commander," the doctor said as he passed
through the doors. "Right now these men need my complete attention."
"I understand, doctor," Gar said as the doors closed.
Hemux watched the stretchers roll by, and, after the doors shut, glanced
back at Th'elenth. "What happened?"
"Unrelated accidents- warp plasma coolant exposure to one, electro-plasma
burns from an exploding console to the other."
The Denobulan glanced at the three still-smoldering console. "You sure
they're unrelated?"
The Andorian 's antennae twitched again. "Pretty sure the warp plasma
coolant injury was an accident- I saw it happen." He paused, bending down
to pick up a piece of splintered plastic from the ground. "As for these
consoles...I'm not sure yet."
Th'elenth paused again, this time to cut off the fractured pipe above,
immediately cutting off the smoke spilling from it.
"But I promise you I damn well WILL find out," he said, the memory of
Tanner's screams, of Pethukov's moans, flooding his brain.
He glanced back at his new shipmate. "Care to join me?"
All- OK...this better ties things together. I hope. And it gets Dave into
the middle of things.
Dave- I'm sure you saw my NRPG note. However, if you have better ideas,
let's run with them. As long, as per Andy's directions, as this is a freaky,
isolated thing and not some grand epic problem we'll need an entire mission
to figure out.
Steve- loved the medical response post. Can't wait to see how the Texan
shores up things down in Sick Bay.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineering Officer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: coughing out loud...==
===by [[Martens_David|Martens, David]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1430
Scene: USS HOOD, Engineering department
<Snip from Scott>
Merrick's booming voice suddenly flooded the ship. [Trauma team to main
engineering. I repeat trauma team to main engineering on the double!] The
Denobulan glanced at the three still-smoldering console. "You sure they're
The Andorian 's antennae twitched again. "Pretty sure the warp plasma coolant
injury was an accident- I saw it happen." He paused, bending down to pick up a
piece of splintered plastic from the ground. "As for these consoles...I'm not
sure yet."
Th'elenth paused again, this time to cut off the fractured pipe above,
immediately cutting off the smoke spilling from it.
"But I promise you I damn well WILL find out," he said, the memory of Tanner's
screams, of Pethukov's moans, flooding his brain. He glanced back at his new
shipmate. "Care to join me?"
<End of Snip>
Hemux nodded and followed Gar, to one of damaged consoles. On her way there
she picked up a dropped toolbox and a tricorder. At the first look the console
where indeed not related; each of them on a different area of the room,
checking in on different systems, plasma conduits, water supply tanks and
Hemux attached a ODN-cable and tried to access the memory - core of the
computer. Lucky for her that was well protected and not damaged at all so she
could do a read out of the data. "Now that is odd." She muttered. The data
from seconds before the console exploded showed a spike in the electricity and a
millisecond powerfailure.
[Sir, we have a problem.] A voice came in over the Comm. Th'elenth twitched his
antennae as he walked to the Comm and hit the button "What is it, ensign?"
[We have several console and computers shutting down or exploding, it seems to
occur in some kind of cascade, but not all systems are damaged, only some.]
Gar grunted and replied "Try to contain that cascade and get repairs team at
work ASAP. I try to figure out what is gong on here. Engineering out."
ARr'Rhiana was checking in on the second console and found the same weird
readings, a spike in the powersystems, a very, very short interruption of power
and then the explosion of the console. She checked the third console and
indeed, the same thing has happened. Hemux corelated the data and suddenly she
smiled, she had something.
"Sir," she said to Gar as she showed him her tricorder with the data. "I have a
pattern, see that spike and power loss? I think that has something to do with
the problems."
just something more on the damage and adding Hemux in.
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What's a Captain to do?==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1430
Scene: USS HOOD, Engineering department
            Steele tried his best not to get in the way as first the
doctor and then the trauma team did their work.  The rating looked
bad but judging from Dr. Corbett’s demeanour it wasn’t life threatening. 
Of course Steele had never met the man but even from a distance he
seemed to have a calm authority.  Either that or he was a quack and
didn’t know what he was doing; it wasn’t like the captain would know
either way at this point.  Fortunately he had received a number of
solid reviews about the doctor.  Starfleet, while growing dramatically,
was still a close knit organization.  A friend in personnel had given
him a quiet heads up as to the list of candidates command had been
looking at for transfer to HOOD. 
            On the medical section Stile was at the top of the list. 
Jack had called a few of his friends and while not many had worked with
the doctor just about all had assured him that Corbett had a solid
reputation as a healer.  For the few who had actually met the man they
all grinned when Steele had brought up the name.  They too said his
skills as a doctor were exceptional but added that on a personal level
he was a character.  No one elaborated any more then that just starting
to grin again as they ended the call.  A character.  Steele hoped it
was true.  He had the utmost respect and admiration for his predecessor
but Captain Sinclair hadn’t been one to tolerate characters among his
officers.  His ward room had been much more staid then Steele intended
his to be.  Hopefully Corbett would help lighten the mood. 
            Doctor Corbett and his medics seemed to have stabilized the
situation enough to move the patients to sickbay.  With one crisis
seemingly diverted Steele strode over to the  nearest comm.  He jabbed
the white button. “Bridge.”
            [Bridge. Commander Merrick.  Is everything all right down
there captain?]  The First Officer had dashed up to the bridge once Steele
had arrived.  At the time there was no certainty as to what was happening
so Merrick had taken the prudent course.  Steele wondered if he should
have been the one to head up to the bridge.  Perhaps lingering around in
engineering might be seen as a sign he didn’t trust his people when in
actuality he had come here because he wanted to see first hand.  Wanted
to be able to help. This commanding officer stuff was still pretty new.
            “It seems to be.  Dr. Corbett and his trauma team have the
situation in hand.”  He watched as the Chief Engineer and the Science
Officer examined a bank of consoles.  “I’m going to get a status report
from Gar, check in at sickbay and then I’ll be up to the bridge.  Steele
            “How bad is it?” The captain asked without preamble.
            “Bad enough.”  Gar replied with clear frustration.  “We’ve also
had reports of some sort of minor cascade across the ship.  Lieutenant
Hemux thinks he may have located a pattern here and I tend to agree with
him.  But there is still much work to do.”  He said absently while his
attention focused on some results that flashed onto Hemux’s tricorder. 
“As soon as I have anything definite I’ll let you know sir.” 
            “Fair enough.”  Steele replied knowing when he was dismissed. 
Perhaps Gar wouldn’t have any problems taking command in engineering after
all he mused as he left engineering and headed for sickbay.
Steve: I might get another one out today/tomorrow with Steele visiting you
in sickbay.  He’ll want a status report, a chance to meet Stile and will
be following up on a complaint from a shuttle pilot who thinks you maybe a
bootlegger (Which Jack will think is absolutely hilarious<G>)
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Doctors, Nurses and Tequila Oh My==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1430
Scene: Sickbay, USS HOOD
The doors to sickbay parted and Corbett rushed in with the Trauma Team.
"Where's the surgical nurse. I want this man prepped and ready in five
minutes." He shouted.
"Excuse me Cowboy, but you don't come in here shouting orders." A
middle-aged woman with Lieutenant Commander stripes on her sleeves
barked back at him.
"Jimmy you and Frank get him over to the surgical ward and I'll follow
in a minute." Corbett said to his medics, ignoring the woman.
"You will do no such thing until that patient is properly triaged. I am
Lt. Commander Rachel Grey, the Chief Nurse and I'm telling you we will
follow Star Fleet procedure.
"Look darling, I don't care if you are the house mother. This patient
is heading into surgery immediately." Corbett said his drawl thick and
menacing. Turning to his medics he yelled "Move now."
"I'm calling security." She yelled at him as she headed to the duty
stations comm. unit. "Sickbay to security."
"Doctor Corbett he's coming around." One of the medics shouted from the
other room.
"Damn it. Get an Alpha wave inducer, keep him unconscious and get him
into the steri-field. I'll be right there." Corbett shouted back.
["Security here."] The voice over the comm. said.
The Chief Nurse hit the com button "Never mind," she said, anger and
frustration in her voice. Turning back to Corbett she hissed. "We'll
discuss this later doctor."
"Yes mother I suspect we will." He replied pushing his hat toward the
back of his head and added. "In the meantime I'm gonna need some
vascular adhesive and synthetic skin for dermal grafting."
"Yes doctor." She answered. Corbett noticed she put a lot of emphasis on
the last word.
Scene: CMO's Office, USS HOOD
Three hours later
Surgical Report: Patient Tanner
Patient is a 24 y/o human male who presented with bilateral above the
wrist amputations secondary to warp core coolant exposure. Patient also
presented with bilateral fusion of all phylangees and the palmar surface
of both hands to the skin over the frontal aspect of the skull, zygoma
and mandibular regions, no orbital involvement noted.
Surgical  Procedures.
1. Bilateral resection to
distal 1/3 of both the radius and ulna were successful. All associated
vessels and nerves resected and vascular adhesive applied. No vessel
leakage noted.
2. Removal of phalangeal and palmar remnants successful, with moderate
facial tissue loss. Dermal grafting accomplished with synthetic tissue
applied in a split thickness mesh. Pressure dressing applied.
Treatment Course.
Patient is stable and has been placed on analgesics and broad spectrum
antibiotics post surgery. Cardiovascular functions are within normal
Patient will be measured and fitted for tritanium skeletal prosthesis
after which time a grafting procedure, with nerve, vessel and dermal
regeneration will occur. Given the extent of the patient's injuries I
expect there to be a loss of fine touch perception of approximately
15 - 25%, this is within acceptable Star Fleet parameters. Patient
should be eligible for light duty in four weeks with clearance following
physical therapy report.
Alternatively patient may be transferred to a Star Base Medical facility
for this procedure and rehabilitation.
Stile Corbett, MD
Corbett finished the dictation and stretched, the weariness of the day
finally getting to him. Looking around his office he realized how stark
it was. The place needed a plant and some artwork on the walls, that was
for sure.
"Well at least they delivered my trunk." He said to himself as he saw the
large throwback from another era sitting in the corner of the room. He
stood to walk over to the trunk when the chime to his office door went
"Come in" He shouted.
The Chief Nurse entered his office a scowl on her face. "Cowboy I think
it's time we had that talk."
"Well Mother if you and me are gonna have it out do you mind if I have a
drink first."
"If you must," she said then added. "I will not be treated with disrespect
by you or anyone in this department. Do I make myself clear?"
"Ma'am, I am sorry we got off on the wrong foot." Corbett said pulling out
two small glasses and a bottle of tequila from his trunk and putting them
on the desk. "But patients come first, egos second. That boy needed
immediate surgery and didn't need to be stopped at the door to have his
ticket punched by you."
"I didn't ask for a glass." She said looking down at the second glass he
had placed on the desk.
"Well I didn't figure you for a bottle swigger, but be my guest." He said
handing over the uncapped bottle to her.
She gave him a sharp look, but didn't hesitate for a second as she took
the bottle from him and upended it for a long pull. Gasping a bit she put
the bottle down. "Damn that's good."
"Ought to be, it's the best Mexico has to offer." He said taking a long
pull himself. "I do like a woman who knows her tequila."
"I should, I grew up in San Jose." She said taking another pull from the
bottle then added. "I didn't know you were our new doctor, I just thought
you were some wack job with a Cowboy hat trying to push his way on through."
"I get that a lot." He said taking another long pull from the bottle. "I'm
really just a simple country doctor seeing what life is like out among the
"Don't try and charm me, I'm a bit old for that sort of thing. Besides I
know all about your record."
"Oh do tell, it seems to grow with each iteration." He said smiling.
"You are egotistical, misogynistic, and a discipline problem." She chided
"Well I can't say you are inaccurate, but you left out impish and whimsical."
He added taking another pull and passing the bottle back to her.
"I watched you perform surgery today and you were excellent. Though why you
insist on wearing that damn hat I don't know. I also heard about what you did
in Engineering, so I have to say I think you belong here."
"So where does that leave us?" He asked.
"Half a bottle down," she said passing it back. "You show me respect and I
won't phaser you while you're asleep OK."
"I thank you kindly for that." He said smiling. "You know I'm only a problem
when someone's life or limb is at stake otherwise I just a big ole cowboy hat
wearing softie."
"Yeah well I think maybe we both were at fault today." She said grudgingly.
"I agree, not because I'm afraid of getting phasered in my sleep mind ya." He
said winking.
"Well good. I thought you should also know that the other crewman, Pethukov
is recovering well. Dr. Kavlin said that his right hand is going to need
major reconstruction and he will probably consult with you tomorrow."
"I figured as much. He'll go through a procedure similar to what I prescribed
for Tanner. If I can get away with preserving his middle finger and the
carpal connection to the radius I think that will save him some regeneration
"I better get moving." She said then reached for the bottle. "Oh what the
hell, one more for the road."
Corbett watched her take a last drink and head for the door. "Mother, I think
this is the start of a beautiful friendship."
"Good night Cowboy." She said giggling as she left.
Corbett sat back down glad that he had come to an understanding with his head
nurse. It was never good to have the nurses against you it was just plain bad
medicine. Yawning he heard the door chime go off again.
"It's open." He said stifling another yawn.
Corbett watched the door slide open and Captain Steele enter the office.
"Captain Jack Steele, always an honor to host our commanding officer. Please
have a seat sar." He said motioning to one of the chairs in front of his
desk. Corbett realized he still had the half empty bottle of tequila and two
glasses on the desk. He also saw the that the Captain had noticed too.
"May I pour you a glass sar." Corbett said smoothly not missing a beat as he
picked up the Tequila bottle. "Where I come from it is unseemly for gentlemen
to carry on a conversation at this hour without a small libation."
<Tag Andy>
All I thought it would be easier to tie everything up in a post surgical
report rather than hours of tedious surgery. I am sorry if the post is
tedious and boring when it comes to the medical stuff. Also I took the
approach of a metal skeletal prosthesis that would act as a scaffolding for
regenerated tissue, vessels and nerves, it seemed like a nice happy medium.
I also wanted to bring in Mother the head nurse who will have a recurrent role
in my posts. She's my Christine Chapel.
Andy I set it up for us to talk. Hard to deny being a bootlegger with a bottle
in front of me. Just remember Corbett keeps a pistol in his boot and like any
good moonshiner he doesn't cotton to revenuers.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Dr. Stile Corbett,
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Plot Thickens==
===by [[Belin_Daniel|Belin, Daniel]]===
DeSimms walked down the corridor at a fervent pace. Although, technically he
was still on R&R, he decided to start his own little private investigation.
He did not see too much activity in the corridors, except the ones leading to
and from engineering. He smelled a bit of the acrid silicon smoke that he
hated, and decided it would be a good idea to walk away from the smell.
He found himself in a deserted corridor. Not that he was surprised, there
wasn't much in this corridor other than a entrance to a jefferies tube and a
communications junction. Suddenly, the corridor got a lot more interesting.
The blast doors closed on either side of him, and the fire suppression system
went off. The problem as he saw it was, there was no fire, and his uniform was
being ruined by fire suppressant foam for no reason. He decided that at the
current time, going into the Jefferies Tube would be a good idea. He began
climbing the tube until he reached what looked like the auxiliary systems room
on the ship. He muttered to himself, "If all this business is the product of
sabotage, I would find evidence here."
He looked around and saw a mess. Whoever had regular duty in here definitely
did not have a urge to clean. There was a note taped to the chair that said
that whoever was supposed to be on duty at this point felt a bit peckish and
went to get a sandwich.
After a good five minutes, he found the ennunciator lights, and looked for an
indicator of something wrong. Nothing except for a light that indicated that
the chaos system was on, and what was a chaos system?
He remembered that the chaos system that had something to do with security.
Yes, something to do with if the ship was taken over, the chaos system would
make life hell for the intruders. Boards blowing, computer errors, fire systems
turning on, the whole nine yards. It was easy to turn on, you flicked the
switch and it was on, but to turn it off you had to manually turn it off using
some kind of wiring in the belly of the ship. Someone turning it on probably
pointed to sabotage, that or whoever turned it on was a complete idiot. Still,
he thought it would be better to talk to whomever was on duty in here. He
headed back to his quarters to get his AK and a communicator.
A few minutes later, he came back to the door and found it locked. Obviously
whomever was on duty here got back at some point while he was gone. It took him
a few minutes to disconnect the door from the physical lock and the motor that
pulled the door back. Now all that held the door up was a thin track in the
floor, he backed up, and started to run towards the door with the intention of
knocking it down. It didn't fall the first time so he backed up again, ready to
charge a second time. Suddenly, the captain came into the corridor and saw
DeSimms charging at the door with an Kalashnikov and said, "Who the HELL are
<tag Andy>
Does not look like my character will be getting too good of a start with the
With all due respect,
Daniel F. Belin
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: All in a Day's Work==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1800
Scene: Corridor
<snip from Dan’s post.>
A few minutes later, he came back to the door and found it locked.
Obviously whoever was on duty here got back at some point while he was gone.
It took him a few minutes to disconnect the door from the physical lock and
the motor that pulled the door back. Now all that held the door up was a
thin track in the floor, he backed up, and started to run towards the door
with the intention of knocking it down. It didn't fall the first time so he
backed up again, ready to charge a second time. Suddenly, the captain came
into the corridor and saw DeSimms charging at the door with an Kalashnikov
and said, "Who the HELL are you?"
            “Lieutenant John DeSimms, Chief of Security.”  DeSimms answered
as he spun around at Steele’s approach. 
            “Sorry Lieutenant I didn’t recognize you from behind.”  Steele
had only met the man for 90 seconds after all.  Still he chided himself for
not recognizing the security officer.  “Planning on doing a little hunting?” 
He asked pointing at the weapon.
            Quickly DeSimms gave a rundown of his discovery and his
suspicions.  Steele rubbed his jaw and surveyed the carnage.  “We’re pretty
sure we have the issue localized however I think you’re right we need to
take a look.  Let me give you a hand.”  Reluctantly DeSimms put the ancient
weapon down and joined the captain at the door.  “Oh and by the way, I’ll
let you tell our engineer why his teams need to fix these doors.  Ready? 
            It took a few seconds but the two men were able to pry the
doors far enough apart that they could enter.  Steele started to go in
first but DeSimms made a point of pushing ahead and making sure the way
was clear of any lurking attackers.  What they found startled both men.
            “You’ve got to be kidding me.”  Steele growled.  “Campbell! 
On your feet!”
            Lieutenant Junior Grade Cory Campbell who had been
comfortably leaning back in his chair, feet dangling across his desk in
blissful slumber first tumbled to the ground and then bolted upright in
complete confusion.  “Commander…um Captain Steele sir.  How can I help
the captain?”
            Jack visibly restrained himself and DeSimms thought the
captain might be counting to 10 in his head.  “You can help me Mr.
Campbell by explaining yourself.  Starting with why the captain and
chief of security had to break into Auxiliary Control.”
            “Well you see sir I had the aux watch and as we are in
orbit of the starbase, well nothing is going on here and I’ve been
working on those computer upgrades you had mentioned.  You know changing
the voice, enhancing the personality etc.  Well sir I didn’t want to
have someone coming in and muck around with it while the computer was
crunching the numbers so I locked the door.”  Campbell finished as if
that was the end of it.
            “Locked the door?  The damn blast doors were secured and
the override wasn’t accepted.”
            “Well of course sir.  Last time I locked the door, I had to
make a quick run to the wardroom for a sandwich, well someone actually
got in.”  He replied indignantly.  “They didn’t touch any of the
computers but you can’t be too careful.”
            “I see.”  Steele replied and DeSimms shot him a look as if
to say You see?  Are *you* kidding me.
            “And the little matter of you sleeping while on duty and
cutting off a vital section of the ship what ever your reasoning’s?”
            Campbell finally started to look somewhat uncomfortable. 
“Yes well, sorry about that sir.  Its just I’ve been working on this
stuff non-stop for three days now.  The latest computations were going
to take 45 minutes to run and I know its wrong but I thought I’d take a
quick nap while I waited.  I was getting a bit punchy and I set the
board to alert me if anything came up.”
            “Accept for someone trying to get in.”  DeSimms growled.
            “True.  Sorry about that.  I guess I am just a bit more
punchy then I thought I was.”
            “Lieutenant,  here is what’s going to happen from here. 
You are going to first send all the information about what you have been
doing to the Chief Engineer.  It may tie into the problems that have
been occurring all over the ship.  Next you are going to clean this
place up and get someone to relieve you.  Once relieved you will confine
your self to quarters until I can come up with a suitable punishment for
you.  And assuming you still remain as a member of this crew you will
not continue with any further upgrades until you get approval from
Commanders Merrick and Th'elenth.  Is that clear Mister?”
            “Yes sir.  Very clear sir.”
            “Good.”  Steele spun around and stalked out into the
corridor with DeSimms close behind.  He noticed the look on the
CSO’s face. “Out with it lieutenant.”
            “With respect sir.”  He paused until Steele nodded. 
“Captain what the hell was that?”
            Steele actually chuckled.  “That lieutenant was Cory
Campbell.  And as to what he is I don’t know if I could actually
explain in one sitting.”
            “How about starting with how he is on a starship?  Sir.”
            “Two reasons.”  Steele answered as they began to walk
along the corridor.  “The first is politics.  I don’t have all the
fleet gossip but the gist of it is that his mother is a very old
friend of someone in the President’s office, rumour has it that it
is the president himself.  So for the most part he is hands off. 
            "You noticed his age.  He’s pushing 40 and has been in
the fleet since his early 20’s.  A bit old for a jay gee wouldn’t you
say?  He’s made lieutentant 5 times and been reduced in rank each time. 
Generally for transgressions such as this.”  It was at that point that
he decided that Campbell’s punishment would begin with being busted
back down to ensign. 
            “The second reason is the man’s a genius.  He has a way
with computers like no one else.  Really he should be at a research
institute or back at command but for some reason he loves ship board
duty.  Two of his promotions and several commendations came about
because of his quick thinking and ingenuity when he was the only one
able to save his ship.  Anyway he usually stays on a ship for a couple
of years before his CO is finally able to transfer him off.  In the
last 6 months Captain Sinclair had tried to get rid of twice but got a
big red denied stamped across his paperwork.  And that in a very small
nutshell is soon to be Ensign Cory Campbell.”
            “I see.”  DeSimms finally said. 
            “Now how about you?”  He pointed to the ancient rifle
slung over the man’s shoulder.  “You’re not one of those history buffs
who wants to live in the past.  I don’t seem to recall antique firearms
as part of the official load out for security officers.”
            DeSimms grinned.  “Well history buff to a degree.  I like
to collect ancient weaponry.  I have quite a collection.” 
            “Really?  I’d be interested in seeing that.’  Steele
replied noting John’s enthusiasm about the subject.
            “I don’t officially take over my duties until oh seven hundred
tomorrow so I haven’t had a chance to visit the armoury and sign out a
personal phaser.  When all the commotion broke out I decided to bring
along a weapon just in case.  Although given the age it may have been more
a club then a gun.  Mr. Campell is lucky.  If I’d had to break it over his
head I’d be severely annoyed.  It took me awhile to find this baby.”
            Steele actually laughed at the brief daydream of DeSimm’s
beating Mr. Campbell.  “Not quite the special forces is it?”
            “I didn’t expect it to be.”  DeSimms answered.  “But its
certainly been interesting so far.
            “It is that.”  Both came to a stop as they reached the
turbolift.  “Well Mr. DeSimms I have a meeting to attend and I should let
you get back to your unpacking.  Don’t worry it may take awhile but you’ll
get used to us.”  With a wave he stepped into the lift.
            *****            *****              *****
<snip from Steve’s post>
"It's open." He said stifling another yawn.
Corbett watched the door slide open and Captain Steele enter the office.
"Captain Jack Steele, always an honor to host our commanding officer.
Please have a seat sar." He said motioning to one of the chairs in front
of his desk. Corbett realized he still had the half empty bottle of tequila
and two glasses on the desk. He also saw the that the Captain had noticed
"May I pour you a glass sar." Corbett said smoothly not missing a beat as he
picked up the Tequila bottle. "Where I come from it is unseemly for gentlemen
to carry on a conversation at this hour without a small libation."
            “Well I guess that answers my boot legging question.”  Steele
said as he dropped into the chair across from Stile.  He nodded to the doctor
who had the bottle poised over Jack’s glass.
            “Bootlegging captain?” 
            “Yes apparently a junior shuttle pilot diligently doing his duty
reported that you may have transported either dangerous substances or
contraband aboard my ship.”  He picked up the glass and downed it before
gesturing to the bottle.  “I take it this is part of the evidence.”
            “That it is.”  The doctor confirmed as he refilled the glasses. 
“But I do keep it for medicinal purposes only. And you sir look like you
need a little doctorin’.”
            “It has been a day that is for sure.  How are the men?”
            “Not good.  But they will be.  You can count on that.  May take
awhile especially for young Mr. Tanner but he will be back at it in four to
six weeks.”
            Steele nodded.  That was good news indeed and he could feel a lot
of the stress bleeding out of him.  “Do we need to transfer him to a starbase
medical facility?”
            Stile shook his head.  “Don’t need too.  It looks bad, hell it is
bad.  But the healing and the prosthetics are pretty straight forward.  I can
handle it here no sweat.”
            “If we leave him on base he’ll likely get poached by some other
ship.  That is a good news.”  He raised his glass in salute before gulping it
            “I aim to please.”
            “Well with that out of the way.  I officially have to investigate
the complaint against you.  But judging from that bottle I don’t think it will
take us too long to get rid of the evidence.”
Cory Campbell may or may not be a reoccurring NPC for us to play around
with…if any one is interested. ;-)
And a stern reminder to all of you <G>  Please include [ORIGINS] in your
subject line and please make sure you send your post to the HOOD list *and*
the ASR list  We don’t want to deprive them of
our adventures and more to the point we want to everyone to see how good we
are so people will be demanding to get aboard.  Still have two empty spots to
Also, quick questions.  We’ll be starting the mission this week.  It will
take a couple of ship board days to get from the Starbase to our destination. 
Do you want to have some time to work on CD or do you want me to set it up
that we start having arrived.  I’m easy so let me know if you prefer either.
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Bootleggers Revenge==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1800
Scene: CMO's Office, USS Hood
</Snip from Captain Steele's All in a Day's Work>
"I officially have to investigate the complaint against you.  But judging
from that bottle I don't think it will take us too long to get rid of the
evidence." Steele said smiling.
"I wouldn't worry about it too much." Corbett said pouring them both
another glass.
Steele gave the doctor a quizzical look as he sipped his third glass.
"And why is that?"
"I have a feeling Mr. Maxwell's complaint will be met with a great deal of
skepticism. I noticed he wasn't looking very well during our landing
approach." Corbett said smiling. "In fact he seemed quite shaky."
"Not because you did anything to him, correct doctor?" Steele asked.
"Sar I'm a man of medicine anything I do is strictly in the interest of
public health." Corbett said flashing another toothy grin as he sipped
from his own glass. "I took the liberty of contacting one of the Flight
Surgeons at Starbase 27, an old Med-Academy roommate of mine, which is
neither here nor there. Anyway I just happened to mention that Mr. Maxwell
appeared to have what seemed to me a case of Andronesian Encephalitis. 
Well wouldn't you know it he agreed with me and has quarantined our young
Corbett saw the Captains face and put up a hand. "Oh don't worry I had the
Science Department do a sensor sweep of the ship and she's clean. It's
logged in my official medical report. As for Mr. Maxwell he'll be fine.
The illness is quite harmless and very treatable, but it does lend itself
to delusions and hallucinations. Unfortunate, but anything the man has
seen and done over the last 72 hours is definitely questionable."
Steele tried not to smile at his new doctor. The man was as they had said
very much a character. "Ah huh, well from my end I don't see any evidence
that his allegations were true." Steele said pouring off the rest of the
bottle into their glasses.
"I never had a doubt sar. Good tequila never lasts very long." Corbett
said raising his glass.
"No it never does." Steele agreed.
"On another note I am concerned about what happened today. There was no
excuse for it." Corbett said his voice tinged with anger
"It was an accident." The Captain said not sure where this was going. "In
fact Gar is trying to get to the bottom of it as we speak."
"I wasn't talking about the accident, no one could have foresee such a
thing happening. I'm talking about the trauma team. My medics are good
men, but their response time today was unacceptable."
"I won't second guess you doctor, but it seemed to me they got to
Engineering just a minute or two after we did."
"As far as an emergency is concerned they were late. I don't ever want to
see treatment delayed to any patient on this ship."
"I take it you're going somewhere with this?" Steele asked.
"Yes I am. I've looked over the ship's crew roster and I found that a few
departments have personnel who have qualified as medics. The trouble is
they're not in key departments. I want to cross train personnel from
Engineering, Auxiliary Control, and the Bridge as medics. I want someone
around who can render aid until me, or one of my team gets there. It
could be the difference between life and death for the crew and the ship."
"I agree that it would be useful to have a medic in those departments, go
ahead and start your cross training program as long as it doesn't
interfere with their primary duties.
"That's fair. One other thing before you head out Captain. How much combat
do you think this ship will see?"
"I don't really know. It would be nice to think we will be on peaceful
missions of exploration, but we both know that may not always be the
case." Steele said then chiding him. "Why doctor don't tell me you're
afraid of a little phaser fire."
"Pasers, no."  Corbett said shaking his head. "Transporters now that's a
different story entirely."
"So why the combat question?" Steele asked
"After my teams performance today I want to make sure my department and
every department on this ship knows what to do in a mass casualty
situation. I'd like to run a mass casualty drill and usurp some cargo
bay space as a mock triage and holding area."
"Again that's a reasonable request, one we should implement as soon as
possible. I'll let the senior staff know I'm in agreement. However, the
department heads may have some questions for you." Steele replied.
"I welcome the exchange sar. I never want anyone to say I wasn't
thinking about the crew and fell down medically."
"Quite the contrary doctor," Steele said pushing his chair back and
standing. "Medically I've heard you're one of the best and given what
I've seen I have to agree with them; however ethically…"
"Yes, yes I know." Corbett said interrupting him. "My moral character
flaws could be used as a template for the most ruthless of badly behaved
"So you know the rumors." Steele said smiling and headed for the door.
"Night doctor and it's good to have you aboard."
"Thank you Captain." Corbett said as the door to his office closed then
added to himself. "I just hope neither of us regrets it."
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
MED, USS Hood NCC-1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Cory Cory Cory==
===by [[Mansur_Brian|Mansur, Brian]]===
Scene: Junior Officer's Quarters, USS HOOD
SD 2260.168
Merrick clenched his fist until his nails dug into his palms. He so much wanted
to strangle Cory Campbell that he was seriously doubting the wisdom of dealing
with the man just now. The man was practically untouchable and Merrick darn
well knew it. Punishing Cory too severely might end both Steele's *and*
Merrick's careers.
But as the First Officer, it was Merrick's job to deal with delinquent junior
officers like Campbell. Besides which, Campbell had served under Merrick when
he had been Chief Engineer. This would not be their first unpleasant
The new(est) Chief Engineer, Gar Th'elenth, had offered to be present. Full
Andorian intimidation mode could be an effective behavioral modifier. Merrick
had politely declined the help. He knew Gar would have plenty of chances to
lean on Cory in the future. For something this volatile, Merrick thought it
best for the HOOD that they expose the fewest number to a politcally unsavory
And at the end of the day, Merrick sighed inwardly, Cory was not a bad person.
He was just a 40 year old, self-absorbed child with a fair genius for computer
engineering systems. Now, that child had to get time out and a lecture.
After announcing himself, Merrick solomly tread into the newly demoted ensign's
quarters. They were "regulation" cluttered as befitting the unspoken standard
of living conditions among engineers. Cory, having a presence of mind for once,
had actually come to attention.
Merrick shook his head in utter frustration. He stared at Cory for long
moments. He saw in him a big kid who knew he was in trouble and was ego
stroking his parents in hopes of receiving the least inconvenient punishment
possible. Merrick wondered: did he care about the man his carelessness had
injured? Was there a twinge of conscience deep down. Of empathy? Of real
regret? Would Merrick be wasting his time if he even asked?
Merrick decided to get to the point. "We really can't have you screwing up
anymore Campbell. You pull stunts like yesterday again and quite simply your
teflon status won't matter anymore. You have a new supervisor. In case you
haven't met him, he's an Andorian. You do know what that means right?
A semblance of understanding played across Cory's face.
"Why in the world do you even want to be out here Cory? Since you came abord,
you've royally mess things up as much as you've helped."
Something in Cory seemed to break.
"Commander," he stammered. "I'd like to think I'm here for the same reasons
everyone else is."
"Well, what better place is there to be? Where else is the great adventure?"
Merrick felt a sting of pain and, to his surpise, a stab of jealousy.
"You selfish idiot! Is that why the doc has to patch up my people? Because
Cory wants an adventure? People die out here You almost killed one of them
yesterday. It isn't fun cleaning up after you Cory. You got that?!"
"Yes sir," he said meekly. "I .. I want to help."
"Then get in line. Get out of line again and I swear to you that you'll spend
the reset of your tour in the brig. I'll do whatever it takes to keep my people
safe from you. As it is you're confined until the Captain feels like letting
you run loose again."
NRPG: Just wrapping up the loose ends of the engineering accident.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: There Will Be Blood==
===by [[Mansur_Brian|Mansur, Brian]]===
Scene: Klingon Ship Yards, Jutoige System.
SD 2260.168
Klingon Commodore Koreth took a minute to appreciate the magnificent view
outside his shore office's window. He beheld the empire's newest B-10
Dreadnaught, the BLOOD OATH. Its gleaming greenish grey hull shown brilliantly
in the worklights of drydock and the sight swelled his heart with pride.
All around the B10 were signs of feverish activity. He watched flickering
welding arcs across the dorsal port nacelle: extra armor plating being applied.
Shuttles and cargo pods glided gracefully to and from loading bays. Warriors
and technicians could be seen moving across the airlock bridge.
He checked his chrono. The BLOOD OATH would be fully provisioned for her first
mission in less than forty hours.
Wholly satisfied with his view, Koreth didn't even bother to turn when his aide,
Captain Par'rick, entered the office.
"My lord," Par'rick began, "Word came just a few minutes ago. The High
Chancellor has given us the order to launch."
Koreth allowed the side of his mouth to creep upward. He gripped at the hilt of
his d'k tahg in anticipation. "Are the Federation forces sending what we had
hoped for?"
"According to Intelligence, we can expect one of their newest battlecruisers to
be in the area sometime in the next few months."
Now Koreth was smiling. The promise of battle called out to his blood. "Do we
have the name of the ship yet?"
"Not as yet. We may not get the name until after the operation has begun."
Koreth was in too good a mood now, so he merely shrugged. "A minor ingredient.
The dish will hardly be lacking for it."
"As you say, my lord," Captain Par'rick hadn't seen his commander this abulient
since, well, since the NARANDA incident.
"What of the supply tugs," Koreth waved at the flotilla of box-like vessels
several bays down from the B10. "Will they be ready in time?"
Captain Par'rick wanted to laugh. "The new support commander is living up to his
reputation. I hear he actually skinned a dock loader this morning. The pelt is
still hanging in the muster deck.
Koreth snarled approvingly, "Then we will rely on the logistics train to leave
with us on schedule for a change." Turning now to his subordinate, Koreth
remarked, "New blood. New motivation."
"Indeed, my lord."
Koreth walked up to Par'rick and clasped his shoulder. "You see my old friend,
our humiliation at Nero's hand is serving a better purpose just as I said." He
let go and moved to his desk. On it lay a piece of his old warbird, the
Mar'i'kep, which he had lost to Nero. He fingered it affectionately. Through it
called the voices of a hundred warriors. In his mind, they shouted,
"Redemption!" After such a crushing defeat, only great deeds could win back the
honor they had lost. This mission would be the first step toward rebuilding that
"Let me know when the provisioning is completed and I'll make my inspection,"
Koreth said, snapping out of his reverie.
Par'rick took note of his dismissal, saluted with a sharp "Qapla' joHwI!" and
exited the Commodore's office. Koreth returned to his battle plans.
It would not be long before the Klingons Empire would be ready for its war of
Ironically, that pa-TAK Nero had made it all possible. Power often made one
foolish. It had certainly made the mightiest of fools out of the Klingon High
Council. They had been the ones to blindly send the bulk of their fleet against
Nero. Instead of testing their enemy first for weaknesses, everyone from the
chancellor to the council to the fleet commodore had agreed to simply throw
everything they could at the brazen intruder.
That day they had learned the value of probing their enemy first. But the lesson
had cost the Klingon Empire far too much. For their ignominious failure, much of
the council had been swiftly put to death in an unrelenting string of Succession
Challenges that lasted two days. Klingon honor demanded no less to remedy their
shame. After all, a mighty Klingon armada had been defeated by just one single
Thank Kah'less that the new Chancellor was an able warrior: bold but shrewd. At
his direction, Koreth would lure one of the Federation's best ships into battle
along the deep space frontier. It would serve as an effective test of both
sides' newest starship designs, tactics, and training.
Koreth almost envied his Federation prey. Their valiant deaths would be fit for
a Klingon. But he did not expect them to appreciate the glorious defeat he would
give them.
NRPG: A mission brief will be forthcoming in the next day or two. Basically, we
are being tasked to find out why some deep range colonies are silent. Time to
go forth and do great deeds!
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Cleanup in Aisle Everywhere"==
===by [[Lusby_Scott|Lusby, Scott]]===
SD: 2260.168
MD: -5.1314
Setting: Main engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth was in a decidedly POOR mood. And, as he
rubbed his pale-blue head, it was not getting any better.
So far, in his first few days as the Chief of Engineering, he's had two crew
injured- one serious enough to put him out of commission for several weeks-
and cascading failures of terminals, EPS taps and junctions all over the
Surely the gods must be testing him...
A few good things came out of everything, however: first and most
importantly, they learned that they had a top-notch doctor amongst them.
Which, on a starship, was good to know.
Secondly, Gar continued to muse, the cascading failure of systems and taps
ended up being a simple explanation: Cory Campbell.
Th'elenth had wanted to tear the sorry excuse for an officer apart for
accidentally activating the ship's 'chaos system'- no small feat seeing as
how the button to activate the system was under one of those ubiquitous
clear plastic shields. True, not the most fool-proof of systems, but still
not easy to accidentally set off.
Of course, now he would make certain the system could not be set off by
accident again- especially if Cory Campbell was going to continue to be
working in the same area.
He glanced down at the tablet in front of him: the repair schedule, and it
was full. The DamCon teams were not very happy at all, but Gar managed to
turn the whole matter into a combat exercise, so at least there was
something productive there as well: his teams would be well-drilled in
combat damage control procedures...
At that moment, Th'elenth's stomach growled. Without a second thought, he
dropped the tablet onto his desk, and lifted himself from his chair. He
walked out of his office, and called to his assistant. "I'm at lunch- don't
bother me unless the ship's about to explode."
As he walked through the doors of engineering and into the corridor, there
was a part of him that thought that that exact occurrence might just happen.
MD: -5.1326
Setting: Officer's Mess, D-Deck, USS HOOD
Gar walked through the doors and into the mess hall, hoping that perhaps a
nice bite to eat would improve his disposition.
He ordered his food; when it came out, he brought the plate up to his nose,
and inhaled deeply, grinning.
"And what are you grinning at today, Gar?" ARr'Rhiana Hemux asked, mimicking
his won grin.
"I acquired a taste for le-matya chops several years ago," he said. "Can't
get'em any more, but fortunately the food replicators have them in their
program." He paused, shrugging. "Not quite the same as the real thing, you
understand, but an acceptable alternative- especially after the couple of
days we've had."
Hemux nodded. "I hear that," she said as she ordered her lunch.
The two of them sat at an empty table and, in between morsels of meat,
vegetables and starches, had an interesting conversation about nothing in
By the time lunch was over, Gar was in a decidedly better mood.
<Dave? Care to add anything? Specifics of the conversation? Warp
theories? :) >
All- Just getting something short out before we get into our mission. :)
Respectfully submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You're a Big Hero!==
===by [[Cajiuat_Eric|Cajiuat, Eric]]===
SD 2260.169
"I'm telling you, it WASN'T me!"  Chance Ventura pounded on his cell wall
in frustration, "You've got the wrong guy!"
"Sure, sure," the burly security officer on duty (whom Chance learned
earlier was named Nek, probably for the massive column of flesh that
supported his bald head) didn't even look up from his PADD as he sipped a
cold cup of coffee.  "It was someone ELSE who started the fight in the
bar... he just looked a lot like you."
Chance ran his fingers through his hair angrily.  "Well, no, that was me,
but the other guy was hassling some girl."
The security officer didn't even look up.  "You're a big hero."
"You are SO messing with Starfleet protocol here, sir!"  Chance tried one
more time, "I'm the new helmsman for the Hood and YOU'RE going to be the
one explaining to the Captain why we're still sitting in spacedock instead
of being enroute to our next mission.  Besides, I'm under his authority in
these matters, not yours!"
That actually provoked a response.  Unfortunately, it wasn't a good one.
"Oh really?"  Nek slipped his booted feet off his desk and spun in his
chair to face Chance for the first time.  "How much time do you need for
me to explain to you exactly how little Starfleet protocol means to mean? 
It didn't stop me from getting kicked out of the Academy, and it's not
going to help you out here.  Not one bit.  So sit down, relax and if you
know what's good for you, shut up and we'll talk in the morning."
Eric Cajiuat
Ensign Chance Ventura
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: And So It Begins==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
SD: 2260.170.20:30
MD: 0.07:00
Scene: Admiral Palmer’s Briefing Room
“Have a seat gentlemen.”  Plamer said without preamble as Steele and
Merrick entered her briefing room.  “Captain what is HOOD’s status?”
“We’re ready to depart at the conclusion of this meeting admiral.”
“Good.  You’ll need to.”  She turned her attention to her computer
terminal and entered a few commands before swiveling in her chair to
regard the wall monitor that had just come to life.  The top half
showed a large expanse in red below a similar one shaded in blue. 
A white line meandered across the screen dividing them roughly in half
denoting the neutral zone between the two polities.  “This is Outpost
five, six and seven.  Over the past three weeks each of them has
dropped off the grid.  Five and six just went silent.  We got this
from seven.” 
The view changed to a still shot of what was obviously an outpost
control room.  The room was full of smoke and at least two fires were
raging in the scattered debris in the background.  Several officers
were slumped over controls one with a large piece of a support strut
impaled through his back.  Steele’s first thought was, ‘that’s Tom
Robertson’.  They had been friends in the Academy and had occasionally
bumped into each other over the years.  He has heard Tom had been
promoted to command of an outpost but he didn’t know it was out on the
Neutral Zone.  That was a prestigious posting, and a dangerous one. 
The video began.  “….repeat we our under attacker by unknown vessel or
vessels.  Re….immediate assistance.  Came out of nowh…irst sign was
subspace jam...  sensors picked up large vessel but am unable to
ascertain class or origin.”  The room bucked after taking another hit
and someone off camera began to scream.  “Command we need…”  The screen
went dark and Steele knew he had just watched his friend Tom die.
“A probe.”  Steele answered. “Testing out defences.  Possibly clearing
a path for an incursion.”  Steele pointedly did not use the word
invasion.  “Or maybe provoking us, seeing what our response will be.”
“You think the Klingons want to tangle with a CONSITUTION?  See if they
are up to all the hype?”  Merrick asked.
Steele nodded.  “Makes sense. Better to find out at a time of their
choosing rather then one beneficial to us.”
“That’s is Commands conclusions as well.  And while the general
consensus is that our attackers are Klingons there is no evidence
whatsoever that it is, other then the proximity to their space.”
“So they’ve wiped out three outposts to bait us.  Isn’t that an act of
war.”  Merrick asked.
“It is.”  Palmer agreed.  “If it was sanctioned by the Klingon government.”
Steele nodded.  “So if we go out there and they are able to take us out. 
No one knows anything and if we managed to identify them as Klingons and
send them packing?”
“Exactly.  The Klingon government denies any official knowledge of the
incursion and puts it down to an overzealous Klingon commander acting on
his own.”
“And the Federation isn’t going to push?  Anyone can see though that smoke
“The Federation is not looking to start a war with the Klingons at this
time.  HOOD is the only starship in the area.  I’ve dispatched the
destroyers CUMBERLAND and DIEPPE to assist but they are several days behind. 
Given the nature of the threat we can’t seem to be hesitating.  We need to
respond quickly and decisively.  Your mission is to go out there ascertain
the situation and make sure that whoever it is that has launched these
attacks understands that we aren’t planning on allowing them through the
door.  Clear?”
“Yes sir.”  Steele answered.
“Good hunting gentlemen.”
*****                          *****                          *****
Scene: Main Corridor, Starbase 27.
            Jack flipped open his communicator.  “Steele to HOOD.”
            [HOOD here. Commander Th'elenth.]
            “Commander, Mr. Merrick and I are on our way back to the ship. 
As soon as we come aboard I want HOOD to break orbit.  Set course for the
neutral zone warp factor five.”
            [Understood captain.]
            “Thank you Gar.  Steele out.”  He flipped the communicator
closed and attached it to his waist belt.  “So what do you think?”
            “I think that I was expecting our first mission to be a milk run
and as much as I was dreading that being true I’m suddenly missing it. 
This has got nasty trap written all over it.”
            “It does.” Steele agreed.  “I just hope we arrive before
Outpost 8 goes down.”
            “At least they have much better defences then the other three.” 
Outposts 5, 6 and 7 had been dug into large stationary asteroids. 
Outpost 8 was actually on a planet and was a fairly large facility and acted
as the headquarters for this section of the Neutral Zoan early warning grid. 
They had little in the way of weapons but their defensive shielding was
surprisingly strong.  They wouldn’t be able to hold off an attacker firing
from orbit forever.  But they could hold out much longer then their smaller
sisters.  Jack just hoped it would be long enough.
And so it begins.
From here we will journey out towards Outpost 7 with the goal of finding any
evidence as to who the attacker is and where they are.  As we get closer we’ll
get an alert form Outpost 8 that they are under attack.  As we arrive we’ll
see a Klingon cruiser warping out of the system.  HOOD will stop in orbit long
enough to drop down a support team containing, engineers, medics and a large
security contingent. (perhaps the Klingons beamed down some of their troopers) 
From their HOOD will chase the cruiser. 
If you have a preference of where you want your character to be let me know. 
(I’m sure you can field a NPC or two so you can write for both submissions is
you so desire.)
Now who will command the Landing Party in this TOS era mission?  ;-)
CDR Jack Steele
Acting CO
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Saddle Up!==
===by [[Mansur_Brian|Mansur, Brian]]===
SD 2260.175
Scene: Conference Room, USS HOOD
"Captain on the deck!"
As one, the HOOD's senior staff jumped to their feet. Inwardly, Steele felt a
twinge of awe at the responsibility this simple act represented. It brought a
sense of "Oh crap, I really have to make this work or people die and the're
looking to me for direction." In that sobering light, the glory attached to
Captain's rank didn't seem all that important as it once did when he'd been a
junior officer.
Forcing doubt out of his mind, Steele went straight to his chair.
"Have a seat everyone. This will be quick."
He made a brief measuring survey of the faces at the table. Everyone seemed to
understand something serious was going down. He didn't disappoint them.
"Outposts 5, 6, and 7 along the farthest end of the Klingon Neutral Zone just
went silent. All within the last 48 hours." He heard a tiny gasp from
AR'Rhiana Hemux and Powers. Half of room traded astonished glances. Steele
raised his voice in urgency. "We have confirmation that Outpost 7 was attacked
by an unknown vessel. No word as yet on numbers 5 and 6 but we are assuming the
same happened there."
"Damn Klingons," DeSimms muttered. The comment drew murmurs of agreement.
"Probably," Steele concurred. "We're going to conduct search and rescue
beginning at Outpost 7. It's first on the road to Outpost 8 which is hollering
for some company. At each post along the way, LT ARr'Rahiana will scan for
evidence of whomever did this."
Steele took a breath.
"We're not at war yet, but we could very well be soon. Expect a fight. So,
while we're en route, I want all departments participating in the mass cal and
boarding party action drills Doc Corbett, DeSimms, and Merrick will be running.
NRPG: Everyone feel free to jump in on the fun with the drills. Post on that
will be forthcoming later today.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Big Damn Drill - Red vs Gold! - JP==
===by [[Belin_Daniel|Belin, Daniel]]; [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]; [[Mansur_Brian|Mansur, Brian]]===
SD 2260.174
[ 24 Hours Before Mission Briefing in [ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Saddle Up! ]
Scene: Brig, USS HOOD
The door tone rang and DeSimms looked up from a pile of paperwork. Who the hell
needed him now, he wondered.
His first visitor that day had been a lovely young woman who turned out to be
his SECXO. His second, however, had been engineering's Now-Ensign Campbell.
That piece of work left him feeling less than hospitable. Still, he reflected,
the record on pretty things walking through his door did stand at 1 for 2. Not
too awful bad. So he pressed the ENTER button.
The man standing in the door wore a medical division uniform. His old-style
'cowboy' hat lent a air of boldness to his eyes. DeSimms assumed this was the
new medical officer, Dr. Stile Corbett. Swallowing his mild disappointment at
the doc not being a beautiful woman, he welcomed him in.
"What can I do for you, Doctor?"
"Lieutenant DeSimms, I prasume," Corbett drawled.
"That would be me."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance," the Doctor said with a hardy handshake.
Then he frowned and adjusted his hat. "I need your help with a matter of some
grave importance. After that mishap in engineering, I noticed that this ship is
a bit behind on its disaster response." Corbett suddenly noticed something over
DeSimms' shoulder.
"Is that a Colt Python on the wall back there?" he asked in awe.
"Why yes it is." DeSimms was tickled. He'd met precious few in Starfleet who
could appreciate a fine antique weapon. And the last person he'd expected to
notice his Python was a physician. He beamed. "It's the pride of my
collection. Matter of fact," he added with chagrin, "it is the only one that
works exactly as it's supposed to."
Corbett put his left boot on the chair next to him. The Security Chief raised
an eyebrow. "You might like this," Corbett said, pulling up his trouser leg
and slipping his revolver from its ankle holster. Gingerly, he handed it to
DeSimms. "This sar is a .38 Colt Cobra. It has been the backup gun for every
Texas Ranger named Corbett for the last 300 years. My daddy passed it to me just
before he died."
DeSimms took up the revolver almost reverently. "Very nice indeed doctor."
"Thank you sar. It is one of my prized pieces. More for sentimental reasons
than anything else, of course. Though I have to say the trigger action is very
smooth. It's nice to see someone else aboard who enjoys vintage firearms."
DeSimms handed back the Colt. Returning to business, he said, "So tell me,
where you want to go with these drills? If we are going to do full scale
emergency drills, we should also do heavy combat and security alert scenarios as
"I agree," the doctor said. "The drill needs to be shipwide. The crew needs
to know what to do with the wounded in heavy combat.
"My plan is to set up mock triage and emergency surgical areas in cargo bays 4
through 6. From there, critical patients will be transferred to main sickbay for
further surgical and medical treatment. I will have 6 trauma teams dispatched to
critical areas of the ship to deliver immediate care and transport those
patients to the cargo bays. I wanted to cover some of the logistics with you.
With security drills added to the mix, we should get our people aware of each
other's deployment plans so that they aren't running over each other."
"I like it," DeSimms said. He moved over to his Colt Python and pulled it down
for Corbett to have a closer look. "Come to think of it, I wonder what the FO
would think about NAV and HELM playing our adversaries."
They both smiled wolfishly.
[ 6 hours AFTER the Mission Briefing in [ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Saddle Up! ]
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Merrick eased himself into the captain's chair and played a finger over the
shipwide mic switch. The salutory "whooowuu" sounded through every deck and
cabin of the HOOD.
"Attention all hands," his voice echoed. He spared a quick wink at the doctor
standing by his side. The fun was about to begin. "This is the First Officer.
This is an exercise. General Quarters!"
Klaxons immediately blared and the bridge lights switched to crimson filters.
He went up to the helm station, tapped a sequence, then gripped the edge of the
station. The ship shuddered briefly.
The navigator on duty piped up. "Shields down, Commander. Damage to decks C,
D, J, and M."
"Dispatch damage control teams," he ordered. Presently, he slid back into his
chair and slapped a switch. "Merrick to transporter room. Ready with the first
wave of boarders."
[ I'm going to kick your ass, Merrick ] came Steele's mischievious reply. He
and ENS Ventura were leading the simulated Klingon attack. [ Transporting now.
A few moments passed.
"Intruder alert J deck, forward weapons control, sir," came Powers' cool voice
from Communications.
"Security teams to foward weapons," Merrick ordered. Aside to Corbett he added
conspiratorially, "Next time maybe we'll assault sick bay."
Corbett leaned in. "Where's tha sport in that? The medics would wipe you out
so fast that there would be nothing for anyone else to do but clean up the
Merrick smiled and waved him off. "Speaking of a mess." He hit the comm,
"ARr'Rhiana Hemux, cue your mass casualties." Then to Corbett he said, "Go
have fun doc."
NRPG (Brian): It's RED vs GOLD! Scott, you may have noticed that your damage
control teams are headed to J deck where the boarding parties are. Hope you're
with the redshirts. David, your science department casualties are also
role-playing there. Anyone can jump in on the action. Grab a phaser and set it
to stun!
Eric, you there buddy? You've got a team to lead into role-playing glory.
Andy, since the Gold shirts are pretending to be Klingons, Steele might want to
watch his back. Ventura's first duty as an officer is to assasignate him <EG>.
Respectfully Submitted Jointly by,
Daniel Belin
LT John DeSimms
Steve Apple
LT Stile H. Corbett
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Seeing Gold"==
===by [[Lusby_Scott|Lusby, Scott]]===
SD: 2260.175
MD: 1.1458 (About 6 hours after the mission briefing in "Saddle Up!")
Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth took a moment to glance at his situation
display, and, seeing as how nothing had changed since the LAST time he'd
looked 35 seconds ago, he sighed, and his antennae shuffled.
Gar wasn't sure why he was so anxious, and told himself that feeling so was
ridiculous at this point, as he had his department organized and ready: one
of his lieutenants was devoted solely to the health and happiness of the
warp core and engines, and was assisted by one of the new ensigns on board;
he had officers supervising the maintenance of ship's phasers and photon
torpedoes, another the maintenance of its shields and point-defense systems,
each assisted by a junior officer; he had still another officer supervising
the maintenance of the ship's electro-plasma systems, and another
supervising the smaller impulse engine room up on F-Deck.
On top of this, Gar had put another officer in charge of the life-support
systems, which not only included the air, food and water systems, but also
the artificial gravity systems and the inertial dampeners; he definitely
wanted someone with an eye on those at all times.
These divisions within Engineering accounted for roughly half of his
The other half were assigned to the department's largest division: Damage
Control. This division was headed by his assistant Chief Engineer and
supported by the remaining officer allotted to him by Personnel. DC was
made up of over 100 ratings and crewmen, grouped into small 6-person teams,
each with a balance of specialties when practical.
Gar had been drilling his new divisions for the past few days as a
department, letting his engineers get a feel for doing their jobs under the
'controlled chaos' that so often accompanied combat situations. And they
were getting better, after a rough start: 5 days ago, it was taking way too
long to get the teams to their proper battle stations. But the last day and
a half had seen marked improvements; their responses weren't fluid-
yet...but they were working in that direction. He was proud of the progress
his department had made in such a short time.
He sighed again as he glanced at the time on his console- 1501 hours.
**I just hope that they do as well as they had been in a ship-wide drill,**
he thought just as the ship's comm whistled.
[[[This is the First Officer. This is an exercise. General Quarters!]]]
Gar glanced up at his assistant. "All right- let's go!" Gar shouted. "All
teams to battle stations!"
As officers, ratings and crewmen scurried around engineering like so many
ants, the ship shuddered. Instantly, Gar saw several icons on his master
status change from green to yellow, even to red in some cases.
"Shields are down- let's get DC-3 down there to help the Shield techs get
them back up," Gar said to his assistant next to him, trying to project a
calm demeanor amongst the escalating fury.
"Aye, Commander," the assistant shouted, and began routing the teams.
"We also need to get damage control teams to C, D, J and M-decks; send EPS
and Life-Support teams along with them," Gar added.
"Aye, Commander," his assistant repeated. "Damage control teams to C, D, J
and M-decks; EPS and Life Support teams to C, D, J and M-decks..."
MD: 1.1508
Setting: J-Deck, near forward weapons control, USS HOOD
Electronics Technician 3rd Class Tam Sh'raavan peered into his tricorder.
"I have a simulated fire at Junction J-17," he said.
"What's causing it?" asked Chief Damage Controlman Antares Kowalczyk, DC-1's
team leader.
"Ruptured EPS junction," Sh'raavan said, his blue antennae wiggling.
"Probably took out the fire suppressions systems in this junction when it
Kowalczyk nodded. "Alright- seal 'em up, go personal, get out your fire
suppression gear."
Everyone on the team immediately unzipped the hood from the neck of their
suit and, having pulled it tight over their heads, pressed a button.
Suddenly, the hood grew a greenish-tinged mask, covering their entire face
and neck, sealing against the neck of the suit with an audible hiss.
"Personal environmentals operational," Sh'raavan said as he reached around
to his backpack and pulled out the small, red cylinder of fire suppressant.
Normally, the canisters carried a foam specially designed to suppress
electro-plasma fires quickly without damaging the ship's subsystems or pose
a biological threat to the crew. Today, however, since it was a drill, the
triggers had been fitted with a small computer chip, which allowed no fire
suppressant to be released, but gave any tricorder or ship monitoring system
the impression of putting out the fire.
[[[OK- let's move, people,]]] Kowalczyk said, his voice now having a
'canned' quality to it.
As they approached the junction, the ship's comm system whistled in
everyone's ears. [[[Security teams to forward weapons,]]]
Sh'raavan glanced at Kowalczyk. [[[Chief, isn't that where Junction J-17
The Chief cut her off. [[[Yes, it is- now let's get that fire put out
before it spreads and does any more damage," he said.
As they approached the junction, they saw a bunch of shadows dancing on the
wall across from the 'fire.'
Chief Kowalczyk stopped Sh'raavan with an arm across her chest. [[[Wait,]]]
he said.
Glancing over his shoulder, he nodded at one of the newer members of the
engineering department, Crewman Thompson. [[[Go take a peek,]]] he said,
[[[and be CAREFUL.]]]
Thompson grinned beneath his mask. [[[Sure, Chief,]]] he said, and moved to
the corner.
When he got there, he slowly peered around the corner. Carefully, he turned
around and shuffled back to their location.
[[[It's Captain Steele,]]] he said. [[[He's got about a dozen men with him,
and they're all armed.]]]
[[[What are they doing?]]]
[[[It looks like they're trying to cut through the bulkhead to get into
Forward Weapons Control,]]] he said. [[[It's a little hard to tell; all
they're doing is pointing phasers at the bulkhead next to the door.]]]
He glanced at Sh'raavan. [[[The fire's right across from them; it's bound
to be giving them a hard time,]]] he thought.
Sh'raavan nodded. "EPS fires are nothing to play with, Chief,]]] he said.
[[[They'd need to get that fire out themselves if they were seeking to
maintain control of that room.]]]
Kowalczyk shook his head, pulling his phaser out. [[[We can't make that
assumption; they could just as easily be looking to take out our ability to
fight,]]] he said. [[[We can't wait for Security- we have to try to slow
them down and stop them now or we'll never get that fire out.]]]
They all nodded; everyone in the DC team knew that, though there were 13 men
trying to burn a way into Forward Weapons, the biggest threat to their
safety by far was the EPS fire. If they didn't contain it, and soon, they'd
loose the deck...and that would spell disaster- a simulated one, yes, but a
disaster nonetheless.
[[[OK- when we get to the intersection, take two others and run across to
the other side,]]] the Chief said to Sh'raavan. [[[The rest of you take
cover with me and help me lay down some covering fire. Then we take out as
many as we can.]]]
The approached the corner of the junction; Kowlaczyk kneeled down and,
peering around the corner, aimed his weapon and fired.
Of course, nothing happened; however, suddenly, one of the gold-shirted
invasion party's uniform began to chirp loudly, then another, and another.
All- Just getting the war games started. I believe that's REDSHIRTS= 3,
I'm assuming that Daniel will have a team down here in short order by now.
But who knows what else the Captain has up his sleeve.
And of course there's the small matter of the simulated EPS fire. ;)
I also took the liberty of setting the mission date, since this is the day
our mission really begins. I hope that's OK...I was starting to have some
trouble figuring out what was happening when.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineering Officer
CDM Antares Kowalczyk
ET3 Tam Sh'raavan
And the rest of Damage Control Team #1
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Scalpels are a Doctor's Best Friend==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]===
SD: 2260.175
MD: 1.1458
[Snip from Brian's Post Big Damn Drill - Red vs Gold]
Merrick smiled and waved him off. "Speaking of a mess." He hit the comm,
"ARr'Rhiana Hemux, cue your mass casualties." Then to Corbett he said,
"Go have fun doc."
[End Snip]
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
"I believe I shall sar," Corbett said leaving the XO at the Command Chair.
After a few steps he turned back to the man. "Oh, I almost forgot, please
have someone tell the Red Shirts that the gentleman with the cowboy hat is
on their side."
"I'll be sure to tell them, but you might want to take it off anyway. It
kind of makes you a conspicuous target for some Gold shirted Klingon."
Merrick said smiling.
"Remove my hat sar, in the thick of battle." Corbett responded a look of
mock horror on his face. "That would be sacrilegious sar. Like my ancestors
at the Alamo I shall die with my boots and hat in place."
Corbett turned and headed for the Turbo Lift not waiting for Merrick's
"Corbett to Triage" He said into his communicator.
"Grey here Cowboy." The female voice said.
"Mother, you got wounded coming in from the Science dept. have Dr. Kavlin
prep the surgical and intensive care units down in Sickbay."
"We'll be ready when they get here." She said then added. "Are you heading
here to the cargo bay, or down to sickbay?"
"I'll be moving between both, as well as keeping track of the trauma teams."
He answered.
"Try not to get killed, or do anything stupid." She admonished.
"Yes Mother, Corbett out." He said as he closed the communicator, but as
an afterthought he flipped it back open. "Corbett to Orange Team."
"Orange Team, Pearson here."
"Pearson I want you and your team to stay low. You've got intruders on
J-deck with you and the last thing I need is the team that's supposed to be
rendering aid getting shot up."
"Yes sir, son of a …" Was all Corbett could make out as he heard a loud
chirping sound and the link went dead.
"Damn it Pearson." Corbett yelled as he flipped his communicator closed and
dashed into the Turbo lift. "J-deck." He said to the lift and wondered what
in the hell he was going to do when he got down there.
"Computer," Corbett said as the Turbo lift began its movement to J-deck.
"Working." The metallic voice answered.
"From this Turbo lift how do I get to Forward Weapons Control?"
"The most direct route is to take Turbo lift to J-deck." The computer
Corbett rolled his eyes and marveled at the literalness of the computer.
"Once the Turbo lift reaches J-deck how do I get to Forward Weapons
"Proceed approximately 30 meters from the Turbo lift and at the second
intersection turn left. From there proceed another 25 meters and at the
first intersection turn right and proceed for 10 meters to destination."
The doors to the Turbo lift opened revealing the corridor, its emptiness
eerie. Corbett followed the computers directions, but ducked into the
corridor on the right at the first intersection when he saw a Gold Shirted
Ensign moving stealthily against the wall. After a moment he took a quick
glance around the corner, it was clear and he followed the Ensign at a
safe distance. He could hear the noise grow louder as he approached.
Taking a quick glance around the second corner he saw a group dressed in
red coveralls crouched low and firing phasers at the intersection ahead.
The Gold shirt was moving in behind them trying to pin them down.
Corbett reached for the phaser he had forgotten to bring along.
"Damn it." He cursed to himself.
Then out of instinct his hand went to his boot and the colt cobra pistol
he kept there. He thought about it for a moment, but decided against
shooting the sneaky little Ensign. Instead he reached into the Emergency
Trauma Kit he remembered to bring.
"Pst, hey kid," He whispered loud enough to cause the Ensign to turn
toward him.
The Ensigns eyes went wide as he turned and his personal sensor started
chirping.  Immediately three of the men in red coverall's turned and
fired toward the chirping causing Corbett to drop to the deck before his
own sensor triggered due to friendly fire.
"He's down already." Corbett said to the men then stood and clapping the
kid on the shoulder "It's over son, I'm sorry."
"But how, you didn't even have a phaser?" The Ensign asked.
"Never bring a knife to a gun fight unless you're a surgeon." Corbett
replied smiling as he held up his laser scalpel. "I just triggered your
sensor, they're the ones that actually phasered you."
"That's not fair." The Ensign complained.
"Sure kid and shooting an unarmed doctor would have been."
"I wouldn'…" The Ensign stopped himself and nodded at the doctor as he
headed toward the turbo lift.
"Wait a minute kid I'll take that." Corbett said grabbing the man's
phaser and then he turned and ran back down the hall to the men in red
"What the hell are you doing down here doc." One of the men asked as
Corbett slid down next to them.
"Doing something stupid to be sure," Corbett said then asked. "Who's in
charge here?"
"Me, Chief Kowlaczyk unless you want the job."
"Absolutely not sar, being a figure of authority goes against my ethics.
I'm now your new field medic."
"That's good cause your team got its ticket punched awhile ago by the
"Well then I would say revenge is in order."
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Dr. Stile Corbett
==[ORIGINS]USS HOOD: Assignment Mayhem==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
SD 2260.178
            Steele watched as three of his team went down.  It was more
then he had hoped but less then he had feared.  Raising his communicator
he shouted “Now!”  He turned and looked to his team.  “Ready?”  They all
were.  He did a mental five count.  “Let’s Go!”  In unison they sprang
around the corridor to find the Red shirted attackers having spun around
to see the rest of Gold team closing in on them from behind.  Now they
had Steele and the rest boxing them in.  Gold team lost two more but they
made quick work of the defenders.  With a nod to the umpire who was
diligently letting everyone know who was dead and who was injured the
gold shirts headed down the corridor.  When they got to the main
intersection Steele turned to face them.  “Alright, you all know you’re
missions.  Do your best to take your objectives but I’ll be happy with as
much mayhem as you can muster along the way.”  With a lopsided grin
Steele, Ensign Campell and Crewman Saunders sprinted down the corridor
and then began to climb down one of the service ladders.
            Steele knew that his team would eventually lose.  It had too
for many reason not least of which being that it would be terrible for
morale if the ship was taken or even destroyed by the invading ‘Klingons’. 
Not that he and his team weren’t trying very hard to achieve either of
those goals.  But he was more interested in providing the rest of the crew
the opportunity to test their skills and their ingenuity as they worked as
a team to save the ship and each other.  And of course Murphy’s Law would
raise its ugly head and throw a few spanners into the works.  But that
would provide important lessons to be learned and that might be even more
valuable then winning the drill.  As he poked his head around the corner
as they arrived at their deck he wondered what it would do to morale when
the crew realized their captain had lost.  He probably should have led the
defenders.  But where was the fun in that?
            On the bridge Ensign Zhukov looked down at his board as the
sensor alarm flashed.  The young ensign was handling the nav station much
to his horror.  His first time at the bridge station and it was in the
middle of a drill.  Weren’t new officers supposed to get the graveyard
shift?  “Mr. Merrick they’re back and this time there are two of them. Both
D-7 class attack cruisers.”
            Part of the drill had been set to simulate space combat at the
same time as the crew were repelling boarders.  It wasn’t like the Klingons
would drop their troops and slink away. 
            Zhukov watched the view screen as the two cruisers closed in on
HOOD.  He could make out the battle damage that it had taken when it had
snuck up on HOOD and battered her shields down enough to get boarders
aboard.  “They’re firing!”
Really enjoying the drill and looking forward to seeing who gets to kill
Steele.  Don’t tell anyone but he is heading for Aux Control…why else would
he bring Cory?
CAPT Jack Steele
===by [[Lusby_Scott|Lusby, Scott]]===
SD: 2260.179
MD: 1.1627
Setting: Chief Engineer's Office, Deck O, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth shook his head as he read the report on
the tablet in his hand. "FOUR teams, Lieutenant?" he asked, his antennae
twitching as he spoke.
"Yes, Commander, four teams," said Gar's assistant, Lieutenant Bywater.
Gar tossed the tablet onto the desk in his small office, and folded his arms
across his body. "And they all were 'killed' because they decided to engage
our opponents BEFORE Security had arrived?"
The younger human shook his head. "Again, that is correct, Commander."
Gar spat an Andorian curse. "I need a drink," he muttered as he collapsed
into the chair behind the small desk in front of him.
Bywater looked at him, eyebrow raised. "Excuse me, Commander, but I thought
you'd be proud that they took the initiative...I mean, you being Andorian
and all..."
Gar raised his head, and met Bywater's gaze; immediately, the human shrunk
However, Gar allowed the corners of his lips to curl slightly. "I admire
their tenacity, John," he said, sliding the room's other chair over to him
with his foot. "And I also admire their courage; they have shown themselves
to have the heart of a warrior today."
Bywater sat in the proffered chair. "Then what gives, Gar?"
Gar now leaned forward in his chair. "Because they didn't THINK first,
John." He paused, and picked up the tablet again from the desk. "None of
the four teams 'killed' were able to complete their repairs first; as such,
the 'plasma fire' on J-deck, the ruptured phaser leads on C-deck, the hull
ruptures were never addressed. And while those things in and of themselves
were not enough to destroy HOOD, they would have cut our combat efficiency
way down, which MAY have gotten us killed if it was the real thing."
Bywater leaned forward. "And the boarding teams?" he asked. "The Klingons
don't take prisoners, Gar."
Gar nodded. "Yes- the Klingons needed to be dealt with first; they would
have- and did, to make a point- prevented us from completing our repairs."
He paused before continuing. "But what they SHOULD have done was to either
call for help or wait for the Security teams to arrive."
The Andorian paused again. "Security teams are better prepared for that
kind of thing; in fact, it's what they train for. They have body armor,
heavy phasers, extra power packs...and a professional knowledge of
small-unit tactics. Engineers- unless they happen to be Andorian- seldom
have such equipment or expertise among them," he finished, winking as he
lifted himself out of his chair.
Th'elenth walked to the door of his office. "Had any and all of those teams
waited, their repairs might have been delayed ten-fifteen minutes...but they
would have gotten done once the areas were secure. 'Efficiency' does not
always mean jumping head-long into a situation.'"
"Where are you going?" Bywater asked.
Gar nodded through the doorways. "The Captain's day cabin; he wants to go
over the drill with us, see what our thoughts are."
"And what would yours be, Gar?"
Th'elenth grinned. "That we need to coordinate some more drills with
Lieutenant DeSimms," he replied. "Either we need to learn to fight better,
or we need to learn to let Security do their job so we can do ours."
With that, he passed through the doors of his office.
"See what you can arrange with Mr. DeSimms while I'm gone, please," he added
over his shoulder, just as the doors closed again and cut him off from his
<<tag Andy/Brian>>
All- OK, just a little private analysis from our friendly Andorian engineer.
Andy- I think this sets up your JP idea quite well. Tag! :)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'eleneth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Remember The Alamo==
===by [[Apple_Steve|Apple, Steve]]===
SD: 2260.179
MD: 1.1627
[Snip from Corbett's Post: Scalpels are a Doctors Best Friend]
"What the hell are you doing down here doc." One of the men asked as
Corbett slid down next to them.
"Doing something stupid to be sure," Corbett said then asked. "Who's
in charge here?"
"Me, Chief Kowlaczyk unless you want the job."
"Absolutely not sar, being a figure of authority goes against my
ethics. I'm now your new field medic."
"That's good cause your team got its ticket punched awhile ago by the
"Well then I would say revenge is in order."
[End Snip]
Scene: J-Deck Corridor Intersection, USS HOOD
"I'm not sure about revenge doc I'd settle for not getting killed."
Kowlaczyk said frowning. "We got an EPS fire still burning out of
control and we're exchanging fire with Klingons who outnumber us
2 to 1.
"I take it you're a glass half empty type of fella, Chief." Corbett
said smiling. "However I am in agreement with the not getting killed
"All we need to do is hold these guys for a few more minutes until
security arrives." Kowlaczyk said.
"Ah yes, Mr. DeSimms and the Calvary" Corbett said standing.
"Where are you going?" Kowlaczyk asked
"To check out the corridor behind us. Corbett answered. "If I hadn't
spotted our sneaky little Ensign earlier y'all would have been dead by
"Fine, just make sure you don't get killed in the processes." Kowlaczyk
"Don't worry sar I'm diametrically opposed to death, especially my own."
Corbett said hugging the wall as he moved down the corridor.
Corbett crouched at the first intersection directly behind them and took
a quick glance around the corner. There were at least four maybe five
Gold Shirts taking up positions and moving toward him.
He could shout out a warning to Kowlaczyk, but that might spring their
trap, he thought. Turing his head he saw that the Engineers were still
engaged in a forward shooting match with the Captain.
He knew he couldn't take them all out, but maybe he could slow them
down. Quickly he fished in his medkit for the hand scanner and tube
reader. It took him a minute to make the minor adjustments to the
equipment and a spray of sealant to glue them together.
Corbett heard the Captains voice shout the word "Now" through one of the
rear attacker's communicators. He knew it was time to act and threw the
makeshift device around the corner.
The whine of the scanner mimicked a sonic grenade and also served to
increase the intensity of the lights from the tube reader, which played
off the corridor walls.
"Remember the Alamo" Corbett screamed as he jumped around the corner and
into the attackers, holding a phaser in one hand and a hypospray in the
other. He immediately scored a phaser hit on one of the Gold shirts.
There was momentary confusion and he was able to reach out and snag
another with the hypospray before he saw four more Gold shirts take aim.
It was over for him as his sensor started chirping and the attackers blew
past him to make short work of the defending Engineers. With a sigh he
started walking back toward the turbo lift.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Dr. Stile Corbett