ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010: Difference between revisions

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Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Punch Clock Villans==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.175
MD 2.1500
Still reeling from the night's festivities, the alien Sarloff walked into the meditation chamber.  The ancient and dignified Talosians did not often celebrate in any manner, much less with inebriating beverages.  So when they did, Sarloff tended to make the most of it.  And there had been much to rejoice about.
In less than a week, they had captured two invaluable starships and were well on their way towards securing a third.  That had been cause for a "real" celebration: not one of the mere illusions to which the race as a whole had become so addicted.  The project which had begun decades before with one wreck of a craft now it encompassed dozens of ships from as many races.  Soon, the Talosians would have what they needed to resurrect their dying civilization.
Sarloff nodded to Golack as the latter left the room.  In their brief mental exchange, Golack offered greetings and asked if Sarloff had forgotten his morning stimulant on his way to work.  In response, the veins on Sarloff's head pulsated an irritated hue of purple.
"Don't ask," Sarloff said, his ginormous skull pounding.  "Who is my subject?"
Golack flooded Sarloff's cerebrum with images and sensations.  For the leader, Sean Merrick struck Sarloff as a simple enough being, obsessed with thoughts of his insecurities, duties, and several females.  One in particular held him in a strong and tumultuous emotional bond: his mate. 
"Fine fine," Sarloff said impatiently, I'll use that to build his mental cage. 
Golak made an indifferent gesture, wished him luck, and left.
In his quarters, Sean caught his breath as recognized a sweet and familiar perfume.  Memories and feeling flooded his brain.  "What the HELL?" 
"Something wrong honey?" Jeri's bright voice came from the bedroom.
Shocked to his bones and hair on end, Sean didn't even bother to answer.  Instead, he turned right around and ran out the door.  He stopped at the first intercom switch, hit the call button and shouted, "Intruder alert, First Officer's Quarters."  Then he pulled out a phaser and aimed it at his room's door. 
"Come on out whatever the frak you are."
NRPG: In this timeline, Pike and the ENTERPRISE never visited Talos in 2254 (see Memory Alpha wiki).
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You Should Have Remembered Your Coffee==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.175
MD 2.1505
Scene: Vicinity of USS HOOD
Sarloff knew he had made a terrible mistake.  She was dead!  The sodded being's mate was DEAD!  And if the human managed to wake, what then?  Sarloff got his answer almost immediately as the anger-filled mind of Sean Merrick broke completely from his grasp.
The ship shimmered around Sean.  One moment he had been in the cooridor outside his quaters, the next ....
"What the frak is going on here?!" he said with burning rage.
He was back on the bridge and all around him the crew were slumped at their stations.  He spotted Hemux at her science panel and immediately tried to wake her. 
"I luv the way you do that siiir," she slurred in her slumber.
In no mood for waiting, Sean first tried talking to the Denobulan, then shaking her, and finally resorted to slapping the snot out of the sleeping science officer.  It took three hits before Hemux's eyes popped open with an angry "Oww!  Stop that!"
"Hemux!" Sean headed off. "We're in deep here.  It seems everyone is dreaming and no, it isn't your mushrooms fault today."
NRPG: Looks like Sean got to hit Hemux in the face after all.  I'm sure she'll get Sean back.  Also, what the heck was she dreaming about?  Hmm.  Anyway, I wonder how much coffee a Talosian needs to drink to take the edge off a basketball sized hangover?  Steve?

Respectfully Submitted,
Respectfully Submitted,