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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Deal with the Fat Green Devil==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.333
Scene: Fat Mickey’s Office
As the pair descended the staircase Corbett whispered to Merrick. “Whatever happens try to stay silent and speak only when spoken to.”
“Listen I’m not 6 and this isn’t the first hostile scene I’ve been involved with.” Merrick retorted.
“I understand that sar, but what I’m telling you is for reasons of respect and not safety.” Corbett gently admonished.
“Since I’m not accustomed to dealing with gangsters I’ll take that as sage advice.” Merrick said as his way of apologizing.
The staircase ended in a dimly lit hallway with a single guard positioned in front of a door at its opposite end. Corbett and Merrick walked toward the guard a very tall very muscular Orion and stopped.
“No girls here go back up.” The Orion grunted.
“We came to see Fat Mickey.” Corbett coolly answered as he appraised the Orion.
“No see.” The Orion said grinning as he drew his knife.
Corbett smiled at the towering giant. “He’ll see us. Now drop the knife and be a good boy and open the door that is if you ever want to reproduce again.”
The Orion could feel Corbett’s pistol being pushed into his groin.
Neither Corbett nor the Orion moved; it was a standoff.
Merrick drew a hand phaser and pointed it at the Orion’s head. “You heard the man be a good boy and open the door.” He said as he disarmed the Orion.
“Markin let the good doctor and his friend enter.” A wheezy voice said from the room’s interior.
Finally the Orion stepped back his eyes glaring at the men.
Corbett withdrew his pistol, but kept it leveled at the being’s groin. His eyes never left the Orion’s as he entered the room.
The room was just as Corbett had remembered it. This was Fat Mickey’s receiving room and office. It was ostentatious and had surpassed being gaudy moving into tasteless. The floor was covered in expensive carpeting that was cheapened by its dark purple color. The walls held gilded crown molding and chair rail, which clashed with its lime green paint. There was an expensive mahogany desk positioned in the center of the room and off to the right side was a gold lamé sofa where an enormous bulk of a green Orion lounged eating a sauce covered rib.
Fat Mickey appraised the pair as they entered the room. “The last I heard you were being hunted by the Vulcan’s and made a hasty retreat to Denobula.” The man said as he motioned for Corbett and Merrick to take seats in front of him.
Corbett pulled up one of the gold lamé ottomans and positioned it in front of the Orion while Merrick did the same. “The rumors of my flight were greatly exaggerated.” He said as he opened his med-kit and retrieved his scanner. He ignored the look Merrick gave him.
“I see you’ve been eating right and taking care of your diabetes.” Corbett quipped as he ran the scanner over Fat Mickey’s bulk. 
“Always the doctor eh Corbett.” Fat Mickey said putting down the rib, which he had picked clean.
Corbett filled his hypospray and quickly injected the fat Orion.
“What the hell was that?” Fat Mickey yelled.
Immediately 4 hidden Orions appeared in the room their knives and pistols brandished.
Merrick had his phaser out in an instance and pointed at their boss.
“Easy there Mickey.” Corbett said as he motioned for Merrick to lower his phaser. “I just gave you synthetic insulin since your sugars are well over a 1,000. I also slipped in something to help your gout. I doubt you’ll run a marathon, but it should make walking to the food replicator less painful.”
Fat Mickey let out a laugh that shook his enormous frame and motioned for his bodyguards to leave. “That’s why I like you Corbett you’re not a preachy S.O.B. like so many other doctors.”
“Ah huh’” Corbett said smiling. “And what other doctors have you seen?”
“Well none since you left, which is precisely my point.” Fat Mickey said. “So what brings you back my friend?”
“I’m here on a personal matter.” Corbett answered.
“I see.” Fat Mickey said picking up another rib. “Who is she?”
A short laugh escaped Merrick before he could stifle it.
“Why is it that everyone always asks that? It’s not always about a woman.” Corbett said trying to sound indignant to both Fat Mickey’s question and Merrick’s chortle.
“Because with you my dear doctor it always is.” Fat Mickey said licking sauce from his fingers. “You saw Alia. I assume.”
“We ran in to each other.” Corbett answered cautiously.
“She was heartbroken when you left.” Fat Mickey relayed. “She came with me because she thought maybe she could hunt you down someday. You know the old Earth saying, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
“I didn’t scorn her I just needed to make a hasty exit.” Corbett said to the Fat Orion as he shot Merrick a look that said don’t even think of asking.
“So Stile, tell me if it’s not a woman why have you come to see me?”
“I need unmarked transportation for 3 to and from Arcturus from a reliable source that won’t ask questions.” Corbett answered
“And you think I might be able to provide such transportation?” Fat Mickey asked while using a dirty napkin to dab at the sauce, which had spilled down his chin.
“Something like that.” Corbett said. “I think you might know the right people to help.”
“Go on Stile you’ve peaked my interest.” Fat Mickey said leveling his gaze at Corbett.
“I assume that you’re still have certain connections?” Corbett asked then paused while he waited for an affirmative nod from Fat Mickey.
“I might know of a few beings that could help.” Fat Mickey said.
“I thought you might.” Corbett answered with a slight smile.
“How unmarked do you want it to be and how direct of a route will you want it to take?” Fat Mickey asked.
“Cloaked would be nice, but we’ll settle for unregistered and I want it to get us to Arcturus yesterday.” Corbett said.
“I see. Well based on your requirements I’d say it will cost you in the neighborhood of 35,000 credits give or take a few for greasing the local cogs and wheels.” Fat Mickey responded.
“15,000 not a credit more.” Corbett said stone faced.
“I couldn’t even get you passage on a garbage scow for that amount.” Fat Mickey complained.
“20,000 my final offer.” Corbett said.
“I’m going to have to take a personal loss in this transaction, but I’ll do it for 25,000.”
“Done.” Corbett said then decided to push his luck. “Also I’d like a few I don’t know, let’s say big ass guns.”
Fat Mickey spit out a short laugh at Corbett’s requests while the blood drained from Merrick’s quite somber face.
Shifting his bulk the Orion managed to scoot himself to the edge of the couch and motioned for Corbett and Merrick to give him a hand up. After some struggling Fat Mickey made it to his feet and waddled over to his desk.
Corbett could hear the slight cracking of wood as Fat Mickey leaned against the desk for support and reached up underneath its lip to press a button.
A section of wall opened up opposite the sofa exposing a number of weapons. “What would you like doc?” Fat Mickey asked with a wave of his hand at the arsenal. “I’ve got Fleet, Romulan, Klingon, you name it.”
“I did not know I was in the presence of an arms dealer sar. I dare say I would have shown you more respect.” Corbett said amazed at the weapons in front of him.
“Arms dealer, no no no my boy. Just a few items I keep around for self defense.” Fat Mickey said smiling.
“Pick out what you think we’ll need.” Corbett said to Merrick.
After a few minutes Merrick had finished pulling down the weapons they needed.
“How much?” Corbett asked his amazement gone and his voice sobering.
“For you Stile, I don’t know.” Fat Mickey said then paused.
Corbett knew the Fat Man was appraising him, deciding how much he could gouge him for.
“I’ll tell you what,” Fat Mickey said. “Since these models are slightly used I won’t charge you a thing provided you bring them back.”
“Your generosity astounds me Mickey.” Corbett said suspiciously.
“Nonsense,” Fat Mickey replied. “For all the times you’ve treated me it’s the least I can do.”
“Never let it be said that you don’t do the least you can, eh Mickey.”
“There is one thing though.” Fat Mickey said smiling.
“Of course there is.” Corbett said waiting for the gouge.
“It’s just a little thing.” Fat Mickey said. “The guns are mine, but unfortunately the power cells and ammo would have to be supplied by an associate and he’ll want cash.”
“How much cash?” Corbett asked not bothering to hide his annoyance.
“15,000 credits, which by today’s market price is very fair.” Fat Mickey said trying to look put out.
“I see and what about delivery of both the guns and accessories?” Corbett asked.
“Delivery is free; however, handling is another matter. That’s going to be an additional 5,000 credits.”
“As I’m not in a position to negotiate these items I agree to your terms and fees.” Corbett said reluctantly.
Merrick looked pained at the amount of money Corbett had spent in a matter of minutes. He wasn’t sure how he was going to explain this to the Captain or make an accounting to the Fleet bean counters. He was about to negate the entire transaction when he remembered that the doctor had set up an untraceable account with 50,000 credits.
“That’s a good man” Fat Mickey said. I shall have everything aboard your transport waiting for you.”
“It better be and the transport I expect something nice Mickey, or so help me God I will make your gout come back with a vengeance.”
“I assure you Stile you will be very pleased.” Fat Mickey said. “Now as to the matter of payment you can use my terminal to transfer the money.”
Corbett entered his banking codes into the computer and transferred the money to Fat Mickey’s account.
Fat Mickey turned the computer monitor toward him and frowned at the screen. “It seems there has been a slight banking error my friend, only half the money was transferred.”
“That was not an error Mickey. I’ve been in your acquaintance far too long to blindly give you 45,000 credits.” Corbett said staring the Fat Man down.
“I’m hurt Stile. After all this time you don’t trust me.” Fat Mickey said sheepishly.
“Acting coy does not go with someone of your enormous,” Corbett paused for a moment then said. “Stature. What I trust is that the ship and weapons will be as high quality as you say and that you will do everything in your power to keep me alive so I that I will return to pay you the remainder owed.”
“And what if you die?” Fat Mickey asked his wheeze getting worse with his anger.
“Then fire your associates for not doing their job.” Corbett said unsympathetically. “Besides even half is more than double what fair market value is at the moment.”
“Fine, but only because it’s hard to find a good nonjudgmental doctor these days.” Fat Mickey said giving in.
“I’m glad you’ve come around sar.” Corbett said smiling. “Now onto logistics, where do we board the ship and how will you get in touch with me when it’s ready?”
Fat Mickey bent down to the computer terminal and pulled up a map of the area. “There is a landing zone for ships carrying construction materials about 50km from the main space port.” Fat Mickey said. “That’s where you will rendezvous with my accauintences.”
“Again my second question, how will you get in touch with me?” Corbett asked.
Fat Mickey waddled over to the sofa and pulled up one of its arms and retrieved a small plastic rectangle. “Here.” He said handing it over to Corbett.
“What is this?” Corbett asked.
“It’s called a cell-phone. It was a widely used communication devise about two hundred and fifty years ago on your planet. I had several towers brought from Earth awhile ago and strategically placed so I could use it.”
“At the risk of sounding naïve, why?”Corbett asked.
“Because my good doctor it operates on a frequency so far below that of modern communicators that no one picks up the signal.” Fat Mickey said.
“And by no one I assume you mean the authorities.” Corbett said nodding his understanding.
“Very good.” Fat Mickey said grinning.
“Then we shall take our leave of you sar.” Corbett said as he walked to the door and motioned Merrick to join him.
“No.” Fat Mickey shouted. “Use the back door it leads to the alley. I can’t have my patrons seeing you coming through the curtain upstairs. Next thing you know they’ll all want to know what’s down here and Markin will be stabbing paying customers.”
“Perish the thought.” Corbett said then added. “I have a Denobulan friend upstairs if you would be so kind, please have her escorted around back to meet us.”
“She’ll be there in 5 minutes now go.” Fat Mickey said.
“A good night to you sar and please give Markin our best.” Corbett said as he and Merrick headed out the back door.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Procuring Equipment, Part One==
===by Daniel Belin===
Location: New Detroit Town, Arcturus
DeSimms was walking through a seedy part of a seedy town. He wish he had updates on how Steele or Gar were doing. Steele said he would be in contact when he found a place to use as a base, and Gar was probably off in a Arcturan 'Entertainment house'. While, yes, he was getting info, he was having 'fun' doing it. DeSimms however, was walking through a rancid street with a oily bar on one side and a chemical refinment facility on the other.
He had several contacts in New Detroit and all over Arcturus, as Arcturus was a great place for smugglers or ex-SpecOps guys to settle down or run operations. While yes, part of Arcturus was a tourist haven, the other 60% was a combination of chemical refinement plants, bars, brothels, and shops of a more seedy nature. In New Detroit, there was one shop run by an ex-operative named Norm. God, he hoped Norm remembered him.
Suddenly, the place was upon him. It was under a brothel, with the bulk of the shop underground with only several plate glass windows at surface level. DeSimms lowered himself into the shop, and was pleased. He had landed precisely where he wanted to. Through the smoke and dim lights, DeSimms saw enough equipment to take over a small colony,
He noticed a small shadow in the light. It was too small to be Norm, and too big to be nothing. DeSimms saw the glint  of a knife inches from his throat, which spurred him into action. He grabbed the attacker by the arm and pushed them down to the floor. A light from a passing car illuminated the figure, who was not an assassin or a merc, but a beautiful Deltan woman from the establishment upstairs. He gasped in surprise, which distracted him long enough for a old-style Glock to be put to his head.
The man with the Glock roared, "Who are you?"
"DeSimms, John. Operator 513, Echo Platoon," yelled DeSimms, guessing from the voice that it was Norm.
"John? Well, then. Sorry about the gun, can't be too careful you know," said Norm, pulling his finger out of the trigger guard. He gestured to the Deltan, and she left through a passage leading upstairs. DeSimms gestured to the door with a raised eyebrow, and Norm responded, "Yes, the girls seem to know how to defend and attack. Not that they always need to. Thats why I always try to get a Deltan or Orion for security purposes. Chat aside, what can I do for you?"
"I need-"
Norm interrupted DeSimms, "Let me guess. You are on a black op and you can't leave a paper trail or look like Starfleet. However, you need to be armed with enough firepower to take over Panama."
"That is a shameless approximation, but nevertheless correct. We need a lot. Gear, Weapons, Grenades, Covert Ops equipment, and a quick way to get around planet-side."
"Wow. Well I guess you're appropriating said provisions, so you get first pick," said Norm. DeSimms pointed to a sawn-off shotgun that looked like a relic from the old days. Norm picked it up along with a shoulder holster for it and a bandolier already filled with 12-gauge shells, "What else would you like, DeSimms?"
"The Thorian Disruptor."
"Excellent choice, sir. It fires 1000 pulses of plasma energy a minute, and is definitely one of the more powerful handheld weapons. He handed it over, with a second holster."
"Anything else for you?"
"For me, just some ammo. The old .357 Mag, maybe five boxes, and .38, maybe 2 boxes."
".38 is for you? I thought you carried a Python."
"I do. The .38 is for a friend."
"I'll give you all this as a friend, DeSimms. Well, OK, not Annabelle. That you will have to return to me in working order. Now everything for your team will start adding up. What do they need?"
"OK, I need one 40mm grenade launcher. As well as the flechette, plasma, and HE rounds to go with it."
"I'll loan the launcher to ya, but the ammo will knock you down about 200 credits."
"OK, I'll pay," said DeSimms, looking at the 3000 or so credits he had. He would chomp a considerable amount out of his budget for all his purchases. He sighed and continued, "Ten Klingon disruptors and two plasma carbines."
"Run you about 1000 credits, for that."
"Finally, I need a .416 caliber rail gun for sniper use. With optics and ammo."
"1500 credits for all that. In terms of covert ops equipment, I can give you old style camo-netting, stealth gear, and rope for 200, but anything else you need to get from someone else."
DeSimms sighed. He was almost over budget, so his buying days were over. He asked about the vehicle, and Norm balked. DeSimms knew Norm had something, but didn't want to give it up. So DeSimms reached over, and grabbed the forty-something year old man by the collar. He asked in the same conversational tone, "What do you have?"
"Nothing of use to you," said Norm, escaping from the chokehold. DeSimms looked at hi, "Alright, Alright. You have to give me something for collateral."
"You are a great friend," exclaimed Norm, "I should have let her kill you when she had the chance, now that you are wheedling me for every good thing in this shop."
Norm opened a door to a garage, and inside lay a hoverbike. The kind used by Earth Police and reckless teenagers. Something was different about this one, it was bulkier and longer, with a double seat. DeSimms raised his eyebrow, and Norm responded, "Yes, it is a hoverbike. Standard design, just with an increased top speed, storage compartments, and a mount for any weapons you might want to put on it. Oh yes, it does have seating for two. I want this back or I will send every bounty hunter I know looking for you."
"Understood," said DeSimms. He forked over the 2700 credits and packed the stuff into carrying cases. He now looked like a tourist whose hotel reservation had not worked out. He figured he could go have a look at procuring basic provisions and gear after he secured this stuff in a shuttleport locker in New Moscow. He gave his salutations to Norm, and packed his stuff into the storage compartments. He revved the motor up like a bandit, and drove off into the setting sun.
Norm looked at his favorite Glock and said, "God, I hope he brings the stuff back."
NRPG: I have a feeling that Corbett's weapons are not going to work. They are freebies, from an Orion none the less. I hope Steele and Gar are doing their respective assignments.
Daniel Belin
John DeSimms
Operator 513, USS HOOD
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Beginning Of An Apology==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.333- After Steve's post "Mother's Reprimand"
Scene: Sickbay, USS HOOD
Kiska Saxman's mind was in a whirl. So many things had happen in such a short
time and she was still trying to digest them. There had been the practical joke
by the male senior officers that had backfired. Fortunately for all involved
Kiska had a sense of humor and having grown up with seven brothers she was used
to male bonding rituals and their …games.
A soft throaty laughed escaped from Kiska as she recalled the recent scene in
sickbay. She only hope Merrick's pride would recover and help them avoid
feeling….embarrassed around one another.
As far as seeing Sean Merrick naked….well, after all she was a nurse and had
seen everything there was to be seen on the human body. And from what she had
seen of Merrick's…he had `Nothing' to be ashamed of. A smile played at the
corners of her mouth but then she frowned.
What was causing Merrick to turn white as if he had seen a ghost when he looked
at her was beyond her and now she noticed he seem to turn and practically run
like hell the other every time she happen to be coming down the corridor. It
left her feeling….a little unsettled.
"Miss Saxman…" came the Texan drawl from behind her.
"Yes, sir." Replied Kiska turning to face her boss.
"I would like to apol…"
Kiska held up her hand and stopped him in mid-sentence. "No need to apologize,
Respectfully Submitted,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Little Kitten, Big Cat==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2260.345
Scene: Big Mickeys place
ARr'Rhiana found that she was having a real amusing time. She had no clue what
Stile and Corbett where doing but it didn't matter much to her. She raise her
hand and tucked another bill in the tight boxers of the stripper in front of her
and enjoyed the sensual dance he was performing.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder pulling it to turn her around "Leave me
alone, I am not interested." She muttered. A tall guy roughly turned her
around "I need you to come with me." Hemux shrugged the hand of her shoulder
and turned back to the stage "I have plenty more credits to spend, now leave me
Again the guy turned her around and in reflex Hemux grabbed his hand, twisted it
over in a fluent motion, made a fast move with her leg and swept the guy on his
back. She leant over him and showed him a real big mouthfull of teeth "Listen
up, boy, I might be old enough to be your grandmother, I also have more black
belts in martial arts then you have good teeth in your mouth. So leave me
Again she turned back to the stage as another guy stepped in fornt of her "You
hurt my friend! He just wanted to go out with you!" The tall plump guy grabbed
her wrist and started to pull her away from the stage. Now she had it, this was
the first night in maybe two decades that she was in such a place and she was
having real fun. She was not going to let it be spoiled by two drunk idiots
that thought she was an easy prey.
She slightly bend through her knees, dropped on her side and hit the big guy
hard in his kidneys, then made a upcoming move, pulling her arms down and
throwing over her back. With a hard breaking noise he landed on a table next to
"Hey that was not nice, I just wanted to take you outside, nothing more." The
first guy now grabbed her two wrist and yanked her towards him. As he realised
when Hemux did not struggled as he expected, but instead moved with him and
placed her big Denobulan head in the middle of the guys face, breaking his noose
with a satisfying `CRACK'ing sound.
Hemux barked to him "Listen humpty, why don't you take Dumpty with you and leave
me alone, I am not interested in some date and certainly not with a guy who is
not asking what the lady wants." Unexpected a big green Orion female yanked
Hemux at her hair to the back, "you old Denobulan bitch, no one touches Max,
unless it is me. You broke my boyfriends noose!" And on her left, the tall
Klingon on who's table she had tossed Dumpty was in a fight with Dumpty. In a
few minutes the fight raged through the whole bar. People where tossed through
the room, fists landed on eyes and nooses and girls where pulling hairs, using
elbows and teeth.
A few inutes later the door in the back alley opened up and Hemux was tossed out
by Markin and two other big guys. Markin grinned as he hold a Orion girl from
using her teeth and nails on Hemux "I believe she is yours? Isn't she a bit old
for you, Corbett? If you ever get tired of this one, I am sure Mikey want to
pay a good prize for her. With a little education she will be the top of the
Hemux snarled at Marick "I would not want to work in that joint for all the
Latinum of the universe. And keep that kitten away from me before I teach her
what a Denobulan can do with her teeth and nails!" With those words she blew up
her head twice as big as usual to the Orion girl.
The Orion girl, Alia stared at Corbett "You will pay for this Corbett, leaving
me was already bad enough, but showing up with her, and both sneaking out by
Mikeys backdoor! I hate you, I will make you pay for this!"
With those words he rushed back inside the door. Marick just grinned and nodded
once more to Corbett, then pulled the door behind him, leaving the three in a
dark alley...
Ignoring Stile she turned to Corbett and said with a voice that was colder then
an Andorian blizzard "Since all fun is over now, why not go where we should be
going, Corbett sweety..."
<tag anyone>
Hi All,
ok, I am clearly not capable in following up the amount of posts you guys toss
around, but her is my piece for tonight! I guess Corbett will have a lot to
explain to Hemux...
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: There’s Always a Catch When You Sell Your Soul==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.333
~~Alley Behind The Olympus Garden~~
Corbett and Merrick exited Fat Mickey’s club and waited for ARr'Rhiana to join them.
<<Snip From Dave’s Post “little kitten, big cat”
A few inutes later the door in the back alley opened up and Hemux was tossed out by Markin and two other big guys. Markin grinned as he hold a Orion girl from using her teeth and nails on Hemux "I believe she is yours? Isn't she a bit old for you, Corbett? If you ever get tired of this one, I am sure Mickey will want to pay a good prize for her. With a little education she will be the top of the bill."
Hemux snarled at Marick "I would not want to work in that joint for all the Latinum of the universe. And keep that kitten away from me before I teach her what a Denobulan can do with her teeth and nails!" With those words she blew up her head twice as big as usual to the Orion girl.
The Orion girl, Alia stared at Corbett "You will pay for this Corbett, leaving me was already bad enough, but showing up with her, and both sneaking out by Mickey’s backdoor! I hate you, I will make you pay for this!"
With those words he rushed back inside the door. Marick just grinned and nodded once more to Corbett, then pulled the door behind him, leaving the three in a dark alley...
Ignoring Sean she turned to Corbett and said with a voice that was colder than an Andorian blizzard "Since all fun is over now, why not go where we should be going, Corbett sweetie..."
End Snip>>
“I trust you had a memorable time ARr'Rhiana?” Corbett asked ignoring the icy glare she gave him.
“Very much so, since the staff and other patrons where so friendly and polite, it was a shame to leave.” She answered sarcastically.
“Alas all good things must end I’m afraid.” Corbett said to her then stepped off into the alleyway. It was never a good thing to be on the bad side of a Denobulan. He’d have to find a way to make it up to her.
The three made their way to the subway station in silence through the convoluted network of alleys. Several times Corbett made them double back to make sure they weren’t being followed. It took several minutes before they were at the subway station stairs.
“Sean, you and ARr'Rhiana busy yourselves in this area for a few minutes as I have some business to attend to.” Corbett said. “And ARr'Rhiana please don’t hurt anyone while I’m gone.”
“What business?” Merrick asked.
ARr'Rhiana just broke out in a wide smile that Corbett understood was tantamount to receiving the middle finger from an Earther.
“My accountant is three blocks away.” Corbett said. “And as I don’t trust the Fat Orion as far as I can throw him I’m making sure the transaction only goes through on my say so.”
“Thirty minutes Stile that’s all we can afford at this point.”
“Fair enough Sean. If I’m not back in that time head to the construction space port and see what you can find.” With that said Corbett left his companions at the descending stairs to the subway terminal and made his way to a shabby tenement building 3 blocks away. It always surprised him in this day and age that there were still such buildings standing, but he knew that the humanitarian philosophy of Earth hadn’t fully made its way here yet.
~~Tenement Sea of Nectar~~
Entering the building he took the stairs to a second floor apartment and knocked on the door four times in rapid succession and then twice more.
“Who’s there?” asked a squeaky voice.
“Corbett.” He said.
“How do I know it’s you?” The squeaky voice asked.
“Because sar the camera you have placed in the ceiling tile is aimed directly at me.”
Corbett heard a low buzz and a click as the door locks disengaged. Entering the room was like walking into a disheveled computer workshop with parts strew carelessly over long metal shelves and monitors displaying rapidly moving streams of data.
“I thought the Vulcan’s had you.”The squeaky voice said from an intercom.
“That was a long time ago.” Corbett said as he pushed a group of circuit boards from an arm chair and sat down. “Are you going to hide all day in your panic room Joseph, or do you think you might poke your greasy head out so we can conduct some business.”
Corbett watched as a metal door in the back of the room swung open and the man entered the room. The dim lighting made the man’s pale skin appear almost translucent. Joseph Reets was stereotypical of his breed. He was of medium height and scrawny build with little interest in hygiene. The fact that his matted and greasy black hair covered one of the greatest computer minds in the galaxy would have been lost on most. Corbett had treated the man for electrical burns a few years ago when he was moonlighting at the free clinic here. Since then Reets had been instrumental in facilitating many banking transactions that Corbett needed to keep secret.
“I see showering is still not high on your priority list, eh Joseph.”
“Don’t call me Joseph, I go by Stones now.” The man said
“Well then Stones,” Corbett said trying to suppress an escaping laugh. “I am in need of your expertise.”
Stones focused a hard stare at Corbett then smiled and asked. “Alright doc what bookie do you need to pay?”
“It’s a bit more complicated than that sar.” Corbett said.
“How much more complicated?”
“I have just had several thousand credits transferred to Fat Mickey’s account in the last thirty minutes and I need you to put a hold on the funds.”
“You want me to do what? Transferring money for you secretly is one thing, but what you’re asking is a one-way ticket an early grave.”
“I’m sorry Stones if I made the mistake in assuming you weren’t up to this challenge.”
Stones looked at the doctor his eyes narrowing. “I could hack that system in less than 5 minutes, believe me it’s not a challenge.”
“Then please do so.” Corbett said. “
“I’ll need both account numbers it.” Joseph answered.
“Here,” Corbett said as he entered the data into the computer.
A moment later Stones sat back in his chair and smiled. “Done, but you owe me big for this.”
“One last thing.” Corbett said as he picked up a small banking data transfer device he noticed on the side table. “Can this be rigged to remove the hold on the account any time I wish?”
“Sure just enter the account numbers again and I’ll tie it in; however you’ll need to be in front of a computer to interface it.”
“Thank you I will be.” Corbett said as he took the transfer device from Stones then retrieved the pistol from under his shirt. “I am sorry about this Joseph.”
“No wait don’t shoot me I did what you asked.” Stones pleaded.
“You did a very nice job and for that I thank you sar.” Corbett said as he cocked the hammer of his pistol and pulled the trigger.
Stones fell to the floor as sparks flew and the terminal flamed, it was dead. “Why would you do that?” Stones asked looking at the remains of his computer.
“Because that information is private and one such as yourself couldn’t resist the temptation to pull it up later and embezzle just a bit.” Corbett said heading toward the door. “I am saving you from yourself sar.”
“That terminal took me a long time to build and you destroyed it completely.” Stones shouted.
Corbett turned toward the man and said. “Take 5,000 credits from my personal betting account, the one you have access to. It should more than cover that piece of junk I destroyed, as well as this transfer device and your skillful services.”
“You bet I will Corbett.” Stones yelled as he tried to put out the fire.
“Do be careful sar, as I will monitor my account and if more than 5,000 credits goes missing I will be back.” Corbett said as he left the apartment.
~~Subway Train~~
Corbett made it back within the allotted time and took a seat in the back of the train behind where Sean and ARr’Rhiana were seated.
“I take it everything went off ok?” Merrick asked leaning back so Corbett could hear him.
“Splendidly sar.” Corbett said as he pushed his hat to the back of his head. “I received a call from Fat Mickey a few minutes ago and he was delighted to tell me that our chariot awaits us at landing bay 279. He also assured me that it is fully stocked. I guess the hold on his money spurred him into action.”
“You know for a doctor you have a lot of… what is it you humans say. Oh yes, you have a lot of skeletons in your closet.” ARr'Rhiana said warming back up to Corbett.
“Only one closet my dear ARr'Rhiana, try several.”
~~Landing Bay 279~~
The three officers made their way to what looked more like a yacht than a construction materials hauler.
“You sure know how to treat a girl to luxury travel, Stile sweetie.” ARr'Rhiana said.
“Only the best.” Corbett said as he watched a Tellarite exit the ship and head straight for him.
“I’m Grag the captain of this ship.” The Tellarite said then added. “Fat Mickey said you are going to Arcturus.”
“That is correct sar.” Corbett answered casually.
“Well hurry up and board, I haven’t got all day and I have a schedule to keep.”
“My apologies to your schedule my porcine friend, but we’ll need check your cargo hold before we go anywhere.”
“Yeah the Fat Orion said you would. You have 15 minutes before we leave so have at it.” The Tellarite said then walked back into the ship.
“Sean, ARr'Rhiana you heard the man it’s time to check the cargo hold.” Corbett said as he followed the Tellarite into the ship.
It only took a few minutes for them to check the weapons and make sure they were indeed fully loaded and fully functional.
“I’d say we’re ready.” Merrick quipped. “The weapons are good and the ship seems sturdy.”
“Well then I’d say you and ARr'Rhiana should make yourselves comfortable while I finish the transaction with Fat Mickey.”
Corbett plugged into the computer terminal and removed the hold on the transfer of funds to Fat Mickey. That being done he dialed into the Fat Orions private office line.
“I see the money has gone through.” Fat Mickey said.
“Yes as everything is acceptable I thought it only fitting. I do hope there are no hard feelings sar.” Corbett replied.
“None at all doctor, I like you because you bargain like one of us. I would have done the same.” Fat Mickey soothed.
Corbett didn’t like this one bit. The Fat Orion was up to something. The fact that he didn’t even add an up-charge for the delay was troubling.
“You are very gracious Mickey.” Corbett said guardedly.
“Not at all my dear boy, as I said you are an Orion at heart and because of that I want you to travel like an Orion.”
“Precisely what does that mean?” Corbett asked his every sense screaming that trouble was about to erupt.
“You’re an Orion on an Orion yacht. We never go anywhere without a slave to serve us.” Fat Mickey said as an enormous foul laugh shook his bulk.
“How can I serve you master?” Alia asked as she came from the back sleeping quarters.
“Surprise Stile, enjoy.” Fat Mickey shouted with glee and then terminated the call.
Hmmm I wonder what’s worse riding coach with an obnoxious child and a fat woman, or first class with a sexy Orion slave. I’ll ponder that while I’m sipping tequila in my plush, roomy lounge chair.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time not flying==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.335
Scene: Cabin 526, Transport to Arcturus
Jack lay on his bunk and stared out at the passing starfield.  They had been on the commercial transport for the better part of 9 hours and he cringed at the fact that there was still more then 50 to go.  Three days on this overcrowded, death trap was not at all appealing especially when he knew if they’d taken HOOD they’d have been there by now.
He was looking forward to seeing Arcturus in a morbid fascination sort of way.  The world was legendary throughout the Federation although very few people ever went there.  It was, for all intents and purposes, a planet in complete anarchy, but the one planet where it worked.  Situated on the edge of Federation space it bordered both the Klingon and Romulan empires while finding itself wedged into some of the most notorious pirate and crime syndicate regions in the galaxy.  It was a crossroads.
There was absolutely no government on the planet.  Each region was run by any number of groups.  One are was a pirate stronghold, another part of the Orion Syndicate, still another run by a front groups pack by a pan-galactic business conglomerate.  Alliances were created and smashed on a daily basis as one region took advantage over another.  There were no morals, no laws, no police.  But it worked.  It had to work there was money involved.  A lot of money.
Arcturus was a place where people went to be lost.  Or a place where your wildest fantasies could be fulfilled.  Illegal good from any world in any empire or federation could be had.  At a price. 
It was the perfect place for a Romulan defector to flee to.  And the worse.
Jack shuddered as his mind drifted to all the things that could go wrong.  Suddenly 50 hours didn’t see all that long.
Just some back post on the journey.  Don’t want to do the whole mission in a week.  Dan, I assumed John was sitting up in some type of cramped observation deck when he was having fun with the annoying kid.
Some great posts this week so far. I guess it’s Steve and Dan’s turn to be on fire!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Living the Life==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.335
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Mark Compass sat in the command chair and spun slowly around as he stared up at the ceiling.  The orders were insane, as was the assignment.  But he didn’t care.  As of right now and for 7 more days he was Commanding Officer, USS HOOD.  One of only twelve officers currently in command of the most elite ship the quadrant had ever seen.
It didn’t matter that he currently commanded a crew of two.  Or that the warp and impulse systems were offline.  It didn’t matter that the ship was snuggled firmly into dry dock and he didn’t have the authority, much less ability, to move the ship or even leave it.  He was, for all intents and purposes, a prisoner.  But what did that matter?  What did matter was that he was in command and it was so entered into the log.  He smiled at the thought.  Entered in the log meant that it was real, it would go done on his Starfleet record.  Future commanding officers and, more importantly, the Promotions and Assignment Divisions would see it on his record.  Temporary command, even a brief one, would flash on the screen like a red alert.  Even better the nature of the command would be classified.  So here he was in temporary command of a CONSITUTION class heavy cruiser on a classified mission.
Could it get any better then this?
Just checking in on that weasel LCDR Compass. ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD, NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shore Leave==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.333 – Two hours after docking on Starbase 10
Scene: Saxman's Quarters
"So….it is true that Gar actually ATE human flesh?" asked Claudia Mendoza as she
packed her duffle bag as she prepared for shore leave.
Kiska Saxman nodded an affirmative as she tried putting on her other earring.
"Ay Dios Mio!" gasped Claudia. "So THAT rumor is true! I would have never
believed he would do such a thing…."
"Look, he was under the influence…" explained Kiska as she hunted for her
earring post she had just dropped.
"He was DRUNK whil…" started Claudia plunking on the edge of her bed in shock.
"NO!" cut in Kiska exasperated as she continued to hunt for the other part of
her earring on her hands and knees. "He was not under control of his own mind.
He was not responsible for his actions."
"Ahhhhh…..." nodded Claudia sympathetically. "That explains his recent behavior
in Engineering. Is it true that Commander Merrick made a pass at you and you
kicked him in his huevos?"
"WHAT?" Asked a shocked Kiska as her head snapped up from her searching
"They also say that he was completely…..naked!" crooned Claudia. "What a way to
try and get a woman attention!"
"OH My God!" shouted Kiska standing up and flicking her long black hair behind
her shoulder in disgust. "Is Engineering a bunch of clucking old hens?"
"Then why did he take his clothes off?" came the next question.
"The man was injured…I happen to be a nurse and was performing my duty."
Explained returning back to the hunting position.
"Heard he was actually injured AFTER he was with you….you animal" teased the
Texan Senorita.
Kiska swore using her friends favorite Spanish curse word.
"Hey, this info came from sickbay Chica." Laughed Claudia. "Beside most of the
excitement on this ships seems to happening in sickbay….especially about the
guapo Cowboy doctor. Is it true that he has bedded nearly fifty percent of the
females on this ship?"
Kiska snorted, "Wouldn't surprise me."
"You one of his conquests?" asked Claudia.
"Hell no!" retorted Kiska as she stood up having found the lost post and put on
her earring.
Claudia laughed, "Holding out for Merrick?"
The dirty look the other woman gave her made Claudia laugh and shrug. "Is it
true he is still pining for his dead Ex?"
"Do I look like a 411 database for the Hood?" snapped Kiska grabbing her duffle
bag and flinging it on her shoulder.
"What's eating you?" asked Claudia surprised by Kiska's irritability.
"Look, starting right now we are on shore leave." Announced Kiska, "Either leave
Hood behind or I am going ALONE."
"Ok…ok.." replied Claudia in resignation as she too picked up her duff le bag
and followed Kiska out of their quarters. "Ay….asked a few questions and you get
your head phasered off."
Respectfully Submitted,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Hurry Up and Wait==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.338
Scene: The Laughing Vulcan Tavern, New Detroit
Jack leaned back in his chair and surveyed the lounge.  Just down the street from the small motel that he had rented a small room in it was your stereotypical seedy bar.  At least it smelt much better then the small quarters he had procured.  But it was near the space port and close to what passed for public transport in this section of the city.  It was also cheap, somewhat clean and near enough to the ‘good’ part of town that they would be relatively safe.  The term safe, he thought with a mental grimace, was extremely subjective.
He looked out across the room in complete fascination.  As a Starfleet officer he was used to interacting with many different races, including several that weren’t humanoid.  But it was nothing compared to this.  At least a third of the beings in the room were a species he hadn’t know existed until he had walked in here.  As far as he could tell he was the only human in the room and he was surprised at how uncomfortable he felt by that fact.  It had long been claimed by its detractors that the Federation in general and Starfleet specifically were Earthcentric.  Jack had always dismissed these claims but now sitting here he was uncomfortably aware of the fact that he didn’t see one species here that was represented on HOOD.  Additionally, he was forced to admit HOOD’s complement was in fact heavily Terran.
He looked over to the door as the bright sunlight briefly invaded the smokey darkness of the lounge.  Gar paused briefly as he waited for his eyes to adjust to the change and then to locate Jack.  He strode over pausing briefly at the bar to get himself a drink.
“Any luck?”  Jack asked as Gar took his seat.
The Andorian shook his head.  “Nothing, if our friends have arrived they haven’t saw fit to let us know.”
Jack frowned over his ale.  The plan had been to access the city’s help wanted database.  The first team to arrive submitted a bogus entry into the database.  The second team was to reply to the add with a prearranged name and list a location or comm channel they could be reached at.  He knew they still had two days before their target was to arrive.  And, and he tried to convince himself, his team had made good time.  But he would still feel better once he knew they had arrived.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Curses Answered==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.340
Scene: Romulan Scot Ship
Centurion llhran Kola laughed sullenly as he finally reached out and powered down his engines by 50%.  The gods had finally responded to all the oaths, promises and pledges he had uttered over the last two days.  Along with every curse had come the questionable decision to urge more power out of the small ship’s painfully under strength engines.  Now the gods had answered him, reminding him very clearly as to his rank on the celestial pecking order, with an engine malfunction.  The result was that not only was he going to fail to beat the traitor to Arcturus but he was going to arrive two days behind him.
There was little chance he would be able to seize his quarry and the possibility of him ascertaining who exactly had helped the traitor escape was close to zero.  So too was the goal of finding out who was working on the Arcturus end of the operation.  He had hoped to bust open the defector pipeline and secure a promotion.  Now he hoped to keep his life.  To turn around was certain and dishonourable death.  He had no choice but continue.  AS little chance as there was he would be able to find Fveirrolh Sahen there was still the hope.  And a lot could still happen in two days. 
His life twisted into a bitter grin as he heard the gods mocking him.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Foreboding Unwelcome==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.340
MD: Day 2.1433
Setting: The Laughing Vulcan Tavern, New Detroit, Arcturus
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Hurry Up and Wait">>
"Any luck?" Jack asked as Gar took his seat.
The Andorian shook his head. "Nothing, if our friends have arrived they
haven't saw fit to let us know."
Jack frowned over his ale. The plan had been to access the city's help
wanted database. The first team to arrive submitted a bogus entry into the
database. The second team was to reply to the add with a prearranged name
and list a location or comm channel they could be reached at. He knew they
still had two days before their target was to arrive. And, and he tried to
convince himself, his team had made good time. But he would still feel
better once he knew they had arrived.
<<snip- new material>>
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth glanced at the Captain as he downed
another swig from his glass. "How you can drink that vile swill is beyond
Steele, pulled the glass from his lips and regarded it. "Well, it isn't
very good, but I've had worse--"
"I meant beer in general," Gar said. "I have never understood the human
need for bitterness in their food and drink."
Steele nodded at Gar's own glass. "And that?"
Gar's antennae twitched at Steele's question. "Romulan Ale? What's wrong
with it?"
DeSimms shook his head. "Consorting with an enemy's drink is almost as bad
as consorting with the enemy himself," the security man quipped.
"Not to mention the fact that it's illegal," Steele added.
"I'm not so sure it is here," Gar retorted. "Besides, it's good cover."
DeSimms grunted. "You're liable to BE under covers if you drink too many of
Steele chuckled as Gar employed a human hand gesture- specifically, a FINGER
gesture- in reply to John's last comment.
The Captain regarded his Andorian engineer for a moment. "Gar- why
Starfleet?" he asked, taking care to drop his voice so he would not be
Gar's brow furrowed. "Sir?"
Steele drained the last of his ale and signaled for a refill. "Well, I know
that Andoria is a founding world and has quite a distinguished
representation in the Federation Council and in government in general. But
given the martial nature of your world, I would have figured to see more
Andorians in Starfleet," he finished with a shrug.
Gar tossed back the remainder of his drink as well; miraculously, another
ice-blue beverage appeared in front of him. "Andorians are
people, Captain," he said. "Many prefer a more direct approach to their
military affairs than the Federation and Starfleet typically prefers."
"By direct you mean...?"
Gar allowed the corners of his mouth to curl. "Andorians prefer
to...eliminate a problem when one arises, Captain."
"I should have been born an Andorian," DeSimms quipped again.
Steele chuckled again. "I've heard the stories of the Andorian Imperial
Guard's exploits," he said. Then, quietly, he added, "And the Am-Tal--"
"--Should not even be discussed, Captain," Gar said. "Suffice to say that,
were the Am-Tal involved in this operation, it would take on a whole
different tone. It would be unlikely that...our 'target' would ever make it
off Arcturus in such a case."
Steele nodded for Gar to continue his thought process.
Gar leaned forward. "Didn't you ever wonder why WE were sent out here
instead of some SFIA operative? Why WE were sent out here to meet some
scientist, with hardly any intelligence except for his name and where he was
Steele's lips pursed together. "The thought had crossed my mind," he said,
his expression sour.
Gar swirled the liquid in his glass around. "I don't know...I feel as if
this mission is almost DESIGNED to fail. Something's up here- something's
going on that no one is telling us."
Steele nodded. "I said as much to Admiral Carstairs."
Gar finished the last of his drink. "Either there's something about Dr.
Sahen they aren't telling us, or there's something about this MISSION they
aren't telling us. But Sahen's Romulan, which means the Am-Tal will already
be shifting their antennae in his direction." Gar paused, then added, "IF
Sahen's into something bad, OR he was responsible for something we don't
know about, we could be walking into a termination mission, courtesy of the
2.1433- Gar, Steel and DeSimms chatter idly as they wait for the other team
to arrive; Gar expresses his discomfort with the current mission.
Just filling in the blanks and adding some details. Andy, I hope I didn't
take too many liberties here...but I just love getting us into trouble. ;)
FYI: The Am-Tal is the Andorian counterpart of Starfleet Intelligence (in
this era known as SFIA). They handle both internal and external security-
think the KGB. And they are BADASSES. They are "direct." And ruthless.
If they are out. :)
The Andorians never gave up their own military and intelligence structures
when they merged into the Federation with Earth, Vulcan and Tellar- not
completely anyway. The Andorian Imperial Guard (their navy and army) is
still intact, as is their intel service- the Am-Tal.
Side note: I don't know if the Am-Tal is here or involved in this (that's up
to us)...but they would NOT be involved if there wasn't some connection or
threat to Andoria. They would not just go out and kill him for nothing.
They would be doing it out of their own, what that is, I
have no idea. But it's something we can play with. :)
Roguishly Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Allies out of Necessity==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.340
Scene: Global Exports Office
M'Lara stood in the doorway and looked at her mate in disgust. She seemed to be doing it more often lately.  The taste of liberation from this purgatory was getting stronger as was her conviction not to let the imbecile that was her husband destroy the opportunity.  “What are you doing my husband?”
“I am filing a report.”  He grunted.
Did this man have no brains, she asked herself for the 1000th time.  “A report to who?  About what?”
“To my superiors about the Romulan traitor.”  He answered in a voice that said go away.
“Did you catch the Romulan already.”  She began to look around the office.  “Is he hidden here somewhere?”  She continued around the room.  “Perhaps he is cloaked?”
K'Temec did his best not to jump over the desk and remind her that he was in fact master of this house.  But he couldn’t, he needed her and they both knew it.  He must have done something wrong and as much as it pained him to admit it if she saw something wrong it must have happened.  And, his thoughts continued, half the reason he was writing this report was to procrastinate.  The truth was he did not have the first idea on how to proceed.  “I tire of your games wife.  We both know you are the better of us at politics,” he sneered at the dirty word, “tell me what I have done.”
She almost took pity on him.  “What will happen to you if you send a report to your so-called superiors and then you do not capture this targ?”
It took him a few seconds but eventually realization flashed across his face.  “I will save this report until after I have the petaQ in chains!”
M’lara nodded.  “But you will not send it even then.  You will hand the report to your superior as you drag the Romulan into his office.”
K’Temec pictured the look on the face of his superior as he showed up unannounced with the Romulan scientist.  They might not write songs about his exploits but he would certainly be able to request a transfer and demand a promotion.  But still one thought clouded his desires.  “M’lara.”  He began in a voice he had not used with her in a long time.  “I have operatives at all the major spaceports watching.  But I do not trust them to be vigilant and I can not be at all places at all times.”  He ignored the fact that instead of lurking in the most likely port he was sitting in his office.  “I do not know how else to prepare.  This spy could arrive at any time, it would be better if I knew when.  The where is already troublesome enough.” He admitted.
This time M’lara did feel pity for this fool.  “Husband you have access to the defensenet?” 
“Access the net.  It records all ships coming across the neutral zone from Romulan space.  There will be ships but not many.  Those are the ships we must watch.  We may even be able to narrow the list down to a few.”
There was a long silence between them.  Finally K’Temec broke it.  “I will need your help.”
She smiled.  “Of course my husband.” 
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Bar Fight!==
===by Daniel Belin===
Gar and the Captain were continuing their chatter about Andor, and DeSimms personally could care less. He was surveying the room, and saw a fair mix of every species not in the Federation. Including one gargantuan alien that was muscling his way over to their seats. He had two girls with him, one Nebulan, and one Human, both of whom were too drunk to talk. He looked at the Captain and roared something in an alien tongue.
Steele looked to DeSimms and asked, "You get what he is saying?"
"Nope. The translator can't make heads or tails of it."
The alien did not care that they didn't understand him. He decided his patience was up, and grabbed Steele by the neck and lifted him into the air. DeSimms shouted at the alien, "Hey, asshole!"
The alien did not notice, as he was shaking the Captain angrily and yelling at him. DeSimms gave the alien a few more seconds to relinquish Steele, but the alien did not put the Captain down. DeSimms gave the alien a hard punch in the face, which certainly got the alien's attention. Throwing Steele aside, he turned to DeSimms and tryed to punch him. DeSimms ducked and the punch missed by inches. Half the bar was now converging on Steele, DeSimms, and Gar. Gar muttered, "Any ideas?"
"Not good odds," said DeSimms, who barely missed being brained with a bottle of something. Another alien tryed to deck DeSimms, but ended up with a broken wrist. Gar was singlehandedly fighting off two not-so-sober Denobulans who were screaming wildly. The Captain pinned a chair wielding hooligan to the ground, but was overwhelmed by another large alien. DeSimms decided to take the easy way out, and drew his pistol and shotgun. He fired several shots from the Python into the air and shouted, "Get off him or you get a plate sized hole in your head!"
He had no clue whether his words got through, but the sounds of his gun did. Everyone went silent, and DeSimms and his party edged out of the bar. Once they were outside, they made a break for it knowing that any sort of weapon could be fired at them from the mob behind them. DeSimms shoved Gar and Steele onto his hoverbike and yelled, "Disruptors in the right hand compartment!"
Once they were far enough away, Gar looked to DeSimms, grinned, and said, "Been shopping?"
"Just enough to take over half the planet."
Steele looked to DeSimms and said, "I am damn glad I had you as a wingman back there."
"Just wait until you see what I bought," said DeSimms, with a grin on his face.
NRPG: Just trying to tie my last post in with the mission, and DeSimms wants to show off what he bought.Also, we don't want Gar getting alcohol poisoning. Yet.
Submitted with Respect
Daniel Belin
John DeSimms
ASR Origins
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to the Room==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.340
Scene: Alley, New Detroit, Arcturus
Once they were far enough away, Gar looked to DeSimms, grinned, and said,
"Been shopping?"
"Just enough to take over half the planet."
Steele looked to DeSimms and said, "I am damn glad I had you as a wingman
back there."
"Just wait until you see what I bought," said DeSimms, with a grin on his
Steele hopped off the hover bike with a grunt.  He rubbed his neck where the alien had grabbed him.  He’d definitely pulled something when he’d been dropped and he swore at the thought of having to spend the next few days in pain.  There was not a chance in hell of letting any of the local ‘doctors’ look at, not that he could afford them anyway.  Maybe Stile would have drummed up a nondescript medkit.  If Merrick’s team actually ever made it here.
It was too bad about the Laughing Vulcan.  The place should have been condemned years ago but it was convenient to their mission and he’d beginning to get used to the place.  On the other hand that was probably reason enough to move on to somewhere else.  For a mission of this type it was best not to be noticed and certainly they’d been noticed.  He wondered what they’d done to set off the alien.  Probably something as simple as sitting at ‘his’ table.  Although on a world like Arcturus there didn’t really need to be a reason.  Maybe he was just showing off for the girls.
Jack surreptitiously consulted his map.  They weren’t that far from their motel and with no where else to really be it was as good a place as any to kill a few hours.  Besides they could log back on to the datanet and see if Merrick had replied to the bogus ad they had left there.
Was going to write more but got called away.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Few Observations==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2260.341
MD: 2.1900
Scene: Orion Transport, Deep Space
Merrick was frankly in awe of Stile's audacity.  Who knew that a southern cowboy/doctor could have such a dark and sordid past?  Sure, the guy slept around like a breeding steer.  But to have questionable connections with the a vicious, murderous gang of the worst sort of thugs in the galaxy? 
Well, in retrospect, it made perfect sense and in two seconds flat Merrick realized it was all completely keeping to the man's character.  He scarcely gave it another thought afterward. 
Then there was ARr'Rhiana: resident ass-kicker in disguise.  He was also blown away by the sheer speed and skill of ... a 100 year old grandmother?  Well, he wasn't sure if she had grandkids or not, but she defintely was ancient by human standards.  He'd have to check into getting lessons at a later date. 
And what next?  In theory, he was in charge of this little band of bold adventurers.  In reality, he was just happy to be alive and along for the ride.  But he had a feeling he'd be contributing *something* soon.  He just hoped that it whatever it was, it wouldn't cost him too much. 
NRPG: Just a reaction post to keep me in the game.   
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Special Delivery?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.341
Scene: Motel Room
As soon as they entered the small apartment he saw it.  A large envelope rested in the middle of the bed.  Jack drew the small palm phaser and quickly made sure the bathroom was clear as DeSimms verified no one was hiding in the closet.  He kept the phaser in his palm as he approached the bed and after a brief pause picked up the envelope.  “I don’t imagine this place has any sort of turn down service.”  He quipped before dropping the contents of the envelope on to the bed.
Gar reached down and picked up the pictures.  “We have a stalker.”  He said as he flipped through them before handing them over to Jack and John.  There was a picture of the three of them getting off the starliner, one of them walking through the port, DeSimms purchasing the weapons, Jack and Gar sitting in the Laughing Vulcan.
Jack unfolded a piece of paper, the only other content of the envelope.  At the top was written ‘Try Harder!’ below it was what looked to be some computer addresses and authorization codes with the words Klingon Defence Net underlined several times.  He handed the paper over to the Andorian.  “What do you make of this?”
“Someone wants to give us a hand?”
“Maybe.  Or someone toying with us, letting us know we are out of our league.”  He sighed.  “I think we may have some competition.”
No idea who left that for us or why…but I don’t think it was the Klingons or Romulans.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Seeing for the First Time==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.341
Scene: Unknown Ship
Dr. Sahen paced the small empty cargo hold with a vengeance.  It was dark, cold and dreary and he had already seen two small animals scurry behind some of the crates in the corner.  Above all it smelt.  A smell he had never before encountered and never want to come across again. But it was all worth it to be out of that damnable crate they had hidden him in during the mad rush to get him off planet before the security services found him.    It felt good to be upright and allow his cramped muscles to stretch as he strode around the small room.  He stopped every few minutes to engage in some brief exercise to keep the blood flowing. 
He still didn’t understand why he had been crated up for the first two days of the journey and his ‘benefactors’ hadn’t had much to say on the topic.  Perhaps the shielding inside the crate that allowed him to get aboard unnoticed had also ensured that no scans from patrol vessels identified him.  Did this mean they were no longer worried about patrols.  His associates did not seem to be a bad bunch but they certainly not going to worry about his comfort if it meant being caught by the military.  He accepted this, just as he hoped that it meant he would not have to go back inside the crate.
As the heavy cargo doors clanked open he turned to see the leader of the mission walk in.  “Jolantru.” 
“I thought you might like to see this.”  The man said as he walked over to the small view port.
Sahen joined him and stared out the window.  He saw nothing but stars.  “I don’t understand.”  He finally said.
“We just left Romulan space.  I thought you might like to see freedom.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Winter Wonderland==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.341
Location: Starbase 10
One of the great advantages of staying on a Starbase, was not having to share a
room. She loved having a room all to herself, but she wasn't use to the silence
and there was something else missing. And then she realized what it was; there
wasn't that slight humming beneath her feet that one felt while traveling on a
Kiska Saxman brushed her sleek long black hair and then French braided all the
way down her back. She preferred this style when she was going to be doing
extreme winter games. It kept her hair out of her face and from getting all
tangle and ratted.
The door to her quarters bleeped. "Coming!" she shouted as she grabbed her artic
jacket and greeted Claudia waiting on the other side of her door.
"Ready?" smiled Kiska excited to share her love of Alaska with her friend.
"Ready as I'll ever be!" exclaimed Claudia who was already dressed in Artic gear
from head to toe.
The two officers headed to the Starbase's Holodecks. Upon their arrival Kiska
slipped in a disc and punched in a code. The doors opened to a glorious ice
"This is next to the best thing a Starbase has." Smiled Kiska as she stepped
further in the Winter Wonderland.
At first Claudia was too much in awe to say anything but her eyes revealed how
she felt about the beautiful scenery before them.
"Come on!" shouted Kiska as she straddled the parked Artic Snowmachine. "Don't
just stand there! Next time I'll teach you how to drive one but for now you'll
ride with me."
As Claudia got on, Kiska started up the machine and shouted for Claudia to put
on her helmet. Within a matter of seconds the two women where ripping thru the
snow leaving behind billowing snow clouds behind them.
<NRPG - Decided not to jump in on the mission since I will be going on a long
leave of absense this month.
Respectfully Submitted,
By Lena Rose
LTjg Kiska Saxman
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Basic Questions==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.342
Scene: Freighter Hold
As the heavy cargo doors clanked open he turned to see the leader of the mission walk in. “Jolantru.”
“I thought you might like to see this.” The man said as he walked over to the small view port.
Sahen joined him and stared out the window. He saw nothing but stars. “I don’t understand.” He finally said.
“We just left Romulan space. I thought you might like to see freedom.”
He wasn’t sure how long he had stood there staring out at the stars.  They had looked the same as they always had but the fact that this time the view was from the vantage point of freedom was overwhelming.  Eventually realizing he was alone he decided to venture off through the ship.  There was no way he was going back into the crate and with his new found sense of emancipation he decided it was time to seek more information.
The living areas of the ship were not overly large so it did not take him long to find the captain and his two crew.  They were sitting down to their mid day meal in the small kitchen.  When they saw him stop at the entrance way one of them jumped up.  “Come in doctor!  Come in!”  He scurried around to the small cook top and filled a bowl of some sort of stew.  It a pleasant smell and he had not eaten for several days so he was happy to have it. 
When he had finished the second bowl he leaned back in his chair and addressed the captain.  “What race are you.”
“We are Kobheerians.”  He said proudly.
“I don’t believe I have heard of this race.  Are you part of the Empire?”
“No we are close enough to have traded with the outlying worlds for decades.  But far enough away that we retain our neutrality.”
Sahen nodded at the idea.  “How is it that I am on your ship?”
The captain shrugged.  “We are traders and were hired to take you to Arcturus.  Quietly.”
Arcturus, Sahen thought.  He had heard of that world.  It was a choice that seemed to make sense.  He was surprised by how much more comfortable he felt knowing his destination.  “And when we arrive at Arcturus what will happen to me?”
“Someone is to meet us, I do not know who.  You are to go with them.”  He looked at Sahen and smiled.  “Don’t worry you are not the first Romulan we have smuggled across the border.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Hiding Behind Rank==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.345
Scene: Helm Officer’s Quarters, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Steering looked down at the viewscreen and shook her head with a sigh.  As the temporary first officer of the starship HOOD it was her job, as ordered by her commanding officer Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass, to scrutinize all the reports that the ship yard personnel filed and sign off on them.  She could handle the fact that Compass being the pompous ass that he was had assigned her as his first officer and advised her not to let him down.  Like he needed a first officer when there was only three actual HOOD crewmembers aboard.  She had accepted the fact that the only reason he had done so, save for the need to stroke his own ego, was so that he could pawn off all the actual work on her leaving him time to sit in the command chair and play captain on the bridge.  To be perfectly honest she was happy that he was the type to dump all of his duties on a subordinate.  It was a fantastic opportunity to learn new things and she was ready to dive in head first.  What she couldn’t accept was the fact that he would not see the point she was making about the repair work the Starbase teams were conducting. 
Since the subterfuge was that the ship was in dry dock for some critical upgrades Starfleet Engineering had decided that they should use the time to actually conduct some work.  To that end they had sent over a team of engineers led by a lieutenant who was every bit in love with himself as Compass was.  What that meant was that he determined what work his team was going to conduct and how it was going to be performed.  Kim knew she was by no means an engineer but she was pretty sure that the engineering team was working on things that they shouldn’t be.  She had politely pointed out a few systems that could use work or in fact were due for upgrade but she had been less then politely told to mind her own business.  She had gone to Compass with her concerns sure that he would throw some temporary commanding officer weight around but he had chose not to.  By the third day the engineering team we’re sticking their noses into systems as they tsk tsked the fact that they were not attuned to standard SFE protocols.  She had tried to tell them that she knew for a fact that Commander Gar had set things the way they were because they had actually improved efficiencies.  He’d even submitted reports to SFE so they could be utilized fleet wide. Her protests had gone unanswered three times by the Starbase team and twice by Compass.
At that point she had done something she hated herself for doing.  She knew when the captain and Commander Gar returned they’d be furious with what had happened.  Just as she knew Compass would leave her holding the bag.  So, she had put it all in writing and sent it to Compass in a blatant attempt to prod him in to action while at the same time  covering her ass.  It left her with a bad taste in her mouth but what else could she do?  Then her lord and master’s reply had finally come and she knew she had done the right thing.  She looked down at the screen again.
TO: Lieutenant Kim Steering, First Officer USS HOOD NCC 1703
FROM: Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass, Commanding USS HOOD NCC 1703
RE: Your Duties
Lieutenant, I have received your latest report with much disappointment.  As I have instructed you on several occasions, it is not your job to badger or interfere with the Starfleet Engineering Team currently undergoing repairs and upgrades of my command, USS HOOD NCC 1703.  The engineering team has much more experience then you in these issues and they do not need to be told their jobs.  Your role is to log the reports they file once the necessary work has been completed. PERIOD.
If these simple duties are too much for you to handle then I will be forced to not only find you new ones but will have to log your inability to follow simple orders in your permanent record.
I trust that I have made myself clear on this and am confident there will be no more conversations on this topic.
She couldn’t believe that he had put all that in writing any more then she could believe he’d made it this far in the service.  That wasn’t entirely fair she reflected.  He was an exemplary NAV officer and they had made a good bridge team thus far.  She had certainly enjoyed working with him.  He just wasn’t a leader nor was he able to take on responsibility and it was clearly showing.  Still it wasn’t like he was faced with a life and death decision.  She just didn’t get it.  But she knew once the captain found out he certainly would get it.  She fervently hoped she wouldn’t have to pull out this email.  It wasn’t the way she liked to do things.  But there was no way she was letting that idiot put one black mark on her report.
Well it didn’t matter right now.  What did matter was that those starbase weinies were messing up her ship and she was going to put a stop to it.  If they wouldn’t listen to her then she’d make sure they’d have other more pressing work to do.  She began to run through a mental list of things she could break.
Wanted to post but don’t want to hog all the main mission stuff.  Also, thought I’d give Gar something to do once he gets back to the ship.
Scott: I might actually make Kim a HELM PC for another ORIGNS unit down the road.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD, NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Helping Hand==
===Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.349
MD: 2.1535
Setting: Motel Room
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Special Delivery?">>
Gar reached down and picked up the pictures. "We have a stalker." He said
as he flipped through them before handing them over to Jack and John. There
was a picture of the three of them getting off the starliner, one of them
walking through the port, DeSimms purchasing the weapons, Jack and Gar
sitting in the Laughing Vulcan.
Jack unfolded a piece of paper, the only other content of the envelope. At
the top was written 'Try Harder!' below it was what looked to be some
computer addresses and authorization codes with the words Klingon Defence
Net underlined several times. He handed the paper over to the Andorian.
"What do you make of this?"
"Someone wants to give us a hand?"
"Maybe. Or someone toying with us, letting us know we are out of our
league." He sighed. "I think we may have some competition."
<<snip- new material>>
Gar harrumphed. "Well, if that's the case, then it's not the Am-Tal," he
Steele raised an eyebrow in inquiry.
The Andorian engineer shook his head. "Because an Am-Tal operative would
not be so arrogant- not before his mission was through, anyway. The
operative would simply carry out the mission, and maybe, if it didn't
interfere with anything else, gloat a little afterwards. But until the
mission was finished..." He let the statement trail off.
DeSimms walked over, heavy rifle in hand. "You're still assuming that
Doctor Sahen has something to hide- a murderous past, a heinous talent."
DeSimms paused as Gar acknowledged his thought. "What if Sahen has
something to OFFER the Federation?"
Gar thought about John's point. "That changes things," he admitted.
Then, he looked back at the Captain. "But only so far as that it means the
Am-Tal might not even be involved in this. If Sahen has something of
possible benefit to the Federation, then why would the Am-Tal even bother?
This is a Federation matter, not for Andoria's own security. No- I still
think this means we aren't looking at Am-Tal involvement."
Suddenly, a 4th voice broke in. "Don't be too sure about that, Mr.
All three whirled around to face the door again, only to see a statuesque
Andorian woman quietly closing the door behind her. As she turned to face
the three Starfleet officers again, her ice-blue eyes seemed to sparkle to
Gar in their defiance. "And don't underestimate Andoria's dedication and
commitment to the Federation, either."
She turned to meet Steele's stare. "I am Avae Zh'sharav, Andorian
Security," she said, bowing slightly, her long, white hair swaying as she
"Jack Steele," he said. The, nodding across the room. "That's John
DeSimms, and Gar Th'elenth."
She met Gar's gaze again. "The Elenth clan is most highly respected, Gar,"
she said, bowing again.
"As is the Sharav clan," Gar replied, a hint of a curl tugging at the
corners of his lips.
Steele interrupted the two of them. "What are you doing here?" Steele
asked, his tone clipped and terse.
"I am here to help you, Captain," she replied, her own tone soft, airy.
"I think he meant 'what are you doing on Arcturus?'- considering it is not
within the normal operational sphere of the Am-Tal," he said, stepping
closer to Avae.
"No, it is not," she said. "And I can't tell you why I'm here because I
don't know- other than that I was tasked with seeing that you got Doctor
Sahen off-planet safely and quickly."
"We already HAVE help," DeSimms quipped. "And I wasn't aware that we needed
any more."
Avae turned to the Security man and, though her tone remained airy and
melodic, her expression was one of ice. "If you are referring to the other
three members of the HOOD's senior staff, they will be here in a few hours.
However, both parties have managed to attract enough 'unwanted attention' to
alert the wrong people. I am here to see that this 'attention' goes away-
or, failing that, that it does no harm to you or your 'package.'"
"Then this is YOUR doing?" Steele said, holding up the pictures and the
Zh'sharav nodded. "Yes. I had intended to simply try and shock you into
focusing, but it's too late for that now. Forces are moving against you-
KLINGON forces- and you will need my help."
There was a long moment of silence, until Gar broke it. "What exactly is
Doctor Sahen's importance, and why would the Klingons want him?"
Avae turned to face Gar. "That, Commander, I do NOT know." She paused,
then added, "It is, however, in our best interests to find out- preferably
BEFORE he arrives."
"And that will be--" Steele asked.
"Just after your friends get here," she replied, "IF my intelligence is
They looked a round to one another. Then, Steele said, "It seems we have a
new friend- AND a lot of work to do."
MD 2.1535- Gar, Jack and John meet Avae Zh'sharav, an Am Tal operative who
claims to be there to help them.
Just pushing this forward some. Hope it's OK. :)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Questions Than Answers==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.349
MD: 2.1535
Setting: Motel Room
There was a long moment of silence, until Gar broke it. "What exactly is
Doctor Sahen's importance, and why would the Klingons want him?"
Avae turned to face Gar. "That, Commander, I do NOT know." She paused,
then added, "It is, however, in our best interests to find out- preferably
BEFORE he arrives."
"And that will be--" Steele asked.
"Just after your friends get here," she replied, "IF my intelligence is
They looked a round to one another. Then, Steele said, "It seems we have a
new friend- AND a lot of work to do."
Jack watched the look on Gar’s face as he gestured to their new ‘friend’.  It was only a momentary flash but he was sure he saw consternation.  Looking back to Zh'sharav he thought there might be some tension as well.  He remembered the conversation he and Gar had started to have back at the bar about serving in Starfleet.  Andorian’s were clearly represented but they tended to stick to their own units.  He had asked Gar why in fact that was and why the engineer had decided on joining an ‘integrated’ unit instead.  Gar had never really answered him and before Jack was able to prod him on it the large alien had broken up the conversation.  He rubbed his neck remembering the fight. 
As Gar and John moved over to the desk terminal to try to log in to the Klingon Defence Net with the codes  Zh'sharav had provided he hung back to continue his conversation with her.  “I’m glad for your help of course, this mission was put on too fast with a lot of unanswered questions, but I’m still unclear as to why the Am-Tal have become involved.”
“I thought I explained that.”  She answered with poorly concealed impatience. 
“I understand what you are here to do.”  He replied with the same lack of patience. “What I don’t understand is why Starfleet would order us in when you are clearly involved.  Surely an Am-Tal agent is better equipped to handle a simple pickup then sending in us.  And as we already agreed this really is out of your agency’s balliwick.”
“The Am-Tal goes where it is required."  She replied stiffly. "But I concede your point.  However, we are not subject to Starfleet’s orders.  We report directly to the government of Andor.”
“And Andor is subject to the Federation via the Council.”
Zh'sharav nodded.  “Then I would suggest that the Federation leadership has issued several orders to several bodies.  What is the saying you humans have?  The right hand does not know what the left is doing.”
Jack groaned.  “That’s what I was worried about.  Hopefully the party won’t be getting any bigger.”
“Captain, we’ve found something.”  John said as he peered at the screen while Gar’s fingers ran over the keyboard.
Just a quick one to follow off Scott’s
Brian/Steve/David: If your team doesn’t get here soon we may have to leave you behind. ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: No Rest for The Wicked==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.349
MD: 2.1535
Scene: Passenger Lounge, Orion Yacht
Corbett sat in one of the plush thrones that were used as cabin seating and quietly sipped on a very large tumbler of tequila.  It had been a tense few minutes when he brought Alia into the passenger lounging compartment. After much evasion of kicks and punches thrown his way he was able to broker a tentative peace between ARr'Rhiana and Alia. Well at least they weren’t calling each other names or trying to see who had the better martial art skills.
Sean for his part was brooding. Corbett wasn’t sure if it was because of Lieutenant Saxman, or he had some other deep trouble making its way to the surface. He wasn’t one to pry, especially with the skeletons he had in his own closet. He would let his friend simmer for awhile since Sean seemed like he wanted to be left alone.
“Can I get you anything?” The sweet raspy voice whispered into his ear.
Turning his head toward the voice he was kissed by a kneeling Alia.
“That depends darling, what is it you had in mind?” He asked after the kiss broke.
Alia bent her head and whispered in his ear.
“I see.” Corbett said. “I think I can accommodate you.”
The two made their way to the sleeping compartment of the ship as ARr'Rhiana lifted an eyebrow and Sean let a wry smile cross his lips.
After they had closed the door to the master suite Corbett made his way to the computer terminal and hit the relay button. In a second the very rotund countenance of Fat Mickey filled the screen.
“You’ve got a problem Stile.” Mickey wheezed as he stuffed a pastry into his mouth.
“What sort of a problem Mickey?” Corbett asked pushing his hat to the back of his head.
“It seems you’ve attracted the attention of the Am-Tal.?”
“Two questions Mickey.” Corbett whispered his voice quivering with anger. “Why would the Andorian security force be interested in us and how would they even know we are out here.”
“Very good questions Stile, it seems Markin was one of their agents; however, why they are interested in you stems from our little transaction.”
“How could you not know that an Andorian spy was your bodyguard?”
“Oh to be sure I knew he was with the Am-Tal. It’s been bad blood with them since the Babel Conference. However, what’s the Earth saying, keep your friends close but your enemy’s closer.”
“You knew and you did nothing to protect our deal. That’s bad business.” Corbett said coolly.
“Quite the contrary my dear doctor, I am protecting our deal. That’s why we are talking and besides I have a plan to divert attention away from you.”
“I’m listening Mickey, but you better make this good.”
“Yes well as I said they seemed very interested in why you needed a covert shuttle to Arcturus, so much so that they have put in place an agent to track you. Markin was kind enough to tell me that though the exact reason why is still a mystery.”
Kind enough to tell him, Corbett thought, which meant that Markin was more than likely a cloud of vapor by now. “So what’s your plan to divert them?”
“Captain Grag has informed me that there is an asteroid refueling station a parsec from where you are now. I have instructed him to hand you off to another ship coincidently on its way to Arcturus; this will all be done covertly of course. The ship will take you directly to Arcturus unobserved.”
“What kind of a ship?” Corbett asked.
“An Orion trade ship. The people of Arcturus are always eager to trade for our goods.” Fat Mickey said smiling.
Great a slave ship Corbett thought. However, he knew he had little choice. “Fine, but if we are delayed in any way I’m coming back for you.”
“You should be on Arcturus within the next 12 hours.”
“Alright Mickey I’ll play it your way.” Corbett said standing.
“I thought you might.” Fat Mickey replied as he closed the link.
“You don’t seriously trust him, do you?” Alia asked.
“Not as far as I can throw him.” Corbett said. “However, he knows a bad business deal would certainly hurt his credibility as a being that shall we say makes things happen.”
“It would certainly mar his reputation and that’s something no Orion Trader wants.” Alia said sitting down on the edge of the bed. “So what do you want to do until we get to the refueling station?”
“I’m sure we can think of something.” He said as he hit the light switch.
<NRPG> I suspect we will all meet up in my next post.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Horrors From the Past==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2260.349
MD: 2.1645
Scene: Passenger Lounge, Orion Yacht
ARr'Rhiana Tapped the small table in front of her with her fingers. She was
kind of tired sitting around in this cramped, smelling craft. Corbett had
disappeared in a room with that woman for a while now and Hemux was not at all
comfortable with this mission. They still had no clue why StarFleet needed some
Senior officers to meet a runaway scientist and certainly not why it had to be
on a godforsaken place as Arcturus.
Suddenly the pilot of the craft showed up from out of the cockpit. Without any
introduction he snarled abrupt to them "There has been a change in plans. We
are making a small stop at a refuellingstation where you will get on another
ship. That will bring you to Arcturus still within the expected time."
Sean narrowed his eyes "Why the change in plans?"
The man shrugged his shoulders "Don't know and don't care; I just do as I am
told. Now get your stuff. We'll be there in about 15 minutes." With those
words he turned and disappeared back into the cabin.
Hemux blinked her eyes and nodded to Sean. "You get our lovebirds? I gather
out belongings."
Minutes later Corbett and Alia showed up; the woman looked not amused at all.
Hemux couldn't help to grin about the idea how they might jumped up when Sean
slammed the door and called Corbett to get his butt out of there…
ARr'Rhiana started to explain to Corbett what was going on as he raised his hand
"No need to tell lass, I already know."
Now it was Hemux her turn to look not amuzed; "Corbett? You knew? Since how
"'bout five minutes after I went inthere." He said.
ARr'Rhiana placed her hands in her hips "So you knew that for let's say an hour
or so? And you just thought you could act as a horny stallion and leave us out
here to wait till you had your fun? We are a team, Corbett, such things we
should now immediately."
"Relax, Hemux, what could you do ? pack your things and sit here for 45 minutes
chewing on your nails? We just get on that Orion trader and get off to
Arctures, just a step in between to confuse anyone who might be after us."
ARr'Rhiana turned pale and grabbed Corbetts shirt dragging him so close to him.
She blew up her head and gave him a look at her teeth tha made him think about a
big shark ready to bite his head of.
With a voice that made him shiver a bit she groaned to him "A Slaveship? You
expect me to get on an Orion slaveship? Think again Corbett. I rather kill
them all with my bare hands then to get involved with the filth that they are."
"What's wrong with you, get your hands of him?!?" Alia was pulling on Hemux her
arms, but she just ignored her. Sean layed a hand on her shoulders to calm her
dwon "I suggest you at least loosen your grip a bit Hemux, I think Corbett needs
some air."
Hemux blinked her eyes as she noticed how Corbett had turned a bit to a
purple-ish coulour in his face. She tossed him away with a strength and anger
that surprised the rest. Corbett rubed the back of his head where he had hit
the wall. "Damn you Hemux, what's wrong with you? I don't like that either
but it's just a ship."
Her face was dead frozen cold "I have been there, Corbett. I have been in Orion
slavecamps for years. And now I have to fly with them?" With those words she
turned away and refised any talk.
Corbett turned to Alia. "Do you have any idea what she is talking about.
Alia looked to the stiff back of ARr'Rhiana and whispered with a deep sadness
in her voice "If it is true what she tells then I know how she feels. Orions
have a way in breaking female prisoners. They use… let's say it mild… very
degrading, rough and unconventional methods. Have you ever been the central
guest on the Orion Slavemasters parties? Or been passed around to anyone, and
I mean anyone who wants to indulge his most perverted fantasies on you? They
use drugs that make you helpless, willingless but perfectly aware of every
touch, every word. You become a thing, a subject of the most sick, mad
individuals there ever existed. If she had spent years in a prisosn camp then
she must have seen and felt things you wouldn't want to dream about, Corbett.
Believe me, you would not survive for an hour."
With those word Alia went to Hemux and laid an arm around her, leaving Sean and
Corbett alone.
<tag ayone>
Hi All,
Steve, you are wicked. Now that was an angle I couldn't let go. I think this adds some more troubles to our trip.
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: An Ugly Ride==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2260.354
MD: 2.1700
Scene: Orion Trader
ARr'Rhiana's reaction upon hearing that they were to board an Orion slaver
was not lost on Sean. Before they did move over, he took her aside.
"I need to know that you're going to make this work ARr'Rhiana," He
desperately hoped she wouldn't kick back with a "and what will *you* do if I
try to kill the fraking crew?"
Thankfully, she nodded and even offered, "Don't worry. I promise."
But as ARr'Rhiana walked off, Sean secretly vowed to keep the Science
Officer in sight at all times if possible. She might think she was okay
with this. But sights, sounds, and especially smells could play the worst
kind of havoc with feelings. Heaven help them all if they actually ran into
someone she knew.
NPRG: Over to you Steve. Just a little bridge for your next post.
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Realization Dawns==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass felt a wave of panic wash over him.  He actually thought he might wretch.  Reading over the mail he had sent to that pest Steering for the third time he couldn’t quite believe he had done something like that.  It was stupid, degrading and completely and totally unprofessional.  It would haunt him for the rest of his career.  Which, once the captain saw it, would plateau exactly where it was now.  If he was lucky he’d stay aboard.  He knew he was a good navigator and that the captain did place value on him.  But there were a number of good navigators out there.  All desperate to land a slot on one of the 12 CONSTITUTION class ships.  He was certain a few if not all of them would be better command prospects then he was.  Even before the email. 
And things had been going so well.
He looked across the bridge at the command seat.  He’d practically lived in it the first few days and now he couldn’t bring himself to sit there. It was no longer something he could convince himself he deserved to do.  He had to make things right but he didn’t quite know how.  He’d already tried to put the brakes on the Starbase Engineering team but all the arrogant team leader had down was wave the signed work orders in his face.  Compass had even humbled himself and told them he had been wrong and was rescinding his own orders.  The team leader told him to file the new orders with the base and once said orders had been officially communicated the team would stop work. But until that time the work would continue.  Compass knew that was a load of crap just as he knew that as acting commander his orders took precedent to anything else.  The problem was he had no way to enforce them short of grabbing a phaser and making the situation so much worse.
And that wouldn’t solve the problem he had created with Lieutenant Steering.
For the next few minutes he drummed his fingers across the science console and stared out at the planet below.  Finally with a resolve he had forgotten he had he reached out an opened the internal comm.  “Compass to Marconi.”
[Marconi here.]  The Communications Officer replied.
“Mr. Marconi I really could use your help with something.”
Hi all.  Sorry for the silence this past week…just getting ready for the holidays.  Always the best time of the year to realize how badly I need to win the lottery.  Today I got to buy an $800 motor for 5 year old furnace…of course I can’t complain as I will actually have heat for the holidays.  At 9am this morning when they couldn’t find the part it looked like it was going to be a long and cold two weeks.
So there are Christmas miracles!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More for the Party==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene: Bridge, IKN DAGGER
Commander Kon of the Klingon cruiser DAGGER stared down at his console and growled.  For the past three weeks and for another four his ship had been assigned to patrol along a corridor of intergalactic space that bordered along the neutral zones that divided the 3 great Star Empires.  It was a good duty to have.  Out here in unclaimed space there was no treaties to worry about, no laws to follow.  The result was it was a haven for smugglers and pirates and it meant that he and his crew were able to do what Klingons did best.  Fight.  Any smuggler dumb enough to cross their pass was a target to be attacked, board, looted and destroyed.  It was satisfying, profitable and fine reward for the 6 month tour they had previously endured escorting a science vessel cataloguing gaseous anomalies.  But these new orders put an end to all that and he dreamed about the idea of using his disrupter on his comm officer for receiving them.
Still the diversion shouldn’t take too long.  A few days perhaps.  Perhaps he and his officers could spend a day or two planetside.  He had been to Arcturus once before as a junior officer.  He and his friends had certainly made their presence know he remembered with a chuckle.
“Helm!  Plot a course for the planet Arcturus and intiate at maximum speed.”  He orderd.
“At once!” 
At least the crew’s effiency remained high he thought sourly as he watched the starscape swirl as the cruiser banked and came about before shooting off into warp.  He leaned back in his chair pretending not to notice the looks his bridge officers were making to each other.  The dismay was clearly evident and while he could not blame them he hoped one would complain.  He wanted nothing better to excise his rage by hitting something, or someone.  Perhaps it was an unworthy thought but it would make him feel better.  And it was always good to remind them of the food chain.
He smiled at the thought.
Just following up on something Scott had put in his previous post...
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Apologies==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene: Deck F, USS HOOD
“Now what does he frakkin want?”  Kim Steering swore as she heard Commander Compass’ hail echo through HOOD’s empty corridors.  She’d just been about to open an access hatch intent on causing a bit of mayhem for the Starbase Engineering team and she really didn’t want to get stopped while she still had the nerve.  It would be easy to ignore the call from that arrogant bastard but the officer in her just couldn’t do it. With a sigh she moved down the corridor and hit the comm button. “Steering here.”
[Where are you lieutenant?]
“Deck F, section 3 junction 28.” 
[I’m on my way.]
“Great!”  She muttered after the channel closed. 
At least she didn’t have to wait long before the bright red turbolift doors at the end of the corridor swished open and Compass strode purposefully out.  He looked like he was on a mission and she steeled herself against any eventuality.  If he came up with something stupid she’d try to talk her way out of it.  But worse comes to worst she’d disobey the order and take her chances with the captain.
“Lieutenant Steering,” he began formally.  “I owe you an apology and I am here to make good on that.”
“Sir?” She asked confused. 
“The email I sent you was unconscionable.  It was the product of panic and ego run amuck.  I was trying to play captain while you were trying to do what was best for the ship.  That meant trying to force me to get off my lazy ass and stop letting the engineering crew push me around.  I didn’t want to do it and when you rightly backed me into a corner I lashed out at you instead of doing my duty.  I want you to know that when you take this matter to the captain I will of course admit to my failings and let him know any problems with the ship are due to my inaction and obstruction of your efforts.”
“I see.”  Kim said shocked at what Compass had just told her.  It was not what she had been expected at all.  “What do you plan to do now sir?”
Compass started walked down the corridor and back into the turbolift with Steering by his side.  “I tried to get the team to stop adjusting the systems but I’m afraid they won’t listen to me.  The only official way to stop them is to send orders through the starbase.”  He sighed.  “I’m sure any of the senior officers would be listened to immediately but they just aren’t taking me seriously.  And given the way I acted for the first few days I can’t say I blame them.”
“What are we doing here?”  Kim asked as they entered Auxiliary Control. 
Compass powered up the viewscreen and instructed the computer to show a view of main engineering.  As soon as the video came up the monitor focused on the engineering team who were setting up their equipment near the main board.  “Compass to bridge.”
[Bridge here.]
“Ready Mr. Marconi?”
[Yes sir.] Marconi replied with a laugh.  [Just give me the word commander.]
“Do it.”
Half a second later the Red Alert klaxon went off across the ship including Main Engineering causing the Starbase team, who had little if any experience with such an alarm, almost jumped out of their skins.  “Intruder alert! Intruder alert!  Counter measures to be activated in 30 seconds.  I repeat countermeasures to be activated in 30 seconds.  All personnel report immediately to safe zones.”
It took all of ten seconds before the team leader was on the comm demanding to speak with Compass.
“Commander Compass here.”
[What is the meaning of this?  Turn the damn alarms off immediately my people have work to do.]
“Sorry commander I’ve scheduled an intruder alert drill to test ship systems I’m afraid Engineering is about to be flooded with anestizine gas.”
[That’s preposterous.  We’re working down here!]
“I looked over the work orders diligently and main engineering was not on the original list.  You’ll be relieved to know I’ve been careful to keep your scheduled work areas free of the gas.  I believe the closest one is the Recreation Deck.  If you hurry there you should miss the bulk of the gas.  Commander Compass out.”
Kim simply stared at Compass for several seconds as she took in all that had just transpired.  Finally she smiled and stuck out her hand.  “Apology accepted.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Falling Apart==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene; Universal Exports, Arcturus.
K’Temec tried not to fidget as his wife read through the information on the datapadd he had handed her.  By the time she had finished and had looked up her face held an angry scowl.  Given the length of time she had stared down at the message she must have read it several times.  He was uncertain if that was a good or bad thing.  Finally she spoke.  “Who have you told?”
“No one.”  K’Temec replied, almost biting his tongue to avoid adding, ‘I swear it.’  It was his wife after all, not a superior officer.  Of course he’d never been this scared of a superior officer.  “No one.” He repeated again in answer to her silent stare.
“You didn’t send in any reports to your supervisor?”  She demanded.
“M’lara I have discussed this with no one but you.  I’ve filed no reports.  I do not know how the Council have found out about this and I do not want a ship here to take the lead in this any more then you do.”
The frown on M’Lara’s face grew deeper.  She knew the fool was probably correct.  He was stupid but he wasn’t an imbecile.  “When was the last time you swept the office for listening devices?”
“This morning.”
“Do it again.”  She ordered.  She sat back and sipped her raktajino as she watched him methodically sweep the office.  Ten minutes later he showed her the results.  It was clean.  “Is the equipment in working order?”
“It is.  But it is far from new.  I doubt it would detect anything state-of-the-art.”
“Probably not my husband.  But I don’t think anyone would waste top of the line listening devices on your office.”  She smiled sweetly at him, mocking his importance.  “No our government must have found out the same way the Federation and Kahless knows who else found out.  The Romulan’s apparently can’t keep a secret.”
“What do we do?”
M’Lara was a loyal Klingon, so was her simple husband for that matter.  But if they allowed this Commander Kon to come here and take over the interception of the Romulan defector what little chance they had of doing the jobs themselves and getting off this forsaken world would be gone.  But where they desperate enough to forgo loyalty to the Empire for their own reward?  “I don’t know my husband.  I don’t know.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Good Luck for a Change==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.359
Scene: Romulan Scout Ship
Centurion llhran Kola smiled wickedly as the tractor beam latched on to his ship.  It had been a stroke of good fortune to cross paths with the smuggler ship and he wasn’t about to squander it.  As soon as the ship had shown up on his sensors he dropped from warp, cut all power and sent out a weak auto distress signal.  By the time the ship had pulled along side his small one man scout was tumbling through space looking like it had been adrift for some time.  As his craft was pulled into the larger vessel’s cargo bay he hoped that the signal masking device had fooled their sensors into thinking the ship had been abandoned.  That and that they didn’t have any hand scanners.  His hiding space underneath the deck left him no room for escape if they detected him and if that was the case his clever ploy would likely fail miserably.  His tightened the grip around his disrupter.
Eventually he heard the access hatch open and the swoosh of air rush into the cabin.  The last thing he had done was expel all the small crafts oxygen save for his small hiding spot.  He knew the crew couldn’t be that large but he still needed to take them by surprise.
Ten minutes later and after much stomping about and long conversations in some sort of guttural language he couldn’t understand all things had gone silent.  He waited five more minutes to be sure, but it seemed that they had not discovered him and his desperate plan might work.  Now all he had to do was sneak out of his ship, disable the crew and then plot a course for Arcturus. 
He grimaced at the thought.  It had all seen much simpler an hour ago.
Hi gang, hope you are all enjoying the holidays!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Suggestions?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.359
Scene: Small Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus
“The Am-Tal goes where it is required."  She replied stiffly. "But I concede your point.  However, we are not subject to Starfleet’s orders.  We report directly to the government of Andor.”
“And Andor is subject to the Federation via the Council.”
Zh'sharav nodded.  “Then I would suggest that the Federation leadership has issued several orders to several bodies.  What is the saying you humans have?  The right hand does not know what the left is doing.”
Jack groaned.  “That’s what I was worried about.  Hopefully the party won’t be getting any bigger.”
“Captain, we’ve found something.”  John said as he peered at the screen while Gar’s fingers ran over the keyboard.
“What?” Steele asked as he and the Am-Tal operative moved closer to John and Gar. 
“A few somethings.”  John replied as scrutinized the readout.  Finally he pointed at the small screen.  “This,” he pointed at a red chevron, “is a Klingon warship and she is heading directly to Arcuturus.”
“At full speed.”  Gar interjected.  “She’ll be in orbit within six hours.”
Jack and Zh'sharav traded a look.  “What about our Romulan?” The captain asked.
“Well that’s the interesting part.  We’ve got three ships inbound on a direct course from Romulus. But this one,” He pointed at a small blue circle. “Seems to be marked differently on the Klingon Defence Net.”
“You think it’s our Romulan?”
“Safe bet.”  DeSimms answered.
“Then why don’t they swoop in and capture him.  Save themselves a lot of trouble.”  And us as well Jack thought too himself.
Gar shook his head.  “They won’t be able to intercept before the ship makes orbit.  If it is our Romulan he should be down on the planet a full 30 minutes before the Klingons arrive.”
“That’s our window then.  Alright now all we have to do is figure out how to make sure we’re in the right place at the right time.  Any suggestions?”
Didn’t want to add too much as I am hoping one of you want to run with it.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Game's Afoot==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.363
Setting: Small Hotel room, New Detroit, Arcturus
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Suggestions?">>
Gar shook his head. "They won't be able to intercept before the ship makes
orbit. If it is our Romulan he should be down on the planet a full 30
minutes before the Klingons arrive."
"That's our window then. Alright now all we have to do is figure out how to
make sure we're in the right place at the right time. Any suggestions?"
<<end snip>>
Gar shrugged. "That part seems easy enough- we meet him at the spaceport
and get off planet before the Klingons arrive."
Steele shot him an angry look. "Of COURSE we grab him and leave- but how do
we get to him? Can we be sure, given how many others seem to be motivated
at procuring Doctor Sahen's services, that we WILL be the only ones waiting?
I don't think we should depend on that."
"A wise thought," Avae Zh'sharav nodded.
"We go covert," John DeSimms said.
Gar glanced over at the Security chief. "I am assuming you mean more covert
than we are currently."
Avae shot back at Gar. "With all due respect, you're not exactly covert
right now."
Before Gar could reply, Steele intervened. "John's right- we need a bit
more subtlety here...and I think I have an idea."
The Captain glanced at DeSimms. "Do you think you could scare up some
suitable spaceport worker uniforms- preferably baggage handlers or other
support staff- something that could get us behind closed doors at the
spaceport, as well as any ID's we might need, in the next couple of hours?"
John nodded. "I think I can swing that," he said, turning and walking out
the door of the room without another word.
Steele looked at Gar and Avae. "We'll need to link up with Merrick and his
team once they arrive, and make arrangement for everyone to leave, as it
doesn't look like they'll have time to arrange their own departures." He
met the Am-Tal agent's stare. "We could use your expertise in helping get
off-planet with as little fanfare as possible."
The blue-hued woman looked from Gar, and back to the Captain. "All right,
Captain; I have some contacts I can use that I trust," she said. "I'll meet
back with you in 3 hours."
With that, the graceful-yet-lethal Andorian woman left the room.
"Nice figure," Steele quipped.
"I hadn't noticed," Gar retorted. Then, after a brief silence, he looked at
Steele. "So, what do WE do for the next couple of hours?"
The Captain powered up his own minicamp. "We try to find out exactly who
Doctor Sahen is; knowing who he is and what his importance is might help us
avoid a free-for-all at the spaceport."
A short one to give us something to do.
Daniel- I sent you on a little errand for some suitable gear. How you get
it and what you get is up to you. Just don't break too many laws- or bones-
along the way. ;)
Andy- I hope this was OK. I originally wanted to pair Gar and Avae
off...but I think this works out better. It lets me play Avae a little and
still work with you on finding out who Sahen really is.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Tangled Webs==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.363
MD: About 20 minutes after leaving the Small Hotel Room in my post entitled
"The Game's Afoot"
Setting: Offices of Albright Ore Processing, New Detroit, Arcturus
Avae Zh'sharav walked through the doors of the 20th-floor office with barely
a sound; however, the aged Andorian behind the desk knew she was there
"Well?" he asked without looking up as she approached the desk.
"They bought our story- I think," she said, stopping a meter or so away.
"The Captain- Jack Steele- doesn't sound completely convinced, but I don't
think he'll be a problem."
"Hmmph," the older Andorian grunted.
After a moment, the man finally looked up. "I am assuming that since you're
still here you have more information for me?" he asked, his antennae
pitching forward.
Avae took another step closer to the desk, now standing nearly on top of it.
"Gar is with them."
The pale-skinned Andorian behind the desk met her stare now. "Here?" he
paused, tossing the tablet in his hands down onto his desk more vigorously
than normal. "Why didn't I know about this?"
Avae shrugged. "Probably because Starfleet didn't want ANYONE to know of
their presence here. They may be sloppy at times, but they are not
The man leaned forward, and pitched out of the chair. "He could present a
problem," he muttered.
Zh'sharav followed the older man. "No more so than the others," she said.
Then, she moved the topic away from Gar. "They're planning on grabbing
Sahen at the spaceport; they're going in disguised as workers there. They
asked me to find them a quick and quiet way off-planet."
"How fortuitous," he quipped. "Still..." He allowed his words to trail
Avae waited until her control sorted things through.
"Do what you need to do- get them off-planet safely," he said. "Use
whatever resources you need."
She nodded. "And then?"
Tolan Th'artak spun and met his gaze. "And then you finish this."
"And if they interfere- if GAR interferes?"
Th'artak said nothing for a moment. Then, his words clipped, he said,
"Eliminate anyone who gets in the way- ANYONE."
MD: Same
Setting: Small Hotel Room
"Hey- I found something," Gar said as the Captain stepped away from the
"Already? I had thought this would be harder."
The Andorian nodded. "It would be if we were looking for official
information- military records, classified research, that sort of thing. But
I tried something different: I just searched for any media relating to him."
Steele chuckled. "And I imagine you found a lot."
Gar nodded again. "Yes- apparently Dr. Sahen is quite the pioneer in
genetics; his work has been causing quite a stir in and around Romulus."
Steele began reading over Gar's shoulders: dozens upon dozens of biographies
and feature fluff bled together, until something caught his eye.
"Let's see this one," he said, pointing.
Gar pulled up the work, and they read.
Gar inhaled deeply as he read. Steele, ever the more eloquent, simply said,
"Oh shit."
Clearly, as they both finished, they had some understanding of the
ramifications of Doctor Sahen's work, though they would both feel better
when Doctor Corbett arrived to confirm their suspicions.
The two officers glanced at one another. "The man is clearly a monster, but
I don't understand how the Am-Tal fit into all this," Gar stated, shaking
his head.
"I was about to ask you the same question," the Captain replied.
Just adding some fuel to the fire...heh heh heh...
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'Sharav
Am-Tal Operative
Tolek Th'artak
Am-Tal Control Officer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Green memories==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2260.364
Setting: Orion Trader Closing in on Arcturus
AR'rRhiana was tensed, the whole fligt she had been anxious and nervous. The
smell aboard the Orion slavetrader made her sick, she could smell the sweat, the
tears the blood. Hell, she could even hear the walls vibrate from screams and
begging shouts from the slaves that had been transported with this ship. It
made her sick. She was pale, slightly sweating and her teeth where clasped
But untill now it had been fine and she had been able to handle herself.
Suddenly a tall, broad-shouldered, mid-aged man walked in.  "We are almost at
Arcturus, we drop you of and leave then." Then he narrowed his eyes as he
took a deep breath of air "Someone smells llike a slave here." he grunted,
his eyes going from one to another, fixating finally on Hemux.
Hemux had grasped for air as the guy made his rude comment and now her hands
where clasped aounrd the armsof the chair, her eyes wide open, her breath fast.
The Orion stepped up to her "Definitely, you have served as a slave, I see one
, I smell one." He smiled as he leant clser to her "I taste one..." He
said as he licked his lips. With all the force in her 95 year old body, all her
experience she had gained in StarFleet, the slavecamps and her martial arts
training, she leashed out to the Orion slavetrader. She slammed her head in the
middle of his face, enjoying the sound of his noose breaking, crushing under he
thick skull; she hit him hard with her two fists in his stomach, stomping the
air out his lungs; grabbed his arm and tossed him over her shoulders with a fury
no one expected from the woman and when he came down hard, she jumped on his
back ; opened her moiuth as wide as no one ever had imagined and snapped her
teeth in his neck.
Only at that moment Corbett and Merrick where able to pull her off the Orion and
even then it took them a lot of force to hold her back.
Corbett slapped her face rather hard and barked to her "Snap out of it Hemux,
you got him and good, leave it now."
All looked to the Orion laying on the deck, a pool of blood getting slowly
bigger where he laid down. Then Alia walked up to him and kneeled to check in
on him...
Ok, I just came home today after a family visit for the Christmas holidays and I
noticed a teaser in my mailbox... So Scott, here is number one for you!
Brian, Steve, I let it up to you two to decide what's the status of the Orion
and what happens now...
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Conundrum==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.364
MD: A couple of hours after the actions in the post "Tangled Webs"
Setting: Offices of Albright Ore Processing, New Detroit, Arcturus
Avae Zh'sharav looked at the well-dressed man on her portacomp's screen.
"I'll need those ID's within the hour, Mac," she said.
"I know, I know, I know," the well-dressed man grumbled. Six- four humans,
all male, one Denobulan female, and one Andorian male." He paused, then
added, his tone suggestive, "You know the Andorian?"
Avae did her best to look disgusted. "Why- because I am Andorian? Does
that mean I know ALL Andorians?"
Mac shook his head. "No, but if he's here on Arcturus, I'm sure you DO know
"Just have the ID's ready- and make sure you do it quietly, or you'll lose
more than your payment for the job," she spat, and abruptly closed the
channel. Mac was good at what he did and trustworthy- as trustworthy as
anyone was in this business, anyway...but sometimes he had a big mouth.
Her conscience chastised her for the way she treated Mac; she knew damn well
it wasn't Mac that had upset her.
It was Mac's innocent reference to Gar, for she DID know Gar.
Neither had spoken since Gar left Andoria for Starfleet. There was nothing
to say: Gar had decided to turn his back on his home, his heritage. The
destruction of Vulcan almost three years ago now had not only left a vacuum
in the halls of power within the Federation, but also within Starfleet.
Many Andorians had chosen to help fill that void...
And had consequently taken many of Andoria's finest sons and daughters in
the process.
Avae had no problem with the Federation; she truly did believe in its
ideals. But there were plenty of problems at home...and the Federation was
supposed to serve ANDORIA, support her planet, her people, not the other way
It didn't help that it was the destruction of Vulcan that was the catalyst
for all this. Vulcan, their ancient enemy, now gone...and weakening Andoria
as it gave way.
She would never forgive Gar for choosing Starfleet over Andoria.
**For choosing Starfleet over Andoria, or over YOU?** her conscience goaded.
Part of her wanted to lash out at such a ridiculous notion...but then that
would simply be a denial. She knew, deep down, that part of her reaction
was precisely because Gar had chosen another path, a path that lead him away
from her.
Avae shook her head. They had been- SHE had been- young, and she simply
assumed that his destiny and hers were intertwined. It was a rude awakening
when she found out otherwise, indeed.
But he was here, now...perhaps fate had taken a more circuitous route than
she had imagined...
Avae shook her head again, trying to push such thoughts from her mind. She
had a job to do, and she couldn't let anyone get in the way of her dealing
with Doctor Sahen before he unleashed his horror upon the galaxy.
However, she also knew that she could not kill Gar. So what would she do if
he got in the way?
She only saw one answer- she had to avoid the possibility of him interfering
before it ever came to that.
Answering David's post...and doing a little CD and adding more intrigue to
our mess here. :)
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You Don't Order Me!==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.364
Scene: Rec Deck, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Spanner stalked the large recreation deck of HOOD in a foul mood.  All around him his work crews pretended to be diligently working on a repair or recalibrating a console.  Anything to avoid the eye and the wrath of their fuming commanding officer.  He didn't know what he was madder at, being trapped on the rec deck or being outsmarted by that spineless idiot Compass.  Outsmarted?  He snorted at the thought.  Compass wasn't smart enough to outsmart anyone.  The only reason he and his teams had manoeuvred out of engineering was his complacency.  He knew he had cowered Compass and he assumed that would be the end of it. But he'd forgotten about that troublemaking Academy poster wannabe Steering.  She was smart enough to trigger this and it was undoubtedly her string pulling that had caused Compass to remember he was an officer.
Actually he thought as he stared out the observation window at the Starbase off in the distance, what he was most incensed at was the way he looked in front of his team.  He pretended to ignore the looks they were giving him.  Just as he decided against hearing the chuckles and whispers as he walked by.  It had taken months to whip this group of lazy incompetents into shape and this episode was sure to put a dent into the efficiency they had attained.
"Sir!"  One of his techs shouted across the expansive deck.  "We've got a response."
"It's about frakkin time!"  He growled as he strode purposefully across the deck  "what is the meaing of this?"  He demanded without preamble as arrived at the comm terminal.
[I though the announcement was clear.]  Commander Compass answered.  [I wanted to do a full test of the intruder suppression procedures.  It was best to do it now, with so few people aboard, and I made sure it would not impact on any of your work parties.]
"Well it damn well did Compass!  My whole team was down there and we have at least 12 hours or work to complete.  I demand you remove the gas and allow us entry into Main Engineering.  Immediately."
[I'm afraid I'm a little confused.  I scrutinized the work orders you gave me when you gave abaord, cross referenced with those you filed at the Starbase and those filed by Commander Gar.  Not only were you not scheduled to be in Main Engineering when the gas was released you were not scheduled to be there at all.]
"I told you this morning that it was my intention to spend the rest of the time allotted in Mian Engineering getting this ships systems back to the defaults recommended by Starfleet Engineering.]
[And I told you that all modifications had already been approved by Starfleet Engineering and that further alteration was subject to approval of the Chief Engineer or that captain.  And in their absense, myself.  I am certain not only did I not give such approval I ordered you not make any changes.]
"Ordered?  You don't give orders to me."
Compass broke in before the engineer's tirade could get a full wind behind it.  [I just did.  Now then, I have been careful to keep all your filed work areas clear and will be happy to utilize the transporters to move your crews where needed.  Failing that you can contact the base and have your teams beamed off this ship.  Compass out.]
Scott: Great idea.  I look forward to reading all the posts.
Some more fluff posts as I want to see what you guys all do with the mission!
I hope to get another post out tomorrow...but probably won't.  Its a busy few days for me.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Shuttleport==
===by Daniel Belin===
Scene: Galor Shuttleport, Lower Levels
DeSimms strafed through the massive jumble of pipes and generators. The sterile area, lit by fluorescent lights and colored a shade of white was the high-tech part of the shuttleport that controlled landing pad systems and communications. DeSimms was looking for the access hatch to the more rusted, badly lit 'underside' of the port that contained most of the systems as well as barracks for the employees of the company that ran the shuttleport. He found the hatch unlocked near a large pipe, and opened it pointing his Disruptor Carbine down the chute.
He climbed down the short ladder and landed near a generator in a messy, rusting room. Shadows of a fans blades rotating hit the generator, and suddenly a figure interrupted that shadow. A low-level supervisor walked by in a plastic jumpsuit. As the man came around the corner where DeSimms was hiding, DeSimms jumped out at him, smothering him with his mass. The man sputtered and protested for a few seconds, and then was still. DeSimms put a piece of tape over the supervisor's mouth and said, "Take me to the security chief now!"
The supervisor led him down several passages, and DeSimms had to hide several times as workers walked by. He saw a set of security men walk by with some prostitutes who were loitering in the Shuttleport lobby. Another time, DeSimms saw a large hairy creature being pulled down the halls by several security men. Eventually they came to a sliding door secured with a keypad. DeSimms pushed the carbine into the supervisor's neck, and the supervisor typed the code. As the door slid open, DeSimms pushed the supervisor to the side and was met with a fat green man behind an ornate desk. DeSimms yelled, "Hands where I can see them!"
The Orion complied, and put his hands into the air. He looked at DeSimms and calmly asked, "What do you want?"
"Simple. Uniforms and full access to the Shuttleport," DeSimms gestured to a console near the supervisors desk, "Can that be done from this console?"
"I can put you into the system, but I need your biometric data," said the Orion, moving over to the console with his hands still in the air. DeSimms responded to this by pulling out several containers of DNA from each member of the team. The Orion took it from DeSimms and plugged it into the computer, after a few chirps and beeps the computer spat out seven cards with ALL ACCESS written in several languages.
The Orion walked over to a slit in the wall, but DeSimms raised his gun. The Orion responded, "You want your uniforms, right?"
The Orion gestured to the slot and said, "Well this is a replicator. I can get your uniforms from here, you know. This IS the 23rd Century."
"OK then," said DeSimms, who leveled his carbine at the level of the Orion's head, "I need nine uniforms-"
"Eight? But you only needed seven entries into the system!"
"Do what I say or your head will be crispier than toast," DeSimms barked, "I want five engineering jumpsuits, two security jumpsuits, and a flight operations uniform. Now!"
As the Orion occupied himself with the replication, DeSimms covertly slid his finger across the disruptor's control panel, lowering the power level a few notches down. The Orion turned with several uniforms over his shoulder and quipped, "Done yet?"
"Almost," said DeSimms, who pointed the disruptor at the Orion's chest and depressed the trigger twice. Two balls of energy sunk into his chest and he collapsed. DeSimms turned and fired a shot into the supervisor as well. He drew the hood over his head, concealing his humanity from all observers.
The last anyone at the shuttleport of the being in the hooded robe was him loading two man-sized pieces of baggage onto a hoverbike.
Daniel Belin
Lt. John DeSimms
Direct Action Operative (Temporary Position)
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Thinking Like Merrick==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.363
Setting: Orion Slave Ship - Passenger Module
<< Snip From Dave’s Post “Green memories”
The Orion stepped up to her “Definitely, you have served as a slave, I see one, smell one.”He smiled as he leaned closer to her “taste one...” He said as he licked his lips. With all the force in her 95 year old body, all the experience she had gained in Star Fleet, the slave camps and her martial arts training, she lashed out at the Orion slave trader. She slammed her head in the middle of his face, enjoying the sound of his nose breaking, crushing under her thick skull; she hit him hard with her two fists in his stomach, stomping the air out his lungs; grabbed his arm and tossed him over her shoulders with a fury no one expected from the woman and when he came down hard, she jumped on his back; opened her mouth as wide as no one ever had imagined and snapped her teeth in his neck.
Only at that moment Corbett and Merrick where able to pull her off the Orion and even then it took them a lot of force to hold her back.
Corbett slapped her face rather hard and barked at her “Snap out of it Hemux, you got him and good, leave it be.”
All looked to the Orion laying on the deck, a pool of blood getting slowly bigger where he laid. Then Alia walked up to him and kneeled to check in on him...”
>> End Snip
“Stile he’s not breathing and I don’t feel his pulse.” Alia yelled.
Corbett let go of ARr'Rhiana and rushed to the Orion and immediately ran his scanner over the man. It didn’t take him long to realize there was nothing he could do. Corbett shook his head to Alia and stood putting his scanner back into the med kit.
“I don’t think he’ll be harassing slaves anymore.” Corbett said pushing his hat to the back of his head.
“He was a good overseer and you have deprived me of his last remaining years of tenure.” A gruff voiced Orion said stepping into the passenger compartment; he had been attracted by the noise of the fight.
Corbett turned to face the Orion. The man was at least a head taller and almost twice as broad as him, but the anger in his face made the man step back a bit.
“Your man attacked her.” Merrick screamed back at the man as he let go of the Denobulan and started toward the Orion.
Corbett pushed his hand back signaling Merrick to stop. “Just what is it you are proposing?” Corbett asked.
The Orion smiled. “She cost me an overseer, so I demand compensation.”
“Go on.” Corbett growled.
“To replace him is expensive.” The Slave owner said. “I’ll take your slave women as payment for him.”
“And if I refuse?” Corbett asked.
“Then not only will you never make it to Arcturus, but I’ll kill you right here.” The Orion said with a mirthless smile.
“Stile, you can’t even be entertaining that deal.” Merrick said coming up to stand next to him.
“As I do not own the 2 women in question completely myself,” Corbett said nodding toward Merrick. “I’ll need a moment to convince my co-owner.
“We have 30 minutes until planet fall. I’ll give you 1 minute to convince him.
Corbett turned and grabbed Merrick, “Start nodding your head in agreement.”
Merrick took the cue and let Corbett drag them both over to the Denobulan.
ARr'Rhiana’s eyes were glassy and Corbett could tell she was in a mild form of psychogenic shock. “We won’t give you up I promise.” He said as he pressed the hypo into her leg.
Merrick caught her as she fell and helped her to the deck. “You better know what you’re doing.” He whispered.
Corbett faced the Orion. “She’ll be out for at least an hour. I’d shackle her now while you have the chance.”
“You son of a bitch.” Alia screamed at him. “I’m not your property you can’t trade me.”
“On the contrary darlin, Fat Mickey gave you to me so I can dispose of you any way I wish.”
Alia lunged at Corbett while the Orion slave owner screamed with laughter.
“Grab his weapon.” Corbett said through clenched teeth as he tried to keep Alia’s arms, legs, and teeth from landing.
Pushing her hard he watched her hit the Orion slave owner squarely in the chest and scramble for the weapon at his side. The Orion was caught off guard, but only for a moment. Grabbing Alia’s arm he twisted her back to him and was reaching for the weapon she had pulled.
The loud thunderclap was deafening in the small cabin. As if in slow motion they watched as the slave owner’s eyes widened and he fell to the deck the back of his head missing.
Corbett’s Colt pistol had a small whiff of powder residue coming from the barrel.
“Alia the disrupter.” Merrick said as he reached to catch the thrown weapon. “How many men are on this ship?”
“Usually around fifteen,” she said. “There’s five command crew and the rest are used to make sure the slaves stay in line.”
“What kind of fire power do they have?” Corbett asked.
“Only the command crew carries disruptors. The overseers use stun rods, so as not to irreparably damage the merchandise” She said with disdain.
“I take it you’re thinking what I am?” Merrick asked.
“Let’s see,” Corbett said sarcastically. “You want to storm the command module and take over the ship.”
“You’re brighter than you look doctor.” Merrick said smiling.
“Obviously not bright enough if I’m thinking about the same things as you.” Corbett shot back. “We’ve got maybe thirty more seconds before someone comes to investigate that gunshot.”
“Then we better get moving.” Merrick said.
“Alia take this.” Corbett said handing her his pistol and a hypo. “As soon as we’re gone use the hypo on ARr'Rhiana. Then barricade the door and don’t move until you hear from either Sean or I.”
“No arguments just do it for god sake.” Corbett said interrupting her.
Alia nodded as the two Star Fleet officers left.
My sincere apologies to all for not posting, but I have been swamped at work and just got home from a grueling teaching assignment. Doctors are worse than grade schoolers when it comes to being in a classroom. I am off for the next couple of days and hope this will be the first in a series of posts.
Andy – Scott intimated to it earlier, but I wanted to reiterate that you have singlehandedly kept things moving these last couple of weeks. I’m not on the command staff, but you have truly exemplified what it means to be a commanding officer. As a Captain I think we’re all damn glad to have you.
Brian and Dave I hope I have kept with the spirit of your characters. Dave, ARr'Rhiana may have been quiet for this one post, but I think we’ll be seeing just what that Denobulan powerhouse can really do in the next few posts.
Scott glad your back on your feet and feeling better. I believe that this is post 200.
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Confession is Good For the Soul==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.364
MD: At the same time as my post entitled "Conundrum"
Setting: Small Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus
Gar and Steele traded uncomfortable glances as they sorted out what they had
learned about Dr. Sahen.
"Why would we be escorting this guy back to the Federation?" Gar asked.
Steele shook his head in disbelief for what felt like the umpteenth time in
the last two hours. "I don't know- you'd have thought we would have learned
out lessons in the Eugenics Wars."
Gar's antennae twitched. "Eugenics Wars?"
Steele shot Gar a raised eyebrow. "Not part of your Academy reading, Gar?"
Th'elenth shrugged. "Who knows? My head was spinning with warp theory and
warp geometry at the time."
The HOOD's captain pulled a chair closer to Gar. "Well, let me give you a
brief history refresher then." He paused for a moment, looking at the
picture of Doctor Sahen on his portacomp, and then continued. "The Eugenics
Wars were fought on Earth, and were in many experts' eyes the precursor to
World War III. They were fought between genetically-engineered 'supermen'
and the rest of the Earth. Eventually, the superhuman despots were
overthrown, but it plunged Earth into a World War as humanity scrambled to
fill the vacuum of power."
Steele nodded. "Yes- genetically enhanced to be 'better' than normal
humans. You know- stronger, smarter, hardier. However, the developers
forgot to take into account some natural developments in the human psyche
that went along with superior ability."
Gar nodded in understanding. "Of course- superior ambition and arrogance."
Steele grinned thinly. "You understand humans better than you think," he
"We're not really all that different in those regards," Gar said. He
paused, then added, "Andorian science toyed with this at one time too.
However, there was too much opposition to the program; most seemed to feel
that the gods had intended for Andorians to be as they were, and that to
alter that unnecessarily was an abomination against nature."
Both froze as Gar said this. "An abomination," Gar hissed.
Steele met his stare. "I think I know why the Am-Tal is here," he said.
"She's going to kill Doctor Sahen to keep him from creating more
'supermen,'" he said. Then, he added, "And she'll kill anyone who stands in
her way."
Steele was lost in thought. "Our problem is bigger than that, Gar," he
murmured as he began to think about the choices ahead of them.
"Moreso than you think," Gar said softly, and Steele turned around at the
change in his tone.
"What do you mean?"
Gar sighed heavily. "I know Avae," he said. I mean I KNOW her."
Here's one for Daniel's post that clarifies a little what Doctor Sahen does
for a living.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer

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