ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Hiding Behind Rank==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.345
Scene: Helm Officer’s Quarters, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Steering looked down at the viewscreen and shook her head with a sigh.  As the temporary first officer of the starship HOOD it was her job, as ordered by her commanding officer Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass, to scrutinize all the reports that the ship yard personnel filed and sign off on them.  She could handle the fact that Compass being the pompous ass that he was had assigned her as his first officer and advised her not to let him down.  Like he needed a first officer when there was only three actual HOOD crewmembers aboard.  She had accepted the fact that the only reason he had done so, save for the need to stroke his own ego, was so that he could pawn off all the actual work on her leaving him time to sit in the command chair and play captain on the bridge.  To be perfectly honest she was happy that he was the type to dump all of his duties on a subordinate.  It was a fantastic opportunity to learn new things and she was ready to dive in head first.  What she couldn’t accept was the fact that he would not see the point she was making about the repair work the Starbase teams were conducting. 
Since the subterfuge was that the ship was in dry dock for some critical upgrades Starfleet Engineering had decided that they should use the time to actually conduct some work.  To that end they had sent over a team of engineers led by a lieutenant who was every bit in love with himself as Compass was.  What that meant was that he determined what work his team was going to conduct and how it was going to be performed.  Kim knew she was by no means an engineer but she was pretty sure that the engineering team was working on things that they shouldn’t be.  She had politely pointed out a few systems that could use work or in fact were due for upgrade but she had been less then politely told to mind her own business.  She had gone to Compass with her concerns sure that he would throw some temporary commanding officer weight around but he had chose not to.  By the third day the engineering team we’re sticking their noses into systems as they tsk tsked the fact that they were not attuned to standard SFE protocols.  She had tried to tell them that she knew for a fact that Commander Gar had set things the way they were because they had actually improved efficiencies.  He’d even submitted reports to SFE so they could be utilized fleet wide. Her protests had gone unanswered three times by the Starbase team and twice by Compass.
At that point she had done something she hated herself for doing.  She knew when the captain and Commander Gar returned they’d be furious with what had happened.  Just as she knew Compass would leave her holding the bag.  So, she had put it all in writing and sent it to Compass in a blatant attempt to prod him in to action while at the same time  covering her ass.  It left her with a bad taste in her mouth but what else could she do?  Then her lord and master’s reply had finally come and she knew she had done the right thing.  She looked down at the screen again.
TO: Lieutenant Kim Steering, First Officer USS HOOD NCC 1703
FROM: Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass, Commanding USS HOOD NCC 1703
RE: Your Duties
Lieutenant, I have received your latest report with much disappointment.  As I have instructed you on several occasions, it is not your job to badger or interfere with the Starfleet Engineering Team currently undergoing repairs and upgrades of my command, USS HOOD NCC 1703.  The engineering team has much more experience then you in these issues and they do not need to be told their jobs.  Your role is to log the reports they file once the necessary work has been completed. PERIOD.
If these simple duties are too much for you to handle then I will be forced to not only find you new ones but will have to log your inability to follow simple orders in your permanent record.
I trust that I have made myself clear on this and am confident there will be no more conversations on this topic.
She couldn’t believe that he had put all that in writing any more then she could believe he’d made it this far in the service.  That wasn’t entirely fair she reflected.  He was an exemplary NAV officer and they had made a good bridge team thus far.  She had certainly enjoyed working with him.  He just wasn’t a leader nor was he able to take on responsibility and it was clearly showing.  Still it wasn’t like he was faced with a life and death decision.  She just didn’t get it.  But she knew once the captain found out he certainly would get it.  She fervently hoped she wouldn’t have to pull out this email.  It wasn’t the way she liked to do things.  But there was no way she was letting that idiot put one black mark on her report.
Well it didn’t matter right now.  What did matter was that those starbase weinies were messing up her ship and she was going to put a stop to it.  If they wouldn’t listen to her then she’d make sure they’d have other more pressing work to do.  She began to run through a mental list of things she could break.
Wanted to post but don’t want to hog all the main mission stuff.  Also, thought I’d give Gar something to do once he gets back to the ship.
Scott: I might actually make Kim a HELM PC for another ORIGNS unit down the road.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD, NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Questions Than Answers==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: More Questions Than Answers==