ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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===by Daniel Belin===
Scene: Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus
The captain raised an eyebrow when he walked in on two semiconscious
shuttleport workers. He turned to John and was about to ask a
question, but John read his face and explained, "We needed inside
intelligence if we want to pick up this Doctor Sahen. These two were
both obvious choices, considering their knowledge and clearance.
And...well, the fact we can use them as shields if Mr. Fat Orion here
double-crossed us."
In response, the Captain threw a piece of paper onto DeSimms' desk. It
was a page published by Dr. Sahen in the Scientific Romulan journal,
DeSimms read it and raised an eyebrow, and the Captain looked at him
and asked, "Well? Doesn't it shock you?"
"No. Not at all. What surprises me is Andor's involvement. The Am-Tal
should know that Intel is gonna probably kill him anyways after they
get what they want."
DeSimms got a glint in his eye and put on his robe. He was walking out
of the room when the Captain inquired, "Where are you going?"
"For a walk. Be back in an hour, Captain."
The Captain was about to comment, but DeSimms had already left the
room. The Captain frowned and proceeded to look intently at the two
shuttleport employees. By the time Gar asked whether he should try to
stop John or follow him, DeSimms was long gone. The Captain simply
said to Gar, "Let him be. Anyways, you have to answer for where you
were for the last half hour."
"Well, Sir..."
Scene: Street near Hotel and Norm's Weapons Shop
DeSimms had scanned the area with a 'borrowed' Land Warrior eyepiece.
No cameras. Not a peep. Under his hood, he was unidentifiable just
like he wanted to be. He remembered this as how it used to be, sitting
on a bench concealed until the target walked by. Him springing up,
taking them to a dark room where Intel would interrogate them for
hours. And to consider, Starfleet and the Federation still deny using
torture. As DeSimms grinned under his Hood, he saw a blue figure walk
in front of him.
He got up and shadowed Avae for a block until they reached the
entrance to Norm's concealed shop. DeSimms barreled into her knocking
her through the door into the shop. Norm stood waiting with a pistol.
DeSimms put her in a full nelson and brought her to a large, empty
storage closet where he secured her to a chair. She looked at the two
of them, but could not identify them because of the bad light.
Suddenly, a bright light switched on. One man was a human, with a
bushy beard. One of his eyes was gouged out, and his other eye had a
shifty look about it. The other humanoid started slowly taking off his
hood, revealing finally his bald head. Avae gasped, "DeSimms?"
"Yes, thats right. You really thought they would send in just a normal
Starfleet team. No, they had a choice. Send in Starfleet Intel, and do
things the messy way. OR send a standard team, with ME."
"Your opinion of yourself is rather lofty, Mr. DeSimms."
Norm interjected, "He has the right to have a 'lofty' opinion of
himself. Four years in Starfleet Special Forces, one year in Starfleet
Recon Teams. He knows a lot about this kind of thing. Some would
consider him"
DeSimms then said, "So now you are going to tell us what you are
really doing here. Or more specifically, why Andor is involved."
"Why would you care? And how do you even expect me to divulge these answers?"
"Simple. What Norm is holding is not a simple phaser pistol. Yes, it
has the normal stun and kill settings, but it also has a special
setting that is designed to cause the most intense pain possible. It
will make every muscle in your body contract at once," DeSimms
gestured to Norm, "I also have a tricorder. I can set it to detect
lies. So it's simple, you don't tell us the truth or don't talk, the
pain starts."
"No. Starfleet is not this barbaric."
DeSimms gestured to Norm, and Norm depressed the trigger. Avae
screamed in mortal agony as the pain set in, and DeSimms signaled Norm
to cut it off. When Norm complied and the pain disappeared, Avae was a
bit more talkative, "DeSimms, Gar said you know about Sahen."
"Yes, we know about the augments-"
"Augments? Is this the scope of your so called knowledge? No, it goes
much deeper than that. Sahen used to be head of Reaserch and
Development for a Romulan Military laboratory. He used to make
terrible diseases, nanotechnological bugs that could bring down an
entire global computer net. The pinnacle of his work was a virus so
potent that one thermos of it could infect an entire continent. Turn
the infected into something out of one of your twentieth century
horror films!"
Norm interjected, "Whats it got to do with Andor?"
Avae shook her head and said, "I won't tell you. It is a secret of Andoria!"
"Now you listen to me, lady. You tell me, or I tell my friend to keep
shooting that device at you until you tell us or pass out!"
"Fine. During the Galactic Wars of this century, a Am-Tal operative
infiltrated Dr. Sahen's lab. He told us the horrors within, and only a
few months later he was executed and a probe filled with one of these
viruses was launched at the core worlds. It looked as if Romulus was
taking revenge on Andor for infiltrating one of its labs. We destroyed
the missile in flight and disgraced the Romulan Guard."
"And Sahen?"
"He was shunned and demoted to doing low level engineering work on the
project that you are aware of. We assume that he is trying to exact
revenge on Andor for his disgrace."
"Thats not a stretch," quipped Norm. He began speculating and said to
the Andorian, "So you are here to make sure that Dr. Sahen cannot
attack Andor."
"One final question," said DeSimms, "Who and where is your controller?
We know you have one."
"I think you will learn in time," said Avae.
"Put it aside for now," said Norm, "You should probably go to the
Captain before he starts asking questions."
"Fine," said DeSimms. He turned to Avae, "Gar has been acting
strangely since he saw you. Any explanation?"
"We used to be involved with each other. You know, romantically. We
broke apart when he went to Starfleet but I know that he is interested
in me."
"Is it mutual?" asked DeSimms.
"I am not sure," said Avae, "We talked about an hour ago."
"Jesus, John, you have to deal with her boyfriend?" asked Norm, "Looks
like you are going to need some backup."
"Well, we need all the help we can get," said John, "And if I have do
deal with Gar, it is good to know that I have a half-competent sniper
by my side."
"Lets get a movin'!" exclaimed Norm, who was already in the process of
carefully releasing Avae. DeSimms nodded in agreement, as of course,
he couldn't wait to tell Gar he had tortured and interrogated his
NRPG- Just adding a half competent sniper to the entourage.
Scott- I can hear the tumbleweeds and cheap movie set being brought in
for Gar and DeSimms little showdown.
A post brought to you by,
Daniel Belin
playing as
John DeSimms
Norm Sheckleton
Retired Sniper

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Taking the Green Machine==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Taking the Green Machine==