ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Catch and Release==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.018
Timeframe: immediately after Andy's post "The Gang's All Here"
Setting: Spaceport, New Detroit
Gar Th'elenth knew right where the Romulans- and Doctor Sahen- were. He
could smell them.
Problem was that a dozen Klingons just beamed down in between him and his
However, they appeared to be armed primarily with bat'leths which, while
ferocious in close quarters, was not especially terrifying from a distance.
"Leave it to a Klingon to bring a bat'leth to a gun fight," he muttered as
he took aim with his phaser and fired, in rapid succession. Six shots, five
down and one winged. Another quick shot and winged one was stunned too.
The other six, however, as Klingons do, charged him. He could have stayed
and fought...but chances were good he'd not get them all before they reached
him. So, he ducked behind the bulkhead again, and back down the maintenance
He planned to double back around behind the Klingons and surprise the
Romulans...if he could get tot hem before they either killed Sahen or beamed
him off-planet.
Gar pushed deeper into the bowels of the spaceport, following the scent of
his prey, phaser drawn and ready.
Suddenly, the aroma spiked in his antennae and his nose- Sahen was close.
A second later, he heard Sahen's captors speaking. He knew enough Vulcan to
guess that it was Romulan being spoken, but he wasn't fluent enough to
understand what they said.
**It doesn't matter,** he told himself. **You're not here to talk.**
Gar popped out from behind a baggage dolly, and stunned the two guards
restraining Sahen, and then two others guarding the flanks. The rearguard,
however, grabbed Sahen, and, pulling him tight, aimed a disruptor at Sahen's
The Andorian walked forward into the open directly towards the Romulan and
Sahen, phaser pointing straight at the last Romulan's face in a classic
tow-handed grip.
The Romulan spoke. "Drop your weapon or Sahen dies--"
Gar fired, and before he could finish his sentence the Romulan soldier was
down on the ground, unconscious.
Gar moved forward and grabbed Sahen's arm. "Welcome to Arcturus, Doctor
Sahen. If you will come with me, please, I'll escort you to safety."
The Andorian quickly keyed his wrist communicator as he led the doctor
towards the rear of the baggage sorting area. "Gar here- I have Doctor
Sahen. Where are you guys?"
"Don't move, Gar."
The Star Fleeter stopped short; he found himself staring down the barrel of
an Andorian-model phaser, close enough to his face for him to notice it was
set to kill.
And it was in the hands of the one person he felt certain, at this moment,
wanted him dead at least as much as Doctor Sahen.
"Thank you for bringing Doctor Sahen safely to me, my dear," Avae Zh'sharav
said with a smile that only looked disturbingly evil to Gar at the moment.
As she took his phaser from him, he held his hands up over his head, palms
**Where the hell is the cavalry?** he wondered.
Just adding my part to this little game here...
I think there's still some Romulans around, and probably an angry Klingon or
two, maybe a humiliated Klingon...
...but I'd REALLY appreciate it if someone would find me. Even if it is
Commander Compass.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Day at the Office==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Day at the Office==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Don't Press Your Luck==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Don't Press Your Luck==