ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Great Escape==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.025
Timeframe: Immediately following "Blown Apart"
Setting: Transporter Room 2, USS HOOD
<<snip- from "Blown Apart>>
Avae stepped through the doors as they parted, and gazed at the transporter
room tech with the kind of look that could ignite one's soul.
"Care to show me around?" she purred, stepping up to the control panel an
propping up against it in such a way as to make all of the curves of her
lithe body demand to be noticed.
The tech noticed them enough to react, but played cool. "I'm on duty,
Ma'am," he said simply, turning back to his controls.
A quick boot across the face dispatched him from his chair. "Not anymore,"
she said at the red-shirted unconscious man sprawled on the floor.
<<end snip>>
Quickly, Avae worked the controls in front of her. She knew she didn't have
much time...but she couldn't simply leave without...
She slid the mechanisms down, and waited for Sahen to appear on the pad in
front of her.
All the Am Tal operative got was a derisive chirp from the console.
"Force fields," she murmured. DeSimms was good, she granted him that: force
fields around Sahen's quarters to block transports was Security 101, she
knew...but that didn't mean everyone knew it or thought of it under
It also meant they were on to her.
At that moment, the doors flew open, and two security guards ran in.
Avae wasted little time. She slapped the phaser out of one guard's hand
and, as he recovered from his shock, she spun, kicking the phaser from the
other guard and knocking him to the ground. Then, turning back to face the
first guard, she blocked one incoming blow, then the follow-up, neatly with
her forearms. Then, leaning back, she shot her leg out, catching the guard
firmly in the solar plexus, knocking him down.
By this time, the second guard had gotten up and had somehow retrieved one
of the phasers. Before he could fire, however, Avae had crossed the short
distance between them and knocked his phaser arm away again. However, this
time, she caught him with a backhanded fist across the face on the return,
then brought a knee up into his groin. Finally, a two-handed hammer to the
back of the head disposed of the second guard.
The first one was back up again, and this time wary of his opponent. He
stood crouched, ready to spring like an Andorian snow leopard would on an
ice bull.
However, this time, Avae had a phaser. "You lose," she said, and fired.
The first guard dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Quickly, Avae scurried to the control panel again and, after pressing a few
buttons, she pushed the slide controls upwards and, rounding the table,
climbed the pad.
It was at that moment that Gar, Merrick and DeSimms entered the room.
"It's been fun- see you boys again sometime," she said, waving and winking.
Then, shifting her gaze to DeSimms, she said- this time in tones of pure
ice- "We have unfinished business, you and I."
Merrick was the first to react. "The transporter- stop her from beaming!"
he shouted.
Gar hurried to the panel, but there was nothing he could do; the transporter
had already begun disassembling her pattern.
He glanced up at her.
"Someday," Avae whispered as she disappeared from the transporter pad.
Merrick was at Gar's side. "Where did she go?"
The Andorian engineer looked up. "My guess is another ship- these
coordinates are for something moving at warp nearby."
Sean glanced at DeSimms, who was helping his guards up from the floor.
"Frak," was all he said.
Well, that gets rid of Avae...for now. :)
Daniel- don't take this personal, but you know she'll hold a grudge after
John's little 'chat,' right?
Hope you guys enjoyed that.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
Avae Zh'sharav
Am Tal Operative

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Party Conversations - JP==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Party Conversations - JP==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Where’d the Doctor Go==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Where’d the Doctor Go==