ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Visit From Christmas Past==
===by Lena Rose and Brian V. Mansur===
Scene: Deck 7, USS HOOD
[NRPG: 0300, same night as Mansur's "Indulgence"]
That night Kiska began her rotation to the night shift. More than once she
caught Mother eyeing her in a strange but quiet way. It felt as though Mother
was seeing something in her that no one else was. It didn't take long for the
stolen looks to the nag Kiska to the point that she just wanted to scream,
"WHAT?" so that Mother would stop. It figured that when Kiska was finally about
to say something to Mother, the head nurse got called away to a patient.
Afterward, the evening grew busy with the bustle of routine and drills. Kiska
never did find another chance to talk to Mother alone and before she knew it,
the head nurse went off duty. Kiska spent the rest of the shift alone pondering
the situation. The night in sickbay proved uneventful and Kiska was only too
happy to see it ending. Her feet were killing her and she had not had anything
to eat.
At last, she said goodnight to the remaining staff and headed down the corridor
toward the gym for a before-bedtime workout. The ship was quiet and quite empty
at the 0300 hour. As Kiska walked along, she lost herself in her thoughts. So
as she rounded a corner she nearly collided into none other than Commander
The encounter was so abrupt and unexpected that both gasped in surprise. Kiska,
hand to chest, was the first to recover. She started to apologize to the
Commander with a relieved laugh, but the look on Merrick's face stopped her
Merrick had been making his inebriated way to retrieve a communicator he
believed he had forgotten in the gym's locker room. Upon seeing Kiska, he went
goggle eyed. In his adled mind, he *knew* that he was looking at a ghost and he
did what most people did when they saw one.
He fell to his knees.
Striken pain and remorse etched into his suddenly pale white face. Tears
flowed. From trembling lips, he began to babble, "My God Jeri! My God I'm so
sorry. I would have done anything. I would have begged God to take your place.
Believe me I wish it were me who had died and not you!"
He reached out imploring. Frightened and bewildered, Kiska took a step back.
Sean saw her rejection and fell face down sobbing. Had he been a soul damned to
hell, he could not have looked more miserable.
As he wept, Kiska looked about feeling nakedly embarrassed for them both. Thank
heavens it was middle of the night or else there would have been people crawling
on this deck for PT.
Kiska didn't know what was going on or who Jeri was, but she felt her superior
officer's suffering and moved to help him without further hesitation. She knew
she had to get him out of the corridor immediately. There was no way she could
to take him into sickbay in his conidtion. He smelled of alcohol and she really
didn't think he deserved that kind of humiliation. You don't kick a man when he
is down. Whatever Sean was going thru, it was tearing him apart and somehow
Kiska's very presence had twisted the gears of torture inside him to the point
that the man had finally broken.
She knelt down beside him and gently pulled him up to his feet. As she wrapped
an arm around his waist and placed one of his own arms around her neck,she
whispered, "It's okay sir. Just come with me. Everything is going to be fine."
Sean looked into her face. A glimmer of hope at her kindness showed there for a
moment. Then dismay mixed with horror and utter humiliation followed as he at
last recognized Kiska.
Putting a hand to his forehead, he managed to utter, "Oh. Hell."
"Right sir," Kiska replied. "Come on, we'll get you back to your quarters."
"I'm so sorry about this Lieutenant," he began.
"Just concentrate on putting one foot," she said as he stumbled a few steps, "in
front of the other, sir."
NRPG: The conversation. Should be an interesting one.
Awesome Job Brian for making this post much much better than it start! High
fives ya!
Respectfully Submitted,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
Nurse, USS HOOD NCC-1703
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Texan Is Still A Texan==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Texan Is Still A Texan==